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Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:45 pm



The influence of the Black World still existed and would occasionally seep into the realms of the multiverse. Ichika had made it her goal to help repel the Black World's influence from this world even if it meant having to fight away the place that she came from. Ichika arrived to the place of its incursion, the influence already affecting the wildlife who were running around attacking anyone they found.

Steeling her resolve against what she was about to do Ichika drew on her holy aether to begin spreading it through the environment, shielding it from the distortion effects from the excessive oorja levels. Her petite form gracefully landed as she began to break apart the negative energy that was trying to take hold.

Hmm... Why won't it just disappear already, maybe it is drawing energy from somewhere but where could it draw power from? Is there a wormhole around somewhere?

Syncing with the oorja aura while her aether fought it Ichika would look to see where the energy could be coming from. Trying to do it alone instead of simply giving in and using the orb that Cirno gave her, she didn't want to do that. She wanted to use her own power because that would be how she became as strong as Cirno and could help people!

Sensing an odd presence Ichika dropped the aether and went to investigate the faintly demonic aura that she felt nearby, maybe that was who was making it hard to combat the oorja but who would that be and how would they be able to make it harder to get rid of. Once arriving she'd stand there with her childish form looking a little angry.

"Hey you. Why're you here can't you see the Black World's influence is here?"

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:09 pm


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Reject the Black [Private/darkfunnel] 6EdIfMt

Today seemed to be rather boring did it not? Well, kinda boring at least. Yuukinan was simply doing her shit as a Child of Eris, spreading the influence of the black world. That she did not like. Why? Well, not only did she have to make sure her Level of Hell was all fine and dandy; protected and all that shit. She also had to do this, spread the influence of some world that Yuukinan could barely care about. The Rakshasa could only groan at the prospect of spreading such a thing that she could care less about. What may she care about? Herself, Ikari, and her layer of hell; and possibly that brat Ikari obtained who the hell knows how long ago now. Yuukinan couldn't help but look at Ikari in confusion whenever she cared for the girl. Sure, she was well behaved, and well mannered, and Ikari even somehow managed to be a good parent; maybe this was thanks to her relationship with Yukichi. Someone who Ikari barely saw, but, the little fox was in love with the girl. Yuukinan just sighed; love was a silly prospect to hold onto. Maybe in her previous life she cared for it, but now? She couldn't give a rat's ass about love. What could she give a rat's ass about? Killing, slaughter, and sleep.

Of course, today was one of those days where she had to give a rat's ass about something besides that. So, here she was, spreading the influence of the black world; albeit she wasn't exactly prioritizing it as the spread was slow. Yuukinan yawned as she slowly accumulated a pile of bodies below her from the people who resisted. Eventually, she stood upon said pile of bodies, surveying the surroundings and looking upon everything with boredom as fire roared to her right.


Yuukinan soon heard the voice of someone, someone different than this pile of bodies; they were alive of course. Her head turned to the origin of the voice and spotted what appeared to be a small girl. She rose an eyebrow as Ikari skipped around the pile of bodies, tending to her child. Yuukinan waved at her and the fox's ears flicked as she hopped through a portal to get back to their layer of hell; to leave Yuukinan alone with whoever this might be. Yuukinan hopped off the pile of corpses and appeared directly in front of Ichika. She continued to stare at Ichika before she finally spoke.

"Of course I can see that the influence of the Black World is here; I'm the one who's been spreading it. Albeit begrudgingly. I should be the one asking you why YOU are here. I didn't plan on running into other supernatural beings today... who are you and why are you here?"

Yuukinan stared into Ichika's eyes, her red eyes seemingly boring into her being as her face remained plain; emotionless it seemed. For Ichika, possibly, it may be hard to tell what she's thinking or even intending due to the lack of emotion on her face.

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:25 pm



Looking at the demon Ichika was sure that this demon was stronger than her, by quite a lot and for a moment she felt scared but looking at the pile of bodies angered her quite a bit and that quickly overcame her fear of this person. While Yuukinan's face might've been pretty plain and void of emotion the angel's was filled with pain for the people that laid there in a heaped mess.

