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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:53 am
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: Falkkone - Song: Showdown! Lusamine [Metal] - Word Count: 737

It was chaos, alerts were coming in from everywhere about the offensive that took place in Hawaii. The Demon King Ravan Vespara had made a move into the country and brought a horde into the mix which was colossal. It is only natural that the Vanguard, Yayjuu, and Yuudeshi would arrive to stop this madness from taking place any longer. So as the group descended Chifuyu warped into the southern zone through Vanguard's quick response teleportation. So as the bastards descended the group of demons would find quite a number of their ranks mowed down in Chifuyu's initial strike, why? Well it was going to suck since she tapped into the Yuudeshi Network's resources and drew on just about every drop of power on the island for it.

The demons would find themselves mowed down purely because the Yuudeshi had fired a large barrage of crystal shards outwards which would rip apart the lesser demons and hollows who could do nothing but scream out in pain and fury as they cut apart. She really only had to create a layer of crystal, shatter it and then aim it towards them so that they were torn apart in a grid fashion. Some made it through of course, some hollows still being alive enough to regenerate and some demon's being strong enough to survive just a little bit of damage.

It sucked for the shadow fall operatives as they died but she had bigger fish to fry. She needed to make sure that these facilities were protected and since she knew that the Knight Slave was an incredibly powerful demon capable of being quite dangerous to deal with so she wanted to get this sorted out quite quickly. She eliminated as many demons as possible, some had even thought it was smart to try and fall onto her to eliminate her although this backfired when the cystal spikes erupted from her body in all different areas and angles to skewer anyone that thought they could get near her.

Chifuyu was confident she had cut the numbers down by at least a 1/3. With 1/3 injured and the other 1/3 being fighting capable. Considering that Chifuyu was standing over this fighting force, she watched as a group of soliders arrived, fully armoured in their Ares Suits the Vanguard operatives - enhanced with the Supremis Serum to make them on par with tier 3 they easily eliminated the weaker demons with their armour and the tech. At times they were using the GITS, who was scattered around the area so that they could execute synchronised movements which made quick work of those pesky demons.

Now the big guy, Chifuyu assigned her Vanguard troops to assist in her little sister who had began the cleansing of the biological agent the demons were using against the protags Chifuyu was going to make sure that the enemy was pushed back. She had already began having the Yuudeshi Network back-up all the files in the facility in the event of Chifuyu destroying it or purging all that data so that Ravan and Shadow Fall would never get it even if she failed.

Calling upon two AEGIS pods to get warped in, one would form a large barrier - enhanced to be able to tank a few hits from even a 0-tier from the Yuudeshi Network - this barrier would encompass the entire facility and prevent the Knight Slave from entering, heck even Ravan might need a few strikes on this barrier before it broke. For her final surprise to give this fucking monster the Warden smiled as she used her cyberbrain to connect with the Vanguard base to fire a Siege Missile, a barrage of three which would be warped to fire right in front of that bastard's face, their entire purpose being to warp through barriers like the Knight Slave's coded armour and Akuma Kyodo although she didn't know about the coded armour, merely knowing she needed to pierce that barrier and the siege missile was designed primarily for that task as it would likely cause some damage to that armour and if wasn't quick then it would be an easy target.

Equipment Used:
Equipment Used:

"Alright. I really have other stuff to attend too so let's get this over with c'mon you fucking piece of trash, I need to stop your equally as ugly brother."

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:04 pm
4u @Shizuo


[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ahh. . The hounds were to be unleashed! Chifuyu had indeed managed to damage the knight slave however the response that she’d get would probably not be the one that was intended. As the creature reeled and shattered backwards a smoldering crater adorning it’s body from it’s wound, it’d be as if the very skies themselves bent inwards. Yes, as a massive portal opened from the depths of demon world and that vile energy spread out and saturated everything a female walked from the depths and looked down at the knight slave.

Soon the Demoness raised its hand and from this action the very oceans themselves seemed to become disturbed. Demon magic as you know is capable of many things, and this attractive force that manipulated and drew in this immense amount of water was actually a very simple application that Inami Asthavon was capable of using. Bigger and bigger the orb had formed until eventually it was roughly the size of a half-mile, and from it one would be able to see in mere moments of all this happening the queen and begun to excite the molecules in the very atoms themselves, causing steam to rise from the orb until the Infanta of shadow fall spoke to chifuyu in an amused voice.

