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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty A Land Beset by Destruction

Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:17 pm

A Land Beset by Destruction 77


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Monster Suit - Word Count: 1,432

Law slowly walked the length of the partly dismantled street. Hundreds of people ran by him in the opposite direction, screaming, fleeing for their lives. Looking up at the sky that had just a few minutes ago suddenly turned black above his head, he could see, very faintly, that the center of the phenomenon was slightly darker than the other bits of sky, and so he was making his way there. The scent of smoke filled his nostrils, and he noticed a bright flicker in the distance. The city was on fire. He was unsure if this was the work of the artifact, or if the people living here had simply started something ablaze in their panic. The incessant screaming was beginning to get on his nerves so he started to actively filter it out. Just ten minutes ago the sun had been out, now he made his way closer to the source of this catastrophe guided only by the light of the fire raging somewhere further into the town. The electrical grid must have been damaged somehow in all of the confusion, the only things still on were a few battery powered radios. Law heard them occasionally coming from the ruins of houses, or beside a mangled bench that sat on the sidewalk. The closer he got to the center of the disturbance the more uneasy he felt. His instinct told him that to continue forward would be a poor decision, but he brushed these doubts aside. He'd tracked this mess all the way here, he wasn't about to start the whole process over again. At this point Law drew his sword, an Odachi nearly as long as he was tall. From here on out it would probably be best to pay close attention to his surroundings, and to be ready to fight at the drop of a hat. To his relief the crowd was starting to thin out, the screaming gradually fading into the distance.

As he neared the end of the street he heard a scuffling, scraping sound in front and to the left of him. He made every effort to conceal his arrival, and peering around the corner he saw several bodies strewn about. Slightly further away he saw the silhouette of what appeared to be a hollow. That was to be expected, with everything that was going on a hollow would likely find this place lovely. Law noted that the hollow appeared to be relatively weak, but he prepared himself as he would with any other opponent. He was able to get fairly close to the hollow without being noticed, so he stopped and studied it a bit. There was something off about it, upon closer inspection. He'd faced many hollows in his time, but this one moved in the oddest fashion, he'd never seen anything like it. It drug itself along, moving stiffly, almost like a primitive robot. After a moment Law could see that it had noticed him, but before it could react he began to move towards it. He planned to let it attack him a few times so he would be able to study its strange behavior for a bit longer, but when it turned around he instantly changed his mind. The hollows entire head was grotesquely deformed. Closing the distance between himself and the hollow as fast as he was able, Law waited for it's slow, clumsy attack, then sidestepped and delivered a swift blow to its malformed head, which split open like a pumpkin. The hollow fell to the ground, motionless. As he hit the ground Law noticed a sort of gas, or maybe some kind of spores spilling from the hollows split head. Holding his breath he quickly leapt back a considerable distance, and kept his face covered.

Law didn't have to wait long for whatever it was that was coming out of the hollows head to dissipate, but he still kept his distance. This was nothing to take lightly. After waiting a few moments he approached the hollow once more, but this time it had no surprises left in store. As he bent down to look at the thing more closely he felt himself forced forward, almost losing his balance. Quickly turning he saw the conclusion to the explosion which must have come from whatever had been on fire. The hollow had little else to offer him, and the explosion had come from the direction of the catastrophe, so he left the thing there and began to move once more. More cautious now, he kept his sword drawn as he wasn't sure what kind of strange things could be waiting for him. It was slightly lighter after the explosion and making his way forwards Law looked up into the sky. He could see a spiral now, forming above where he imagined the artifact must be located. The closer he got to the spiral the more destruction he found around him. Walls were broken down, roofs collapsed, more bodies lay in the street, and with every step he took the feeling he'd felt initially grew stronger. The feeling that this was not a place to be. Unfortunately his path to the epicenter did not take him by the fire, so he wasn't able to investigate what had gone on there, but at least he was still able to see by its light. From what Law could tell, it would be around fifteen minutes before he arrived at his destination.

