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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:34 am



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

Rumor had it that one Tsubine Koezuka had returned to the Soul Society. Truth be told, this was actually relatively old news by now, but Murasaki had only just really gotten back into the swing of things, alright? A girl deserved some credit where it was due, she was busy working on a new division and keeping everything working as intended! She still didn't have a lieutenant or too many members, but the ones she did have were at least doing their job pretty well, so that was nice.

But wait..! That was a familiar enough bit of spiritual energy, wasn't it? Not one she'd sensed in a very long time, she would be the first to admit, but it brought back memories of a great many dinner parties back home with mom. How was everyone from back then doing, anyway? Mom was fine, obviously, but she wasn't really sure about most of the other people. Didn't keep up with those letters the best she could, and she'd decided sending Mr. Unabara any when she was a Captain now was...well, not the best idea.

Oh, right, she had a spiritual presence to follow. She wasn't in a massive hurry to get to it or anything, she would hardly anticipate some tear-filled reunion or anything. But Murasaki did consider Miss Koezuka a friend, and a good person, and she'd be pretty disappointed if she just let this chance to say hey again slip her by. So off she went, not sprinting or anything but fast enough that her captain's haori (which of course she would proudly show to Miss Koezuka once they'd talked again) trailed a bit behind her.

However, it was a pretty short amount of time before she found, instead, a rather...well, “lost” would be the best way to describe the girl. She wasn't even wearing a shihakusho, and while normally someone might have thought to reprimand her for that, Murasaki just assumed that the wanderer was new to the place. As she approached, a friendly smile already on her face, however, the viridian-haired Captain realized that this new face seemed to be giving off a faint bit of Miss Koezuka's spiritual energy. Strange, very strange... But no time for that now. Giving a wave to the aimless girl before her, Murasaki approached as cheerily as ever.

“Hi hi~ Do you need something? You're looking a little lost, so if you need anything I'm happy to help out.”

She was absolutely wearing a captain's haori, and of course Murasaki took her position very seriously. But being a captain didn't just mean you weren't a person anymore, right? Besides, she'd had her division made specifically to help in any way she could as a shinigami. Sure, this wasn't quite what she had in mind, but hey, the little things mattered too.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Re: Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:19 am



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

Only one more day. Well after this one of course. She wanted to find Henrex at some point, you might say this is exactly who she was looking for at this moment but to no avail. She struggled to try and grasp where on Earth he might be in here. Nothing was the same, sure buildings were basically the same but everything had been shuffled around and compressed! It made it damn hard to try and figure out where anything or anyone was anymore.

"Damn it. Why is everything all moved around? Where did I even come from? Don't tell me I'm lost"

She sighed and wanted to bang her head into the wall in this instance. She once knew this place like the back of her hand and now she had no idea where anything was. Still it wasn't all bad. At least Midori or Tsubine couldn't say she spent all her time indoors. She wore her basic attire, without a cloak of course. It was a nice warm day today and she had no need for anything over the top, regardless of how much less it made her look like she was wearing. This was still socially acceptable. Right?

She had spent quite some time out, a few hours actually of aimlessly looking for Henrex or a familiar landmark before she gave up and just wanted to get back to Tsubine and the Second Division. She had wasted a good part of the morning just trying to find the guy. Needless to say she came up with nothing which was a shame.

Her thoughts dominated her mind as she thought and it took her a moment to register a woman with green hair was coming up to her and waving. A picture of confusion would paint itself on her elfin features until she saw this giant of a woman standing before her and noticed the captain's haori. Erika was confused about what to do at the moment, also taken aback a female could be this tall! What did her mother feed her? She stopped this train of thought though because she had to address this woman. She was a guest here now and either way this was a captain but asking for help had never been her strong suit. She struggled whether she should ask for help or just wander around all day and finally conceded to swallow her pride.

"Hello and Yes. I am kinda lost, I don't know my way back to the second division, is it that way? or maybe that way? Argh. I just don't know. Why'd they change it so much? This day was such a waste."

She pointed in a variety of directions as she spoke before getting frustrated, she was never the most patient and this situation was getting on her nerves. Still she would try to reign it in since this was a captain she was talking to.

"I'm sorry for that. I was looking for a friend and I can't find him and now I am lost. Do you know Midori? She's a captain like yo- like you but you already know that. I'm sorry. I'm really frustrated that I wasted most of this day for nothing. I'm Erika by the way."

She stood there with a bit of embarrassment at her stating the obvious, of course Murasaki would know her fellow captains why would she so stupidly say such a thing. Erika stood in front of the woman, her neck tilted to look up and meet the taller woman's gaze. She still couldn't believe how tall she was.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7261
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Re: Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:35 pm



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

Well, this was definitely not what Murasaki'd expected from the girl. Her size had gotten Murasaki ready to deal with someone a little...cheerier? Granted, most people were at least relatively small compared to Murasaki, but this girl was extra small! Oh, right, focus! Gotta actually listen to help someone out, dummy!

“Well, I can understand being pretty confused at the layout. I'm guessing you've been gone a while? Don't worry, I was too, so I totally getcha. Oh, right. I'm Kagayaku no Murasaki, by the way, with Seventh Division. Looking for Miss Hayashi? I'm pretty sure I know how to get there pretty quick, though I haven't been over to the Second Division myself yet, either... Guess I should probably do that, eh?”