”..Are you Proud.”

Then the orb exploded, scalding water shooting out above the speed of sound aftering being amplified to smash into anything and everything it came in contact with besides inami’s demon comrades. Hundreds if not thousands of blows smashed into the barrier at sonic speeds, each one comparable to being hit with a 10 ton boulder. Everything within three miles of the radius of the blast would be simply detonated before inami asthavon vanished, the very air becoming tainted with her domain. A soft peal of laughter, which could only be described as a horrible amalgamation of different tones barking from her lips as everything transpired.

Soon however inami’s body appeared once more behind chifuyu and the depraved little miss said in a soft voice while leaning up against the female's ear, as if sharing the secrets of one to their lover.

”..Are you vain~”

Inami’s hands remained clasped behind her back as she slowly walked back, and with each step the ground seemed to contort into a pool of inky blackness which spread out across the radius surrounding them. The smile that caressed her mouth growing wider until it turned into what could only be described as a haunting sight to behold, a soft snicker leaving her lips before she spoke once more, her tone soft and questioning to the yuudeshi that stood before her.

”..Or are you afraid little one. “

As she spoke her energy rose like an ugly filth that caused corruption and mayhem wherever it went. It caused the skies to blacken with it’s taint and the air to taste bitter, as if the energy was capable of tangibly manifesting as something that could be . . tasted. However for now Inami Asthavon looked at the barrier that separated the compound and her and in a moment of disdain she raised her hand. Soon blackened flames formed upon it and turned into the shape of a scythe, a little reminder of just who was ultimately the great leader of the organization that was attacking this little yuudeshi’s home.

But OH HOW BORING it might be! To simply crush a little ant under foot, So as the scythe borne from flame hovered in the air inami asthavon clapped her hands together as if she remembered something that was absolutely delightful! Her face lighting up like a child who was opening his christmas present and knew it’d be all that he wanted for that year.

”..Oh! Lets play a game~, It’s called two truths and a lie~!!!”

Inami giggled then as she spoke, her energy shattering the space surrounding her as her petite frame sat down in the midst of the air itself, knee’s being hugged up to her chest, finger wagging within the air as she enunciated every last word carefully, as if making sure that chifuyu wouldn’t get confused.

”I do not tell lies”
”.I do not sin~”
” I love all things equally~”

Inami paused and after she shared a little snicker with herself she spoke to the yuudeshi and said lightly.

”..Can you guess which one is the lie~”

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  LzZCuy7
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  BtXe12b
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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:27 am
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: Falkkone - Song: Showdown! Lusamine [Metal] - Word Count: 563

Chifuyu was pleased when she saw the Knight Slave be critically injured from her assault with the Siege Missiles, maybe all was well after all and she could go back and boast of her victory to her father but no, it didn't come as that. Instead, Chifuyu gets to see a figure emerge from a portal and begin to draw in massive amounts of energy that form it into a big ball of water, analysing the ball of water with her cyber-brain she sighed as she figured that the energy was some form of enhancement to the water. When she saw the steam she assumed that the orb was being heated by the magic.

When she mentioned her pride the entire scene exploded into chaos, actual chaos. The entire three mile area was consumed by Inami's presence. Her barrier held around the facility held, albeit weakly and it drained the barrier about two-thirds, the barrier would begin to replenish its energy and go to try and strengthen itself again. When she turned around and saw the little demon moving backwards and leaving a sticky black substance she glared at the clearly powerful demon, her face taking on one of anger before the demoness' energy became so tangible it could be tasted in the air. The very taste that assaulted her tongue caused the Yuudeshi to gag.

"I'm... not afraid."

She looked at Inami, dead-set with her gaze that made her appear fearless to this tactic of the Chaya Queen, it was an illusion. Chifuyu wanted nothing to do with this demon and her entire plan was falling apart in front of her eyes. Dread. Her father was right there, challenging Ravan and she was within his view, failure wasn't an option here. She had to keep her game up and take Inami down.