After seven or eight minutes of walking Law began to hear a buzz. He wasn't sure what it was but it was incredibly loud and moving towards him. Preparing for a fight Law stood his ground, and held his sword in front of him. Moments later he discovered the source of the noise. Locusts, thousands and thousands of locusts. Maybe one hundred thousand? Law couldn't be sure, but they seemed to pass by him endlessly. As soon as he ascertained that there was no danger, Law began to walk again. The locusts swarmed by him for the rest of the way, only just beginning to thin out as he reached his destination. He had reached a large open area, most likely a park. A long staircase directly in front of him lead downwards. He could see three others, coming from each direction, all leading to a lowered center area that was fairly large. In the middle of the area sat a small pedestal that had been elegantly carved to resemble an arm and hand, it sat at around three feet high. Law could see in the palm of the hand a dark, shimmering orb, which contained the artifact. It appeared that the artifact had either become smaller or been broken somehow, because what was in front oh him was only a third the size of the artifact that he'd recovered. As he began to make his way down the staircase several silhouettes came in to view atop the staircase directly across from him. One of them appeared to be an elderly man, his frame fairly frail, but the others were hulking goliaths, standing at least 8 feet tall. He peered behind them, and unfortunately he could see many more of the giants in the distance, as well as a plethora of weaker hollow and demons who'd been affected by whatever strange power the artifact held. He continued down the stairs however, and as he did so the old man seemed to mirror his movements, until they both stood directly in front of the pedestal. Law attempted to use his ability to bring the artifact to his hand, but whatever the strange orb was kept him from tampering with it in any way whatsoever.

Staring in to the old man's eyes, Law could see an unbridled hatred there. The man must have known what he had been up to. He returned the stare, but said nothing. He'd do everything he could to retrieve the artifact, if only because it was what Urahara would expect of him, but this felt like another suicide mission at the moment. In the background he could hear some kind of commotion, perhaps the hollow and demons were fighting among themselves, or even better yet, maybe a few of those giants would take care of one another. He quickly put the others out of his mind though, focusing all of his attention on the man in front of him, who seemed about to speak. He could tell, despite appearances, that the old man was stronger than he was, and it wouldn't do to become distracted at the moment.

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:17 am

A Land Beset by Destruction NZNecMZ

Jiao-long stood in direct opposition to Law, both were less than a foot away from the pedestal, but on opposite sides. He was aware of the impression his elderly frame gave off, and consistently used it to his advantage, although he imagined in this case that wouldn't be as much of a benefit as it usually was. He ignored the calamity around him, his focus purely on the man before him.

"So, you've finally come, have you? Far too late to reverse the catastrophe you've caused though, to say the least. I sincerely thank you, you have no idea how long we've been looking for this little gem. Unfortunately we've run out of time for small talk, and I'm sure you won't be happy about this next bit, but it's time for you to part ways with this earth. We can't have people knowing who we are, even in such a roundabout way."

As he finished speaking Jiao-long clapped his hands together in what would typically be considered a prayer formation, although that was in no way what he had in mind. Immediately his energy could be felt increasing, and his old and withered body began to resemble something that was much more akin to his more youthful days. He was still obviously an old man, and his face remained much the same, but his muscles grew drastically. In only a matter of moments the upper half of his robes had become far too tight for comfort. He slipped out of them, letting the belt at his midsection carry the weight of the lower half of the garment as the top half hung behind him.

Once he'd fully unleashed his stored power, which took very little time, Jiao-long entered his fighting stance and readied himself for the coming battle. With only a momentary pause he catapulted forward and unleashed a devestating flurry of blows.

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:44 am

A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

Artist: Tutti Sound - Song: True Administrator - Word Count: N/A

Not certain of what had gone astray, the inhabitants of this unnamed Chinese city were in a panic with the sudden shift in atmosphere. As what was once a tranquil and relaxing day had been consumed in the depths of panic, carnage, and death as a plague of instability clawed itself into these sacred lands. Locus, storms, demons and everything in between had started to bring about many fires in the depths of this epicenter of chaos and it was hard for the powers that be to not notice it.

Thus, in a burst of gold light, a stream of stellar energy rose like an eagle to the heavens to otherwise consume the city in it's overflowing grasp. It sought to burn away the darkness of the skies, while hundreds of burst of aether energy started vaporizing demons, hollows, giants and Locust alike in its irritated awakening. For what had stood in the center of this park had been someone of great importance to this nation and she wasn't too keen with what was happening to this city.

