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Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:16 pm



Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join] 6EdIfMt

Song: Hacked Chara Arrives - Artist: FrostFM

Sleeping, eating and drinking with the enemy. It's an insane thing to do, but when has Adam ever been in his right fucking mind? Never. That's when. So it's why he wanders the streets of a barren, snowy and awfully frigid Detriot to observe the creatures who live here. Everyone from the peace drinking idiots who love the enslavement they are under, to the rebel with a cause doing their damnest to fight against their believe-to-be Shadow Fall oppressors.

Oh yes, it was all so interesting to take in and all the more easy for our bundle of joy that is Adam to recruit for The Monsuta. So as the sight of the blood moon settled on this frigid snowy scene, the crimson eyes of our humble little terrorist could only gleam over with a content as he took time to enjoy a sip of warm coffee with one too many friggin' mounds of sugar, cream and everything nice that makes him as sweet as can be.

Where was he to go from here? It was an honest question he had to pose to himself as he seemed to be hitting a snag of sorts with the Monsuta. Sure, he was full of himself, but he honestly expected to be further along with his plans than where he was. So, that meant he needed to think on his ass, push himself and keep spreading his charm, wonder and awe to the world to inspire others to his cause. It was going to be the only way to get this miserable faction off the ground.

So, with another guzzle of his coffee, the wintry breeze blew past the male's oak hair as he took a moment to lose himself in this cold, contemplate and think.....before the sounds of someone approaching came to his senses.

With a lighthearted chuckle, the male let out a soft voice and rolled his right index finger in the air:

"If you have come to sign my autograph or something, make sure you have a pen paper and I'll make your wildest wishes come true, stalker~"

Of course he was certain something was following or stalking him along the way of his contemplative thoughts, but this mixture of foulness and warmth wasn't phased m uch by it. After all: he's an underground pillar of a terrorist faction. If someone wasn't looking to kill him, then CLEARLY he is doing something wrong not to garner that type of attention.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join] WVMWLOu

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Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join] Empty Re: Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join]

Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:02 am



Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join] 6EdIfMt

Song: uradori - Artist: Mogeko Castle

Hmmmmmmmm? Was his stalker short on words? Seems she was rather shy and that made the likes of the tiny terrorist give out a small, but cheery laugh as he turned around to meet the blonde hair, gem-eyed vixen before him. With a few glances of his crimson eye, Adam could already tell the aura of the woman seemed -- off. Her body was stiff as a catholic nuns ass, the words in which she uttered out were heavy like a mouthbreathing basement dweller and it appeared as if she was ready to pile drive an innocent little baby with her raging fist if left to her own devices.

So, to further indulge in uncovering the mystery behind this woman's shit mood, Adam could only give a non-caring shrug and utter this question out to her:

"Gifted speaker, aren't we? Tell me, what has expired? Your will to live....or my life? Curious minds are dying to know over here."

Still carefree as usual, the male bridged the gap between the two so that he could shake her hand, initiate physical touch and begin with a clear greeting. After all: what did he have to fear than fear itself? The man was working on borrowed time, so he was free to take as many risky actions as he so chose to. Which, in this instance, meant making a proper introduction to some batshit insane stalker on the verge of having some kind of shitfit.

"Your adorable companion for the evening is named Adam, if you were ever wondering. What's your name, miss?"

There was a wink of his right eye before he added extra bit to his question:

"And what seems to be bothering you? You look like you are on the verge of committing a mass genocide over there. Care to sit in my desk and tell Dr.Adam about it?"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Sweet Enough To Kill [Adam/Ceal; Ask To Join] WVMWLOu

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