Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:22 pm

Calypso wasn't quite sure what to do with this little one... It didn't seem too smart and was a bit too easily excitable... She was a bit too worried to leave it all by itself, but at the same time she didn't want to make it feel like a pet or an animal... Maybe she could ask it to live with her.. But she didn't know how Mama would react to a random little Hollow being around her quarters, and Mama was quite scary to people who didn't mean much...

Cali's face paled a bit as she was lost in thought, thinking of her mother, a deep swallow following after. She loved the woman dearly, but... Something always seemed off about her whenever she was nearby, even if she was alive for a short time.

Maybe... I should address that.

The thought did not last very long as she heard the sound of zapping, being pulled from her mind and turning her gaze to the hollow, who was getting a sizeable amount of zaps to the bottom, like a parent chastising a child... But the child was the parent? Was that how that would work? Besides the point, this got the Danava confused, watching the hollow soon plop onto his bottom, dizzy.

"...Are you okay? I can he-" Little scamp was elsewhere again, running off to someplace she didn't know, "Hey! Don't go running off-"

"Miss you have to pay for that meal!"

Cali, rather rushed, slapped some money on the counter, far more than she owed, and ran off after the little hollow. She called after it many times, beckoning for it to stop, panic enveloping her being. Where was it going, why was it running? Did she do something?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Golden tears filled the eyes of Calypso as she wanted terribly to apologize for whatever she may have done. And soon, she stopped as it had, having gone right ahead to try to pick up the hollow and coddle it with apologies... But she hadn't enough time to realize the multitude of hollows that had burst from the sand, voracious and snarling.

She saw something swinging towards the two of them, her immediate reaction being to envelop the hollow with her body, getting wacked with quite the hit to skid a good distance away. If the hollow looked at Cali's face, it would have become black and liquid-y, adorned with smaller green eyeballs, as the black goop soon took over her shape, changing her... Lux was no longer active.

The form of Calypso didn't give the teensy hollow much mind, angrily yelling and springing towards the dozens of hollows, having wrapped a tendril around the neck of one, fury having taken hold,
"DIE! DIE! DIE!" The sudden personality shift would have been quite alarming, "Don't YOU DARE harm Lux! DON'T YOU DARE!" The tightening grip around it's neck was quite horrifying to watch, like watching her choke a large animal.

Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN]

Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:59 am


The miniature Hollow panicked and this time with reason. One such creature could easily defeat the small one, but dozen...Well, he stood no chance. And while naturally this one would be paralyzed from fear, it seemed the girls presence calmed him down enough to be able acting. With worry Chibi watched as his new friend changed, morphing into something different, less bright and much more terrible. It would be lying for Nize not saying this was getting more interesting.

”She might just yet become an useful asset.”

Split would make Chibi continue on observing the girl, if not for the Hollows overwhelming desire to help. It was almost like he could finally comprehend someone was in his head, pulling the strings time to time.

”Alright, alright! You can act.”

Such Chibi was free of his observers duty and good things, as a Hollow almost got a piece of the little guy. Something of a short bone lance was manifested from the arm of the small one, the size of the weapon being almost the same as it’s wielder.


Meanwhile Calypso would find herself in quite a pickle. Cause, while trying to strangle one Hollow that was fighting back six or seven more were trying to gang on her, everyone trying to get a piece of the Danava. Not only that, her active use of powers attracted attention of other Hollows from other places and their cries could be heard already from afar. Chibi wasn’t doing better, dodging claws, fangs and sizable jaws. Split could tell the small one didn’t want to be a meal.


Back at Hueco Mundo Nize was now considering something. Should he go help? But why, it is not his problem and there would be no good of doing so. What benefit there could be of going to save the girl and that sily creature? Wait, was he looking for a excuse to go there? No, of course not. But the Arrancar was rather bored and Chibi was still his responsibility. What means it was his fault the girl was in that kind of mess right now.

Split got up to again think about it. How peculiar. This feeling of wanting someone to be safe. Wait...What? Nize now felt confused about this realization, but a scream from Chibi’s senses told him there wasn’t much time, if he wanted to have something to fret about. Such, with a long exhale bone mass covered the males head, forming into a faceless mask. This should be good enough to hide his identity.