While emerging out of a plume of smoke, the gold-plated eyes of The Kokuryuteshi's princess surveyed the damage to the area to gauge the response needed by her military. There were numerous casualties, damage done to property and a looming threat lingering in the area. Henceforth, she tapped her forehead to send a telepathic message to her men.

'This is Princess Sing of The Monarch. I request that you dispatch recovery and medical responders to my coordinates. I will also require that this entire perimeter be sealed off to prevent this disaster from spreading. I will terminate the source of this incident myself. Over and out.'

With that order given, thousands of Kokuryuteshi soldiers would no doubt seize the city in a matter of minutes. They had access to teleportation gateways in the city which could allow for the rapid deployment of their military equipment, soldiers and other resources to dispose of other threats that may still be lurking in the shadows. Furthermore, there was a cluster of large energy gathering around the southern edge of the city. The Military Of The Kokuryuteshi had deployed an external reactor of dense aether energy which held within it enough power to release enough energy to engulf the city within a few minutes.

Ergo, for now, the focus was for Sing to get to the root cause of this incident. As she descended down a spiral of stairs, the woman was eventually brought her to the scene of an older, but muscular male facing off against another individual whom The Princess pegged as nervous and on guard. Using her general deductive reasoning, she'd assume that the fellow across of him was the cause of this incident. Since, prior to her arrival, the woman heard mutterings of the male mentioning something about an orb of power which caused an irreversible calamity.

"Halt! I'm not sure what your intentions are, but you are under suspicion of causing this hellish incident. Therefore, I'm going to request you come with me."

As her voice boomed across the space between the two men, the royal figure then fixed her sight on the elder man before her as a flare of gold energy ignited like a storm of fire, lightning and raw power. If nothing else, the woman possessed enough energy within herself to otherwise wipe away with this city if she so wished. And, with this leverage upon her side, on top of the resources with her royal military, it made escalating this conflict a trickery circumstance for the male.

So, she followed it up with a warning before becoming the aggressor in this conflict to follow her own rule of law.

"Failure to comply will result in me using any force I deem necessary to apprehend you under the law of The Kokuryuteshi Empire. And, as a Princess to The Empire, I have no desire to have to resort to such tactics if I can. So please consider your next actions carefully..."

And with that, the chips had been set. All that was left was to observe what the male would choose to do before pushing the scale of violence up.

A Land Beset by Destruction WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:24 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

So much work. Hannah was diligently doing her Arch-Magister stuff, by which meant, getting every book on spiritual powers fed into a computer so it could read the contents to her. Being blind really did suck. And then she got word that the Princess had left off to go do something. With the way K-World was these days, she felt she was the one who had to go do something about it. Sure, Sing was a power all to herself that few could compare, but it was the tradition of the matter that was important. So Hannah grabbed her staff, a clip of Kido Cartridges - 90s, she could do the rest herself - and took off.

Arriving, she saw the people setting in the city, but this city was still important so Hannah put forth her own two cents. High above the city, on a Reiatsu platform, she unclipped the first cartridge.
"Deliver me, O Lord, from death eternal on that fearful day,
When the heavens and the earth shall be moved,
When thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.

I am made to tremble, and I fear, till the judgment be upon us, and the coming wrath,
When the heavens and the earth shall be moved.
That day, day of wrath, calamity and misery, day of great and exceeding bitterness" The incantation finished, she threw the cartridge into the air, and watched the transparent dome expand. Herself, Sing, the strangers and his construct were allowed to stay. Everyone else was gently pushed out of the area, with force that, while gentle, would take more than they had to resist. The buildings were coated, the ground solidified, and the barrier erected. And now that the scenery was secured, and China wasn't at risk of being blown off the map, she landed next to the Princess.

