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Thu May 17, 2018 8:55 pm
A morning walk in the park was always a good way to start the day, yes?

Calypso walked along one of the many paths in the park, enjoying the serenity of the morning light, hearing the chirps of birds and smelling the freshly laid dew on the short grass. She had emerged from a nearby hotel and wished to watch the sun come up, though was a few hours too late to see the gorgeous colors she had seen online. Oh well, maybe next time...

Instead, she had taken the liberty of roaming about in a less noisy area, honest to god surprised where she was managed to be so loud, even so early! The noises of the road were faint, but still present, as she soon had come upon a bushel of a strange plant, adorned with flowers appearing as a trumpet painted with the colors of the sun, which prompted the Danava to duck onto her knees, unaware of any possible grass stains, and to look closer at the flowers.

Now, unlike most, she didn't have the impulse to pluck it, instead simply stroking the petals with a finger, amazed at the soft smoothness of them, though a quick look at the central part of the flower sticking out revealed.. Tiny insects. Seeing the small figures moving about caused the Danava to squeal, falling backwards in surprise, no doubt getting her light blue top stained along with her skirt. Her actions could appear as odd to any passing by, but currently she was just mucking about with flowers.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:30 am


Itssy, bitsy Hollow boy was sneaking through the shadows of the multiple houses. From one shadow to another, the small guy was trying to be as unseen, as possible. Jump, duck. Jump and again duck. The small thing was sprinting with little stumps you would call legs and crawl using small noodles that were his arms. There were no fingers, just suckers to grab things and attach to surfaces. Small, yellow lights were glowing through the holes of the helmet-type bone mask, the little one having a cape covering most of his black body.

Hollows weren't forbidden in the city per say, but definitely not a welcomed sight. Such this small creature was avoiding as much attention, as possible. And why would something so small even attempt to be in such place, it was here to gather intel. You see, the mind of this small Hollow wasn't one of such being, but rather very intelligent Arrancar named Nize Split. And right now he had taken control of this creation of his to spy on the city once he was able to enter freely. Maybe the male did not want to be found by his former colleagues, but it didn't mean he wasn't curious about what was going on with in Shadow Fall's controlled territories.

And such control of the small one was taken and his only useful ability, to be left undetected, used in search of gossip. The mind of this creation was now half-way in control, mixing with Nizes backseat consciousness. That was surely weird, to feel all those emotions this little guy did, but not being able to experience them fully.

The Hollow now was behind a dumpster, listening on two Humans talking about some corrupt politician. Demon of something. Nize didn't really care about that. Sounded small. He then made the boy to move on, slipping by the talking people and now hiding behind a large flower pot. It smelled nice and, if not by Nize's iron grip on the little ones mind it would have tried to stay and enjoy the perfume. Silly creature. In some way the innocent way the small Hollow thought was really similar to the previous Nize, but maybe it was just something similar to all small Hollow breeds. He would probably need to conduct a deeper research regarding this subject.

Anyway, the small one moved on, slowly approaching the park. Trough muted senses Nize felt smell of grass, rush of wind and warmth of sun. Night time would have been better. Much better, saying the truth, but at night most people tend to stay at home, what would not do for this specific plan. While thinking, the Boy Hollow was following sweet smell of waffles, but once noticing that Nize pushed for it to continue with it's task.

Saying the truth, probably there was much better options for such a task, but the idea came spontaneously and it just so happened Nize was going through minds of all previous Nize's creations. This one was somewhere in more rural corner of America, living with a old lady and her 20 cats. Few of those were Hollows as well and one was even an Iramasha, pretending to be a feline and taking care that almost blind women. He didn't see why not take the small creature for a ride.

Now sneaking from bush to bush, the male could imagine this was possibly really rash idea. Like...This small thing sucked at stealth. Not badly, but...It was really awkward being in the beings mind. While hiding in one of such bushes a girl approached. He made the Hollow to still, while feeling curiosity and fear leak from it. She seemed lost in the flowers, her features being soft and delicate. While wearing adults appearance, her facial expressions reminded that of a child. Something Nize remembered having on himself long time ago. That other Nize having it.

