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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:50 pm
It was rather surprising to see the coffee and cake already being brought to her, and it was almost enough for her to completely miss that Mirja was wearing a maid outfit. “Almost” was the operative word there, of course, but Abalia was really not so sure she wanted to comment on that at all. She'd just chalk it up to being part of the atmosphere of the cafe, which she had to admit was quite nice, though she couldn't say she was a huge fan of the African heat.

At Mirja's question, Abalia paused to think for a moment. She needed to get better if she was to do her duty, to protect the peace and help the innocent... “I am willing to learn whatever you are willing to teach, Mirja. I would hate to impose, of course, but it would be very much appreciated if I could ask enough of your time to study under you.” She bowed her head slightly as she finished that statement. “I do apologize for such a request.” She had asked, and now she could only wait for a response. It was probably too much to just ask to be taught everything she could, but still, it was always worth asking, wasn't it?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:08 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja sat, a soft smile on her face and a rather intense stare into Ablia's everything. The Wolf's strange eyes seemed to encompass everything at the same time, as if there was nothing that would escape her sight. Their silver colour and strange silver irises reinforced that idea, as if the eyes could stare into a woman's soul and know all that they were, all that they had been, and all that they will be. Obviously, Mirja had no such ability, but how people thought could be considered an ability all of its own, after all.

But then she was shocked by the girl's sudden apology stroke request for training. Which when the shock wore off, irritated her a bit.
"So you think I'm going to drag you a few thousand miles out of your home to go get coffee? I may like my own stuff and I may enjoy making it, but that is way to much effort. I'd just take you to a cafe that was in the same country. No, no I brought you here for the strict, sole purpose of training you. And so you aren't wasting my time in the slightest by being trained" Mirja told her, getting that out of the way before standing up and taking her hand.

"Now, this is a mental ability, so I need you to think very hard on the most important memory you have. The memory that gets you out of bed on dark and dreery days, that pushes you forward and never lets you back down. I need you to think very hard on that memory, grasp it to your chest and let it fill your entire body. become that memory. And then when you have that, you need to let it go. Cast it out and be free of the earthly tehters it provides"

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God of Love
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:51 am
“I... I do apologize, Mirja.” Yes, that did make perfect sense to Abalia, and as she thought about it she realized that she had, indeed, been rather foolish to even assume that Mirja might take her all this way for something as minor as just enjoying coffee and cake. She bowed her head slightly, quite embarrassed at the silly nature of her question, but raised it once more at Mirja's guidance.

At the instruction Mirja gave, however, Abalia found herself both deeply puzzled and a tad frightened just at the notion of what she had been told. To let go of her closest memory..? What was her closest memory? That was something she needed to consider before anything else. She didn't much think about the past, only about the present and the future, about the people she needed to protect and those that would bring harm to the innocent. But what was it in her past that had brought her here..?

She closed her eyes, and focused deeply on her life. It was rare that Abalia ever reflected on these things, but now she had no other recourse. What had led her down this path? It had to be during her days as an officer, no doubt, when she had still been a naive young woman, and yet hadn't really been so different from now. She could smell smoke, burnt wood. A fire had come and gone, but more overwhelming than the smoke was the undeniable scent of burnt flesh. Abalia found herself nearly gagging at this, but pressed on regardless. Who was it? She saw two hands before anything else, not belonging to the same people, but which looked to have been desperately reaching out toward one another in their final moments. One was larger than the other, though not by much, and both clearly belonged to children.

Abalia's view of the scene widened, and the entirety of the memory came crashing into her like a brick wall. Two children, killed in what would have otherwise been, at worst, a minor arson charge. Not homeless, but undoubtedly from what one would call the wrong side of the tracks. From what they could gather, the children had been playing around in what had once been an abandoned home, which unbeknownst to them was the meeting place of choice for a wider crime syndicate in the area. Some evidence had needed to be destroyed, papers? No, something larger, but the burning had done its job well enough that they could never identify it. The doors had been barred to ensure a total burn, but the children... What had their names been? Abalia's grip on Mirja's hand tightened without her even realizing it, her other hand clenched so tightly as to draw blood from her palm.

Will le Blanc, 8 years old, and his sister Rachel, only 5. Those were the children that had sent Abalia down this road, down her desperate struggle to right the wrongs of a world far greater than she. As she remembered those names, two children she had never once met in life, and yet who had defined her so entirely as a person, she began to cry. Not any sobbing or open weeping, no, merely silent, unflinching tears. Her eyes still closed, and her grip on Mirja's hand no weaker than before, she managed to choke out a single question in a near-whisper. “ do I let go of this?”
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:37 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja waited, and then cocked an eyebrow as she smelled the girl's tears. That, was not right. Why did everyone insist that they had to pick memories that made them cry? Tulpa were meant to be happy things! God dam it people, stop crying over Tulpa memories! Pick something happy already! Something that made you get up and scream at the world with vigor and passion and then bang your head against the obstricle provided until it shattered into many pieces. As it was, Mirja just felt Abalia's hand grasp her own tightly, and then a whimpered question.

