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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:25 pm


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja's hands slid across Ritsuko's body, quickly proving to the Quincy that there was more than one method of torture. Pain was not the only avenue, and nor was it the best avenue, depending on the person in question. Her lips passed across Ritsuko's neck, each tender touch of her lips showing Mirja's great skill and experience in the area of elated cardinal hedonism. Mirja wasn't exactly the best girl to be totally helpless in front of, but at the same time, there was no one better to be tied up and helpless in front of.

Immidiately after Ritsuko finished speaking, the bamboo cane swatted across her calves, first the right one, then the left one, both leaving red welts from the impact. This was to make the situation Ritsuko was in unforgettable. So that no matter what happened, this day would never slip her mind. The throbbing pain in her calves would make standing on tip-toes difficult and strainenous, but to drop down and give her calves some rest would dig the point into her crotch. A decision, had to be made.

"There is no I here, Ritsuko. There is merely Ritsuko. There is only she. There is, no I" Mirja counseled, before taking of the gown and putting it elsewhere, then sliding a finger down the girl's spine, soft and surprisingly sensual for such a casual action. But that, was Mirja to a tee.

"Moving on from that, it is good that Ritsuko knows what she has done. Now, can Ritsuko be more specific. Simply saying she has been reckless and stupid could cover many things. It could be seen as an attempt to avoid punishment with half measures and unspoken omissions. And that..." Mirja stroked the bamboo cane down Ritsuko's spine, a move designed to intimidate and terrify. And to warn her about the future. "...would be very bad. Throw away all the lies, Ritsuko. Discard all the half truths, and speak only the full truth of what you did. And why you did it"

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:23 am

The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 315

Ritsuko could feel Mirja's soft lips glide across her neck probably another method of teasing her, she wondered if she got the answer correct maybe the torture will end until....swat! swat! two strikes from the bamboo cane targeted her calves one to the left and the right the stinging made it more difficult to stay on her toes she needed them to rest and rest she did being force down to her knees.

Counseling like a teacher who's student has been a delinquent and had to be given a proper punishment...hell Ritsuko wished she
was still in bootcamp at least there she had a fighting chance but here this was different. Unable to fight back, no one able to hear her cries for help, this is what it felt like to be broken down.

She could feel the end of the cane cane go down her spine meaning that the wolf's next target was her back and just by the she got on her calves it'd be best to just say it...having a broken back is not the way too go.

So she answered with a slight whimper to her voice if Mirja was close enough she could see one tear drop stream down her face.
Ritsuko has been bad because she let herself be by demons. Ritsuko has been bad because she underestimated her opponent..

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:18 am


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja nodded, Ritsuko was learning quickly. Or, she already knew she had done bad. Either way, Mirja had to imprint that this was something that was far beyond simply 'wrong'. If Ritsuko let herself get compromised by the seal, then she could do some damage to Vastime and to the Vandenrich, being an inside girl. And that wasn't something Mirja was going to stand by and accept. So while, yes this was not exactly sunshine and rainbows, that was the entire point. Ritsuko was going to remember this for a very long time, and so Mirja made sure that it would be a very long time.

But then she smelled salt. A specific form of salt, that came from a person's tears. Why was she crying, and yet not stopping this? Maybe she felt like she couldn't, despite Mirja having explicitly stated that she could stop it at any time. Mirja didn't want to break the poor girl, so she let out a soft sigh and wrapped her around around the girl's waist in a comforting hug. Mirja was not the warmest, or the most comfortable of women, but she hoped the feeling would get through regardless.

"Ritsuko. Little Ritty. I want you to take a deep breath, clear your head, and tell me. Who has alll the power in this situation? Think as long as you need, and gather all the facts, and then tell me who is in charge. Who this entire situation revolves around" Mirja said, her words soft, and surprisingly comforting despite the fact that a mere few seconds ago she had been cropping the girl with a bamboo cane. And it was not because Mirja was nuts, either. No, she had a very good reason for this strange new line of questioning.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:50 am

The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 315

Ritsuko expected to get another crack of the cane onto her spine but instead she got something else, something she's never seen Mirja do in her lifetime. Did Mirja felt sorry for her because of sympathy or was it something more deep?

Ritsuko heard Mirja give a soft sigh and began wrapping her arms around the waist giving her a comforting hug and the tone was soothing and gentle like an angel descending from the heavens and giving a pep talk.

Thinking about all the things she went through leading up to this point in time, meeting Mirja and other members in Vastime developing her relationships with new faces and people she encountered. Having a glorious time with Toshiko and learning the history of the quincies. Meeting Inami and being forced to watch countless slaughter of innocents until she was given the seal.

