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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:03 pm
Florence was, at least supposedly, a lovely city, and Abalia had to admit this was decidedly true. The area was absolutely lovely, the stunning classical architecture almost overwhelming the senses with a profound sense of scale, and all of it surrounded entirely by the rolling, emerald Tuscan hills. Not a single square foot of land outside the city seemed to be anything other than a verdant green, and within the city a sense of what could only be described as a controlled bustle gave the whole place a definite energy of sorts.

Abalia had, as she always did upon visiting a new city, already completed her application as a volunteer police officer. She would have committed full-time to such jobs if she had the ability, but the last thing she wanted was multiple efforts that would only serve to hinder her and lead to less than 100% of her best effort. Nevertheless, she had pinned the badge to her coat with a definite pride, and taken to a tour of the city that, while certainly a bit of sightseeing, was also most definitely a patrol for any sort of criminal activity.

It was rather odd to her, however, that the first place she had come across a crime she could stop had been in the Piazza della Signoria, not 50 feet away from the front door of the city's town hall. Still within the shadow of the Palazzo Vecchio's tower, a kidnapping was taking place, a young man dressed in almost comically generic thug attire, complete with bandana over his face and a brightly colored jacket, grabbing a young woman by the waist and pulling her along with all the grace of a tractor. Abalia's mind considered only for the briefest of moments that the thug had a definite sense of irony, stealing the girl away while The Rape of the Sabines was well within view, but this was discarded from her mind as she gave chase.

The streets of Florence were hardly conducive to situations like this, as the people shuffled through streets that had certainly never been designed for populations of this size, nor for any particularly quick action, but Abalia gave it her best attempt. Holding her badge in one hand, with the other on the hilt of her zanpakuto, Abalia followed the thug and his victim down an ever-increasingly narrow series of side-streets, well away from the main city and into the outskirts, the city walls within view as they cast a dim shadow over the streets. Finally finding the vermin stuck in a corner, his victim still in hand, Abalia raised her badge and proclaimed quite forcefully, “Polizia! Put the girl down, young man. There is no need to make this difficult.” Loosening her grip on her zanpakuto, Abalia gave him a small, genuine smile. ”Please, simply come peacefully. It would be best for us all.”

As a decidedly less gentle smile crossed the kidnapper's face, however, Abalia was filled with a profound sense of dread. This feeling was only amplified, to say the least, when she found an arm around her neck as she was gripped from behind. She inwardly cursed herself for letting her guard down so easily, but she had been too focused on making sure the arrest went as smoothly as possible. She tried her best to reach again for her zanpakuto, but as she was well within this second attacker's grip, it seemed as though that was a fruitless endeavor. This certainly did not bode well for Abalia, particularly as several more of the kidnapper's friends seemed to crawl from the woodwork. Joy of joys...
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:22 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja Eeola was wandering about Florence with a soft swish to her tail. It was meant to have this absolute mad-man who had managed to grow some incredibly rare herbs inside the dung of some undisclosed animal. There was questions as to why he had not been grabbed by undesierables and made to spill the beans, but his unnerving accuracy with posion-tiped needles, and the lesser known fact that he was a Gold 5 cultivator in Tai Chi were probably the main reasons why he was able to operate undisturbed. And so Mirja was here for his shit herbs so Ci could make her something totally badass.

But unfortunately, for now she had to do something else. Before there was a smell that she smelled and it was not a nice one, so she followed it to the end of the line and found a police girl about to get raped by a group of thugs, which never boded well for Mirja seeing that. Dropping down from the rooftops from where she stood, she landed cleanly in front of one of the men, and gave him an icy stare for a second before delivering an explosive Bājíquán elbow to his chest, shattering three ribs and putting him down for the count.

The remaining thugs rushed Mirja, and there was a horrible sound of screams, shattering bones, torn skin and blood painting the walls as Mirja took them apart with casual, brutal effeciency.And then the wolf girl looked in Abalia's direction. Splattered with the blood of her prey, and surrounded by the groaning, decimated bodies of her would-be attackers, she felt pretty proud of herself, since they were all still alive. She then shot a look at the man holding Abalia, with such thick killing intent that he passed out from shock and gibbered even in unconsciousness. And then then was the police woman herself, who Mirja gave a nod too.

"Are you ok, Miss?"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:34 pm
Abalia watched this entire bloodbath unfold with a profound sense of surprise more than anything else, blinking a few times as she processed the whole event. “Thank you kindly, ma'am. I'm quite alright, though I must say that that's in no small part thanks to you.” While Abalia obviously had some questions about her savior, she was rather more concerned with her original goal, that being the victim of the original kidnapping. Approaching the young lady, Abalia did a preliminary check to make sure all was well, just a handful of simple questions, a quick check for any injuries, and before long the dear girl was scurrying back off to the main roads.