"Ugh, if you are sure there is nothing happier that you can pick up on, then fine. You have to use the memory like a yoyo. Envision a pit of infinte depth, and then grasp the memory and throw it in. And once you do so, you will have a sort of epiphany and then you will be granted the understanding of how to pull that memory back, and latch it to your body, having it act as physical assistance to yourself, allowing you to go further, push harder, and kick better. The memory becomes physical, and resides within your bones and muscles"

Mirja had taught a lot of people this technique, and still couldn't quite grasp it entirely. It was such an instictive technique that trying to discribe it was like trying to discribe the taste of water. She hoped that Abalia could grasp the concepts she was trying to put forward, unlike the tiny Vastime Girl who had no idea what she was doing when it came to memories. Which was kind of sad, since it implied a lfie where she had been nothing but a sword-wielding piece of meat. And that true was sad.

While Abalia was doing that, Mirja took her free hand - still grasping the other hand supportingly - and wiped the tears away from the girls eyes with a tissue.

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God of Love
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:32 pm

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Oi6vAdD


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Something happier to pick up on? Abalia surely had many of those, and yet none of them were what truly drove her. It wasn't so much that she had lived a sad or difficult life, but she had simply put so much of herself into her duty that she had made very few memories in general, be they good or bad. It was the little things that she lived for, the smiles of the people and the knowledge that she had brought them a bit more peace in their lives.

So a happier memory... No, she was afraid she simply didn't have one, not one as powerful as the children she could not save. Breathing deeply, Abalia returned her focus to that memory, to the day she had realized exactly why those without power must be protected, why she would fight and would die if it meant saving even a single innocent soul. To have one's life stolen away from them all because of an unjust world was not something Abalia could accept. She would make the world just if she needed to, one way or another, and would do anything that was in her power to achieve that end.

If this, then, was what she needed to do in order to achieve that very goal, then that was the only path forward for Abalia. It was not enough that she try, only that she succeed, and so it was with not a single doubt in her mind, not one ounce of regret, that she cast that memory as far from herself as she could. She had been driven by this memory for so very long, clinging to it as a reminder of what was at stake if she failed. Yet, that itself was not nearly enough to change the world. If it meant she could protect and serve just as she had always sworn to, then throwing this memory away for only a short time was nothing to her.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:38 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja did scowling and pacing a bit before sitting down in the booth and starting her own Stoic Meditation. It would take a long time, but she had the gem and a Cultivation Technique, so it shouldn't be that long now. The fight with all those guys in Li's realm and then the fight with Li himself had helped, so she was confident that it would only take her a few more days to get through to the 3rd rank of the Silver Realm. And it was a good use of her time while the girl was doing her Tulpa.

'Why can't people just have happy memories, why are there so many people that are crying when they get their memory that they need. Why can't there just be an event in everyone's life where everyone is happy and that is that? Why does the universe feel the need to make everyone grumpy and then screw over my desires for people with Happy Tulpa?' Mirja grumled mentally, to the soft chuckle of Hvit.
'The world doesn't bend to your conformity, my dear. There will always be people who's sadness outways their delight, simply because that is the way the world is'

There was nothing to do, except wait, for Abalia to get back from her mental trip to Mars, and so she just cultivated with feverent intensity.

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God of Love
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:59 pm

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Oi6vAdD


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

As Abalia threw away her memory of the two children whose deaths had sent her down this path, she found herself understanding much more clearly what exactly Mirja had meant when she explained this process. She felt lighter, healthier almost, freer than before, as though she was simply a more complete person, physically speaking.

She did her best to continue on, to follow up on this feeling and focus in on it. However, try as she might, she simply could not reach it, a feeling she could only liken to reaching through a set of iron bars, through which she could not travel in any way. Nevertheless, she tried and tried, forcing herself to keep reaching out for that next step until she was struck with two realizations: First, that she simply could not reach that which she sought; and second, that her nose had started bleeding from the sheer effort she was exerting.

With what could only ever be described as a profoundly defeated sigh, Abalia brought herself back to the real world, so to speak. Wiping the blood from her face and looking for something a bit more helpful to stymie the flow, she looked over to Mirja and spoke without much considering that she, too, appeared to be in the middle of focusing on something. Normally she wouldn't do something like that, but the nosebleed had kind of thrown her.

