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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:05 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Ulv was, all things considered, happy. She was in Paris, La ville de l'amour. L'air était clair, la lune était pleine et elle mourait d'envie de faire ses besoins. Only, the moon wasn't out, it was the middle of the day. And the air wasn't quite as clear as she hoped, since it was filled with something stinky. And right now there was not much love to go around if the guy in front of her was any consideration. Which meant, it wasn't the city of love after all. The guy in front of her was the second reason why she was happy.

"My mentor Tatsu will teach me his Secret Techniques when I bring you back, woman" He exclaimed, before rushing forward with a loud 'hyah!' and bringing his blade down to bite into Ulv's body. For a moment, she had a thought to catch the blade with her hand, but then wondered what that would do other than slice her hand up, so instead shifted out of the blade's path with a fluid movement, and brought her leg up, lashing out to connect with his side. She never actually hit his side, since he was pretty fast and got the sword between him and Ulv's foot. The blade cracked and his hand was shaking from the force, but he was still in one piece.

"Yea, maybe. But here's a thing. What if - and bare with me here because I tend to go off on tangents occasionally - your Master can't give you any techniques because you are dead?" Ulv suggested, her cheery smile and perky voice hiding the actual threat from comprehension for a few moments. And then when he realized what she had said, the red-haired woman was already on him, fists like thunder smashed into his chest and cracking his armored plate. Didn't do much for his chest beneath it either.

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Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:31 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: 495

Yeah, Paris... Pariis... Par-is. Jesus was Arianda bored, and sad, a little bit of that too... She found out about Mirja being dead not that long ago. That wasn't exactly the best news for her since she was repairing what she had with Mirja, but, now she was gone; and the so called city of love felt more like the city of what the fuck. Arianda was wandering around the city, a city in which she called her home since she had moved her and got her own little mansion after she had allied with Shadowfall. Of course, the demon had lived her for long over a year now, but, people that she lived with long left; one in a way that she didn't prefer. So, Arianda wandered, thinking on the past as she heard someone screaming. Not a scream of distress, more of a scream of attack; someone foolishly attacking another likely. The demon let out a soft groan and then moved to the area in which she heard to the scream.

Pretty quickly, Arianda noticed two things, the man with a blade, and then a very muscle-bound girl. Sure, Arianda loves muscles on girls, looks very nice, but, she's not normally one to really care about the definition. To be fair, this definition reminded her of a certain 'marble' skinned Shinigami. Arianda simply shrugged it off as she moved to lop the attacking man's head off, but, before she could, Arianda heard the snapping of a blade; the cracking of metal. Arianda's ears perked up as she looked at the area in which the man was swinging the blade. It literally slammed against this lady, Ulv, and the sword halted at her skin. It wasn't like a barrier that was keeping it from cutting her, it was like her skin was harder than the blade; just like--

Arianda shook her head and then watched as she punched him much like a certain wolf would do; breaking the armor plate that was on his chest. Arianda's eyebrow raised, she then walked forwards and finished off the man, beheading him with great ease with her scissors. She wiped off her scissors and put them on her back and then looked at the girl with a small smile on her face.

"I see that you have skin like steel, and fists of thunder... You remind me of someone I knew, in the past. I'm sorry this man was terrorizing you, are you alright?"

This was technically Arianda's city since she was in it as a member of Shadowfall and a citizen, so, it only made sense she should apologize at times. Also, while she was not all that attracted to Ulv, she was curious, wondering; who was she?

"I'm Arianda, Arianda Vael. Nice to meet you, by the way. Who are you, if I may ask?"

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:02 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Gashink. Who knew, maybe he would have been able to dodge the scissors, maybe he could have reflected and counter-attacked because he was pretty good at what he did, even though what he did was not nice. However he was distracted with Ulv at the moment and that seperated his head from his neck quite cleanly. And caused Ulv to giggle.
"Of course you could also get your head cut off by a small, cute girl with a giant pair of scissors. Such is life. One day you are training with your master, the next your neck gets cut across the dotted line like you are a children's activity" Ulv finished talking to the corpse, and then looked a little abashed at the smol girl.