Brushing some possibly imaginary dust off her coat, then idly rubbing a few specks of blood that had flown onto it, Abalia returned her attention to Mirja. She definitely had a distinct feeling that this was someone she should know, or at least recognize, but for the life of her she just could not place it offhand. Abalia shook the feeling off, extending a hand cordially to Mirja with a polite smile on her face. Though this was hardly how this arrest would have gone ideally, she was glad these men were at least still alive, and she would need to make sure to call for medical support once this conversation was cleared up. “Officer Abalia Sesshouin. I do greatly appreciate the help, though I must admit it's quite embarrassing to have needed it in the first place.”

Though she did her best to hide it, there was an undeniable downcast air about Abalia as she spoke. It was her duty to protect, and while she always did her best at it, she had to concede to herself that she hardly had the means to do so in most situations. This was the first time she had gotten herself into such a serious predicament, but who was to say it wouldn't be the last? Even on duty in Rukongai, she typically couldn't do much more than take care of petty crimes, and while she was happy to do so, she knew that there was more she could, should be doing.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:52 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja smiled as the girl was ok. That, was good. She couldn't think what might have happened if the woman had been hurt by these lawless vagabonds. That would probably have them all buried in a deep grave under the river where nobody would think to try and find them. So few people looked under running water for the bodies of those that had been brutally murdered. And so it made quite the dumping ground for a wolf that could tear through ground like she had shovels for hands.

"Don't worry about it, Miss. Everyone needs help sometimes. And everyone can use a savior at times" she told her, giving a soft smile that was punctuated by the scream of a man beneath her, as he reached for a dropped knife and got his hand throughly crushed under her heel.

"Mirja Eeola. Earth Affiliation Division for the Gotei. Don't be embarrassed, everyone gets caught out at times, and there is no shame in being rescued by another. Nobody starts out perfect, and everyone needs rescuing at one point in their life. The trick is to sort out when people need rescuing, and when someone clearly has the situation under control and you swooping in will just make you look like a prick" Mirja seemed to speak from experience, having been 'rescued' by someone like that before. And that entire situation had turned sour after the arrival of the 'rescuer'.

"Anyway, you should probably call the Krakenwagon for these people. They are still alive right now, but that is all I can promise you, and I don't know how long that will last either. So might want to get them some medical attention before they do what the humans do when hit by me and expire untimely"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:03 pm
“Yes, of course.” Pulling a radio from her coat pocket, Abalia cleared her throat and spoke into the device in her best Italian, which was better than just functional but hardly perfectly fluent, either. “This is Officer Sesshouin. I'm just outside the city itself, in...” Taking a quick look around, Abalia caught the streetsign and a nearby plaza. “Piazza San Martin. Send an ambulance, preferably two, and an officer as well. We have several attempted assault charges, and I would like statements from the perpetrators.”

As she put the radio away, she considered her savior as it were. The name was definitely one she had heard before, spoken of in a mixture of fear, awe, and possibly a hint of...something else, shall we say, though Abalia was quite surprised to have run into her here in Florence of all places. “A pleasure to meet you, miss Eeola. I myself am with Fourth Division, though presently I am on leave and so have found myself...well, I suppose on as much of a vacation as I would like.” Abalia smiled a bit to herself at that thought, then looked back around at the mess.

The entire thing had hardly gone as she'd have liked, but all things considered, it could certainly have been much, much worse. Abalia made her way around and, one by one, set each of the assailants into handcuffs as gently as she could. “I must thank you for leaving them alive, as well. Their poor character may hardly seem as though they deserve it, but even the lowest deserve at least a chance for penance, wouldn't you say?”
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:19 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja watched as the girl did her police stuff, and it reminded her of Elena. That little tease of a girl. Mirja enjoyed her company every much whenever she could. Which wasn't very often, like she wasn't around to do things with Mirja or anyone. She ceased to exist with alarming regularity. And now she had a new girl to teach so many interesting tricks to.
"Darling, it's Mirja. Unless you want me to put a cute collar around your neck, then you can call me Miss Eeola. And hey, I did the police gir uniform, so that could be a match made in heaven~" Mirja teased, walking up to Abalia and smiling broadly, stroking her cheek softly with her fingers.

"As for leaving them alive, well they are humans. I can't honestly punch them properly, can I? Even though they might be disgusting creatures who had such foul, lustful thoughts when the grabbed you. It is not my place to administer justice, after all, so I will leave that in your capable hands, and simply invite you to my cafe. It's a bit of a walk away, but it hassome amazing stuff in it, and I can teach you a few tricks to make sure that you can protect yourself a bit better out on the streets" She swished her tail and looked into Abalia's eyes.

Mirja's eyes, were terrifyingly beautiful. Unlike most people, who had a black iris and whatever coloured pupil, Mirja's both were a shocking silver colour. Such an unnatural colour, Mirja loved it.
"It would be such a shame for a beautiful woman like yourself to be lost to the evils of the world that can happen when you chose a job enforcing the law upon miscrients"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:05 pm
On one hand, Abalia wanted to be surprised or taken aback at Mirja's action, but on the other hand, it was roughly in line with what she had heard. She took a single step back from that, but maintained her cordial smile and general polite air. This wasn't really her sort of thing, but she hardly wanted to be rude to someone that had just gotten her out of such a predicament.