"Barrier has been erected. I would die if you released enough power to break it, so please be gentle?" Hannah asked, before pointing her staff at the two.
"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!" Incredible power gathered at the tip of her staff, but was held in check for now. "As I am sure Princess Sing has informed you, there are two ways this can go. The first, is with tea and crumpets. The second, is getting wiped off the face of the Earth. You may decide which one you wish to chose, now"

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:09 pm



A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

Now, strictly speaking Murasaki would be the first to admit that China was not quite her favorite place on Earth. It wasn't anything against the people or the history, though, all of that was actually really interesting. The greater problem was that it was K-World territory, and while she might have enjoyed seeing the sights, eating the food, all that good stuff, she didn't really feel like making too much of a scene over it.

It looked like things were changing, though, because now she was heading well into China. Not the heart of it or anything, mind you, but certainly within its boundaries. It probably wasn't strictly Gotei business, but China was definitely on Earth, and that made it part of the Earth Affiliation Division's domain. When she heard that things were getting dangerous over in that part of the world, naturally the young(ish) Captain made her way ASAP, and what she found? Well,it didn't please her one bit! She wanted to help the people with evacuation, safety, and those sorts of things, but Murasaki didn't have the time to do that. If there was a problem, she'd solve it, and that meant getting to the root of the issue itself!

Unfortunately, by the time she'd made it to said root, it was clear things had picked up even more than expected. She had expected a few people, sure, but Sing Iramasha was definitely not a face she'd been ready to see here. It made sense, she guessed, but really she'd just been hoping that things would be easier than that. Still, there was a good amount of tension in the area, and so she made her entrance more slowly than usual, opting not to arrive in a flash with Kagayaku as she normally could have. She walked in slowly, hands away from either zanpakuto and her usual cheery smile on her face. Of course, the captain's haori she was wearing could potentially cause some problems, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

“Hey hey now, let's not get too violent so quick, alright? C'mon, let's all have a talk about this, set aside...differences and get to work on keeping China safe, yeah? Lotta people are having a rough time right now, and that's no good, you know?”

Strictly, Murasaki wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, and she knew exactly how vague that had been. Behind her smile was a mind that was already calculating exactly how she might go about this if it went poorly, and she suspected it certainly would. She had no doubts she could draw either Kagayaku or Keifu in time before someone took action, and while part of her suspected that it might be good to ready her Musonzai, it would be a waste to use it so quickly. So instead, she simply watched, and waited, for the next action anyone took.

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:33 am

A Land Beset by Destruction 77


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Monster Suit - Word Count: 316

Law had little time to react to the sudden onslaught the old man threw at him. He quickly drew his blade, using it to block the many blows that were coming his way with increasing intensity. This only lasted a few moments however, as shortly afterwards there was an influx of spiritual pressure, and both of them turned to regard the newcomer. Law put a bit of distance between himself and his opponent in the meantime, as he was wary of another sudden attack.

As she arrived the princess of the Kokuryuteshi vaporized a fair few demons and hollows with her arrival, but the horde's kept piling on. It seemed like there would never be a stop to their perpetual descent into the human world. Shortly after the princess's entrance two more women made themselves known. First, another member of the Kokuryuteshi, and then a Shinigami of the Gotei. Law was rightfully confused as to what was going on, and so, addressing all of the newcomers, he spoke up.

"Where the fuck did all of you assholes come from? Did I start a harem without being aware of it?"

With his crass comments out of the way, Law was once more ready to get down to business. He did his best to make it abundantly clear that he had no intention to perpetuate this state of affairs, and that he was, in fact, fighting against the corruption of China, but that required him to speak once more.

"Just so it's clear. This dickhead is the one responsible for this shit, not me. Take it up with him if you have a problem."

Law pointed towards the elderly man who stood across from him as he said this. Yes, he was confrontational, but he could sense that at least two of these newcomers would wipe the floor with him, and he wasn't yet sure about the other.

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Last edited by Absentee on Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:17 pm

A Land Beset by Destruction NZNecMZ

Jiao-long took a moment to assess this turn of events, but he was in no way inclined to back down. He faced the newcomers wondering where they'd come from. He hadn't expected any further interference, but that didn't mean he wasn't prepared for it. The artifact in the center of the dais was still feeding into his own energy, he'd just have to take control of that power more fully if he wanted to continue to compete with his opposition. It took him only a few seconds to pull the power of the artifact fully under his control. He momentarily felt a strong vibration, but after that there were no further signs. Most, even of his order, would not have been able to control the artifact so completely. It was his hard work and dedication to the study of his order's craft that gave him the ability to do so, and it had certainly paid off.

