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The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update] Empty The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update]

Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:08 pm



I. General Information

Race Name: Demon's.

Age: The demon race is roughly 15 billion years old. As the creator of the demon race was born around that time, but most of the population did not see a massive growth until a few million years ago. So it is rare that you'll see many demons around this age, as the common age for demons is somewhere in the hundreds, thousands to hundreds of thousands of years old.

Orientation: Demon's have no one set orientation that they are aligned or pledge allegiance to. However, the most popular one appears to be Shadow Fall. The reason for this is that most demons see a lot of promise, growth, power, and potential in Shadow Fall. They will also often follow different royalty in the demon world. Since, for instance, many in the central Demon Kingdom are loyal to that regime because Mana helped usher in an age of utmost prosperity for demons. Whereas others (as OF THE TIME OF THIS WRITING) hold a deep respect and loyalty to Inami for the growth she brought the CHaya nation.

Purpose/Theme: Throughout most cultures and lore, demons are known for their ability to possess. Many religions, traditions, and notes in history fear them for this because of the fact that this central theme that they represent can have drastic effects on both the world around them and the demons themselves. Therefore, most demon's and their powers are based on the theme of possession.

When creating a demon, you must focus on how their personality, history and power possesses them. Since, for example, if you observe Mana you can tell that she totally is consumed and possessed by her danava concept. So, in her case, that chaotic element of discord from Eris's lore is enforced in the world around her and she possesses the reality around her in that image.

In short, each demon will have to focus in on what element of their history, ego, theme and powers are in line with the element of possession.

Aesthetics: There is no one set aesthetic for the demon race. However, it is common to see many types of demonic creatures that you'd expect. These are beings that run along the lines of demons having horns, claws, fangs, wings, multiple limbs, different colored skin (red, yellow, black etc) and so on.

Their aesthetics can also be influenced by whatever power they are consumed by as well and what meaning it holds to them. For example: if a demon was consumed by the element of fire, it might not be out of the question if their entire body was consumed by a burning inferno; or if they held a possessive element of water their whole body could be a liquidifed mess.

The sky is the limit in terms of what a demon can look like. It can be anything from a traditional humanoid shape all the way up to a nightmarish creature from the 666th circle of hell.

How To Become One

Click the spoilers to view how to become a demon



Why should you RP a demon? It's simple: they are possessive creatures. Demons have an intense psychological background behind them as you read their lore and body traits. This can make for compelling role play because they have a lot more energy when it comes to their personalities, emotions, mental health and so on.

Furthermore, they are extremely versatile when it comes to how you can create free-form powers for most of their powers, abilities and so on. So you are given a lot of liberty to create your own systems with demons if they follow their possessive element and other protocols.

And lastly, demons can be fun to role play because there is a sense of unpredictability with them. No two demons are the same and they are free to act, serve or become whatever it is they wish. As, regardless of what alignment they are on, demons are chaotic creatures that possess the world around them for the better or worse. How they choose to enforce that possession of the world around them is up to you.

I. Racial Attributes


Demon Energy is an aggressive type of energy that is constantly feeding from the world around it to empower it's demonic host. It can influence their mindset and seeks to always be the domiant energy. If it's used in a non-demon or an object, then it will simply try to possess it as best as it can.

Demon Energy: Demon energy can be described as a very aggressive type of energy. The reason for this is because of the fact it acts as a medium for the demon to possess the world around them. The particles of energy which are produced from a demon's body is constantly possessing and draining energy from the world around them passively in the background. It feeds on the existence around them, digests it and uses it as fuel to further the possessive power which lays inside of the demon.

And, given the unhinged psyche of demons, it's also been described as an energy that can be made rather potent when they are under high-stress or emotional circumstances. Their body, power, and mind are all heavily linked together and demons have a mass bond with their power that is unlike other races. Therefore, their state of mind can heavily influence how potent their demonic energy can become.

It is also possible to utilize demon energy without the use of a demon body, but it will often be designed to try and be the most dominant energy. It is dangerous for most other races to try and utilize this because it will often try to possess them to convert the way their powers work, their mind functions and the way reality exist around them because their bodies are constantly trying to possess it under the influence of demeon energy. This especially appplies to hybrids as demon energy can exist in them, but it will be hard for them to get a handle on it due to how aggressive it is.