"No. Fists like thunder yes. Ulv stronk!" She flexed her muscles to show off, giving a 'hrr!' as she did, and then took off her shoes and shows the part where the blade had cut into the sole. A sheet of metal had been added in to allow it the ability to reflect bladed objects without splitting in half. "Skin like steel no. I have metal like steel. Although it's not steel. It's Ora.....Ora...oraoraoraculm" she exclaimed, mangaling the pronunciation of Oracalcum rather badly. And then she put her shoe back on. "Don't worry about the harrassy man. They come in droves, and I beat them up and sometimes they stop moving forever. It's part of being the Magnificent Ulv!" she exclaimed, breaking into another flex to show off her body.

"Ahh, of course you wish to know who I am. For I am glorious! The one who stands before you, majestic in her awesome, is Ulv Auber! Bwuhahahaha! And yes, yes you may" Ulv said, before encompassing Arianda in a tight muscley hug.

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Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:26 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: 347

Arianda was a little surprised by Ulv's... bravado? Hard to say since the demon was simply puzzled. She was certainly a lot like Mirja, but, she did not have skin like it; simply using a shoe with strong metal in it. But, there was still something about her Arianda could not place her finger on. She then shrugged and chuckled at Ulv.

"I can tell... without that chest plate that man's chest would've collapsed completely instead of just getting metal push into it."

Arianda gave another soft chuckle before she squeaked, being taken into a hug that would probably crush others, but, Arianda enjoyed the snug hug as she hugged Ulv with at least the same strength despite her small form and very little physical muscle definition showing on her petite form. The demon then simply let a sigh of content escape her as she peered at Ulv and then smiled softly and brought a hand up to gently pet her head.

"That's good~ glad to know the name of the girl who I helped from a harassing man~! So, Ulv, what brought your to Paris? Also, the streets are a little... drab, so, if you wish we can go to my house for a better environment that is easier on the eyes and heart; if you want."

Arianda gave a short shrug before she simply remained in Ulv's tight hug, no longer delivering such a hug back to the girl as Arianda thought; trying to 'scan' the girl. To put it simply, she was mostly trying to tell if Ulv had any fragment of a certain wolf girl, Mirja, inside of her. After all, she seemed to have a lot of Mirja's mannerisms; just a bit more extreme. Still definitely full of herself since that's how Mirja has always been. The demon let out a soft sigh and then looked at Ulv still before she exhaled and hugged Ulv a little bit more; simply deciding to wait for Ulv to respond to her.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:38 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Ulv snuggled Arianda and nodded at the idea of him getting his chest to go kaboom. Which was probably going to be the result anyway, if she hadn't been so gentle with him in the first place.
"I wasn't trying to kill him, so I was gentle and only his armour broke. But, he didn't seem like the kind of guy that was going to give up so I might have punched him harder if you hadn't have come by and gave him the worst hair cut he has ever had in his life. Sometimes they run away, other times they don't. It's a gamble" She explained, before looking down at the offer of going somewhere else. It was a good one, so Ulv picked Arianda up and placed her on Ulv's broad shoulders.

"Very well! Then which direction shall you take this girl?" she asked, prepared to head in whatever direction the shoulder-mounted Arianda pointed her in. And that, wasn't the only surprise. When Arianda tried to scan Ulv, she was subject to a maelstrom. A whirling vortex of immense power, something far, far beyond Arianda's own. But it was also manic, uncontrolled and without fetter. Ulv's very soul was shattered, and that was the reason for the strange not-quite-reiatsu that she was putting out. It was like playing five different songs from five different qualities of radio and trying to pick up specific words of a single song through the cacophony.

"To this land of eyes and heartness, we march! Onwards unto glory, if glory has nice cakes and a decent sized kitchen!"

