Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:04 pm

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 334

Looking up from his crowded desk, Shunsui sighed. He'd had about as much he could take for the day, it was time for a break. He organized the cluttered pile of paperwork that lay before him, and began to stow it within the many drawers of his desk. That was when he noticed it. This strange reiatsu he'd never felt before... It was certainly the energy of a Shinigami, he could tell at least that much from only a precursory probe, but anything more would require investigation. At the same time there was a heavenly smell filling the room more and more with each passing second. He stood, pushed in his chair, wrapped himself in his kimono, and walked into the courtyard.

"Ahhh, what is that wonderful smell?"

Shunsui took a deep whiff of the scent that was traveling through the air, and discovered that both the smell and the reiatsu were coming from the same location, towards the middle of the division barracks. Wasting no time he began to make his way towards whatever it was he was about to discover. It didn't take long before the smell became more and more overwhelming to his senses. Certainly this was alcohol, but like none he'd ever come across before. The fact that its scent carried so far, and was so unimaginably attractive drew him in quickly. Of course that wasn't the only reason that Shunsui went investigating. He did still have a responsibility to make sure there was nothing fishy going on around his division's barracks. At the same time he had the feeling that the purpose of this was to specifically get his attention. That was fine by him. He just wished that everyone would go about it in this way in the future. It was a much more pleasant experience than someone barging into his office when he was in the middle of something. Just then he reached the source of his intrigue.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:23 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 6EdIfMt

When hunting something, the most important part of anything, is to have the right bait. After all, you weren't going to lure in a lion with a handful of carrots. And so this was why Ulv had good booze, and some light snacks to go aside it. Nothing big, nothing that would sit heavy or be difficult to eat, just something to sharpen one's teeth on. And he picked up the bait, as it were, following Ulv until he found the muscular girl sat with two bottles of decent size, bowls and cups depending on his preference, and a broad grin.

"Hey Captain~! Come have a drink with me!" She exclaimed, waving her hand emphatically at him and grinning like an idiot. Now that he was closer, the Reiatsu seemed to distort into something less than Shinigami. Something strange and broken. Maybe that was the reason she had brought him down here with booze. Or maybe it was just for the sake of having something to drink and relaxing from the endless stream of paperwork and people that need holding by the hand because they are so stupidly incompetent that they couldn't hope to do anything if they tried.

Popping open one of the bottles, she poured out a small dish and then drunk it, clearly not someone who had drunk from dishes very often, since it sort of went everywhere but her mouth. But she tried to clean up that mistake and totally ignore that it had ever happened. Just sat stock still and hoping it was not noticed.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:09 pm

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 370

Shunsui tilted his head slightly, and looked on at the scene before him with a curious expression on his face. He wasn't exactly sure what he'd expected to find, but this certainly wasn't it. He couldn't help but briefly ogle the muscle-bound woman who sat in the middle of everything. In his opinion she'd cultivated just enough muscle to accentuate her physique, but she hadn't gone so far as to lose her feminine charm. He quickly recomposed himself though, and glanced around at the things she'd brought. Apparently this was to be a sort of makeshift picnic. As she waved and called him over however, he felt her energy clearly, and he realized that there was something terribly wrong. Shunsui resolved to help her in whatever way he could, once he'd found out what the source of the problem was, and after they'd broken the ice somewhat. If she desired his help, that is.

"Ahh, you seem to know who I am, but I don't believe we've ever met...unfortunately. You would be?"

With that he made his way to a clear spot near the woman and sat in what was very close to a lotus position, except that his left leg was somewhat elevated, and that foot was planted firmly on the ground instead of laying sideways. Since he'd already been offered, he decided to pour himself a drink. He chose one of the wide and shallow bowls that lay on the ground near him, and filled it until he was satisfied. As he did so that heavenly scent permeated the air even more strongly than it had previously, and he let out a small sigh of contentment. He was eager to find out what such a drink would taste like.