Demon Bonding/Conversion
How a demon came to be and demonic bonding are two central facets to a demon's existence; included here is a snippet of relevant information regarding these topics. More information on these topics can be found here.

Possessive Power


Possessive Power refers to a demon's element of possession. How many thye have is based on their Za Koa Core skill, but EVERY demon starts off with at least one; even at untrained.

Possessive Power: Possessive Power refers to a demon's possessive element. This is the core of their theme and essence as a demon because it represents what element of possession they enforce in the world. And this Possessive Power is NOT stagnant in the sense that it has to be the same forever. Since, as demons grow and develop, they can either remove, modify, evolve or develop entirely new Possessive Powers.

However, what is important to a Possessive Power is that it holds some sentimental power or root in reality for the demon. These are often powers that have developed over time and have bonded with the demon in question. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear of demons who have no power, but after undergoing a traumatic event, they can unlock a Possessive Power that, in this example, enforces the element of protection. As in this illustration, the demon could generate a defensive power that relies on barriers, shields, and armor to try and protect them from threats from the outside world. If this person were to accept the world around them, then they could change it to an offensive power where they could produce weapons from their power that allows them to fight back against the threats of the world that want to bring them down.

And, when it comes to having multiple Possessive Powers, they must all branch off and relate to the first or primary power

Core Possessive Powers: At max, a demon can have four core possessive powers. These are primary powers that allow for a demon to have full control of these elements. So, if they go beyond that, they will often be considered "minors" in the sense that while they can have up to seven Possessive Powers with a Grand Mastery of Za Koa Core, they won't be as developed as their core possessive powers and will be limited in control in some way or another.

Za Koa Core Untrained: A demon with an untrained Za Koa Core can have up to one possessive power at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Beginner: A demon with a beginner Za Koa Core can have up to two possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Adept: A demon with an adept Za Koa Core can have up to three possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Advanced: A demon with an advanced Za Koa Core can have up to four possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Elite: A demon with an elite Za Koa Core can have up to five possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Master: A demon with an adept Za Koa Core can have up to six possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

Za Koa Core Grand Master: A demon with a grandmaster Za Koa Core can have up to seven possessive powers at a time. This does not refer to how many abilities it can have, however.

I. Possessive Drive [Release Forms]

Possessive Drive


Possessive Drive is a demon's release form where they can customize it to either have one, two or three release forms. They will then merge with their possessive element and their strength is connected to how high their connection to the Za Koa Core is.

Possessive Drive: Possessive Drive is the state of possession that demons enter when they begin to merge with their possessive element. Unlike other transformations from varying races, there is no one set form for demons. Instead, they are free to make customized transformations that allow for up to three forms.

When they unlock these forms, they are usually able to receive augmentations to their power and it should mutate to add related powers to their possessive arsenal of abilities. (i.e. if you are possessed by the element of fire, then you can gain control of things like lava, heat, smoke etc)

Furthermore, creating symbolism around their transformation will also make it stronger. Demons who are aware of this fact will often create names for their transformation and incantations to help give it a 0.5 times increase to add on to their augmentation boost. This includes having a release phrase, a praise to their element and letting it wholly possess them.

And, because they become consumed by their element, their persona will often go through changes in this transformation. So, if you had a fire type demon, they could potentially become more angry, rash or determined based on how strong the element of fire is when it comes to its raw potency.

Lastly, this transformation often becomes much stronger the more a demon has a stronger Za Koa Core. While it isn't required for those who are untrained, they won't see as much benefit as those who do have Za Koa Core as a high skill.

[Click the spoiler to see how Za Koa Skill influences the form]



The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update] WVMWLOu
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The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update] Empty Re: The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update]

Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:11 pm



I. Racial Skills

Za Koa Core


Za Koa Core is just an enhancement skill that can be applied to different attacks/powers/forms and etc for durations of time based on their skill level. And how strong this enhancement is varied on your skill level as well. It also helps in having a more powerful release form for their Possessive Drive. This is an optional skill as all demons do not need it.

Za Koa Core: Za Koa Core is stated to be an energy enhancer and is often used to help augment the powers of demons. In fact, it is crucial to some of their Possessive Drives when it comes to maintaining a more enhanced and controlled version of their release forms. And it can be utilized to help further increase the potency of their magic, possessive powers or racial abilities.