"You're lying about sinning. You're chaotic and just like Mana, and so you "love" all things the same and you don't tell lies because your chaotic and don't bother. Lying is something only the weaker have to do, a strong person can be open about anything because they are superior."

Deciding to place some stress on Inami Chifuyu's entire mass of crystals around her would all quickly be dragged back towards her body before forming around her in a sphere and being blasted away in all directions which targeted the entire area around her for a 50 metre radius. She deployed three Hammer Drones, one appearing right next to Inami through a warp before firing a massive arsenal of ammunition which varied from thermite, explosive, concussive and depleted uranium rounds. It would hopefully be disorientating for the woman as the munitions flew and exploded around her. The Pulse Sword would activate at the power of a Gran Rey Cero before aiming to cut into her skin and cut away a limb.

Equipment Used:

The other two Hammer Drones positioned themselves at a distance from the Vanguard Warp, they stayed out of range as Chifuyu was willing to sacrifice one but let the others hang back to see how Inami handled the first one. She would likely be able to handle it but the other two's coordinated strikes with Chifuyu would hopefully allow the woman to overwhelm the Demon Queen. She estimated a 5% victory chance though with best circumstances.[/color]

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:28 pm
4u @Shizuo


[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”I’m Not afraid.”

The yuudeshi says,  and inami’s mind all she can think of is to chide silently with the words. Lies Lies Lies~ because fear has a stench to it, a scent that is hard to wipe away from a person.  Sadly, Chifuyu here reeked of fear. A frycry from the magnificent bastard of a father she had.  However inami hadn’t spoken yet merely because for her, the fine wine of chifuyu’s fear was amusing enough that she deemed it to be worth savoring. The sour tang that accompanied it perfect for the invasion that was taking place here and now.

However soon the explosions that punctuated the air, and the shatter of the earth was all around inami, and yet at this time she wasn’t thinking of the blasts that ravaged her minorly reinforced skin, small lacerations peppering her face, kissing her limbs with it’s devastating power.   Rather she was thinking what  is it that lets her know that she is still alive, still living in this shallow petty excuse for an existance?

Was it the love? She no longer knew what love exactly was. So was it hatred? Hatred for mana for what she had done, from taking something precious away from her? Maybe, but Inami didn’t think that was what she was being driven by, because revenge was a dish that in her opinion should be served warm, and she felt nothing but ice within her heart.  So then, what was it that let her know it was alive?

She looked down now as a limb was severed from her torso, hewn cleanly to land with a thud on the ground.  The queen barely registered the pain, but it was there, a lingering burn through her synapses which raced to her brain.  It was registered and it broke the queen from her reverie as she looked from her good hand to the one that laid displaced on the ground.  The smoke covered her as she reached down and grasped the arm, the appendage still moving even after severed from her body due to the threads that slowly had been weaved into it.  

Inami’s soft giggle punctuated the darkness as from her shoulder many tendrils came forth made of threads, they would then bind to the severed limb and pull it back into place, the many threads stitching the wound together before chifuyu’s eyes, and at the very end  there would only be a ring of stitches surrounding the arm to show for chifuyu’s work.  Only then did inami look up at the girl and speak in soft tones, her hand shifting to the side as the scythe of hellfire she made cooled down, solidifying from the ash and soot that now filled the battle field.

”..Actually, all of those things are lies.”

Inami spoke as she had raised her hand, the gravity around the hammer drone that assaulted her increasing exponentially with a singularity designated around the drones head. Infront of chifuyu’s very eyes this utilization of demon magic would be enough to cause the hammer drone to buckle and groan, sparks flying from circuits that had now been crushed as inami continued to speak to the girl infront of her in a soft whispering tone.

”..To love requires the capacity for compassion. I naturally do not have such a thing hardwired within me unlike my sister, i am broken. . Defective maybe

The drone twisted and contorted as now it was compacted to half its previous size, already all the circuits in the drone would have been smashed and twisted until it was completely inoperable. However at this very moment inami let a sinister smile  Then after refuting her first claim a single finger had raised as if this was the first point, dangling in the air as a single black orb formed atop it.