"I'm Ichika... I'm here to stop the oorja aura from spreading through this dimension so stop it. Stop what you're doing, your hurting people and that's not nice or the right thing to do and hey, what's your name anyway?

Pouting her lips and with her hands on her hips she looked disapprovingly at Yuukinan, it was rather comical in the grand scheme of things with this little girl telling the big bad demon off for doing all this as well as the fact that she used words which seemed a little off for the sentences.

Ichika didn't want to fight and she knew if it came down to it even with Cirno's assistance through her orb she'd still likely be beaten by the demon and her spine shivered at thought of what this woman would do if she lost. She couldn't lose if it came to that, she simply couldn't give in and let Yuukinan get away with this unjust and evil things, she needed to try and show her what she is doing was doing is wrong.

"Please don't do this... I don't want to fight you but you can't do this. It's mean and cruel to inflict harm on people, why are you even hurting these people!? What did they ever do to you you mean demon?"

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Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:10 pm


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Reject the Black [Private/darkfunnel] 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan blinked at Ichika, a girl who confused her more than anything else really. She blinked at her a couple of times more before she sighed softly and gestured to the pile of corpses.

"What? Them? They attacked me in the first place, so I retaliated. Of course, it would be lying to say I wasn't planning to-- wait, not nice? I don't understand what you're trying to get at here. And why should I stop? Even if I'd rather not do this, spreading this shit is better than getting punished for not doing my job..."

Yuukinan looked at Ichika still with more confusion as she stared at the girl. It would be so easy just to cut her down, a single swipe and she would be cut in half. But, something held her back. It wasn't Ikari for once, it was something else that was very, very strange to Yuukinan. Emulation? Actual emotion? Yuukinan stumbled backwards and let her sword clatter to the ground as it fell from her hand. She grabbed her head and groaned softly as she suppressed some of the emotions. In that moment, Ikari popped out of a portal and jumped onto Yuukinan as a fox, a tiny fox attached to her back. She nuzzled Yuukinan's neck and the demon slowly stopped holding her head and picked her sword back up. She sheathed the blade, which was more deadly than normal weapons, and she snapped her fingers; the oorja receding slowly.

Yuukinan looked at her and quickly drew her sword again, putting the blade against Ichika's neck for a moment before Yuukinan sighed and sheathed her blade, leaving the weapon at her side and putting her hand on Ichika's neck to wipe anything that may have gotten on the girl's neck; which was likely some of the corrosive properties of the blade. Luckily, it was removed before it could do damage. But, Yuukinan't hand stayed on Ichika's neck; call it caution as Yuukinan was looking at a being with wings. Of her knowledge, those with wings normally could spell bad times for Demons, so, she simply remained careful; emotions pounding through her head. Her grip around Ichika's neck neither tightened or loosened, but, it would not be slipped out of. She looked Ichika directly in the eye, no longer intent on harming her, but, she certainly did not want to take risks; hence the hand on Ichika's throat. However, her hand soon softly remained on her neck. It would be a very strange gesture from the girl; one that basically was trusting she wouldn't try to stab her.

"I'm Yuukinan, Yuukinan Asthavon; though I am barely related to the family... actually, I'm not related to the family at all. And this here is Ikari."

Yuukinan pet Ikari on the head, how was now sitting on her shoulder, and she made a mewing sound at that and grinned at Ichika. She soon hopped off Yuukinan's shoulder and smiled at Ichika as she was in her human form.

"You'll have to forgive Yuukinan's reach and grasp on your throat. She doesn't mean to hurt or scare. Frankly, she was simply cleaning off something that would've burned a hole into your neck! That and I think she may like how smooth your skin is. I dunno, I seriously cannot tell. Ah, but, don't be mad, she doesn't want to hurt you! I think. Don't make her mad..."

Yuukinan looked at Ikari and shrugged, not entirely sure what she was doing either. She eventually removed her hand from Ichika's neck and stared directly into her eyes.

"Tell me... why are you fighting the spread of the Black World and Oorja, Ichika...? As far as I understand or care it's a bit of a chore to spread the stuff."