This energy enhancing racial is made possible by the fact that demons have a natural connection to a hidden sub-realm within the demon world that hosts a core of sacred demon energy. It was forged from a large cluster of energy from the demon race's creator with a mixture of its power and death. However, it has grown to be much more than that throughout the hundreds of millions of years it has exist.

Demon energy is described to be possessive and aggressive in nature, so to sustain it's existence, this creation of sacred demon energy known as Za Koa has fed off the demon realm in the way of taking energy from long since deceased demons, prayers and even other realms by agents of Za Koa that have acted out its will. And, considering there are tens of billions of demons that exist, that is a tall order to fill and requires a high amount of energy to sustain and distribute.

With that said, however, demons are NOT forced to use this trait. Some outright have disconnected this link from their bodies as they do not care for it based around the fact not all demons praise their creator. As there is a strong lore around this power that states Deveta (the demon god ICly) forged this and other demons reject it out of a desire to grow on their own power. So it is up to the demon in question to determine if they want to invest in their skill, but it can be of great beneficial use for those that do decide to embrace it.

The spoilers describe how much of an enhancement boost they get per skill level


Possessive Influence

Possessive Influence: Possessive Influence is a demon's ability to possess elements in the world around them through the medium of their energy. Since they are a race that thrives on both inner and outward possession that is related to their power, it makes sense that this thematic extended to their racial skills in this matter. As with this skill a demon can begin to understand how the world functions around them, increase their senses, consume energy and otherwise manipulate the existence around them with this skill.

Note: While demons can drain energy with this technique, this does not mean that they themselves can store it in their body. It is only meant to dull other attacks.


Demon Magic [Possessive Magic]

tl;dr version

Demon Magic is a free-flow magic system, but it must relate to the demon's Possessive Theme. They can have as many spells as they want, but if they go outside that theme, or aren't related, it will either be impossible to do, drain them of energy at rapid rates or injure them. Furthermore, how you skilled you determined how many spells you can keep active per post, how potent your magic is and how advanced you can make each spell.

And, lastly, you can enhance your magic by creating centers of worship for demons, training constantly, researching your element or creating sacrifices for your demon that make them stronger.

Other notes is that making incantations for your spells will also generally make them stronger along with being in areas where your demon's element is widespread. (I.E. a fire demon being around a wildfire created by one of their followers can augment their magic)


Among demon kind, it is often debated that this is perhaps one of their strongest assets that they possess. This is because the primary focus of their magic is that they must bring their own inner element of possession out into the material world around them. And, when they bring this element out, they must adhere to it and are restricted to releasing elements related to their possession theme out with it. In exchange, they are allowed to have as many free-form spells as they desire with their demonic magic.

An illustration of this in practice will be used with The Danava Discord. Mana Asthavon possesses an ability that allows her to enforce her possessive element of madness on the world around her. And, since she is consumed by this element, her Possessive Magic is confined to having varying magical effects which are restricted to anything that allows her to destabilize, unhinge or otherwise make the world around her unstable. Therefore, she could create monsters from her magic the destabilize the world around her, produce spells which can cause the destabilization of particles around her to induce disintegration, attempt to influence the minds of NPC's around her with spells that make them mad and so on and so forth.

The general theme with their magic is that is unlimited and free-form, but only within the confines of what their possessive theme stands for. If Mana attempted to use something which induces order in the world, she could attempt to use it, but it would greatly damage her or the attack wouldn't work period even with her grand mastery in demonic magic. Therefore, even with some of the preset spells that exist for demons, they will be forced to add their own possessive element into it.

Active Spells Per Post

Click the spoiler below to view how your skill level influences how many spells you can keep active per post



Demon Magic Potency


Demon Magic Potency just refers how potent your spells will become based on the skill you have as a demon. These are scaled view the powerscale of PH and, regardless of tier, your demon's magical potency will increase as they master this skill.

Refer to this guide:

Click the spoiler below to see how attack potency and demon magic skill level influences your demon's magic


How To Train Demon Magic


These are just recommended ways to enhance your demon's magic. The more your demon learns about their possessive magic, bonds with it, trains with it, fights with it or gets people to worship or make sacrifices for it; the stronger it will eventually become over time.

Click the spoiler below if you want to explore ways to try and train your magic.


