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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:40 am


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ritsuko, was cute. She was full of fire and vigor, and really thought that her move was going to work. Even if Mirja had advanced rather considerably in an equally short amount of time since they had last met, it was still a safe bet to learn what the enemy was before throwing down. She fought with claw and wroth, crushed and crippled. Ripped and teared. But it was not the way. Between the Troll, the Atlas, and even the cool guy who was still the God Of Fists, she developed. And that was what she was going to show to Ritsuko.

"Unless you have watched your enemy, and you can say without a shadow of a doubt that they are not hiding anything, you should approach defensively, ensure that you get a proper read of their strength, and their skill before deploying yourself. In this case, I believe we really need to go do some super mirja training, so follow me" Mirja picked up Ritsuko, and took off into the Tundra, a massive, ear-tumping boom as the sound barrier shattered, and flakes of snow turned into tiny daggers of ice. Hopefully Ritsuko had some manner of defensive technique to protect herself.

And then they appeared, in the center of a vast lake. Mirja quickly jabbed Ritsuko with some sort of needle, and threw her into the middle of the lake, jumping in herself with a giant splash. Sure, not the best way to go about things, but she shrugged. The drug she had injected Ritsuko with, would allow her to propogate oxygen through the water, for a limited amount of time. It seemed Qi Alchemy was pretty dam awesome. It also had an effect of disturbing boyancy, so she drifted to the bottom, which was surprisingly deep. The pressure weighed on her every action, even breathing such that it was a great effort, so fighting? Could she even do such a thing?

"This is my special place. You, are the only other person to come here" Mirja said, her voice sounding strange and thick through the water. How she managed to talk through the water, must have been another one of the wolf's many abilities. "Now, come at me, Ritsuko!"

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:23 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Before being thrown to the lake like a rag doll and into the chilling water below...whatever Mirja injected her with made her feel different she could breathe perfectly underwater almost like a fish, however even if she can breathe the water pressure and hypothermia will cause a toll on her body..this was perhaps another training exercise Mirja planned, being able to fight in any environment whether land, sea, or air. This immense pressure caused Ritsuko's limbs to constrict and pushes blood toward the needier heart and brain. The extra blood expanded her blood vessels in the chest, which would balance out the pressure from the outside water.

Ritsuko was going to initiate the first move however just like before she
rather than go all out she decided to play if safe and go on the defensive route instead. Not only would this allow her to see Mirja's movements more efficiently in water but also give her enough time to come up with a battle plan...
Lets see...I know my movement is hindered due to the water, so I can't just go all out...I better play this safe and guard myself.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:51 pm


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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Darlin' it's better, down here were it's wetter, under da sea! clack clack clack clack. Of course, for Ritsuko, maybe not so much better. The biting ice and the crushing pressure would weigh her down tremendously, and make anything she tried a rough and harrowing experience. But that was the point. If she practiced here until she could no longer move, and did that enough, she would eventually come to adapt to the pressure, the difficulty, and the weight of the water. And that, would mean that she would find the atmosphere up top much easier to move around in.

Mirja made sure to give a solid eye and an ear on all her vitals in case she started to die. Everything else could be healed with her runes. But, it seemed Ritsuko didn't take the order to come at her to heart, instead slipping down into a defensive stance and waiting. Sure she couldn't get anything done, but that was the point of the exercise. If she could it would hardly be training worth a damn. And so Mirja decided to give her a lesson in being far to massive, espeically in such a malluble place as under the sea.

Activating Silent Scream, she thrust a first forward at Ristuko. Normally, it would miss by a considerable margin, but this time it displaced a globe of water with sufficent ferocity to launch it's way towards Ritsuko with some power behind it. Blocking water was hard, so she'd have to get creative, or get smacked.

"I said come at me, woman! So come at me, or I shall crush you beneath the fury of the Fjord!" She exclaimed, baring down on the Quincy girl with as much presence as she could muster. And for Mirja, that was a hell of a lot of presence.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:45 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Going the defensive route was a bold move on her part, giving her a chance to properly adjust to the water pressure and read Mirja's movements as a whole.

But that wasn't what Mirja had in mind guess she had to take matters into her own hands by charging right at her and trying to intimidate by saying she'll punch her down to the fjord which could've been a bluff or real. Whatever the case Ritsuko watched as Mirja came at her with a burst of unimaginable speed, trying to intimidate her with her presence but she was calm this time.

