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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:09 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 835

The sweet taste of sake was sadly not enough to tame the boredom that came from this day...

Middle of the day, not too hot, not too cold, just perfect for the scantily clad Suika. Though, luckily, she had her Yukata on so at least the upper half of her body was covered mostly. Her bottom half was mostly exposed, however. Sure, the Yukata helped cover up her backside and all that, but, her legs were normally on show; and especially her feet. Shuten Suika was simply a skinny, petite, seemingly alcoholic, Suika; so nothing out of the ordinary given her sisters were just about in the same condition. However, that's not much to really talk about right now. Who cared about what Shuten was wearing, except for perverts and people who took disinterest in what she was wearing, the main message was that the Suika was B-O-R-E-D. Bored with a capital b o r e d. Shuten could only sigh as she remained perched on top of one of the white towers in the Seireitei. Sure, seeing her would be difficult for some eyes, given the height and the color contrast. But, it would be simple to detect her. Unless Shuten was trying, her energy was like finding a cow in a small stack of hay; sticking out. Sure, it wasn't violent, right now, but, it had a certain charm to it, a sense, that it was out of the ordinary. Normally, if it wasn't for her constant Shikai to curb her energy, it would be a violent storm that the Suika could barely control. She has learned better now, but, without her Shikai, she would be hard pressed to control it for too long without accidentally crushing someone with her Reiatsu.

So, that was the gist of things, Shuten Suika, sitting on a tower, bored as all get out, and seriously could not find a way to entertain herself. Sisters? Busy, Kyo was off somewhere and Ibiki, well, Ibiki was the Captain Commander of the Soul Society, it only made sense that she couldn't see her as often as the Suika girl would like. So, she simply sat up there, and drank. Drank the sake that she always had with her. It was sweet, simple, and not strong; for her. Maybe for other beings, it would be very strong since her sake was strong enough that it could still taste could, but weak enough that it wouldn't cause her to get drunk at the drop of a dime. So, the Suika drank, her gourd next to her. Finally, after about half an hour, Shuten jumped down from the tower and landed at the bottom without slowing herself down much; yet the impact was light, making no sound and leaving no damage. Despite Shuten being a Suika, a more brash and rough family, she had her elegance in some ways; which was movement. It was how she could stay silent, sneak up on most people, and generally conceal her energy presence enough to get the drop on most. Again, Most. she couldn't get a drop on her sisters because they were more attentive and could easily recognize her by other things besides presence alone. But, the Suika was just like that; showing her actual Suika heritage, the brutality, in the kills she made as an assassin. All of which were not pretty and definitely not meant for the public eye. But, it was effective.

Shuten yawned, covering her mouth as she did so. A sign of both boredom and the brain needing oxygen. Something she could not help right now. She simply let the yawn come to fruition, end, and then downed the rest of the sake that was in her sake dish. She then wiped the dish clean of any sake, which was odorless, placing it back into a little side pocket next to her gourd, just a place for her dishes so she didn't have to hold them all the time. And, of course, strapped to her side, relatively speaking, was her gourd; full of her special alcohol concoction. She made it with her Zanpakuto spirit years ago. Since then, she had used it and shared it with her sisters; mostly Ibiki, however. Kyo wasn't a big drinker... The Suika simply shook her head, clearing her thoughts. After making sure her gourd was secure, and her Zanpakuto was upon her back, she took a walk around the Seireitei. Why not? She was bored, a good walk isn't something to throw to the side when boredom strikes. Why not enjoy it and possibly meet someone new? Of course, Shuten wasn't intending on meeting anyone new, she just might do it on accident without meaning to. After all, the Seireitei wasn't that big, she was bound to meet someone new that she hadn't met before. After all, the world is big, and the possibilities are endless.
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Ye Olde Guarde
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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:44 am

Tsubine Koezuka

Tsubine had reconnected with just about everyone she wanted to. Sure a few of the older Captains and Lieutenants were hard to find, but she wasn't particularly close to any of them. Midori was about the only person still in power that Tsubine gave more than three-quarters of a damn about. That wasn't to say that Tsubine didn't care for any of the other Captains, but she didn't know them. Even those that were from her time, she didn't know either. It was an unfortunate part of the Gotei—the high turnaround. However, that had been part of the organization for as long as she could remember. In a span of a hundred years, most of the Captains had been replaced at one point.