Other Notes About Demon Magic

External Augmentation


External Augmentations are just extra boosts that your demon get when they are around their element. The potency of these boost will vary based on their skill over their demonic magic. However, it must be done without their influence for it to work.

(I.E. if there was a Possessive Magic based around fire, then a person simply couldn't start a fire to get this external augmentation boost. It would have to be produced naturally or someone else beside the demon would have to start a fire of some kind.)

Click the spoiler below to see how external elements can influence your demons magic.



Incantations: Incantations are important to demonic magic because of the fact it shows further bonding with their spells. Therefore, if the demon in question wants to reach their strongest magical potential, then it is recommended that they create an incantation before their spell. However, the primary limitation with this is that the incantations have a limit to how many times they can be used before their effectiveness wears out. Thus, skill plays a factor in how potent this ability will be.

Click the spoiler below to see how each different level of demon magic skill influences their incantations.




Sacrifices are just spells designed to induce magical effects, enhance a demon's magic/strength and make events happen in reality based on sacrifices that are either sentimental to the demon/person executing the sacrifice, related to their element, are pre-established or use some kind of medium to give up to make these powerful spells work.

Sacrifices: Sacrifices are not only tools used to help enhance the magic of a demon for the long-term, but there are also short-term sacrifices as well that can be used to influence a demon's magic potency. These sacrifices can often be made by others or even by the demon themselves. In order for them to have an effect, however, these offerings must hold some value to the subject. A few examples include monetary things such as cash, energy, objects, body parts and even other lives if need be.

However, the sacrifices themselves won't truly become potent unless they hold a sentimental value to them. There are many mediums in this world which can hold varying degrees of value to a person, but those which are closest to the heart will often hold the strongest effect.

Additionally, while free-form sacrifices can be created, they won't be as effective as sacrifice with pre-established protocols. So it is recommended for most demons to create sacrificial spells for their followers to enforce if they want the strongest effect. This is because they are hard-set rules which are birthed into the universe, set in stone and create more of a bond between the demon and their power.

(Note: The person making the sacrifice can also receive benefits from sacrificial spells as well. However, the demon has to activate it and allow for it to happen.)



Demonic Worship


Demonic Worship is just another way for demons to create spells or enhancements to improve their strength or the strength of those around them. This can be extremely effective if they create a place or worship for their possessive magic. However, this cannot be done when the character is approved unless otherwise approved by staff because anyone can just write they had a massive following upon creation of their app.

Click the spoiler below if you want to go ahead and view how worship can improve your demon's magic.


Possessive Augment


Possessive Augment is a physical racial skill where demons choose between majoring in body manipluation or the speed of their overall energy. Once they chose their major, then they can still use the minor, but it will be one skill level below their major. (I.E. if a demon choose body manipulation as their major at Advanced, then their Possessive Speed would be adept) And, based on their skill level, these attributes can become more enhanced and powerful.

Possessive Augment: Possessive Augment is one of the key elements that make the physical might of demons rather difficult to deal with. This is because the bodies of most demons are possessing the energy from the world around them passively in varying volumes. They then store this energy within themselves, digest it and convert it into the fuel needed to help them create a physical boost in power. As a result, they can create Possessive Augment which deals with the elements of possessive body manipulation and speed in which their energy movs in their body.

As unlike other races that depend on things like shunpo, Hierro or hakuda; a demon's Possessive Augment houses all of their body manipulation and speed in one skill. And, what makes it different is that they can have some control over all these elements, but they most pick which element of their physical attributes will be their major focus. Thus, depending on their level of skill, they can have varying degrees of control and mastery of these attributes.

Click the spoiler below to see how the Possessive Augment System works


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The Demon Race 3.0 [2018 Update] Empty Demon Skill Sheets & Racials [2018/2019 Update]

Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:51 pm
Demon Skills
  • Za Koa Core: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Posessive Magic: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Possessive Augment: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Possessive Influence: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[b][u]Demon Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Za Koa Core:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Posessive Magic:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Possessive Augment:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Possessive Influence:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Za Koa Core: Za Koa Core is stated to be an energy enhancer and is often used to help augment the powers of demons. In fact, it is crucial to some of their Possessive Drives when it comes to maintaining a more enhanced and controlled version of their release forms. And it can be utilized to help further increase the potency of their magic, possessive powers or racial abilities.