And such, in the mess of Hollows and a lone Danava a Garganta opened, Nize Split stepping out in black, long coat and white bone mask on his face. With one, quiet command from his lips the whole pack of Hollows froze motionless.


Mark of Hollow Prince was able to easily control such feral beasts. He gave another command all of them bowed to the Arrancar without letting a single noise coming out. Dominance has been set. The male then lazily turned to face the Demon girl, walking in her direction. He gave her a look over before speaking in artificially deepened voice.

”Hope you are alright. I apologize for Chibi’s actions.”

Mentioning the small Hollow, it scurried in next to it’s master, covered in dirt and a bit of Hollow blood. Both small pawns were around his overly large lance and he seemed utterly exhausted, but what more, excited and happy. Like a joke he is the small guy tripped on his way, but managed to in front of the Arrancar with puffed chest and overly brave feeling in his small body. Nize just waved his head in amusement before turning back to the girl.

”What would be your name?”

Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 RDLUVBj
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Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN]

Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:25 pm

Umbra was just stricken with a horrible fury. The only thing burning in the manifest's mind was that these things, these beasts, had harmed Lux, and the only way she could fix it would be to tear them asunder...


Her mind was on fire, self defensive instincts kicking in as the other hollows had moved to attack her, more tendrils bursting from her back and stabbing into their outstretched appendages, ripping the head off the one she was perched on. The beast did fall, but Calypso got overwhelmed very, very quickly, feeling the acidic touch of the hollows setting in, the pain burning, but her rage far hotter than any acid.

"WON'T LET YOU HURT LUX!" Umbra's shrill screech was so loud, any normal person would have shredded their vocal chords. The Danava engaged in fighting the hollows, but was obviously overwhelmed, being cut, burned, and beaten, blue blood leaking all over their many-eyed form as they visibly looked exhausted, having formed blades in their hands... Everything felt cold, the Danava taking far more hits than she could heal from.

"Lux... Lux..." The Danava mumbled, golden tears spilling forth from their eyes, they had realized how stupid of a move they had taken, and now they were going to die from it, ".....Lux..."

This is why.. I don't like being responsible...

Almost in an instant, the noise stopped, Calypso turning to see the source of the command, panting expressively, "Of course i'm not alright, dumbass..." The Danava cussed, blinking sluggishly, as the extra parts came back into her body, struggling to walk to the Arrancar, "...Ca...lyps...o..." She uttered her name rather slowly, as her consciousness ceased, beaten and worn body collapsing in the sand, completely passed out as her body slowly but surely began to repair itself.

Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN]

Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:05 am


As the girl fainted Nize couldn't ignore the slight...Disappointment he felt. Another new feeling. Was he hoping for a conversation with her? Maybe. But now it was impossible, as the small demon child had fallen asleep, exhausted and slowly healing up the damage received from the assault. He bent down just for a quick re-check that she was fine, just then noticing the worried and slightly curious Hollow.

"Don't worry! She will be all fine soon enough. Probably should get her to the town just so no other Hollow decides to have a taste of your little friend here."

Chibi energetically started to nod almost giving the impression that his head will fall off in any given moment. Split almost chuckled, catching himself just before. What was that about? No matter, he got up and surrounded the girl in sphere of concentrated reishi. This sphere then lifted itself in the air and floated in the direction of the town. Nodding himself the male then turned back to his tiny pet.

"And we are going back to Hueco Mundo as well. A lot of things are happening and you just proved to be loyal. Now just to make that loyalty useful."

Nize didn't miss the light worry radiating from Chibi, allowing his own mouth corners to raise up in a light smirk. A truly strange day. His face then again turned to stone as he glanced at the pack of now kneeling Hollows.

"They can serve as material, I guess." The male then motion for all to get in the Garganta, closing it as he entered himself. There were things to do and one particular Chibi to upgrade.


Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 RDLUVBj
Wake Up and Smell the Dreams [Calypso/OPEN] - Page 2 82q86I3
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