It was part of the reason why Tsubine was walking around like she was—people-watching. She wore her normal shortened kimono, no haori or shihakkushou. She even had her Zanpakutou on her waist. It would almost conspicuous had word of her exoneration—and return—had spread throughout the Gotei. She was a freelancer right now, not tied down by anyone or anything except her chosen bonds. It just so happened that right now those bonds put her at being allies with the Gotei.

Tsubine knew that some members of the Gotei were shorter than others. She also knew that some of them wore custom uniforms. Some didn't even wear a shihakkushou. The one thing she hadn't seen was the combination of the two. So when she saw a shorter-than-average being wearing something that wasn't a standard uniform, Tsubine decided to do something. She decided to be someone helpful. "Ah, excuse me. I know I'm probably not one to speak, but you look a little lost. Do you need some help finding your way somewhere?"

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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:16 am

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 657

Yup, still bored. Sure, a walk helps, but, after one's over the initial excitement, or possible boredom cure, was over the walk was just a walk; and without anything else going on it was a bore. Shuten could only let out a long, slow, sigh as she continued to walk. However, the Suika of Sake was rather surprised when she actually heard someone call out to her; at least it seemed so. She looked up at the person who called out to her, not noticing the height difference until it was clear if Shuten looked straight ahead, she'd probably either be staring at her breasts or her neck. So, the Suika had to look up, not uncommon since she is a shorty, but, a pain for the neck if she had to do that for too long. Shuten left her arms at her side as she tilted her head to the side at Tsubine's request before she chuckled and then crossed her arms after a couple of seconds.

"You look pretty lost yourself despite the Zanpakuto at your side... But, I'm not lost; thank you for being concerned, however. I'm just wandering around because I'm bored; you can't show me to a cure to boredom can you?"

The Suika let out a small chuckle once more as she finished speaking, covering her mouth to let out the laugh. Shuten then gave Tsubine a small bow as a greeting and to show she meant no ill will. She soon straightened and then crossed her arms once more, the Zanpakuto on her back shaking a bit from her movement of bowing and straightening; a Zanpakuto that didn't look like one at all. She soon looked over Tsubine, in a way that was information gathering and nothing else. Shuten gave Tsubine a smile, her surprisingly sharp canines showing as she did.

"Don't mind my jest, I'm just bored enough that I'm simply wandering. The name's Shuten, by the way; Shuten Suika. Might I ask what your name is?"

While Shuten believed she was spot on with the Zanpakuto thing, as it is abnormal to have such an iconic blade in the seireitei and have it not be a Zanpakuto, she was unsure of who this was. Clearly, someone she had never met, and someone she may need to get to know. True, she was no people's person, but, it paid to know all of your allies so one could either assist them when needed or... help them to the afterlife if they turned to the wrong side. Another thing Shuten was unsure of was her age. She certainly wasn't younger than Shuten, her eyes spoke that well enough. Sure, a body may not show age, but, look to one's eyes and you could normally see some age in them; eyes normally can tell the truth that body and words cannot. Shuten soon gave a soft sigh as her gaze stopped tracing and analyzing Tsubine. It wouldn't feel like Shuten was checking her out, it would simply feel like someone was scanning her and then getting a data report. But, of course, that was not over the span of their conversation they are about to have, hopefully, it took only a few moments. A good assassin can analyze their prey with ease... and just general people in the daylight they may want to keep tabs on.