”..I quite often tell lies because it is amusing to watch people squirm. “

The second finger went up and the small black orb became two small black orbs which began to spin around eachother as if in orbit, air beginning to displace around the twin balls as they slowly picked up speed. Finally inami looked forward at chifuyu and said in an amused tone.

”...And i’m most definitely a sinner, how many millions have been slain by these hands of mine, be they hollow, demon, human, arrancar or quincy, iramasha, and shinigami, even the sueki’s. I’ve killed many many people, and some day i know that action will come back to me if there is such a thing as karma. However until then i’m here, and unfortunately you are the one who gets to greet me. “

As inami spoke she tilted her head to the side and then raised the third finger, flipping chifuyu off as the three orbs shot up into the sky and a massive ring began to form over the surrounding mile radius. Soon a portal would open from those orbs as demon magic was mixed with zao ka to form a dimensional connection with the base of shadow fall in demon world, and this island.

Other then that inami could sense tsubasa making a racket on the other side of the island near the ocean. Slowly as the queen raised her hand and pointed in that direction, demon magic mixed with environmental manipulation would be used to seal off the entire area, draining roughly 10% of the entire reserves of the queen to manipulate and then reinforce the barrier she had created in the process. While this wouldn’t stop all out attacks, it would buffet and dampen many of their weaker attacks to confine the damage to just that area.

Then shifting her attention back, the hammer drone finally collapsed until it was a ball the size of a dime, landing on the ground with a thud, as it’s density and weight in ratio to it’s size allowed it to bury itself deep within the earth. Inami softly then said.

”..This is when you run if you want deary~”

4 more of inami’s posts until reinforcements arrive from demon world.

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  LzZCuy7
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  BtXe12b
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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:13 am
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: Falkkone - Song: Showdown! Lusamine [Metal] - Word Count: 537

Feeling the electricity seem to build in the air as Chifuyu looked at Inami, her royal blue eyes glared daggers at the Demon Queen which would easily intimidate a more moderate opponent but looks could never harm one such as her, they could never bring out fear inside her for if the woman was truly devoid of compassion then how far could that be to being devoid of emotion and then how could she be scared of something which was as weak as Chifuyu. The sheer scale was massive in their power levels.

Biting her lip the woman was glad when she saw that Inami had lost her limb but groaned when she saw the threads form and reattach it, likely not just sewing it back into place but completely reattaching it and making it operational once more. There was one saving grace about it all and that was that she assumed Inami did all this through her Za Koa energy as a demon and that operated on a frequency that the Warden was able to interfere with using her Crystallus Breaker equipment, due to her opponent's skill and power difference she was only able to shove a wrench in there and hinder it, not completely negate it to take down the effectiveness of her demon energy.

Equipment Used:

"I'm not going to surrender or run away you royal twat. Especially not when you come knocking on the front door and think you own the place, you get through the Yuudeshi before we give you this place"

Smirking with her determination to win - or have a good stab at the chance of winning against Inami. Chifuyu watched as the Hammer Drone finally broke down to a tiny size, well that's not something you can just buff out. Thankfully she had two more where that came from and with Inami down a few notches maybe victory was going to be a 10% chance instead of 5%. With this aim in mind she worked with the drones, using them to swiftly move around and surround the lil' Devil and shove a few rockets down her throat from about 300 metres away to allow them enough time to move and evade any incoming attacks from the target if necessary.

Once they delivered that ordnance directed towards Inami Chifuyu used this distraction to launch towards the sovereign and shoved a fist right into her pretty little face, before moving her centre of gravity to twist and kick the woman and take off again. A little hit and run tactic which would hopefully be a little annoying for Inami at least, the Yuudeshi needed to isolate weaknesses with the Demon Queen, when there's a will there's a way and Chifuyu was going to find that weakness.

"You know you demons really ought to stay in your own realm. Don't you have exponentially more space in Demon World than Earth Seems pretty pointless to try and take on the Earth, also pretty stupid to attack Hawaii, I mean Shadin-Fucking-Yuudeshi is here! You all must be retarded or something to think you could possibly win when he's here. Even if you beat me... you can't win."

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:31 pm
Listen to posting music when reading post!