Watching as she stood and waited analyzing every fiber in Mirja's body as she began rushing towards her, the way her arms and legs moved in the water the body language she was showing and her attitude.

Ritsuko took quick note of this and waited until she was close enough to strike Mirja in the stomach since she wouldn't be able to grab a hold of her arms hell breaking them would be futile considering the vast gap in terms of durability and power.

she immediately clenched her right fist and began swinging it at Mirja...however it was only meant to distract her while she clenched her left fist and attempted to use the hundred arm fist technique however putting that into one single point and it was heading towards Mirja's gut.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:57 am


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja watched Ritsuko avoid the incoming attack with....actually she wasn't quite sure how Ritsuko managed to avoid the attack, it just seemed to vanish into the realms of nothingness as if it had never been there in the first place. Which, was a strange specticle to be sure, but not the strangest Mirja had ever seen. She needed to focus on the here and now rather than wondering where the massive rushing glob of water had gone. It would probably turn up somewhere, maybe, probably, possibly. She was confident of it's return, like she was confident that she was going to have something nice and meaty to eat tonight for dinner.

Mirja was not very worried about Ritsuko's incoming attacks. She was full of vim and vigor and that was good, but she seemed to be less mindful of where she was, and more mindful of hitting Mirja with whatever she could. Which was a fair enough mindset, but there were problems with that. The incoming fist was, despite reinforced by Jing, something that hit Mirja's fist with a soft 'pfff' that would barely be able to affect a normal person, let along someone like Mirja.

"Good! Solid follow up and a nice feint. Just be aware of the water. Harder you throw a punch the more resistance you are up against and so the more power is lost from it. Eventually you'll have all power leached from it and it will be like slapping someone with a baby tuna. Still, don't be disheartened, I am sure in a few weeks of this you'll be able to throw something of enough vigor to counter-act the water's pressure" she told Ritty. This was the best place to train, Mirja thought, since it challenged people beyond what they had ever been challenged before.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:30 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Curses!another failed attempt to strike Mirja as the strike she anticipated would cause at least some damage was brushed off to the side like a guy being able to survive an explosion. The overall weight and force she put into the punch was merely a joke as it made contact with Mirja's fist only to be reflected off as she was preparing for a counter attack.
Only it wasn't an attack in fact Mirja stopped immediately and decided to give her a bit of advice however the words weren't distasteful or ignorant but giving her a confidence boost saying that her overall feint and follow up leading to the punch was a great move indeed.

The mention of water making her punch less effective was very intriguing almost like inertia in a sense the more force she puts into the punch the water itself is fighting against it therefore slowing it down and making it a slap in the face like Mirja said..none the less she was eager too try once more.

"I want to try again Mirja." not realizing that the injection she received from Mirja will probably wear off in a few minutes or seconds at best.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:54 pm


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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ritsuko was learning quickly - reletively, it had been a few hours since they got into the pool - and so was her tenacity. After some failed attempts where she totally had no idea what she was doing, she was begining to get the hang of it. Which was good, because she was going to drown if they didn't get out of here soon, plus Mirja didn't do hand-holding for the whole time, she just started people on their joureny and then hoped that they could carry on from there. If they couldn't then, well, it wasn't really a waste if she enjoyed it...

So she walked up to Ritsuko, slowly and casually, and picked her up, before launching off to the surface, and depositing the girl on the snow. After the several hours under water, the air would feel so free and unrestrictive. Which was something Mirja could get behind.
"You know, that without the fancy drugs, is actually the third level of one of my tricks, the Plus Ultra style. It's pretty insane, you should never try it if you ever hear about it. I don't want you to go insane. That shit was messy" She exclaimed, shaking off her water like some wet dog, or wet wolf.

"Now, let's go back to my place and warm up, shall we? Down there was a bit cold and you are looking rather blue. I hope nothing falls off, but no promises, you know? What's a few toes in search of perfection?" She teased, holding out her hand for the Quincy girl to grab. Mirja had not forgotten her demonic side, and would make sure that Ritsuko would not forget her demonic side either, but if the two of them could work it out then - along with the bet - they would be all right.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:17 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 315

Before being launched out of the lake and onto the snowy surface as the air began rushing back towards her lungs looking at the beautiful sky from above.

