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Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:43 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt

Song: Harime Nui Theme - Word Count: N/A


The sun was shining, people were out enjoying the light of day n' all was right on this summer morning. Yet, The Queen of Demon's was about to place her seed into this all-too-cheery backdrop n' fuck it up by injecting her demonic presence into the capital city of Kampala, Uganda. Without givin' so much as a high-ho-fuck, Ol' Queenie stormed into the city by military escort. As she strolled straight through the bare streets, traffic had all but came to a cease. In its place was a multitude of tanks, planes, missiles, soldiers n' all the works made way for The Queen as all eyes were on her.

At any moment, ooodles n' oodles of The Vastime's toys were ready to go full nuclear-war on this menace to society.

Yet -- could Mana give a fuck?


What a yawn! What a bore!

She's faced gods, super armies, the undead and your mom over one million times before. If they were dumb enough to start something, she was smart enough to finish it. With the power, influence n' madness at her fingertips; she'd bring this whole god damn city down to the ground if they got in the way of her play-date with Abalia. This precious lil' skamp knew how to have a good time, could withstand the presence of our almighty Queen n' didn't fear much from the looks of it.

So, she expected to be treated well while she made her way to the Vastime Embassy in this oh-so-drab Captial City of theirs.

"Chop, chop Abalia! I want to be shown a good time! And so far, it looks like all of these boys are ready to blow their load just at lookin' at me."

With a confident laugh filled with the utmost of joy, Ol' Mana continued.

"I mean, I know I look hot n' all, but this a bit much, don't ya think? I guess they gotta roll out the carpet for lil' ol' me, huh?"

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Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:15 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ GylskFI


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

As Abalia made her way to speak with Mana, she could not help but glance around at the defenses brought to bear all for this and sigh at the grandiosity. She understood that they wished to show Mana could not do as she pleased, and of course this great force was hardly a fraction of Vastime’s true might, but she had rather intended for this to be entirely casual. Those above her placed little stock in her planning, it seemed, and perhaps in a sense she understood their line of reasoning. Mana was everything they stood against fundamentally, and ideally they would never be engaging in this. But these were not ideal times, were they? Besides, there was a certain earnestness to be demonstrated through open diplomatic channels.

Upon her arrival, Abalia smiled as though greeting an old friend, and gave a small bow before holding out a hand. Whether this was to shake or simply for Mana to hold, that was entirely up to the Queen. The officer, however, was aware that the open-ended nature of this action allowed all manner of reactions from Mana, but that openness was the sort of security she needed to project. Abalia lived by such an idea, that the greatest security was that you brought to yourself. Perhaps her own brand of this was not exactly what others would have considered genuine, but if there was one truth about Abalia, it was nearly impossible to dissuade her.

“Mana, an absolute pleasure to see you here. Do forgive the military presence. I told them not to worry about all of this, but they lacked much faith in me, I suppose. No matter. I promised a meal at my cafe, did I not? I am, of course, a woman of my word.”

Abalia knew that this whole affair would raise eyebrows, both in Vastime and elsewhere, and that was in no small part why she would have preferred the military not so openly prepare. One way or the other, this would send a message about Vastime, and Abalia was all too determined to make that message a confident one, if not necessarily a good one. She was sure that the entire idea of diplomatic relations with Shadow Fall was considered long past worthwhile to most, but she was not most. Until she could rely upon her liege to keep things more secure against greater threats than mundane crime, diplomacy was the only path to be reasonably followed.

“I hope you enjoy brunch, I have prepared all manner of lovely dishes. The highest quality ingredients, of course, no expense spared, and I have spent a good while ensuring everything is up to my own standards.”

It would be a lie to say Abalia was glad about all of this, or to claim that Mana was some sort of friend or ally to her. But she was an asset, that much was true, and Abalia was something of an expert at lying to herself. For the sake of her people’s security, she would lie to herself until the end of time if need be. Actual discussion would come later, but she knew Mana hardly wanted to get right down to business. It was a delicate matter, after all.

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Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:31 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt

Song: Prankster - Word Count: N/A


Mana respected Abalia enough to give her a lil' bow in return when her good ol' friend finally made it through the sea of useless mooks to greet her. After which, The Queen exchanged a cordial handshake with the ghost haired lass before her. For the time being, this bundle of sugary chaos was feeling a bit more in control of herself around this cluster of order. Perhaps that frigid atmosphere of The Officer had managed to ooze down a bit into Mana's soul? Who bloody knows. All that The Queen knew in this moment is that she wanted to explore, get a bite to eat, chat it up with her new bud n' make a scene in town because her essence attracted all eyes on her as far as Mana was concerned.