Fully powered he addressed the newcomers.

"You may struggle and resist all you wish. We will not be stopped, we have been waiting far too long for this day. I will go nowhere with anyone, I shall be remaining here until I've seen my end of the bargain through. If you wish to attempt to stop me, that's your prerogative, but it won't end well even if you do manage to kill or capture me. This has already begun, it can't be stopped now."

Having said everything he deemed important Jiao-long repositioned himself so that he could face all of his opponents at once, and called upon his constructs as he did so. The hulking stone giants quickly heeded his beckoning, and within a matter of seconds were standing by his side. Almost without warning they unleashed a devastating amount of fire from within their bodies, aimed directly at the opponents. There were eight giants, and only four opponents, so two blasts of fire were focused on each of them. The heat from these blasts could be felt as soon as they came into existence, even from such a distance.

At the same time Jiao-long had been creating his own energy attack, channeling all of his new found energy into a useful avenue. He wasn't using it all at once, but he was certainly using more energy than he'd ever used for one attack. His newfound power was somewhat intoxicating, and he wanted to see just how much damage he could do with. This truly magnificent display of power he aimed directly at Law, attempting to take one of his enemies out before the battle truly began.

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:43 am

A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

Artist: DBS - Song: Hakaishin Toppo - Word Count: N/A

Not certain of what had gone astray, the inhabitants of this unnamed From what Sing could sense of the outside world, the barrier which The Kokuryuteshi needed to keep this incident contained within the limits of this city had been erected. Thus, for now, The Princess felt more assured that this threat could be handled without much escalation. Therefore, by the time The Grand Witch had flown to the side of The Golden Royal, there was a warm smile which overwashed the face of Sing as she was pleased that things were going according to plan for the time being.

"I'm appreciative of that. Thanks to the efforts of you and the others in the Kokuryuteshi, we will undoubtedly be victorious on this day."

As Hannah took her place at the side of The Princess, Sing spoke with bold confidence as she saw no reason to fear this disturbance. This did not mean she was a fool and did not expect that things could astray. Rather, she felt prepared and ready to handle whatever may lay in her path as she proceeds towards getting control over this event. There were no absolutes in this world, but the odds were on her side as far as she was concerned.

In fact, there was even the addition of a Gotei Captain that had arrived on the scene to further cement the probability of success in her favor. Of course, Sing wasn't keen on having this person here to begin with, but The Princess was the type to focus on one objective before jumping to the next. So, there would be a puzzled look which washed over the face of The Iramasha as she took a hard glance over at Murasaki.

"Really? You show up here of all places? I'd say The Gotei has gotten brazen in recent times. What a fascinating sight that they'd come into an enemy land without a care in the world."

There was then a cordial laugh which escaped the lips of Sing before she continued.

"I'd watch your step in this land after this incident is over. If you wish to assist us, I won't stop you. Just be mindful of where you are."

With that said, The Princess took a quick glance over toward Law before shaking her head at the vulgar language used to describe them. If nothing else, he wasn't anything to worry about as far as enemy opposition. So, she merely shrugged it off and responded to the male:

"Don't worry. We don't have an interest in doing anything with you. We just need to worry ourselves with whatever is ahead. And save whatever gripes you have with him and not us."

Now that everyone was on the same page, The Iramasha doused herself in a ray of golden light so that she could begin her next assault. After hearing that the elder gentlemen had no desire to cease with his conquest, The Princess wasted no time trying to reason with a man who did not want to be reasoned. Hence, instead, this eruption of Aether formed a shield around everyone which would be akin to an Elite durability. The purpose of it was to prevent them from being too heavily harmed by whatever destructive forces may come as a result of engaging in battle with him. (I.E. everyone should have a layer of energy around their bodies which is acting as an energized suit of armor.)