“Apologies then, Mirja. You said you had a cafe nearby?” Abalia wanted to stay on a topic she was more comfortable with and could at least enjoy. Beside, the offer to teach her a few things to apply on the job certainly had a great deal of appeal, as the last thing she wanted was a repeat of that in other, more vile circumstances. As Mirja looked into her eyes, Abalia found herself more put off than anything else. They were definitely unusual, and while she liked to think she was good at keeping her composure, it was a bit difficult to at the moment.

Blinking and glancing away just long enough to recall her bearings, Abalia cleared her throat and gestured ahead to the road. “Well, shall we be off then? I would love to take you up on your offer. A nice bit of time at a cafe would be quite nice, I should think, and learning anything I might apply to my work is always a treasure.” That much was entirely true, after all. Abalia couldn't keep failing to make proper arrests like this, and she certainly couldn't protect the peace without some real means to do so.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:28 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

One step back, little flush to her cheeks, friendly smile, generally polite atmosphere. These reactions to Mirja's flirting told her everything she needed to know about the girl, and so she nodded. Sometimes, it was very helpful to flirt with a girl before going anywhere. They would reveal their personality and allow Mirja to talior future interactions with them. Most people just saw her asbeing a slut, and while she really did enjoy making a cute police girl's toes curl, she was not going to force the point at all. That would be rude and Mirja was not a rude girl.

"Yes, cafe. We can go there and get cool stuff" Mirja said, moving to pick Abalia up, and then take off. Before she had time to voice much of a complaint, they were hurtling away from the town at such tremendous speeds the surroundings blueshifted slightly, so that everything looked like a soft blue blur. The strangest thing was the surrounding bubble of air that encased them both, protecting them from the winds outside and allowing Abalia to breathe even at the stupidly insane speeds that Mirja was running at. Fast as she was, there was no noise from the outside, benefit of running super sonic. Although in this instance Mirja didn't even know the name for the speed she was going. Terasonic? Exosonic? Maximum Oversonic?

Whatever it was, and however fast Mirja was moving, it still took them quite a while to get to the place she was heading to. And the climate had changed dramatically. Now, there was a very intense sun bearing down on Abalia, and getting into the cafe called 'The Tundra' was probably one with great speed.
"Welcome to Vastime! It's a great little place that I have a cafe in and also in the army of and also give sometime headpats to the King of. Take a seat and get your order while I get changed" Mirja said, before heading off.

The menu on the table that Abalia was sitting at, had a lot of different drinks, some snacks, and Wolf Surprise. Written under it was 'This Surprise is surprising. Do not buy unless you are ready to be surprised' and then a lot of legal jargon underneath it. But man, did the Wolf Surprise look enticing...

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:06 pm
What on earth? Abalia was already shocked enough at being picked up, and a bit concerned that her skirt wouldn't exactly be sufficient to protect her modesty in this position, but upon Mirja's taking off at far higher speeds than Abalia was used to traveling at, she just sort of found herself accepting whatever was in store for her next. She hardly had it in her to stop this, not that she really could even if she tried, and despite her general distaste for romantic pursuits, she had been saved by Mirja, so this was the least she could do.

Upon their making it to the cafe itself, Abalia needed to take a moment to catch her bearings, reorient herself with the ground, and, most importantly, acclimate to this sudden drastic change in climate. It was hot, and she'd have tried to catch a better look at the place, but she was found in the cafe too quickly to really get a good read on anything. It likely wasn't too big a deal anyway, considering she doubted she could actually figure it out other than some broad strokes, but alas. As she looked over the menu and spotted the “Wolf Surprise,” her interest was more on the legal jargon beneath than the Surprise itself. She pretty much just wanted a cup of coffee, maybe a slice of cake, but being the square she was, Abalia found herself quite intrigued by the legal questions raised by this menu item. And so, the girl got to reading.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:00 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja returned a small while later in the cutest maid's uniform ever seen, and brandishing a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Almost as if she could read Abalia's mind or something. She put them in front of Abalia and then sat down in front of the girl. It was good that she didn't order Wolf Surprise. Mirja didn't really have the drive to make it surprising today. Although the lack of surprise would probably be surprising maybe, because you were expecting a surprise and didn't get a surprise. 4th dimension Wolf Surprise.

"So, how do you would you like to do some cool training? I got a few tricks up my sleeve that I can impart to you and then you can go elsewhere and do more imarting....Policing. How...where did I get imarting from? It's not even close to policing" Mirja seemed to be having issues with talking today. But then, who wouldn't? It was hot here. "Also, this is Africa. In case you were curious. Somolia, to be exact. It's a great nation with ties to a lot of cool people, so you can be sure that being here is something that is good"

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