Ritsuko decided to calm herself down and not let tears get in the way so she took a deep inhale and then exhaled allowing her muscles to relax slow down her breathing and make the heart go back to it's regular beat.
That's what she wondered in her spite of all this who exactly has all the power in this situation?
II-I'm not sure, who does have the power?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:26 am


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja stroked Ritsuko's hair soothingly and hummed softly in her ear to calm Ritsuko down. It was entirely possible that she was overwhelmed by this situation and didn't know what was really going on here. So Mirja was going to clue her in now and quickly before anything went any further. And fortunately, it seemed that it worked to a point. Ritsuko took her deep breath and no more tears fell, her breathing became softer and more measured. Mirja wasn't going to carry on anything until the girl was ready to carry on, and that, she would stick by.

But, there was a smart reply from Ritsuko. Not grasping the obivous or copping out with the easy anwser, but instead admitting that she had no idea what was going on and asking for help.
"Mm, little Ritsuko. You, have all the power here. I may be able to control your body, and force reactions from you with my own abilities and skill, but this all carries on by your will alone. One word from you, and everything stops. It doesn't matter what I can do to you, nothing can be better than that level of power" Mirja explained.

Stroking her neck tenderly and giving it another soft kiss, and a little nibble because dam Ritty was beautiful, Mirja spoke again.
"So with that clarified, what do you want to do? We can carry on with this, we can draw it to it's conclusion through what pain and pleasure may come of it, or we can stop now. Either way, I can assure you, that nothing you ever do or say will leave these walls. I will make sure of it" she told Ritsuko, straddling the line somewhere between a comforting and sexual teacher. Sans the sexy uniform.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:04 pm

The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Feeling the hands of Mirja stroke her brown hair once more the beautiful sounds of hums reminded her of mother, she'd always hum whenever she was having a bad day or needed some comfort. It felt like a soothing lullaby as Ritsuko was almost about to fall asleep if Mirja kept this up.

Mirja was right, she did have all the power and it could be drawn out by her own will, it didn't matter how smart or strong she was. All that mattered was the whole situation could've been all be settled by one word, and not even the most powerful beings on earth could stop that.

Ritsuko was quiet as Mirja to stroke along her hair and giving a good o'l nibble, nothing too bad just a playful one however it did cheer Ritsuko up a bit as she giggled and showed that cheerful smile of hers. This was a great lesson too be had and she'd make sure to never forget this moment in her entire lifetime.

She answered Mirja's question before telling her one final thing in return. "We can stop Mirja, but I wanna thank you...thank you for everything." I'd give you a hug but you know hehe
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:36 pm


The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja grinned as Ritsuko giggled. It was such a lovely sound to hear, espeically after the tears and the sadness. She knew that this would help Ritsuko in the long run, but that didn't make it any less difficult to actually do. She had to set aside herself to hurt such an angel, even if she was a stupid angel that went and got herself Demon Juiced with the worst possible thing to get Demon-jucied by. And so Mirja decided to tease her a bit more with her grammar. Well, with such a lovely tied up and helpless, why not, huh?

"Ohh, I know we can stop. But the question was if we would" Mirja said, before the cane came in again. Swung hard enough that Ritsuko could hear it whistling through the air. This, would be painful unlike any other strike she had had so far. But then, nothing, just the gentlest of taps across her back, and then the handcuffs were removed, the blindfold and ankle spreader was taken off, and Ritsuko was lifted off the horse. And then snuggled into Mirja's breasts.

"You were a very good girl, Ritsuko. Now, why don't I get you something to wear, and we can go talk to a........friend.....of mine? First step is to ensure that you know you did wrong, second step is to fix it as best we can so that what you did wrong doesn't mess you over in the future, ok?" Mirja stroked Ritty's cheeks with a tender thumb, and smiled at her. This girl was enticing, from the first day she appearedin Vastime. And while her heart might belong to another, that didn't mean Mirja couldn't give her some hugs and love on occasion when she wanted it.

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The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 Empty Re: The North Wind [Norway]

Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:17 pm

The North Wind [Norway] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

First a beating because of mistake and now for grammar? This really did felt like bootcamp. She looked shaken as Mirja's told her about the simple grammar error she made and hands on the cane ready to strike her.

Oh no, not again ritsuko closed her eyes and heard a whistling sound which meant Mirja was putting enough force into the swing to strike her in the back. But...nothing happened in fact it was the complete opposite of what she was expecting a gentle tap as she sighed in relief and one by one her hands were freed, she regained her sight and the rest of her body was freed from the restrictions.

Ritsuko was about to thank Mirja for undoing her binds until she was pulled straight into the wolf's breasts, a small muffle could be heard as she frantically waved her arms trying to escape her grasp.

But she looked deep into Mirja's eyes as she smiled it was nice seeing this side of her, a kind teacher who although her methods are weird is a silly,fun-loving girl just like Ritsuko.

Just who is this friend of hers and what adventures lie for Ritsuko? Only time will tell but for now she was getting a fresh pair of clothes to wear and preparing to meet Mirja's new friend. It's always nice melting new people, especially those of the wolf.

"Of course we can visit your friend Mirja."
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