"It's always hard to find good help these days, toots. Though I figure it's sumthin' to do with the fact our groups keep vaporizin' all the good help out of existence!"

Cackle, cackle, cackle~! Ol' Queenie loved to have a good laugh as her lips rolled over into a carefree smile. Yeah, they both stood on the piles of countless thousands that have died in the name of their nations, but that's just the type of life these two vixens found themselves in. Why should Mana, or Abalia for that matter, let it dampen their current state of existence? It was all blood under the bridge as far as this royal demon was concerned in this moment.

Then, after leaning on the shoulder of Abalia as they walked, Mana took a sharp stare at her new best bud as the intent gaze of her gem green eyes fixed on Abalia's eye silver stare.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss, I'd love a bite to eat rather soon, but tell me sumthin': ya' want me to get serious or ya' want me to be a bundle of girlish fun? I like ya, so ya get to pick. Ya' can either speak to lil' ol' me, or fully Queeny me~"

Such a stinker, right? This was her comical persona out in full effect. There were many personas in the depth of her existence, but this one brought her the most amusement. However, since Abalia wasn't a ball of irritation, Ol' Mana had no problems getting down to business n' giving her access to a more earnest Queeny if she wanted.

So despite the fact that the media, military n' all sorts of ugly civilians were taking pictures of this event; all Mana was focused on was the response to her question before deciding how she'd move forward with this lil' get together of theirs.

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Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:39 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ GylskFI


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Though Abalia was in fact surprised by Mana's bow, she certainly didn't show it, as maintaining perfect composure was something of a necessity during this particular meeting. Granted, she considered it a necessity in all meetings, and indeed at all times in general, but right now was far more important than most. She naturally listened carefully to the Demon Queen's every word, calculating her responses and readying for any possible turn in the conversation.

“Ah, good help is always difficult to find, Your Highness, even when it isn't so quickly destroyed through warfare. But I suspect a good amount of that comes down to a lack of proper teaching, wouldn't you say? Who knows how many potentially great people have been wasted simply because they were told they could not do it?”

Naturally, Abalia did not take the deaths of those lost as lightheartedly as Mana did. There had likely been untold men and women who had done little to earn such deaths, quite probably simply thrown into war like meat into the grinder, and deep within her this stirred a quiet fury. Nevertheless, she suppressed that for the moment, returning her attentions to the conversation at hand, for diplomacy was everything in the moment, and emotion would only get in the way.

Although she had not expected the question Mana posed to her, Abalia took it in stride, looking to her guest in turn to maintain eye contact. She was hardly going to act a meek sheep, now was she? It took the briefest of moments for Abalia to contemplate the question, but in that time all manner of potential answers flooded through her mind. There were countless ways to go about this, and yet... In the end, only one seemed quite right.

“I am allowed to choose? I am quite honored, Your Highness, and I must admit I find myself a touch unready for a question of such gravity... Although, I do suppose that for a conversation such as this, a fully royal demeanor may be best, hm? I would hardly wish to bore you. And beyond that, I must admit that I am curious to see such a side of you. It is good to fully get to know one's friends, is it not?”

The smile on Abalia's face grew a bit more, then, an all too friendly and genuine smile that suggested her every word was true. Was it? Well, it was hardly a lie, after all. She was curious, and she did hardly wish to bore Mana. A royal demeanor would certainly be best, and it was good to know one's friends. She had spoken not one lie, simply...allowed the truth to obscure itself.

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Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:03 am

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt

Song: The Doll Maker - Word Count: N/A

The choice was made to summon The Queen. Without a need to indulge further in this Jokester persona, the veil of a fool absolved itself from the skin of The Demoness as she soon moved away from Abalia. In a matter of moments was all it took for this shift in consciousness to take root in the essence of The Asthavon. Subtle alterations soon started to wash over the shell of the hellish empress. The body of the Royal grew from its 5'7 stature to a 5'10 height, while the bosom of Mana grew ever so slightly. All the while, her hair became thicker and longer, fangs and claws sharper and more menacing; until the once manic smile across the ghost colored woman faded and a more gentle smile graced her visage.


The voice of The Greek Goddess Eris slipped out but for a moment in a soothing exhale of breath. Yet, in spite of that, through the grace of her accursed mastery of the demonic arts of magic, Mana translated this word in the mind of Abalia to simply be: "Hello."