Shunsui raised the bowl to his lips and took a small sip, testing the waters, if you will. As he did so his taste-buds lit up, craving more no sooner than the first sip had left his lips. He seriously wondered how he'd yet to experience this. He wasted no time in draining the rest of his bowl, then he looked up towards this strange woman once more.

"Where did you come across this wonderful drink, by the way?"

Coding in Template By:

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:42 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Ulv filled a glass and drunk that with greater ease than the bowl had given her. She was never one for alcoholic beverages, but this was really good stuff. And she could feel something, distinctively apart from her fractured soul, taking the energy within it and feeding itself. T'was a good feeling, but the alcohol was potent, so she needed to measure herself. Strong System though she may have, even it was able to be overwhelmed with too much, like Ava's candies. She needed to find the guy who produced them and beat his face in with her fists.

"Ahh, I have a slight advantage over you in the fact that I know people I have never met. I would be Ulv Auber. It is lovely to meet you, Captain Kyoraku" She raised her glass in toast to him, and then took a drink. phew, good stuff this was. She could see why Bronze and Silver was so easy to get hold of. And then he asked where she got the wonderful drink. Ulv's eyes lit up and with a deep breath, she began to regale Shunsui with the story of the origins of Tai Chi.

"Well, about...what are we now, 2418? About two thousand one hundred years ago, some really smart people learned that with a certain degree of movement could enlighten them to a source of energy flowing within them. There was a lot of experimentation with this energy, but eventually it was discovered by a great man called Aang Feng. He would then go on to create Tai Chi, the power-assisted martial arts. When more people got into this, he created an entire culture, a world within a world, called Wulin. Basically, The Land. And from there, people created a lot of new things to help assist them in cultivating the power within them to reach new heights.

One man, a brewer who had entered Wulin, felt like he wanted to get drunk. He got drunk a lot, having such access to alcohol as he did. But, to get drunk would be to lose time and effort that was needed to cultivate. The lower realms of Bronze were little more than highly skilled person in the level of assistance it gave. So he went about making something to cover both bases, an alcohol that would grant aid to a person's cultivation. And that, is the origin, of what is before you. Soul Rice Wine. Not, actually wine though. The energy imbued while brewing makes it a very smooth, and delectable flavour. But, depending on the power of the brewer in question, it can get even better. What we have here is sort of middle-of-the-road. Gold Rank. Above it is Black Gold, and then finally Yu-Shan, but aside from those last two being rather very expensive, it is also a risk"

Ulv took another drink and finished off her cup, giving a sated grin.
"See, for non-cultivators, the higher rank Wines can cause intense inebriation and nausea, possibly alcohol poisoning. Generally Silver is the limit for none-cultivators, but I took a risk, thinking that your Soul is a very powerful soul, so it would be able to handle Gold without the untowards effects. Don't go ham, and if you do feel a bit ill, then the risk did not pay off. Alternatively, you can always learn Tai Chi, Cultivate a Silver Rank dantian, and we can drink Yu-Shan together!" Ulv finished and let out a deep laugh, finishing by taking one of the snacks and eating it.

"So, what is your thing?. Zaraki punches stuff, Henrex is sneaky-breeki, Unohana does the heal and also the terrify. Zeda is a huge nerd. But you...don't really fit any of them"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:45 am

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 403

Enjoying one of the small snacks he'd picked up off of the ground beside him, Shunsui listened intently as Ulv introduced herself. He found her words intriguing, and decided to comment on them.

"You know people you've never met? That's an... interesting thing to say. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, though."

As Ulv told the tale of Tai Chi and the drinks that were a result of its cultivation Shunsui listened closely, helping himself to another small treat. That would explain why he'd never heard of it. It was refreshing to learn that there were new and unique esoteric beverages that he'd yet to come across.

"Hmm, that's interesting. I'm sure just a bit more won't hurt anything though."

Having said that he filled his bowl once more, although with a bit less this time. He felt only a slight pleasant sensation so far, so he didn't think that the risk of consuming too much was something to be concerned about yet. As she mentioned that he could cultivate his own Tai Chi Shunsui thought about if for a few moments. Perhaps he would do so in the future, but for the time being he had too much on his plate already. It was then that she laughed deeply, and Shunsui couldn't help but notice those large, bouncing breasts. He didn't stare though... at least not for long.

