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Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel] Empty Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel]

Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:13 am

I have to be awake by myself now, huh?

The feeling of having to be out and about most of the time, with no Lux, nobody but herself, felt strange, completely unnatural... But relying on Lux wasn't healthy, she knew that very well, but... She couldn't just let it go... She decided to go somewhere much quieter, not a city, but a small suburban area, perched atop a fountain that dried up a good long while ago.

It's all still scary... I... I don't want to do this... But I have to, don't I?

The colorful eyes of the Danava stared off down a street, a gentle hum coming from her. It would sound haunting, being in the middle of the night, yet pleasant to listen to, as if a mourner using song as a release. The Danava's legs would begin dangling off the top of the fountain, head leaning back as she vocalized the nonsense song she was engaged with.

Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:24 am

The Mechanical Guardian


Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Most of her hobbies and pastimes rarely fell among most people’s top three, or even top five. For the most part the woman could be found in one of her many laboratories, tinkering away with droids or enhancing the newest energy fueling prototypes. When she had some free time that wasn’t spent training or at the lab, the Doll had taken a liking to being around people; real people. Ironically enough it was around normal, typically powerless people, that she felt the more natural, the more detached, and somehow, the less Human.

“Good evening,” said Angel to a man passing by. “Have a wonderful night,” she smiled away at and old lady and her granddaughter.

Spiritual energy was her most efficient ways of peering into her surroundings and obtain a form of mental image of the world. Her eyes were unfortunately no good in that regard. However, in the absence of those, the world tended to be a dark and lonesome place where she truly felt completely blind. From time to time she’d heard footsteps, then whispering, and the voices that momentarily gave her a sort of glimpse to a life passing by. It just seemed so precious to her. The woman was brought out of her current train of thought by an energy signature not far from her. As she wore her reiatsu concealing dress, it wasn’t likely whomever it was could see for something else other than an ordinary Human just yet.

“I’m sorry to intrude,” said the girl as she approached the source of the voice and the energy. “I’ve never heard that song. What’s your name?”

Friendly as usual, the Doll had no issues or concerns with the nearly amorphous phone of the demonic being. She hadn’t done anything bad after all. As for Angel, her dark dress had a way of melding into the night as her own energy did to nothingness. She had to admit to being curious about such a unique creature, though most of her defining aspects would be left unknown to her senses. For instance, while the Doll could certainly capture the overall shape of the Demon as well as her limbs peculiarities, fine details could not. Things such as scars, if there were any, or even colors in monotony or variety would be lost unless told. It was unfortunate, but she was okay with it.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel] ORabiFS
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Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:45 am

Calypso was humming away her sorrows with her vaguely distinguished feet dangling from the fountain, her head swaying side to side. She sang rather well despite having a lack of an obvious mouth, but she never really thought much about that trait. Singing made her feel better, it made her feel the slightest bit less alone…

The girl was then spooked by the sudden occurrence of a voice different to her’s, the girl’s colorful eyes darting around to find the source of the stranger’s speech, looking around to the side of her, seeing the blindfolded woman. She sighed softly, narrowing her eyes. Her heart was pitter-pattering from anxiety, and she didn’t like being interrupted during her comfort time.

“It’s not a real song… Person.” A pointed finger waggled at her as she feigned confidence, “D-don’t be… Dumb… I just use it to calm down okay!” The girl’s face lit with many colors in a blush, her making a few nervous grunts, “...Mmph… Sorry.. Sorry.. My name is Calypso. Calypso Asthavon..”

Calypso was kind of creeped out by her, specifically her inability to see the woman’s eyes. The blindfold bothered her deeply for some reason, feeling a squirming sensation of fear. Her “outfit” became erupt with mumblings and whisperings about the woman, green eyes transfixing on her, as the girl patted her mass to quit talking, which the many pseudo-consciousnesses living within her ceased. The girl’s face was very, very bright with a multicolored blush.

“Okay okay… I’m get-getting down…”

She slipped down, her bare feet tapping on the floor, walking to the woman, who proved to be a bit taller than her, which Calypso did not receive too well, causing her to puff her cheeks, “Mmph… What are you, anyway? I… I can’t tell.”
The girl's voice was suppressed, small, a mumble, she was clearly nervous, not looking up at this woman whom she encountered.

Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel] Empty Re: Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel]

Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:29 am

The Mechanical Guardian


Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

The creature was indeed rather unique, and in Angel’s world, unique was good; unique was special. She seemed to have been startled by her sudden choice to come to her side and speak, something that made her reaction even more interesting. The grunting was somewhat expected, though the Doll had to assume there was some other form of response that was simply lost in translation likely due to her lack of sight. Any difference or alterations in colors would simply go over her head as if they had not happened at all. It was the price to pay for her disability.

“Ah, an Ashtavon, what a surprise to see another one of you.”

Her tone of voice wasn’t demeaning or condescending in the slightest. While it was true that typically the Ashtavon stood against everything Angel and the Vanguard fought for, the Doll was a unique being in her own regard. She had never been one to cast fault or blame, even when sometimes she ought. For the most part the girl tended to offer most the benefit of the doubt. In her eyes, everyone was innocent and good until proven otherwise. As such, the reputation Calypso’s last name carried would have no effect on the white haired girl other than the amusing remark of having met yet another one. The very first member of that family she had met was Arianda, a young looking woman with a very odd though interesting sense of humor, and an overly fondness for sighting.

“Well Calypso,” said the Doll extending her hand to shake, “My name is Angel.”

She had extended her hand as a form of common pleasantry. The Demon didn’t have to reciprocate the action, and it would certainly not bother the woman in the slightest. Despite unknowingly having the subtle convictions of the Shinigami she didn’t know she was, her own programming enabled her to dissect a situation, ignore the useless emotional baggage, and do what was right. In simple terms, she wouldn’t be upset or embarrassed regardless of Calypso’s choice of words or actions. Angel did allow a very insightful smile to display on her expression following her acquaintance’s question. It made sense she’d have difficulties figuring out what she was, as no one without clear knowledge of the technology would. Depending on the model some would notice something akin to a Shinigami, a Droid, a Quincy, or a mix of them all.

“I’m a Shinigami Doll. I’m fairly certain you may not know what that is so tell me, what do you feel if you peer into my energy?” In saying so, Angel would make sure to deactivate the function of her dress that masked the feeling and nature of her spiritual presence.

”I call this one, Katana of the Archangel.”

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do You Know Yourself? [Calypso/Angel] ORabiFS
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