In this instant, the atmosphere had changed. By no means was the aura within the depths of Mana's body anything but tranquil and calm. However, the cluster of sheer insanity, chaos, and discord which flourished within her core became more focused. Rather than flaunting about in every which direction but right, it remained in the background as if this collection of apocalyptic nightmares could be unhinged at any moment, but that their master yielded the needed mastery over it to prevent them from reducing this landscape into nothing but a fine memory.

"Now, darling, I grow tired of these sights. Guide me to a place where we can sit and discuss the future of our affairs."

Despite her request being blunt, the change in tone may be the greatest distractor in this moment. Gone was the Texan Swang which drenched her voice from earlier. Instead, what remained in her tone had been a subdued tone befitting someone from the heart of mother Britain. And should it not be akin to that accent? After all, Mana had been The Queen of Britian as well in this day and age. And as such, The Queen had no interest in being around most of the commoners of this land as both herself and Abalia ventured through the depths of The Vastime Empire. So she required a place to be free, indulge in her company and sort the affairs of Shadow Fall and Vastime.

"But before that, it is a pleasure to meet you, my dear."

Upon uttering those words out into the air, The Queen took Abalia's hand, kissed it and proceeded to shift her emerald gaze straight into the face of The Officer. What had peered into the eyes Of The Vastimin had been the gentle smile of Mana ashe awaited the next set of events to determine where these two would set forth this momentous meeting.

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Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:59 am


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Most in Abalia's position might surely have regretted their decision, or at the very least been immediately deeply concerned about having bitten off more than they could chew. To the ghost-haired officer, however, it was quite nearly everything she could have hoped for in this instance. While she had no issue with continuing to dance around her presentation of any issue or point by wording it in such a way that it kept Mana's interest, a far more serious incarnation of the Demon Queen would allow the two to operate on much more even footing. Even footing, in turn, would only display even further confidence on Abalia's part, for there would be no deceit there. Apart, of course, from the true nature of Vastime's defenses at present.

The change in atmosphere, and in Mana's energy, was one that Abalia found, frankly, most agreeable. Such an orderly air was one she could appreciate, though to say she liked it would be a bit too kind a word, due mostly to the source of said atmosphere. In this particular moment, however, she did indeed like Mana's presence. Not so much because of the Demon Queen herself, but more on account of the context of their meeting, and of the assurance that the two were operating as relative equals for now.

“Of course, Your Highness. I did promise you a meal at my own place of business, did I not? While I would not make the claim that I could surpass anyone at your own disposal, I should like to think that what I have prepared will prove adequate for you over the course of this meeting.”

Abalia naturally returned Mana's gaze for as long as she held it, showing not one iota of fear or hesitation as she did so. It was not such strongly made eye contact as to be challenging, of course, for such aggression was not in Abalia's nature, and certainly would not do her any good at the moment. It was simply kept for the same purpose that all of her actions toward Mana were in this moment; to display that she respected the Queen, and was willing to fully utilize this opportunity for the two to interact in a genuine manner, rather than skirting around any issue under the guise of propriety.

As she led the way, Abalia glanced around the city streets, noting that they were entirely empty of any citizenry. This, at least, had been handled correctly according to her orders. While this diplomacy would hardly be a secret forever, she could not imagine a single useful outcome of allowing the commonfolk to simply be out and about as the Queen of Demons walked through the city. Perhaps it might display some confidence to said commoners, but if they needed any convincing of Abalia's conviction, she had far greater concerns.

“Ah, here we are. I apologize if the venue is not nearly so grand as your palace, but I should like to think that its simplicity is something of a key aspect of its charm. There is a bit of history to this place as well, speaking personally, but I would not wish to inundate you with such things when there is business to attend to.”

All business, and yet still courteous and personable at the same time, Abalia made perhaps the ideal diplomatic company as she opened the door to the Tundra for Mana. She gave a small bow as she did so, gesturing inside with her free hand as if she were a butler or a doorman. Of course, it was not an action of deference, and the conviction in Abalia's eyes and voice as she spoke made that crystal clear. It was simply an act of courtesy, of politeness to someone who had taken time out of her busy schedule to speak with Abalia. Someone who, if need be, was Abalia's best friend in this moment.

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Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:34 am

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt

Song: Illuminaughty - Word Count: N/A

"You seem like a woman of your word. I do not doubt your claims that you've prepared something exquisite for me."