"Ah, excuse me, Mirja, I believe I might have done something incorrectly." Realizing she would need to replace her now-bloodstained pair of gloves, Abalia frowned slightly to herself and continued, "Everything felt natural, which I suppose is the best way I could describe that, but I found myself at a bit of a halt. I simply could not...move forward, I suppose would be the best way to explain." Abalia spoke almost ashamedly of this, as if this was a major personal failing on her part that reflected poorly on her character.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:26 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja meditated, soft and serene, until her nose caught the scent of blood. That, wasn't meant to happen. So she opened her eyes and saw Abalia's nose bleeding. Stopping Abalia's attempts to wipe it away with whatever was to hand - which turned out to be a pair of gloves, far too nice to let her spoil - Mirja took out a soft napkin and wiped away the blood, before holding it against her nose. Such a tender act, it was clear that Mirja had two sides, one of vicious beastary, and the other of charm and caresses. So a slippery pit to fall into, the affections of the Wolf. She had no intention of ensnaring the girl, but things just happened that way some times.

"Tsk, I have no idea how you managed this, but I can guess. Don't force yourself too hard, dear. That way only lies damaging yourself and worrying those who care about you. If something seems insermountable, simply allow it to be until you can return and summount it. Forcing your way through a mountian never goes well. So just relax, sit back and think about it. I am sure it will come to you eventually. It's not like we are going to die of old age, after all" Mirja had such a soft voice, such a voice that a proficent teacher would have.

And the smile. That was a warm smile, an inviting smile, one that implied assistance for all the days to come, if Abalia required such. It was nice to have someone to show this side too. So often she had to bare fangs and splay claws.
"I'm here to help, but I am not here to watch you hurt yourself. So if you feel something is beyond you, then don't do it"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:56 am

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Oi6vAdD


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Abalia had to admit that she was a bit flattered and thankful for Mirja's assistance, though there was also an undeniable hint of discomfort at even this minimal level of intimacy that she was, frankly, unused to. However, she returned a smile of her own to Mirja, a small and rather gentle one that, in many ways, clashed with the otherwise strict and militaristic appearance she clearly did her best to cultivate.

"I do apologize. I had hoped that if I pressed forward a bit more I might do well enough, but I suppose this is the reward for my impatience." Abalia put her own hand to the napkin, faintly hoping in the back of her mind that Mirja would take her own hand away at that, and was quite glad as she considered that this meant she wouldn't be needing to replace her gloves after all. They were rather nice, all things considered, and while Abalia was hardly what one might call "prideful," it was undeniable that she had a certain amount of concern for the state of her appearance.

The idea of simply letting something like this sit, however, was not one that Abalia was entirely used to. She was an officer of the law through and through, after all, and when she saw something she needed to pursue, she chased it down without any regard for her own well-being. Nevertheless, she nodded in response to Mirja's gentle admonishment, blushing ever so slightly out of embarrassment. She did hate to be a burden, after all, and while Mirja clearly didn't consider her one, Abalia still liked to avoid that sort of behavior.

With the faintest hint of trepidation in her voice, Abalia once again looked to Mirja. "I don't suppose you would be willing to have me over again in the future? I would very much like to continue studying under you like this, if you would have me." Pausing for a moment, her smile widened ever so slightly, as she added, "And the cake was quite good, too."

Coding in Template By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:45 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Ohh, pressing forward does help with development. The harder you push, the stronger your development becomes. Charge into the horizon and become a legend. But, there is also the equal, opposite reaction that will break you down if you go too hard. And I don't want to see you hurt, my dear. You are far too precious" Mirja gave Abalia a soft stroke of the cheek with her thumb, and then let her hold the napkin herself when she moved to do so. This girl, could really spark something in Mirja. Could really be a project worth going for.

"And don't worry about it, my dear. I would be willing to have you all the time. You could live in my room upstairs and I'd even...-" Mirja stopped herself, getting a bit to enthusiastic might scare the girl off. She had troublre, with control, but this girl deserved it. So she took a deep breath, and calmed herself down. "Sorry, I can get a bit carried away. But honestly, I can offer you a room and a job here. It's a really cool place. And Hayden, the King, is a really cool guy. Of course, I might be dense, but I am not that stupid. I can take you back to your city and just give you something to get in contact with me when you want to come train again. it is only down the road for me, after all" Mirja seemed rather proud of her ability to move so incredibly super fast.

Mirja sat back, and looked up at the celling, deciding there was little point beating about the bush on this.
"You are a beautiful woman, Abalia. And I am attracted to beautiful women. I'll be sure not to do anything you don't want, but I'm a sensual person. I'll tell you the story of why of these days. So while I will try to keep it restrained, there will probably be quite a few sultry advances thrown your way. And I apologise in advance"

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