And when the girl yelled, falling backwards, Nize decided it was from noticing the small Hollow and figuring, why not, and letting the creature fully back to it's control, staying only as a spectator. Once done that this small thing jumped out of the bush, shaking it's head free from few leafs and staring at he confused girl. A beetle crawled on top of it's white skull mask.

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] RDLUVBj
Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] 82q86I3
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Fri May 18, 2018 4:07 pm
Calypso faintly laughed, having fully recovered from the shock of seeing the tiny organisms crawling upon the flower, taking in a breath and sitting up, feeling the coolness on her back from it being soaked with dew. Though her shirt wasn't what she noticed first, nay, rather it was the small creature in front of her, her taking in a gentle breath as she fully processed what was in front of her.

And when she did... A great big smile formed on her face as she did a rather uplifting, gentle squeal as she clasped her cheeks, her dark eye instantly sparkling with happiness, "Oh my goodness! Y-y-you're..."
Whether the hollow expected it or not, Cali picked it up from under the arms, bringing it up to level with her as she was full of amazement and curiosity, however her movements were full of care and consideration, slow and gentle, "So cute! What're you doing out here by yourself?"

She then noted the glowing yellow eyes, thinking silently for a moment, til she seemed to realize something, "Wait, no! Of course you're out here by yourself, you're a... A..." She put the small child-like creature on her lap, tapping her chin, "Now what did Mama call them again... Oh yeah! A Hollow! You're a Hollow! You're usually by yourselves..." She drifted off to look a little sad, "..Mmm, that's a little depressing though, huh?"

She patted the creature's head, soon noticing the beetle crawling on it's face, which prompted her to reach a hand up, though her hand had frozen before it touched the smaller creature, before plucking it off the Hollow's face, releasing it back into the grass, "There ya go... So what brings you to this park?" But this quickly prompted her to tilt her head, "W-wait! Oh my gosh i'm sorry! I didn't realize you don't.. Have a..." She touched her lips awkwardly, trying not to offend the small creature.

Last edited by Angry Charmander on Sat May 19, 2018 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Nix Shraik
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Sat May 19, 2018 12:24 am


Saying that Nize had expected such reaction of the said girl was half true. He didn't assume it, but, by carrying first impression similar to what another particular personality did, the male had his suspicions. And they were right. The small Hollow Boy, though, wasn't so knowledgeable. Split wasn't sure, if the thing had brains at all, such, he was both surprised and a bit startled, when this girl picked him up as if he would weight nothing (Nothing being 9 lbs). The little one was then a bit nudging, looking around himself, as the girl outed his existence to the park. But it seemed no one cared really. And once the Hollow got closer look at the girl, her calm face expression and wide smile, the small creature calmed down. Nize let out a small chuckle.

"Who would have known, The Hollow Boy was blushing."

Of course, because of the bone mask it was impossible to see it and probably that was for the best. As the girl continued speaking both minds paid attention to her words Nize really having no reaction, but being lightly surprised, when feeling sadness coming out from this one. That, in reaction, popped a question to himself...Was he lonely? The only answer he had now was that the previous Nize never was. But again, that really wasn't him.

"Am I lonely? Huh...Maybe sticking around this girl could be educational for now."

Meanwhile, The Hollow Boy actively was shaking his head, trying to show he was fine. The small one didn't want for the girl to be sad, and then was weirdly wiggling his limps in attempt to sign language about all the cats, dogs and other small animals he had met. And, of course, the almost blind cat lady. It was without saying, that having no real fingers or useful limbs, in that case, the boys attempts to sign really looked just like weird wiggling. Amusing, but not really informational.

"Maybe I should consider giving you a mouth for next time...If there will be a next time, that is."

Nize wasn't sure yet what will he do with the small creation his predecessor left.

"For now I will share with a bit of my knowledge."

And he did, giving this little guy access to some of his knowledge about Cero. Precisely, one technique. Such, when this girl mentioned small ones dilemma lacking vocal organs and him looking truly sad about it, his head being bent down in silent apology, a small, yellow ball of light appeared between his horns, shifting quickly into what others would call a sad emoji.