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Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:39 pm
Gamma wrote:



Looking towards the demon as she seemed to have a headache, Ichika couldn't imagine why she'd be having a headache, one might assume it had something to do with them being of opposing polarities but her aether didn't have a harmful nature towards demons. Either way a cute little fox appeared and seemed to comfort her, proving to the little angel that this demon wasn't totally cruel and it seemed that she didn't have emotions. Once more that sword was in the demon's hands and she steeled her mind, biting her lip as she felt it just touch her neck which caused the little girl to be ready to faint although she held on with that little will she could muster.

Feeling the blade be removed from her neck made her sigh in relief before that fear once more returned when Yuukinan grabbed her around the throat, holding her cautiously by the neck. She met her gaze, trying not to let her mind wonder to the depths of her mind in which would definitely go mad with thinking the woman wanted to get creative with her killing. She was surprised when Yuukinan revealed that name, she had honestly not suspected to get an answer from her to the question. That was good right? Progress... hopefully.

And then BAM! A girl appeared from the little fox! Ichika's mouth hung open a little bit, like a kid amazed at some cheap magic trick. She barely heard the fox girl talking as she was amazed by the transformation, but it was certainly a relief when the woman took her hand away from Ichika's throat and the little girl could breathe easy again, literally.

"I'm fighting the Black World because it's influence hurts people! It's not that the Black World is bad but it can't be allowed to cause chaos and bad things. You gotta understand that right? This stuff hurts people and so it is bad. You have a choice, you're not bad Yuukinan I know it."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:21 am


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Reject the Black [Private/darkfunnel] 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan stared at Ichika with a look that actually did speak "why" for once instead of a blank face. Her eyebrow was raised and her lips were pursed slightly as she stared at the small girl in front of her; one who's neck she felt not too long ago. A neck that Yuukinan could probably snap with immense ease without even having to use full force. She was again tempted to place her hand on the girl's neck, but, Ikari punched Yuukinan's arm. It wasn't a hard punch, of course. She wasn't trying to harm after all, she was simply getting Yuukinan's attention and to bring her out of her slight reprieve. Yuukinan sighed softly as she looked at Ichika and put a hand on her hip; staring at the girl in front of her still.

"Well, not bad isn't exactly wrong. I'd rather be doing what I want, unfortunately, killing is just about all I know; if you really want me to stop hurting people you'll have to try harder than that. And I'm only spreading this because I was told to; if you push it back I don't care too much. So, do tell me something; you could've just tried to fight me instead of telling me to be nice. Why?"

Yuukinan's eyes seemed as if they would bore holes into Ichika's own eyes had Yuukinan's eyes been able to shoot lasers. She continued to stare at Ichika before Ikari randomly stuck her head between them and grinned widely.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~!! So you're Ichika then~? I'm Ikari! Don't mind Yuukinan's nature; she's just that way. Being a Rakshasa of Wrath comes with it's perks and hurts! Heh, perks and hurts... Anywho!! Listen, if you're planning on simply telling her this stuff is bad and that she should understand you'll get nowhere. As far as I know Yuukinan's only known death, killing, and anger~! Well, and emotionless-ness. That one's common for her. I'll tell ya this, try to break that ice cold shell around her heart; then you may get somewhere!"

Ikari smiled in a well meaning way, Yuukinan pulling her back and patting her on the head softly; which caused the Hell Beast to wag her fox tail and her ears to twitch in delight. Yuukinan looked at Ikari and let the smallest, and likely most precious, smile pass across her face as she looked at her little hell beast. The smile faded nearly as quickly as it came, but, Ichika would certainly get a look of the smile and may feel an immense sense of cuteness fly over her being. While Yuukinan may be threatening and deadly as all hell; her smile was cute enough to possibly make a god keel over. So yes, a cute smile from a possibly scary as heck lady. Interesting shit. Yuukinan's gaze soon turned back to Ichika, but, her hand never left Ikari's head. Even if Ikari was in her human form, she would always get pats and pets from Yuukinan. Yuukinan would never tell anyone, but, she loved Ikari greatly; well, she would never tell anyone of she could properly process the emotion. Regardless, it was clear Yuukinan was not all bad; she was just a being filled with anger and hate from old experiences in a life she could no longer remember. But, she may one day remember them, as she may one day tone down her killing of someone to maybe once or twice a day. Maybe.

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