This energy enhancing racial is made possible by the fact that demons have a natural connection to a hidden sub-realm within the demon world that hosts a core of sacred demon energy. It was forged from a large cluster of energy from the demon race's creator with a mixture of its power and death. However, it has grown to be much more than that throughout the hundreds of millions of years it has exist.

Demon energy is described to be possessive and aggressive in nature, so to sustain it's existence, this creation of sacred demon energy known as Za Koa has fed off the demon realm in the way of taking energy from long since deceased demons, prayers and even other realms by agents of Za Koa that have acted out its will. And, considering there are tens of billions of demons that exist, that is a tall order to fill and requires a high amount of energy to sustain and distribute.

With that said, however, demons are NOT forced to use this trait. Some outright have disconnected this link from their bodies as they do not care for it based around the fact not all demons praise their creator. As there is a strong lore around this power that states Deveta (the demon god ICly) forged this and other demons reject it out of a desire to grow on their own power. So it is up to the demon in question to determine if they want to invest in their skill, but it can be of great beneficial use for those that do decide to embrace it.

[b]Za Koa Core:[/b] Za Koa Core is stated to be an energy enhancer and is often used to help augment the powers of demons. In fact, it is crucial to some of their Possessive Drives when it comes to maintaining a more enhanced and controlled version of their release forms. And it can be utilized to help further increase the potency of their magic, possessive powers or racial abilities.

This energy enhancing racial is made possible by the fact that demons have a natural connection to a hidden sub-realm within the demon world that hosts a core of sacred demon energy. It was forged from a large cluster of energy from the demon race's creator with a mixture of its power and death. However, it has grown to be much more than that throughout the hundreds of millions of years it has exist.

Demon energy is described to be possessive and aggressive in nature, so to sustain it's existence, this creation of sacred demon energy known as Za Koa has fed off the demon realm in the way of taking energy from long since deceased demons, prayers and even other realms by agents of Za Koa that have acted out its will. And, considering there are tens of billions of demons that exist, that is a tall order to fill and requires a high amount of energy to sustain and distribute.

With that said, however, demons are NOT forced to use this trait. Some outright have disconnected this link from their bodies as they do not care for it based around the fact not all demons praise their creator. As there is a strong lore around this power that states Deveta (the demon god ICly) forged this and other demons reject it out of a desire to grow on their own power.  So it is up to the demon in question to determine if they want to invest in their skill, but it can be of great beneficial use for those that do decide to embrace it.

Demon Magic [Possessive Magic: Among demon kind, it is often debated that this is perhaps one of their strongest assets that they possess. This is because the primary focus of their magic is that they must bring their own inner element of possession out into the material world around them. And, when they bring this element out, they must adhere to it and are restricted to releasing elements related to their possession theme out with it. In exchange, they are allowed to have as many free-form spells as they desire with their demonic magic.

An illustration of this in practice will be used with The Danava Discord. Mana Asthavon possesses an ability that allows her to enforce her possessive element of madness on the world around her. And, since she is consumed by this element, her Possessive Magic is confined to having varying magical effects which are restricted to anything that allows her to destabilize, unhinge or otherwise make the world around her unstable. Therefore, she could create monsters from her magic the destabilize the world around her, produce spells which can cause the destabilization of particles around her to induce disintegration, attempt to influence the minds of NPC's around her with spells that make them mad and so on and so forth.

The general theme with their magic is that is unlimited and free-form, but only within the confines of what their possessive theme stands for. If Mana attempted to use something which induces order in the world, she could attempt to use it, but it would greatly damage her or the attack wouldn't work period even with her grand mastery in demonic magic. Therefore, even with some of the preset spells that exist for demons, they will be forced to add their own possessive element into it.

[b]Demon Magic [Possessive Magic:[/b] Among demon kind, it is often debated that this is perhaps one of their strongest assets that they possess. This is because the primary focus of their magic is that they must bring their own inner element of possession out into the material world around them. And, when they bring this element out, they must adhere to it and are restricted to releasing elements related to their possession theme out with it. In exchange, they are allowed to have as many free-form spells as they desire with their demonic magic.

An illustration of this in practice will be used with The Danava Discord. Mana Asthavon possesses an ability that allows her to enforce her possessive element of madness on the world around her. And, since she is consumed by this element, her Possessive Magic is confined to having varying magical effects which are restricted to anything that allows her to destabilize, unhinge or otherwise make the world around her unstable. Therefore, she could create monsters from her magic the destabilize the world around her, produce spells which can cause the destabilization of particles around her to induce disintegration, attempt to influence the minds of NPC's around her with spells that make them mad and so on and so forth.