The Queen seemed to trust the words of The Vastime Offical before her eyes. Being that she was clearly a woman of diplomacy, it would be rather unbecoming of her to not live up to these promises; even if they weren't of the best quality. Above all else, in this state, Mana cared for more intentions of others rather than the actual result when it came to interacting with her. For this reason is why there was a smile which washed over the royal's face when she read into the eyes of Abalia.

Indeed, as the gem green gaze of The Asthavon peered into Abalia's steel stare, the look which this woman possessed seemed like the type of spiritual expression hungry for survival above all else; the same look that Mana herself might've given The Demon Queen which came before her. When one craves the hunger of paving the path to a better future for whatever ideology, race, cause or nation they happen to find themselves under; there is almost nothing that one man, woman or whole empire will do to secure that vision they hold within the innermost corners of their minds and hearts.

So, to that notion, The Queen extracted a sense of nostalgic amusement as she wandered through the depths of this now barren city observing such an old face. To The Queen, there was almost no reason to take note of anything in her environment. All that could be felt to her was the wavelength of one another's souls as they waltz down this barren and unknown path with only the light of their energy to guide them. Ergo, when Abalia spoke words of it not being grand, Mana could only give a shake of her head to otherwise inform the woman this setting was more than sufficient.

"My heart bleeds chaos, dear. I've feasted in the middle of war as the bodies of the damned rot at my feet. Having a bite to eat with a good soul in a modest shop is more than grand if the food is filled with substance of the soul."

Relaxed. Calm. At ease. The words which uttered out of The Queen's mouth seemed as poised and in control. And why would they not? The truth of her words reflected the reality of the existence in which they lived in. For a creature of her status, nothing less than the raw ingredients of honest intention, resolve and power were among some of the few things which could hope to satisfy a thirst from a creature who felt so beyond it all. So it mattered not if she was served in the grandest palace of demon world, or the foulest slum in some Indian dump; she sought the earnest nature of the soul to savor and taste for her own delight and nothing less.

Hence, to this end, she sought to leave Abalia with a question as she sat down to await her meal:

"One doesn't simply sit with the enemy for a shallow reason. Tell me, dear, what compels you beyond all logic to indulge in this maddening meeting? I rather enjoy relishing in the flavor of others madness."

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Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Abalia smiled just a touch at that, nodding almost sagely. Indeed, things were thoroughly exquisite, and while courtesy and etiquette demanded that she be entirely humble about the nature of what she had prepared, she of course had a definite pride in her work. As such, as the two entered the cafe, Abalia served tea quite quickly and handily, leaving milk, sugar, honey, and even a small container of blood obtained from the nearest prison. Whether or not it was used was of little consequence to her, as she was far more concerned as to the gesture of having it.

"Beyond all logic? I think I would call this meeting, in fact, entirely logical. Most would disagree, I suspect, but that is perfectly fine."

The officer then made her way to the kitchen for only a moment, before returning with a platter of scones, biscuits, and other breakfast pastries. Along with all of this was a wide array of jams, jellies, and even a sawmill gravy, made on a hunch based upon Mana's usual accent.

"There is most certainly a wide gap between us in many senses, and I think that is no small part of why some would consider me nearly insane to reach out to you. Yet, that is such a simple way of thinking. Why should relative strength matter in a diplomatic setting? I, after all, could never reach such heights as you have, but I would hardly let that deter me from achieving what I desire. Reliance on nothing more than one's own power is naive ignorance, and I suspect that you, as queen, are fully aware of that."

It may have seemed as though Abalia were simply rambling to Mana, but the truth was that her words were far more nuanced in their intent than that. Not only was she establishing her own viewpoint, but she also wished to see how the queen of demons reacted to all of this. She knew that her guest valued effort, but to what degree?

"I make no pretense that I alone might change anything in this world. But I need not ever try to do so. If speaking to you is how I am to reach for my own goals, then why should I feel any fear in doing so? I wish for the people of the world to know that they need not live in fear that a simple lack of strength will be their undoing, your highness. And, to that end, I speak to you now on their behalf. I am quite nothing compared to you, none would argue that. But that will not stop me from establishing this lunch. It will not stop me from reiterating the request I have already made; that you and I, Shadow Fall and Vastime, do not turn to simple violence as our only method of discourse. Such a thing is beneath us both, I would think."