"Well, you've certainly described my fellow captains well. If we're talking about characteristics though, my characteristic is being uncharacteristic. I do whatever needs to be done. When I'm not doing that, I tend to be drinking. Or protecting soul society. I find myself doing that a lot lately."

Now that he'd had more time to feel how broken this woman's soul was Shunsui realized that the problem was even more severe than he'd originally thought. This wasn't something that they'd be able to fix quickly. The sooner he got started though the better. That was when he became curious as to how this had happened in the first place. He wasn't sure if she knew how it had happened herself, or if she was even aware of how bad the problem was, but he assumed that she was at least aware that there was a problem, hence her appearance here.

"So, I imagine I know why you're here. Is there anything you can tell me about how you've been damaged this way?"

Coding in Template By:

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:59 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Ulv poured herself another glass, and sipped on it slowly. Then he got down to business, while totally avoiding the question of what it was he did around here. He drinks and he does things, didn't really help with her need for super kido people. And he had to ask the really hard questions. The questions she had no idea how to answer. So she just shook her head at that and let out a soft shy.
"No idea. I woke up with it, and it felt the a thousand shards of glass stabbing me in the chest. Minor distraction with the beautiful, and destructive Quincy. And then the Hollow girl that knows a lot about me and doesn't seem to happy with what happened before I became me. We've got this plan, and it is working out pretty well. Gathering the power from multiple different people, bundling it into the maelstrom in the centre of my Inner World, and we are getting Momo to make us a custom Kido to ensure that when it goes boom, it goes boom in the right direction. It's like a broken bone, healed wrong. We have to break it before we can set it right"

Ulv took a deep swig of her drink, not liking the walk down memory lane.
"I sort you out because you are the smart guy, I thought you would either be able to help the Kido, or know someone who would. It's uncharted, probably dangerous territory out here, and I would rather bring a hundred sausages to the barbecue and then have a plateful of sausages left at the end, than run out and have to face a hungry Kenpachi because there are not enough sausages to go around. From the way Hvit tells it, the me from before I was me, had a bit of kick to her"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:14 am

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 313

Shunsui listened closely as Ulv spoke, then he paused for a few moments, thinking over what he'd just heard. The references the woman made were not of very much help in determining who she was speaking of, but he chalked it up to the peculiar way in which she spoke. They were amusing however. There wasn't very much to work off of here, but the fact that Momo was developing a kido for the matter was interesting, he'd wondered what she'd been up to lately. He wasn't sure how much help he could be in the actual crafting of it, but he could certainly add his knowledge and energy to the process.

"Hmmm. That's an interesting analogy. Developing kido isn't really my strong suit, but I'll help in any way I can. I'll provide my experience and reiryoku, and anything else that may happen to be required."

As he finished speaking Shunsui took another drink from his bowl, enjoying the taste. He repositioned himself slightly, making himself more comfortable, and then adjusted his kimono, which had become slightly ruffled.

"In exchange you'll teach me whatever I wish to know of your Tai Chi if the time comes when I wish to learn it? Perhaps you could also join me for more relaxing moments like this one. How far along is Momo in creating this kido by the way?"

Shunsui hoped that the custom kido would do its job as intended. He didn't doubt Momo's ability, but there was always a risk involved when it came to dealing with, or repairing souls. If something went wrong the results could be catastrophic, which is why he'd offered his own help. He'd prefer to look over everything before it got started. He enjoyed having all of the Gotei's beautiful women around, it wouldn't do for one to be taken away so soon after he'd met her.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:03 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Ulv took a bit more of a drink and nodded. It was a good analogy, and the additional part about how her from before had put on more weight until the bone went snap was not one he needed to know. Leave the bitching about what she was to Hvit, and just keep it business with him.
"Power is always helpful. The Maelstrom is hungry, and everyone I have thrown at it recently has just made it more hungry. Aiko was pretty good at feeding it but there is still more to be done. Possibly infinite in depth, I don't know. But it has sucked up everything I've thrown at it so far"