Murasaki laughed a bit at that, both genuinely at the situation and simply to lighten the mood a bit. No sense in making Erika more stressed than she needed to be, and besides, it was totally true anyway. Despite being a Captain, the young nomad hadn't exactly spent all her time getting a perfect mental map of the Seireitei. Part of that, admittedly, was just because she'd forgotten, but there was also the simple fact that she still had other more important stuff to do. Realizing this substantially smaller girl looked like she was straining her neck just to look her in the eye, though, Murasaki took a small step back before continuing.

“So, I guess we can find it together. Unless you'd rather not with me, but I figure at least this way no one else'll assume you're lost and offer to help again. Don't want more people pestering you, right?”

It wasn't entirely clear from her tone whether Murasaki was simply joking around, or if it simply hadn't occurred to her that someone else would probably actually know how to get there. It was presumably (hopefully?) the latter, however. Either way, she offered Erika a thumbs up and a smile, in her mind a very comforting combination. One could say that someone with such an innocent nature might not be the best fit for a Captain's position, but if they felt that way, well, they were free to take it up with her. Or the Captain Commander. Whichever.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Re: Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:17 pm



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

"Kageyaku no Murasaki? I mean uhh.. Captain Kageyaku?"

She spoke the woman's name to herself before it clicked and she remembered the woman's haori, she also remembered she had totally forgotten about the fact she spoke outloud and the quick correction was essential, at least she hoped she got her title right. It would be so embarrassing if she was really Captain Murasaki. The idea of doing something so embarrassing made her want to slap herself for her idiocy.

She still couldn't get over this woman's height. What kind of woman was she? Is she a super soldier engineered in a lab or something? Erika figured otherwise, they were far from average though with the blonde on the lower end of the spectrum and the greenette on the larger end of the spectrum. Her thoughts were interrupted by the offer to accompany her. She looked thoughtful for the moment, contemplating whether or not to say yes or no. It would eventually be a rather easy answer.

"Yes Captain. I would appreciate that very much."

Why would Erika agree to this woman's offer? Well she seemed nice enough. She figured that if she had a captain with her then people would ignore her and leave her alone. There was also that. Murasaki was a Captain. She couldn't say no to a captain when she was a guest here. The woman's actions weren't really necessary but they did melt her awkward expression into a confused one that made her chuckle and hide her smile in her hands.

"You're different... You're... really positive. You're like Captain Ukitake or Kyroaku. I mean, are they still captains? I think Captain Kyoraku is at least."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7261
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Re: Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:41 am



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

“Positive, eh? Well, I definitely like to think I keep things nice and upbeat! But good, good, let's get going!”

With a grin that seemed to convey all the joy in the Gotei, Murasaki began to lead Erika way, off to wherever it was they would find themselves on their search for Captain Hayashi's office. Was she worried about them getting lost? Not even a little! If there was one thing she'd learned during her time on Earth, it was that getting somewhere was every bit as fun as being there, if not even more so! With her smile no smaller than before, she then turned to the much smaller shinigami beside her and continued their conversation.

“Oh, and yeah, Captain Kyoraku is still a captain. Not Mr. Ukitake though! He's in charge of the academy now, and I think he's perfect for that, personally. That place needed some cheer, and if anyone would bring it, he definitely would! Oh oh oh, and you did get it right, too, also, it is Captain Kagayaku.”

It was as though every possible point of discussion existed almost at once for Murasaki, and she wanted to pursue all of them with equal excitement. Truth be told, she just liked having someone else to talk to. She was the new Captain, after all, but one without much of a division. No members to talk to, her fellow Captains all too busy, and no real reason for other people to associate. And then, of course, there was her own quiet fear, not that she'd ever admit that.

“So, what are ya looking for Captain Hayashi for? Got something particular in mind? Applying for her division? No offense to you or her, but you don't really seem the type for it. But I coul be wrong, you know. Just call it swordswoman's intuition!”

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5860
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] Empty Re: Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika]

Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:39 am



Looking for Something? [Murasaki, Erika] 6EdIfMt

She had to take bigger steps and/or more steps. A tiny thought slide through her mind as she noticed that detail about their walk. She wouldn't fall behind though. No way. Her height retardation wasn't getting in the way at all. So she'd keep pace with the greenette. The details of changes were not lost on her though, she had not a very big idea of what changes had happened in her absence. Perhaps it was another thing this woman could be of assistance in helping her with.

Walking with the taller woman Erika found her chirpy attitude nice to be around. If she was as good a leader as she was positive then the blonde haired teen had no doubt that the woman was an excellent captain.

"That's good then. They are good captains. Very cheery although Captain Kyoraku does slack off a lot. Huh. It is Captain Kagayaku? Do people tend to get it wrong or something?"

There was so many routes this girl wanted to take. It was like she was walking down all the diverging paths simultaneously. Perhaps she didn't get out that much or no one talked to her which confused Erika since she did seem quite easy to talk too. Since when was that a reason to avoid someone?

"Why am I looking for... Well uh. I'm not really part of the Gotei Thirt- United anymore. I used to be but that was a while ago. Midori is just a friend of my mother and she's staying with her at the moment. So I am staying with her at the moment."

That didn't matter though. She had been preoccupied with the question before hearing the comment of a swordswoman's intuition and she'd quickly turn to face Murasaki. They now had something very good in common and Erika found it much more interesting now.

"You're a swordswoman?"

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