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Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:40 pm
Link To Prior Thread:


Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt

Song: No Tomorrow - Word Count: N/A

Indulging in the company of a fine woman was something which soothed the ugly spirit which was The Demon Queen's, foul heart. While many could akin this to the physical plane in the sense of lusting after the sweet scent of tender feminine flesh, many lacked the insight required to bother with the immaterial and to seek captivation in matters of the mind. Mana was a demoness which savored the sensation of erotic arousal throughout her being as she was worse than the creatures of hell itself from her point of view. Yet, in spite of that, what spewed forth from the heart of Abalia seemed to amuse this Royal Demoness.

Beyond the need for pleasantries through the consumption of food, what Mana hungered for had been a person or thing to keep her amusement for however short or long this curiosity found itself nestled in the crevices of her consciousness. Even a foul mistress of the cosmos such as herself found being lost in the void of her universal horrors which lay nestled in the hundreds of millions of spirits which inhabit her body to be tiring. To focus on a single creature of flesh and blood with a mind of its own and agency behind it without swallow desires brought forth a sense of captivity behind those gem green eyes of the Queen.

The food was but a mere triviality compared to nourishing herself on the aura which exuded around Abalia in this moment. In fact, one could even say that the food flew into an abyss of gray mush as far as her taste buds were concerned. For this essence which bled forth from the body of The Vastime official tasted like honey, strawberry, and oatmeal intermixed in a warm blend of comforting pleasures which her soul ingested like a tired and wary old spirit. So, when she ceased with her consumption of this lifeless food, The Demon Queen rested her head upon the shoulder of Abalia and closed each of her eyes as she already had more than enough time to answer all which flowed out of the mouth of this lovely scamp.

"You have more power than you realize, dear."

Tender and soft like a sleepy newborn, the voice of Mana carried with a sense of placid exhaustion behind each of the words which uttered out of her pale-skinned lips. Granted, at this moment, the physical sense of touch kept her grounded to this material realm as she let the warmth of the ghost haired woman before her echo into the depths of her blackened heart. Perhaps in this moment, the foul Queen was akin to a lost child seeking the warmth of the womb that only a motherly figure could provide. And given the welcoming nature which the Vastime official possessed, the woman carried no qualms about seeking what she desired in this intimate exchange.

"And perhaps it is logical that you are here in my arms right now. To approach me without needless armies ready to their demise is the scene you have the instinct of survival which courses your veins."

There was then a pause in her words as The Demon Queen opened her eyes once more to peer into the blood stare of this Vastime Political Figure.

"So to that, you are already more valuable than the countless drones who serve under you that have tried to sway with violence and violence alone. Do not sell yourself short. You have Queen of Demons at your side, after all, dear."

Once those sentiments rang out into the halls of existence around them, Mana felt it was needed to close her ways once more to bask in this flow of stablized warmth before figuring out a way to otherwise verbalize this feeling of ease.

"Speak that which the people you represent hunger for. This monster only seeks comfort for the time being. Us demons are a lot that are fueled by such powerful emotions, thoughts and ideals that it grows weary to hold sucsh strife within your soul for as long as my foul heart has. So it feels nothing less than wonderful to seek refuge in the arms of another for a short time or two."

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Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ Empty Re: Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[

Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:15 pm

Something, Something Uganda Fuckin' Meme [Mana/Abalia Political Mini-Event[ 6EdIfMt


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Though most likely would not do so in such a scenario, Abalia smiled faintly at Mana's words and actions, and allowed the demon queen to rest her head. Indeed, the motherly aura that came from Abalia would only increase further as she smiled and gave Mana a small kiss atop her head. It was short, hardly the sort of thing a lover might do, but rather a matronly act of reassurance.

"Ah, is that so? Then I should consider myself honored that you think so highly of myself and my beliefs."

Certainly, Abalia did take some pride in Mana's opinion of her. It had taken effort, of course, but all things worthwhile did. How was the respect of the queen of demons different from any other accomplishment? Yet, Abalia was no liar. She would mislead, certainly, or hide the full extent of the truth. But she would not lie, not even to Mana, who was perhaps the antithesis of everything she stood for. Even if the Asthavon was so opposite to her, she did feel some sense of camaraderie due simply to their diplomatic relationship.

"If that is your desire for today, your highness, then of course I will oblige as your host. It would surely be shameful of me not to do so, would you not agree? And to take a quiet moment to ourselves is hardly so bad."

Abalia allowed Mana's embrace, and returned it, though not with the same level of affection. Of course, the silver-haired maiden was hardly one known for any such displays at all, and touched others very rarely outside of comforting those she saw in need of it. In such a situation, could any level of emotion not be called heartwarming from this woman?

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