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Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:48 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: 319

Arianda could not help but let out a small giggle at Ulv showing such restraint, something an old wolf of her's wouldn't show too much. She then nodded at what Ulv said, it indeed was especially since she didn't seem to have Mirja's quirk of diamond hard skin. Arianda simply shrugged and then let a meep escape her as she was suddenly moved onto Ulv's shoulders. Arianda had no protests, to be honest. While she was not abnormally short, she was certainly shorter than Ulv; so, Ulv basically was adding about three feet, since Arianda was not standing, onto her likely already nice and tall stature. Arianda could only chuckle. She enjoyed the view, being able to see above all the others instead of being the one who could be looked over. It was just... nice. The demon then looked towards Ulv as she asked the demon for a direction, well, that was the easy one. Arianda grinned widely as she pointed in the direction of her household.

"Thataway we go! I do not know about glory, but, I certainly have nice cakes, a decent sized kitchen, and chocolate!!"

Arianda grinned widely after she spoke; still pointing to the direction she wished Ulv to go, getting a few hints, inklings, from the vortex inside of the woman. She could tell the energy was familiar, she just wasn't sure if it was Mirja's. But, the demon simply shrugged and gently pet Ulv's head, stroking a hand through her hair, as the two likely set off towards Arianda's house; with Arianda enjoying the time she had with this person who could not help but remind her so much of Mirja, it seemed. Of course, Arianda had no idea that she actually had found that old wolf of hers. Only time would tell if she found out at this point.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:04 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Ulv set off with Arianda on her shoulders, a jogging pace that was more resounding for the clop of metal-lined shoe with each step. She kept rather a solid and unbroken gait considering she was carrying someone and taking directions at the same time. It sounded like the clop of a horse's hoof against the ground, and with Arianda being carried as she was, the idea that the girl under her was Arianda's cute pony was only reinforced. There was a few things missing for Ulv to really be a Pony for Arianda, but the basic framework was there.

And yet, as jubilant as things were on the physical realm, the spiritual realm was pandemonium. It was as if the storm inside Ulv had noticed Arianda spying on it, and had kicked up an even more ferocious cycle to bring her low. Were she not to pull away from Ulv spiritually and shut herself away from the girl's soul, her head would quickly be filled with the raging sound of a hurricane, and her spirit feeling compressed, as if submurged at the bottom of an ocean. Slowly, but surely and painfully drowning in an uncaring sea of pure, unadulterated power. And yet there was something familiar inside it. Nothing that she could put her finger on, but a feeling as if someone inside Ulv's soul was a person she had met before. Along with many she had not.

But the soul of Ulv was not all there was to life, and the body of Ulv had carried Ariand to her house, and then put her down gently, beaming a bright grin.
"Ulv Taxi has delivered you to your house! This muscle-bound girl enjoyed giving such a tiny tot a great ride! We should do it again some time"

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Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:24 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: 319

Arianda was forced to retreat from inside of Ulv, but, not without leaving a message for the girl inside; the presence she knew without even trying to recall. Mirja. The message simply went 'I knew you weren't dead, damned wolf~' Of course, it was nice and simple, and meant for the wolf that seemed to lay inside of Ulv at the moment; dormant, unable to do much. Arianda simply shrugged and then exhaled softly, calming the conflict inside of herself as Ulv finally came to a stop at her house. Arianda chuckled at some rather... perverse thoughts she had when she heard the "clopping" of Ulv's feet; some ideas and thoughts she thought were left behind when Mirja and Ceal left her. The demon let a soft sigh leave her and she grinned at Ulv.

"Well it was a fun ride~ But, this 'Ulv Taxi' is coming inside as well~!"

Arianda grinned and easily slipped off of Ulv's shoulders, landing light enough that her weight would likely seem nonexistent. Arianda opened the door and beckoned for Ulv to enter, holding the door for her as she waited for Ulv to come inside. Once she did, the door would close and Arianda would pop her neck.

"Welcome to my humble abode~! It's small mansion, but, home nonetheless. Come, since you spoke of sweets and a kitchen, I'll take you there at once; since you seemed eager to prepare goods in the kitchen and eat them as well."