The general theme with their magic is that is unlimited and free-form, but only within the confines of what their possessive theme stands for. If Mana attempted to use something which induces order in the world, she could attempt to use it, but it would greatly damage her or the attack wouldn't work period even with her grand mastery in demonic magic. Therefore, even with some of the preset spells that exist for demons, they will be forced to add their own possessive element into it.

Possessive Augment: Possessive Augment is one of the key elements that make the physical might of demons rather difficult to deal with. This is because the bodies of most demons are possessing the energy from the world around them passively in varying volumes. They then store this energy within themselves, digest it and convert it into the fuel needed to help them create a physical boost in power. As a result, they can create Possessive Augment which deals with the elements of possessive body manipulation and speed in which their energy movs in their body.

As unlike other races that depend on things like shunpo, Hierro or hakuda; a demon's Possessive Augment houses all of their body manipulation and speed in one skill. And, what makes it different is that they can have some control over all these elements, but they most pick which element of their physical attributes will be their major focus. Thus, depending on their level of skill, they can have varying degrees of control and mastery of these attributes.

  • Possessive Shifting: Possessive Shifting deals with a demon's ability to shapeshift their body. In essence, the higher your possessive augment is, the more grandiose these shifts can become. On the lower end of this spectrum, one will often only be able to do minor things such as cosmetic changes (hair color, height adjustment, assuming other identities etc), where on the highest end of the spectrum you have demon's like Mana who are able to perform sub-atomic manipulation of their bodies to create regeneration based abilities and not need a physical form with organs and such.

  • Possessive Movement: Possessive Movement is the demon's ability to otherwise generate speed. If they specialize in this, then they will often begin to focus on creating techniques, abilities and systems which serve to augment every aspect of their speed. This can range from techniques that allow for sudden burst of movement that enhances their natural speed, the capacity to make their attacks release much faster (I.E. if a demon spell is naturally slow moving, they can use possessive movement to possess the momentum and increase it's speed while it's being created), creating sustained movement of speed and so on and so forth

[b]Possessive Augment:[/b] Possessive Augment is one of the key elements that make the physical might of demons rather difficult to deal with. This is because the bodies of most demons are possessing the energy from the world around them passively in varying volumes. They then store this energy within themselves, digest it and convert it into the fuel needed to help them create a physical boost in power. As a result, they can create Possessive Augment which deals with the elements of possessive body manipulation and speed in which their energy movs in their body.

As unlike other races that depend on things like shunpo, Hierro or hakuda; a demon's Possessive Augment houses all of their body manipulation and speed in one skill. And, what makes it different is that they can have some control over all these elements, but they most pick which element of their physical attributes will be their major focus. Thus, depending on their level of skill, they can have varying degrees of control and mastery of these attributes.

[list][*][b]Possessive Shifting:[/b] Possessive Shifting deals with a demon's ability to shapeshift their body. In essence, the higher your possessive augment is, the more grandiose these shifts can become. On the lower end of this spectrum, one will often only be able to do minor things such as cosmetic changes (hair color, height adjustment, assuming other identities etc), where on the highest end of the spectrum you have demon's like Mana who are able to perform sub-atomic manipulation of their bodies to create regeneration based abilities and not need a physical form with organs and such.

[*][b]Possessive Movement:[/b] Possessive Movement is the demon's ability to otherwise generate speed. If they specialize in this, then they will often begin to focus on creating techniques, abilities and systems which serve to augment every aspect of their speed. This can range from techniques that allow for sudden burst of movement that enhances their natural speed, the capacity to make their attacks release much faster (I.E. if a demon spell is naturally slow moving, they can use possessive movement to possess the momentum and increase it's speed while it's being created), creating sustained movement of speed and so on and so forth[/list]

Possessive Influence: Possessive Influence is a demon's ability to possess elements in the world around them through the medium of their energy. Since they are a race that thrives on both inner and outward possession that is related to their power, it makes sense that this thematic extended to their racial skills in this matter. As with this skill a demon can begin to understand how the world functions around them, increase their senses, consume energy and otherwise manipulate the existence around them with this skill.