Regardless, Shuten was interested by this person, by Tsubine. Sure, it didn't take much to not know someone in the seireitei -- the place is huge --, but, Tsubine had a certain interesting air about her. In the end, Shuten held no malice, just curiosity. It would also be good to note that Tsubine would probably be able to see the gourd on Shuten's hip, it was easily the size of her torso.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Ye Olde Guarde
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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:09 pm

Tsubine Koezuka

It was a meeting of two different generations of Shinigami. Tsubine had heard of the Suika, but only in passing. She had met with Ibiki briefly to discuss what she was doing... well, moreso why she left and why she was back. Ibiki did not get the emotional story. She got the brief version—she had fallen in love and left to start a life with him. He was dead and she came back to get her life in order. Something she had not told to anyone yet, even Erika and Midori, was the real reason she was back. She was back to make sure that she wouldn't have to leave again. She was back to make sure that if she retired, she wouldn't be hunted down because of her power. She was tired of war, so she was going to try to stop this all once and for all.

The generational gap was, however, quite large. Tsubine had no idea how to respond to Shuten's request. Tsubine pursed her lips, confusion spreading about her like a wildfire. Was she a prostitute, asking her for "quality time?" She certainly could be with that outfit. Was she a child playing a sick, sick joke? She certainly could be with that build. Was she a warrior, asking for a duel? She could be with that reiatsu she was hiding. All of these possibilities whirled around in her head until Shuten clarified it was a jest. Relief broke through the confusion like sunlight after a heavy rainfall.

Tsubine gave Shuten a small bow in return after the introduction. "Tsubine Koezuka." Tsubine's name was famous in certain circles. She wasn't someone as well-known as Yamamoto. She may have been his successor, but besides rebuilding the Seireitei she hadn't done anything particularly remarkable. Besides that, a lot of her portraits and decorative busts were of her old hair style. She looked entirely different nowadays. Plus it had been over 300 years ago. Tsubine had aged as well.

"I guess that makes two of us who look a bit..." Tsubine thought about her words carefully before deciding, "off that aren't actually lost." That was when it clicked in her head. She looked at the horns, then back down to the unfortunately mostly-revealed body. "You said your surname was 'Suika,' right? Does that mean you're related to the Captain-Commander?" Tsubine was honest curious, as she had no idea who or what the Suika actually were.

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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:03 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 426

Shuten looked on at Tsubine as she seemed to ponder, wonder; even be worried about the Suika. Shuten felt her gaze upon her in certain areas and ways that made the Suika want to shrink into herself, but, she didn't as the gaze was not a bad one. She then noticed that Tsubine made a small bow after introducing herself. Shuten smiled and then crossed her arms as she looked on at Tsubine. She then tilted her head to the side as the Shinigami in front of the Suika spoke once more; the decoration on Shuten's forehead gently tapping her left horn as she tilted her head. The Suika then could only chuckle at what Tsubine said next, unfortunately, she didn't know Tsubine outside of her name; nothing more than the information she just learned now.

"Definitely, even if many know the Suika well thanks to Ibiki, the horns aren't exactly the thing most find complimenting about us; off-putting is certainly a word to describe them, however."

Soon after speaking, Shuten found Tsubine's gaze on her again; this caused the Suika to subconsciously fix her Yukata to cover more of her upper body and make sure that the ends of it also covered her backside and crotch area. She then looked upon Tsubine once more as the question was asked to her; whether she was related to Ibiki, the captain commander of the Seireitei. Of course, Shuten was, but, that wouldn't be obvious to all. Shuten clearly could not blame her for knowing since it's not like Shuten was popular anyways, just a Shinigami trying to live her life without too many hardships and trouble. Shuten soon gave Tsubine a quick nod, grinning slightly as she looked on at the woman in front of her.

"Yup! I'm Ibiki Suika's little sister, about a hundred years younger, give or take."