After that precaution had been taken, The Iramasha released dozens of strikes of energy from her body that were meant to plow straight through the giants around her like an angry storm of destruction. Each of the bows had enough energy in them to otherwise pierce straight through a master's armor; so she had no doubt they could dispatch of these giants. Ergo, The Princess was more concerned with trying to destroy whatever orb the male was keen to protect. Henceforth, another four arrows were made in order to try and obliterate the orb as he tried to slither behind his henchmen.

All the while, The Iramasha would move at Mach three speeds to bolt past obstacles, meet Jiao-Long and try to snatch the orb out of his grip even if her attacks had failed. The only thing that mattered to her was seizing control of this object as it seemed to be the center of what this event was based around. And, once that was out of the picture, it would be child's play to handle the rest after that.

"Are we about done here?"

A Land Beset by Destruction WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:20 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

Hannah gave Sing asmile as she proclaimed they would undoubtedly be victorious.
"Of course we are, I'm a walking nuke and you make me look like a popgun. It was no exaggeration when I said you could break this #98 barrier" she told Sing, before feeling the barrier around her. It was a very solid thing, but to rely on it was a foolish measure. So she uterlized her own skill first, and the barrier in case she could no longer do that. Wholly ignoring what was going on around her so she could trick herself into believing that the Shinigami she felt was just an aspect of her own paranoia, she placed a Kyomon between herself and the incoming fireballs, and they reflected off the strong front.

But this would not be enough for the power she could feel coming from the big guy. She looked to the other of the original interlopers and then decided he needed some help.
"Don't move" she ordered, a flickering of hand signs and an amazingly fast incantation saw the Kokō no Jōmon spawn into existance for Law to hide behind. Where the attack able to breach one of the strongest Bakudo ever invented - by a Shinigami even Hannah was forced to respect, begrudgingly - and Sing's energy barrier, people were a little too screwed. But that was for later this was right now. And right now was a highly precise release of the previously incantation of her #90.

Set to be just on the tail of Sing's attempt at the orb, Hannah reduced it's scope and scale to create the box with immense speed, forming and locking in before driving in the stakes of formidable potency. There was something about this man that made Hannah feel that wasn't enough, but at least something that powerful might hurt him.

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A Land Beset by Destruction Empty Re: A Land Beset by Destruction

Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:24 pm



A Land Beset by Destruction 6EdIfMt

Why was everyone so hostile? Murasaki knew things were tense and all, and that the Gotei and the Kokuryuteshi were hardly on the best of terms, but she figured things would be at least a little bit better received given the circumstances. Well, that wasn't her concern right now, though she did lose her smile a bit at the range of responses she got, particularly the guy with the hat. Rude.

“Okay, well it didn't really look like it was on you in the first place mister, but I read ya loud and clear. No need to be so touchy..”

Her attention diverting only briefly to Sing, and listening carefully to what the princess of the Kokuryuteshi was saying, Murasaki simply shrugged as a response. Being here wasn't just a matter of duty for her, though of course it was part of the job to keep things in line on Earth. Even if she weren't a Captain, she'd have been here now to help out, but wearing the haori made it clear that she wasn't just some girl doing it for funsies. Was it that odd for her to be here?

“I can take the haori off if ya want, do it as a random girl instead of as part of the job description, but I like to help. I don't really intend to stay here or anything, just wanna keep death and chaos to a minimum, ya know?”

Murasaki gave her a thumbs up, one that, with her demeanor, was impossible to tell if it was intended as sincere or sarcastic. The truth was that it was a bit of both, but no sooner had she given it than the old guy decided to start things off with a bang, and the captain's demeanor changed in a moment to one far more serious, her hands moving to both zanpakuto and drawing them in an instant. She took one step, then disappeared in a white flash with Kagayaku, appearing in short order behind Jiao Long with both blades held to the right, parallel with the ground.

Hostilities had already been started, and so she was well past any diplomacy. The girl had disappeared, and the swordswoman had taken her place. This was, hopefully, a strike that could finish things, but at the same time she severely doubted it. It was hardly her strongest blow, but such a direct approach would tell her a great deal about her opponent, how much she would need to consider her speed over trying to truly harm him. She swung both blades downward, the right just a hair before the left, aiming for just below his ribs as what would presumably be her weakest point. If she struck, that'd be cool. If not, well, she'd work from there.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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