He really did look surprised, glancing up, seeing the light from the ball and trying to move his head up to see it. Of course, the ball followed and such, he wasn't able to see it. It turned then into the Hollow trying to twist his body in different posses, such he could reach the light, failing, and again looking like a restless toddler in her arms. The ball in meanwhile was constantly altering between exclamation and question mark.

But then suddenly there was a strong scent of freshly baked waffles, as a near by cafe was opening for the day. The Hollow Boy stopped all his squirming, the light ball changing into heart shape, body stilling and his head turning in the direction of the delicious smell.

"A Hollow, being born to hunt souls, is now craving waffles...You must be kidding me..."

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] RDLUVBj
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Sat May 19, 2018 12:32 pm

Cali indeed felt the little hollow's sadness, though she only felt it through her own emotions. Of course, this was until she saw a small yellow ball form between it's horns to create... A little sad face? But soon watched as the hollow seemed to notice the ball as well, and immediately tried to twist and turn it's small black body to see it. The antics caused the Danava to laugh ever so gently, getting a hold of the little guy,

"Hey hey, relax..." Not quite to her knowledge, she emitted a sweet scent from her body, which would help the creature feel less frantic and a little more jovial, soon seeing the little one's head turn towards a nearby cafe, which did indeed smell quite good.

"Oh. They must be opening up.." She mumbled in comment, til she got an idea, "Oh hey! I know how you can see that light on your head, there must be a bathroom or something with a mirror in there! Come now!" She scooped the hollow up into her arms, running off to the cafe, opening the door quite abruptly, "H-hello? Do you have a mirror in here?"

The lady behind the counter was obviously annoyed by her ruckus so early, sighing, "Bathroom is for payin' customers only, ma'am..."

Calypso seemed a little distraught, "But that's not fair, what if someone really needs to go and you're the only place-"

"Look ma'am, either order something or get out. Too early for this."

Calypso scrunched up her nose, puffing her cheeks, "Fine.. I still got some cash..." She walked to the nearest table, sitting the little guy in his own chair, sitting down across from him, "Well what do yo- Oh.. Hahah.. I forgot.. You're short." She looked around, trying to find something to use for elevation, but to no avail, "W-well.. It's weird, but would you like to sit on my lap? We can share the food... But wait!" Her brows rose quite high, "How can you eat with no mouth?! I'll still buy something... B-but how?!"

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Sun May 20, 2018 10:28 am


It seemed this girl was completely up for complying with the small Hollows wishes. It was peculiar and interesting how she didn't find any of this strange or feeling disgusted by holding a Hollow in her arms. Then again, it was quite hard to imagine this thing could be a Hollow. And Chibi, name Nize deemed fine for this creature, now wasn't bothered at all, swinging his feet happily as both approached the cafe. The lady gave side-eye to both, the Arrancar being sure she would throw both out, but withheld her scolding upon mentioning money. Split, though, heard well how the girl mentioning having "some cash left". That made the man consider how to pay her back later, as the Hollow Boy was his property and Nize didn't like others being made to pay for his stuff. Even if they volunteered.

The girl, while Split was lost in thoughts and Chibi was busy trying to take in the whole room at once effectively getting dizzy, had sat the small Hollow across her. And she was right, pointing out how small was the creature. Only two bone horns and a ball of light could be seen, that now looking like a small hurricane. Chibi was confused of where the girl had gone.

"Why did I again think it was a good idea of using you for recon mission. Like...Think."

Though, the small guy didn't need to, as he heard the girls offer, the small hurricane changing into a heart once again. The small creature had gotten attached to this female quite fast, Nize concluded. He wondered why. As for Chibi? He didn't care and had already jumped on to the table and sat down in the girls lap, small legs wiggling and energy ball rapidly shifting into different symbols. Once the girl asked about how he was going to consume the waffles he so much craved, Chibi simply extended one of his small sausage arms to show her.

"I wouldn't do that, if I was you."