[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Inami listened, Inami waited. She let this girl speak of her dreams, and drivel about her pride. She soaked it all in with an expression that was placid, like a calm river that had yet to be marred even by a ripple. Chifuyu spoke of shadin, spoke of how all this was futile and effortless. In all honesty there was some truth in her words but, as the Queen of chaya nation remained there for moments, standing as the girl seemed to make her move. . .Finally

The fluctuations that sought to resonate with her demonic energies seemed to be an effort to diminish their very effectiveness. You see inami is keenly aware of her energy, and the effect if has on the world around it. So as chifuyu begun the machinations that had an end goal of disruption the queen, let her for a moment feel as if her work had already begun to take effect, as if her energy indeed was interrupted by a large margin when in reality the effectiveness of her attack might have diminished the potency of inami’s demonic powers by 3-4%.

Oh yes she was oh so patient with this girl. She waited and waited as from above her energies had already begun to wreak havoc upon the atmosphere. The clouds that formed covered up the sun, they squelched and vanquished the light and only left the soft rumble of thunder up above. The madness was replaced by an empty cold, it radiated from the queen and seemed to lower the landscapes temperature within a mile by probably ten to twenty degree’s fahrenheit. A soft fog arose from the ground, the color of the blackest night as inami looked up at the heavens slowly.

Rain marred her porcelain skin, it slicked back her snowy white hair and trailed down the bridge of her nose. It covered her clothing to cause it to cling to her bodice as she let out a soft sigh as the rockets seemed to be launched at the queen of demons. Instead of an explosion they would end up sucked into twin rifts that had been torn in space surrounding inami, however chifuyu would be most likely unaware of this because inami manipulated the atoms in the air to generate the process necessary to facilitate an explosion of comparable size and vigor.

Then Chifuyu launched in and the queen who continued to look at the sky with a soft smile that curved on the very corners of her lips raised a hand, overlapping the tip of her middle finger under her thumb. As chifuyu sought to strike the queens body, she without remorse let out a sigh and applied pressure to flick her index finger forward. From there demon magic took over, manipulating the velocity behind her already quadrupled strength to increase the kinetic force of that flick to even higher levels. It’d be timed as such that while chifuyu wouldn’t be greviously injured from it, she certainly would be launched backwards with enough force to send her cratering into the ground for probably a half mile or so, the very sound of her finger being released from beneath was thunderous, causing the air to quake with a powerful noise comparable to a thunderclap.

Only then as the queens lips curved and she spoke would the reason that she came here become easy to discern to the young naive little yuudeshi.

”..Yes, but you are his . . . Kin

She chuckled softly, without amusement, without insanity as her head tilted back and she looked forward to the yuudeshi as the rain pounded the earth, as if the skies above had found reason to grieve and lament about the atrocity that may or may not transpire here. As the queen shifted her hand, the domain she had pulled around this place manipulated the space to generate a massive ring of flames to surround both of them while she let the tip of that flaming scythe solidify, the material hardening into steel as she used demon magic to interchange the atomic make-up of the weapon she chose.

It let out a scraping sound as she walked forward slowly, sparks flickering in the air as it bounced off the ground with every soft step of hers. Her eyes only held a kind of soft sorrow and amusement, pain and glee interchangeable in her somber face..

”..Imagine his sorrow if he was unable to protect you.”

Her words held no cackle, they simply held the truth, as the soft smile on her lips turned mocking as the queen seemed to be intent on taking her time.

”Imaging his pain if i simply destroy your will to continue.”

As she sighed she flicked the tip of the scythe to the side, the very force of this blow shattering a cone shaped path for a mile in the direction directly to her left as she glanced at chifuyu and stated in a tone that made light of the emotions of the world, and simply wished for it all to drown in an eternal cycle of pain and abandonment.

”I told you, you should run, but it’s too late for that now.”

She flicked her wrist so the scythe’s pole slid up and she lightly grasped just below the scythes end, the butt of the pole slamming into the ground as she said with a tone of finality.

”Much too late.”

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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  LzZCuy7
[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  BtXe12b
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[Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.  Empty Re: [Hawaii] Crushing an Incursion.

Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:42 pm