[b]Possessive Influence:[/b] Possessive Influence is a demon's ability to possess elements in the world around them through the medium of their energy. Since they are a race that thrives on both inner and outward possession that is related to their power, it makes sense that this thematic extended to their racial skills in this matter. As with this skill a demon can begin to understand how the world functions around them, increase their senses, consume energy and otherwise manipulate the existence around them with this skill.

Other Racials

Demon Energy: Demon energy can be described as a very aggressive type of energy. The reason for this is because of the fact it acts as a medium for the demon to possess the world around them. The particles of energy which are produced from a demon's body is constantly possessing and draining energy from the world around them passively in the background. It feeds on the existence around them, digests it and uses it as fuel to further the possessive power which lays inside of the demon.

And, given the unhinged psyche of demons, it's also been described as an energy that can be made rather potent when they are under high-stress or emotional circumstances. Their body, power, and mind are all heavily linked together and demons have a mass bond with their power that is unlike other races. Therefore, their state of mind can heavily influence how potent their demonic energy can become.

It is also possible to utilize demon energy without the use of a demon body, but it will often be designed to try and be the most dominant energy. It is dangerous for most other races to try and utilize this because it will often try to possess them to convert the way their powers work, their mind functions and the way reality exist around them because their bodies are constantly trying to possess it under the influence of demeon energy. This especially appplies to hybrids as demon energy can exist in them, but it will be hard for them to get a handle on it due to how aggressive it is.

[b]Demon Energy:[/b] Demon energy can be described as a very aggressive type of energy. The reason for this is because of the fact it acts as a medium for the demon to possess the world around them. The particles of energy which are produced from a demon's body is constantly possessing and draining energy from the world around them passively in the background. It feeds on the existence around them, digests it and uses it as fuel to further the possessive power which lays inside of the demon.

And, given the unhinged psyche of demons, it's also been described as an energy that can be made rather potent when they are under high-stress or emotional circumstances. Their body, power, and mind are all heavily linked together and demons have a mass bond with their power that is unlike other races. Therefore, their state of mind can heavily influence how potent their demonic energy can become.

It is also possible to utilize demon energy without the use of a demon body, but it will often be designed to try and be the most dominant energy. It is dangerous for most other races to try and utilize this because it will often try to possess them to convert the way their powers work, their mind functions and the way reality exist around them because their bodies are constantly trying to possess it under the influence of demeon energy. This especially appplies to hybrids as demon energy can exist in them, but it will be hard for them to get a handle on it due to how aggressive it is.

External Augmentation: A demon's magic is at it's strongest when they are in their prime element. Once again, I'm going to use Mana as an example. Provided she hasn't directly caused an event of mass madness, destabilization or destruction/chaos; Mana can potentially tap into her possessive element of chaos to help siphon energy from this element of chaos to help empower her magic.

Thus,if they can possess the energy around them that is RELATED to their possessive element, then their magic will often be two times stronger than normal. However, this buff has a cycle for when it's active. When they first enter the zone where their possessive element is active, they can have a variable augmentation (it will be listed below based on skill)

It should be noted, however, each usage after the first time will cause a strain on their body. So it should be used with surgery in mind. Every demon gets a free pass the first time they activate their external augmentation, but they will notice their body growing more heavy, weary and tired the more times they use it per thread. And, if they are critically injured, they CANNOT use this augmentation boost. They have to be at least 50% health and energy in order for this to work. Otherwise, their body will NOT handle it.

[b]External Augmentation:[/b] A demon's magic is at it's strongest when they are in their prime element. Once again, I'm going to use Mana as an example. Provided she hasn't directly caused an event of mass madness, destabilization or destruction/chaos; Mana can potentially tap into her possessive element of chaos to help siphon energy from this element of chaos to help empower her magic.

Thus,if they can possess the energy around them that is RELATED to their possessive element, then their magic will often be two times stronger than normal. However, this buff has a cycle for when it's active. When they first enter the zone where their possessive element is active, they can have a variable augmentation (it will be listed below based on skill)

It should be noted, however, each usage after the first time will cause a strain on their body. So it should be used with surgery in mind. Every demon gets a free pass the first time they activate their external augmentation, but they will notice their body growing more heavy, weary and tired the more times they use it per thread. And, if they are critically injured, they CANNOT use this augmentation boost. They have to be at least 50% health and energy in order for this to work. Otherwise, their body will NOT handle it.