Clearly, Shuten was proud of being a Suika, but, she didn't really let it change how she acted with people or how people acted with her. Shuten soon then looked around the surrounding area and then looked back up at Tsubine, looking at her with her purple eyes.

"So... if you're also someone that's off who isn't lost, then what might you be doing?"

Shuten looked at Tsubine still, sincerity in her voice as she was now the curious one; wondering why Tsubine would wander much like the Suika girl was wandering.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Ye Olde Guarde
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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:19 pm

Tsubine Koezuka

Tsubine didn't seem to offend Shuten. That was a good sign, since she had no idea how to approach how weird the Suika looked to her. The only other people she saw with horns were demons. Seeing a horned individual who wasn't a demon was a culture shock to her. She supposed it wouldn't be the first racial bias she'd have to get over. Tsubine was wary of Vizards before she made Zin turn into one. After that, she had to force herself to like them. It was how she broke what was probably her worst predjudice at the time.

Tsubine saw the pride Shuten had. It was only a glimmer at first, but boy did Tsubine know that glimmer. She had seen it in multiple people who had come up to her when she was Captain. More than that, she had seen it in Erika's eyes when she spoke of Tsubine. She stifled a giggle and only smiled back at Shuten. "Really? I thught you might actually be the older one." There was something about the way Shuten carried herself that made Tsubine think that. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. "I only met her briefly, but your sister seems to be a very fine young woman. She might be the kind of breath of fresh air the Gotei needed."

Tsubine shrugged lightly in response to Shuten's question. It was a simple answer, though it was more like describing an iceberg as simple. "Reminiscing, mostly." She wasn't going to go through the whole story again, but there was no avoiding telling some of it to Shuten. "I've been... away," Tsubine again spoke carefully, "for a few years. I decided to pay a visit to some people I care for that I haven't spoken to in quite some time. So far both of the people I've met have tried to punch me on-sight." Tsubine sighed, rubbing her jaw. "I guess I deserved it but still..."

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Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] Empty Re: Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine]

Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:44 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Time for this Suika to Get Some Friends[Private; Tsubine] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 428

Shuten blinked as she heard Tsubine say what she did; that she was the elder. Shuten did blush a tiny bit, since it seemed a bit like a compliment to her. But, she soon let out a hearty laugh at Tsubine's comment; her laugh a little high pitched thanks to her stature and how her voice works. Shuten then looked at Tsubine again, her purple eyes connecting to Tsubine's; the uncertainty she held much like that of one questioning if they could cross a river full of hippos. Shuten then gave the woman a very slow nod, one that agreed to what she said. The Suika of Sake believed her sister was one of the best things for the Gotei at the moment.

Then, of course, came the answer to Shuten's last question; why Tsubine was here. Basically, what a veteran was doing wandering around like a lost dog. The Sake demon gave a small sigh as she heard what she did, the sigh coming after she heard that Ms. Koezuka had been socked on the jaw by the people she had met so far today. Which meant that people quite likely did not like Tsubine or why she left. The Suika gave a small sigh as she stared at the Shinigami. She then slowly pulled out a sake dish and poured sake from her gourd of souls; putting a mouthful of healing sake in it. Shuten put on the gourd's lid and put it back on her sword, which is where it normally is. The Suika then soon extended her hand to Tsubine; the green-tea colored sake looking surprisingly delectable.

"Here, drink this. It should help with any bruising, pain, and the such. And don't worry, it's only sake but only the lightest weight in the world could get drunk off of this."

Shuten smiled at Tsubine, a smile that one could likely compare to a rare animal as barely anyone besides her family really sees Shuten actually smile in sincerity. One would think that Tsubine was lucky, but, Shuten was just thinking she may have found someone that needs a bit of help. She may dislike people outside of her family, but, if she thinks they are okay; she finds no need to give them shit. Especially if they've had a bad day.

"Also... I don't care what you did in the past, the fact that you are back now and trying to visit people here means more than past events."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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