Nize simply warned, with no real desire to stop the Hollows action. The man was curious what will be the girls reaction. The tip of Hollow Boy's arm opened, now showing completely round mouth with many rows of small, sharp teeth. It reminded a tapeworm or a leech, as both were black and wiggly. He then faced his hollow eyes at the girl, both the pet and master interested what will be her reaction. Only one kept fear in their heart while other was numb as always.

"Hope you can run at least." Nize even chuckled.

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] RDLUVBj
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Mon May 21, 2018 9:09 am

Calypso was still quite puzzled of how this creature was going to consume any food without a mouth, til the little hollow rose one of his stub-like arms, her leaning a bit closer to see the sucker-like mouth. She looked.. Remarkably calm despite the mouth's location and shape, simply shrugging and leaning back, patting it's head.

"Hey, if that's how you eat, it's how you eat. Can't expect everything to fall under the human definition of normal." She smiled at the little guy, "If it makes you feel better, I sometimes get eyes opening up and closing on my body."

Soon a young man had come by the table, looking at the both of them rather confused, til he finally asked, "Ehm... Anything I can get for you?" He looked at the girl, smiling nervously.

"Oh, well, what's making that really nice smell?"

"Waffles, ma'am. They're a popular order."

She smiled, "Waffles it is!"
And obviously, the young man got the hell out of there as quickly as he could.

"We can split them, okay? I'm kind of hungry myself..." She continued rubbing the side of the Hollow's face, "If i'm bothering you, just give me a little kick okay? Or indicate it with that little.. Orb on the top of your head. Hmm..." She inspected the energy, "...Hollows can use Cero like this?"

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Tue May 22, 2018 6:30 am


Once waffles were mentioned Chibi started to bounce up and down in the girls lap. He acted completely unphased with the girls positive reaction towards his mouth, though, Nize was lightly surprised. Yes, this was the 25th century, but having a worm mouth on your arm still seemed unsettling for a regular persons point of view. Then again, this girl proved to act like nothing of a regular person. The man was now wondering what kind of race she could be.

"Demon or Human most likely. Those two are races that tend to overpopulate."

As mentioned before, the Hollow Boy couldn't be bothered to care less, now wiggling in the girls lap from excitement, thinking about the prospect of food. Waffles, being precise. The early customers gave the pair odd look or two, but Chibi just blankly starred back and they turned away quickly. The mention of light ball on his head earned another question mark, the Hollow turning to face the girl and his light turning into a question mark.

"Really? You already forgot?"

He then looked up, the yellow light in his eyes sockets widening, while the question mark turned into a exclamation one. Small one then tried to again reach the ball, turning and twisting now in the girls lap and after around five minutes laying exhausted in it, his body spread like an sack of flower. But then the waffles were brought, with the waiter leaving like his ass would have been set on fire, and Chibi was suddenly again full of energy, his light ball turning once again into a heart.

"You are definitely the other ones creation."

For Nize this small Hollow reminded of his past self too much. Goofy, silly, not matching what his biological nature made him into. Not even talking about complete lack of focus and memory of a goldfish. And these facts now were cause of multiple ideas Split had. Maybe there could be use of this small Hollow. As now part of Espada, he needed Fracciones again and all old ones were removed from existence once he took control. The Arrancar needed to think about it.

Meanwhile, Chibi was sucking in any piece of the waffles given, being pleased with what he was given to eat. Suddenl, though, something of light reflection lit up further away and Chbi stopped his happy munching, his eyes widening and the small creature jumping off the girls lap to follow it.

"You do realize this is a modern city, where the every second thing shines just from being overly polished."

But it didn't seem like the small one did care. He just strode in the direction of the shine, that was and then was not there. It seemed this light came from somewhere outside of town, the cafe being quite close to the border.

"Nize had a tendency to create things with lack of survival instinct."

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] RDLUVBj
Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] 82q86I3
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Wed May 23, 2018 8:29 am

Cali continued to pat the little Hollow on the head, smiling contently, til she saw a question mark pop on the top of it's head.