Ulv leaned back and pondered, as Shunsui laid out his request. Teach a guy lik this Tai Chi. Like he needed to be any more buff. But then, he probably wasn't doing it for the power but for the beer. And with his soul, he'd hit Silver in no time. Ulv's experiments had lead a corrolation between Dantian enhancement, and soul power. Probably why the otherwise-powerless humans took so long to reach the heights. And only special humans with intense diligence ever got anywhere before a century had passed.

"I might not be the best teacher for the Tai Chi stuff, but I will certainly show you all that I know about it, if you are interested in it. With your power, maybe you can become the next Aang Feng, Lord of Wulin~" Ulv exclaimed, before downing the rest of her drink and holding her hand out for Shunsui. "Whenever you are ready to come inside, just grab the hand, and I we will go see the Landlady" Ulv gigged softly at the idea of Hvit being the Landlady, but that was probably because she was a bit drunk.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:51 pm

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 300

Shunsui's ears perked up a bit at the mention of his daughters name, and he let out a quiet chuckle.

"Ah, so you've been hanging around with my daughter, have you? That's interesting. Hmm, I suppose you two would get on rather well."

He wondered what exactly she meant by saying that Aiko had been helping to feed the maelstrom, but he held on to those questions for the moment, giving her the chance to explain further if she so chose. Unfortunately, she didn't. Well, at this point he'd just have to find out for himself. But first she began to speak of Tai Chi once more.

"Oh, I'm sure you would be a fine teacher, I've always learned the best from the beautiful ones. The next Lord of Wulin though? I don't have any aspirations like that, just a bit of general knowledge should be fine for my purposes."

Shunsui then brought the small bowl up to his lips once again and drained the rest of the so called soul rice wine it contained, then he let out a short sigh and placed it back on to the ground next to the rest of the things Ulv had brought.

"Well, let's see about that maelstrom then, shall we? I doubt that it's infinite, there aren't very many things in this world that are. I imagine, or at least I hope, I can be of some help there."

With that he took her outstretched hand and kissed it lightly. He left himself open to being pulled into her inner world, as much for her benefit as to sate his own curiosity. Even in all of his long years, he hadn't come across a situation quite like this one before, and he couldn't help but find himself slightly intrigued by it.

Coding in Template By:

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] Empty Re: Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv]

Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:18 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Booze and Beauties [Shunsui, Ulv] 6EdIfMt

At the kiss, Ulv gave a non-directional scowl and forced the point of it being 'intimate contact' and eventually managed to bring Shunsui into her Inner World off that. This whole mind power was really handy to have. She needed to do something with it one of these days. But for now, these days involved what was in front of her. And that, was the maelstrom. Not exactly infinte, but pretty big, and pulsing with power that had been given to it. Not just Shinigami, but Demon and Quincy as well. An amalgamation of power, all swirling violently in the sky.

And also in the sky, was a moon, a fat and full moon that lit up the shard they were on, casting reflected light onto the trees that grew tall. And also onto a beautiful woman, with a magnificent dress and a soft face. It was Shunsui's lucky day, meeting so many good-looking women. The only problem with this one was the sulpher eyes and Hollow reiatsu. Ulv, it seemed, was a Vizard. However much she did, or didn't understand what that meant, the woman inside her was the one that had a much more coherent and understanding look about her.

"Captain Kyoraku. Well, get the whole family, I guess. Got his grandson, and his daughter, now we only need to find out if you are married" Hvit kicked off with a smile and closed the distance with tremendous speed, appearing besides Ulv and ruffling her hair a little. "The Maelstrom is well fed these days, just a push and we'll get this show on the road. Momo's Kido is holding up exceptionally well, and I am sure it is going to help us all when we are ready to fix this whole mess. Your assistance would be appreciated, if you have spiritual energy to spare, feeding our hungry hungry maelstrom"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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