But something caught her attention and that was how the injection Mirja gave to her was actually a technique called the Plus Ultra Style and that intrigued her. The plus ultra style and the possibly of having the user go completely insane? And the fact that it's potentially dangerous now that was a challenge she was hoping to explore later on down the road.

But it's probably best to listen to Mirja on this one, after all the technique she mentioned probably requires tons of mental strength.

Ritsuko watched as Mirja began
shaking herself off like a dog would after a quick dip in the swimming pool or lake. One question she always had on her mind was would she smell like a wolf or a human?

But that was a question for another day, she shiver ran down her spine, like a bolt of electricity. Thin lips and equally thin eyes crinkled at the edges. The pupils both constricted and widened, Ritsuko could see the sky tone in Mirja's voice as she saw the wolf held her hand waiting for her to hold on too. So she did just that, held her hand out and grabbed Mirja's hand albeit it was a bit cold awaiting to return to wolf's domain.

I'm r-r-ready mirja

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:02 pm


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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja took Ritsuko back to her log cabin, and then got the girl to strip out of her wet clothes, which were put in front of a roaring fire to dry off. And then Ritty was fed some stew to warm her up and recover her energy that had been expended from the vigerous training. Mirja gave her a fluffy dressing gown to eat stew in, but once the stew was done, it was taken back with a strange look into the Wolf's eye. It was something crossed between a smile and reluctant sigh. Which was strange for Mirja, she didn't seem the kind of girl to be reluctent about anything.

"Ok, you remember the bet we had, right? I want you to keep in your heart that whatever happens next, you know I have the best of intentions in mind for you, little Quincy" She told Ritsuko, before slipping a strip of velvet around her eyes and guiding her to a strange sort of seat. It was tall, forcing Ritty up on to her tip-toes to fit onto it but had a soft padding for her crotch so it wasn't that uncomfortable to be in. "One final thing. While I hope you will have the courage and tenacity to see this trough, if it gets entirely too much for you, just shout Wolf, and I will stop in ernst" She told Ritty.

And then there were stange things. Her arms were pulled up into a U-shape, high up on her back before they were cuffed together, one vertically, and one horizonally, to make moving her arms very difficult. Then her ankles where locked together, kept in place by a stiff metal bar. This who situation would probably be very strange for her, but strange would turn much stranger when suddenly the crack of a bamboo cane smacked across her bare, exposed ass. It was a solid hit, but only by human terms. Ritsuko would certainly feel it as well as she heard it, but it wouldn't do any lasting damage.

"Now. Ritsuko has been a very bad Quincy. Can she tell me why?" Mirja asked, her hands sliding up the girl's body to play with her breasts, skilled hands massaging, and milking pleasure from her body while waiting for a reply.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 2 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:47 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 315

Getting a delicious bowl of soup to not only satisfy her hunger but raise her core temperature back to normal levels. The soup was the colour of the autumnal vegetable garden outside - deepest green. In it was the kale and broccoli. Yet the hue was softened just a bit with the addition of cream and cheese.

Before being given a small gown to wear, which was nice of her however
she saw a strange look in Mirja's eyes it gave her a weird vibe. What make Ritsuko look with a brow raised was being told she'd be "taken care of"

Wait...what are you gonna do Mirja? she asked before being blinded and guided down to what felt like a chair based on the texture like a "safety word" was this a way to get a quick kink session out of the way or was it something more?

Ritsuko was utterly confused as many thoughts were swirling around her head "What the hell is going on, is this another test to see how long one can endure pain in case I'm captured and used for interrogation?" she wondered with a perplexed look on her face. If it was a test then Ritsuko she was ready for whatever Mirja dished out even if she's practically naked with only the gown covering her body.

She was helpless as her arms were pulled up before being cuffed together and her ankles being stuck together held by a metal bar.

Immediately a pain came from her buttocks as she heard a quick fwip sound similar to a belt making contact however it wasn't a belt but rather a bamboo stick as well as feeling the warm of Mirja's hands go to her breasts playing with them like they were her fun-bags, milking her like a cow Ritsuko wanted to quit immediately but she had to remain strong.

I've been bad because I did something reckless and stupid hopefully that answer was correct otherwise she'd get another taste of the bamboo cane

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