Arianda had a slight hope that the person inside of Ulv would take a familiarity to all this stuff, but, with how the turmoil was inside of Ulv's soul, there likely weren't many answers to what Arianda could do at the moment besides try and straighten the girl out from the outside before she delved inside to straighten her out there, But, that would simply depend on how Ulv was feeling, to be honest. Arianda wanted to experience Mirja back in her life again, but, she also wanted to experience what it was like to do this kind of thing right instead of dashing straight to stirring someone up with a fleshy rod. Arianda soon gave a soft yawn as she took Ulv to her kitchen, opening her fridge, which was full of chocolate, to get some chocolate out of it. She unwrapped the bar halfway and took a big chunk out of it as she looked at Ulv.

"So, what do you want? I'm not much of a cook, but, I can try to cook something for you... unless you have some cooking ability of your own. If you do, please have at it dear~"

Arianda smiled, taking another bite of her chocolate bar as she spoke to Ulv. The demon was likely going to have some fun tonight, and she was also likely going to help Ulv. But, it would be hard to tell since the situation was quite random. But, Arianda was certainly already having some fun.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:30 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Ulv entered the mansion and took off her shoes, putting them off to one side and displaying her feet, strong and powerful feet, fit for kicking tremendously and for running super fast. Both things Ulv could do, although super fast paled in comparison to how another girl Arianda knew.Mirja was not old, but Ulv was still a baby, so it stood to reason that there were things she was lacking in. However, there was also things she was not lacking in, things that came to her with thought, and not deed. Things she needed to not even think about.

Like when she saw that there was naught but Chocolate around, in paltry little bars, she scoffed and fished out ingredients and cooking impliments that even Arianda would be questioning why she had.
"This is not the food fit for a woman who lives in such a magnificent house. You are a Flott kvinne! I can not have you so muddlesome, and meek" Ulv exclaimed, with great passion and vigor, before starting to do....something. She was very confident in the kitchen, such that there was not a wasted action and unlike you had your own intimate understanding of how the kitchen worked, you could scarcely follow the girl's actions.

So Arianda had some time to think about what was inside Ulv. Though the maelstrom was powerful and pervasive, she felt there was distinct platforms, refuges from the storm that a person could shelter in. And shelter she would need, because as skilled as she might be with her own demonic magic, the power involved inside Ulv was not something to be messed around with, or treated lightly. And there was also the question of the familiar woman inside her. So if nothing else, she would have to get inside Ulv's Inner World for that...and such shelter would be more than welcome then.

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Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:08 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: 386

Arianda's eyelids moved up and down rapidly, the demon blinking up a storm as Ulv seemed to protest her choice in food. Sure, Arianda didn't exactly have the best food, but, she wasn't going to be screwed if she didn't eat correctly. She was a demon, she could just shrug off the weight she could gain as if it was nothing; which it would literally be nothing. The demon was much like every other demon that existed; she could control her body manipulation and make herself lose or gain wait if she wanted to. It was always lose extra weight, of course. She stayed at a healthy weight for her stature and such, but, she never really one for considering she would have to eat well outside of consuming pain from other beings and people. The demon simply shrugged and did not protest what Ulv was doing. Arianda, instead, hopped on top of a section of counter that was not being used by Ulv and ate her chocolate; puzzled by what she was doing.

"I-I mean, I do have proper implements for food, cooking, and all that; that fridge itself is just full with chocolate bars..."

The demon was unsure if her words reached Ulv since she seemed rather concentrated on what she was doing. Arianda simply sighed and let Ulv focus, crossing her legs as she thought, chewing on her chocolate slowly. She could not help but remember that energy source; the thing that was familiar. It was certainly Mirja; just, at quite the weakened state. Her body must've really died. It's a wonder Ulv's body can even take all that energy thrashing about inside her without much of a care in the world what happened to Ulv. Arianda simply sighed once more and finished off her chocolate bar and threw the rapper behind her. It passed through a small portal and then into a trash can. Arianda let a soft yawn escape her before she looked at Ulv, still sensing that maelstrom of energy, that speck of Mirja, and so much else. She sighed and then looked at what Ulv was making once more.

"Uh, Ulv? What are you making? And where did you get all those cooking implements from...?"

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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