"Hmm? What's the matter-"

She was caught off guard when the hollow started squirming around again in her lap, trying to see the light on it's head. She was confused at first, but soon realized what was happening, breaking out into a sweet, gentle laughter,
"I told you that you need a mirror, little one! You won't be able to see it if you squirm about like that!"

She was surprised when the waffles finally came, the girl lighting up with happiness, not noticing the guy running off like he saw a horror show. Well, it wouldn't be incorrect to call this a horror show; a demon that acted like a child, and a Hollow with suction cup mouths for hands...

"So these are actual waffles- Ah! Don't scarf it all down, I want some!"
She had only seen pictures of waffles, so she had an idea of what they were, but she never actually ate one, til now. She grabbed the fork, picking off parts of the waffle that the Hollow had not eaten, and proceeded to savor it.

"Mmmm!" She swallowed, her face bearing a soft smile as she enjoyed her part of the meal. She was a bit preoccupied with her share, til she saw a little waddling shape out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh, something wrong?" The girl stood up, picking up the hollow, and looked out the window, "I don't see anything."

Nix Shraik
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Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:08 am


The twinkling light was captivating for the small Hollow. The yellow lights in the small ones eye holes grew bigger and Nize could just feel how much the small thing wanted that light just because it was...Shiny...He was again questioning how this thing survived as long, as it has. Like, was that cat lady really so good at protecting or maybe it was that nature Iramasha, that was masking to be a cat. Split's head was slowly starting to hurt from trying to understand this...Thing.

But it seemed the girls voice was able to get him out of the stupor he was in and back to reality. As she mentioned a mirror question mark appeared above the small ones head. He also tilted his bone clad head and scratched it with his tiny hand.

"A reflecting surface. Like...When you see another Hollow upon taking a drink from the cat bowl...Can't still imagine why were you doing that, honestly."

The Hollow Boy finally understood what she was talking about, his orb now turning into exclamation mark. Next thing Nize knew was that the small things arm/mouth? was growing wider and wider till he pulled out what once was a mirror from a car. Back home in his chair Nize was facepalming, considering to make the small thing explode there and now. But then he imagined that it could make that girl really sad and for some reason he didn't want that. Like...Like...The Hollow had burdened her enough. That was his excuse. Excuse?

"You...How...Never mind. Why I'm even asking?"

And the small thing was now looking at himself in that mirror, dropping the object out of his hands and starting to wiggle in yet another panic, not knowing what is the object on his head or what to do with it. The orb was now turning into random symbols, just showing how chaotic was the Hollows thinking process. Meanwhile, Nize grunted in something close to frustration.

"Alright, I'm tired."

And the yellow ball started to fire small sparks of electricity to the tiny Hollow in his butt, making him jump of the girls lap and dance around as spark after spark was hitting the small behind. And while Chibi was more then frustrated and confused Split felt something of slight amusement.

"Well, this is much more fun! You were getting annoying and I had enough of annoying people around me this week."

With that he remembered certain blond hair on a certain Human and rapid series of dozens of small sparks hit the tiny Hollow, electrocuting him and filling the cafe with light smell of burned Hollow. The Hollow Boy flopped on the ground, tired and dizzy, as the small whirl emoji on his head showed. The electricity had ended.

"Now I feel better!"

Suddenly a sweet, alluring smell yet again filled the small Hollows nostrils, but this time the girl wouldn't feel it. What else, it didn't come from the restaurant, but more from the place Chibi saw the shiny object before. He instantly jumped up and started walking, almost running to the aroma. If tried to be stopped, he would release small electricity wave and go on.

"Oh now you know how to do it!!! Alright, go! I'm quite sure how this will end."

And Chibi followed the smell, left the cafe, then the near-by cities border and then he was in a empty desert patch, with both smell and shiny object gone. But suddenly the sand erupted and around both dozen or so no-class Hollows (tier 3-5 till 3-2) appeared, growling and hissing.

"Called it." Split said in bored manner, as he watched from Chibi's eyes what the girl and small Hollow will do now.

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] RDLUVBj
Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] 82q86I3
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