Incantations: Incantations are important to demonic magic because of the fact it shows further bonding with their spells. Therefore, if the demon in question wants to reach their strongest magical potential, then it is recommended that they create an incantation before their spell. However, the primary limitation with this is that the incantations have a limit to how many times they can be used before their effectiveness wears out. Thus, skill plays a factor in how potent this ability will be.

[b]Incantations:[/b] Incantations are important to demonic magic because of the fact it shows further bonding with their spells. Therefore, if the demon in question wants to reach their strongest magical potential, then it is recommended that they create an incantation before their spell. However, the primary limitation with this is that the incantations have a limit to how many times they can be used before their effectiveness wears out. Thus, skill plays a factor in how potent this ability will be.

Sacrifices & Worship: Sacrifices are not only tools used to help enhance the magic of a demon for the long-term, but there are also short-term sacrifices as well that can be used to influence a demon's magic potency. These sacrifices can often be made by others or even by the demon themselves. In order for them to have an effect, however, these offerings must hold some value to the subject. A few examples include monetary things such as cash, energy, objects, body parts and even other lives if need be.

However, the sacrifices themselves won't truly become potent unless they hold a sentimental value to them. There are many mediums in this world which can hold varying degrees of value to a person, but those which are closest to the heart will often hold the strongest effect.

Additionally, while free-form sacrifices can be created, they won't be as effective as sacrifice with pre-established protocols. So it is recommended for most demons to create sacrificial spells for their followers to enforce if they want the strongest effect. This is because they are hard-set rules which are birthed into the universe, set in stone and create more of a bond between the demon and their power.

(Note: The person making the sacrifice can also receive benefits from sacrificial spells as well. However, the demon has to activate it and allow for it to happen.)

Worship is important to Demonic Magic. The reason for this is because of the fact that they can become empowered and enhance their magic further when they are able to build occult-like followings with the teachings of their possessive magic. It is part of the reason why Khala herself was able to wield so much power when she waged her holy war against the Soul Society. There was a high number of devote followers of her religion that would give their lives up for the teachings of her seemly holy possessive magic.

Therefore, worship is a noteworthy way for a demon to build their magical strength up. However, for most IC characters, this will often have to be done in thread unless staff otherwise say so upon approval on their app. This is to prevent people from abusing the system because potentially anyone can just say they built a large following from scratch in the context of their history. Additionally, Demonic Worship is often stronger when IC characters give their praise to the demon in question because our private characters are far stronger/potent than the average NPC.

[b]Sacrifices & Worship:[/b] Sacrifices are not only tools used to help enhance the magic of a demon for the long-term, but there are also short-term sacrifices as well that can be used to influence a demon's magic potency. These sacrifices can often be made by others or even by the demon themselves. In order for them to have an effect, however, these offerings must hold some value to the subject. A few examples include monetary things such as cash, energy, objects, body parts and even other lives if need be.

However, the sacrifices themselves won't truly become potent unless they hold a sentimental value to them. There are many mediums in this world which can hold varying degrees of value to a person, but those which are closest to the heart will often hold the strongest effect.

Additionally, while free-form sacrifices can be created, they won't be as effective as sacrifice with pre-established protocols. So it is recommended for most demons to create sacrificial spells for their followers to enforce if they want the strongest effect. This is because they are hard-set rules which are birthed into the universe, set in stone and create more of a bond between the demon and their power.

(Note: The person making the sacrifice can also receive benefits from sacrificial spells as well. However, the demon has to activate it and allow for it to happen.)

Worship is important to Demonic Magic. The reason for this is because of the fact that they can become empowered and enhance their magic further when they are able to build occult-like followings with the teachings of their possessive magic. It is part of the reason why Khala herself was able to wield so much power when she waged her holy war against the Soul Society. There was a high number of devote followers of her religion that would give their lives up for the teachings of her seemly holy possessive magic.

Therefore, worship is a noteworthy way for a demon to build their magical strength up. However, for most IC characters, this will often have to be done in thread unless staff otherwise say so upon approval on their app. This is to prevent people from abusing the system because potentially anyone can just say they built a large following from scratch in the context of their history. Additionally, Demonic Worship is often stronger when IC characters give their praise to the demon in question because our private characters are far stronger/potent than the average NPC.
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