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Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:48 pm

Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Nintendo - Song: Lifelight

Letting out a breath, the fingers on his sword loosened and adjusted. For a small time, Henrex was silent. It was the second time he had released his Bankai -- and, as he had said before -- he was still getting used to the tidal wave of power that he had released. Even as mere seconds went by, there was an added sense of comfort and sureness of his potential in this form that came to him. There was still nervousness, due to the intensity this battle had the ability to turn into, but a chunk of the insecurity he had before was beginning to melt away.

Thus, despite a great deal of power being released upon initial release, it was rather obvious that he had held back in his first attack. Sparks continued to flare across his body as he watched the bolt that he released toward Stefan, observing as the man began to delve into his own secondary source of power -- his Inner Hollow. The essence of the corrupted spirits of their world rippled across the land, drenching the Wastelands in the reeking power of Hollows.

Keeping his sword at the ready, Henrex remained silent as he observed and listened to what Stefan had said. The only thing he had said, yet, it still had a great deal of impact on his person. The grip on his weapon tightened as he processed the words, not having much time before a torrent of winds burst forth as Stefan released more and more power, channeling this and using his blood in order to fire a massive, space-breaking Gran Rey Cero.

In response, a flash of white rippled across his sword and white lightning flared to life as he thrust his sword right into the beam -- causing the two to clash. Infusing his focus and will into this attack, Henrex tapped into the power of Resolve Strike. As a result of this, Henrex would use this in order to cleave through the Gran Rey Cero. As the energy passed by his sword, the particles divided and vanished. While he had gotten around a quarter of the Cero cut, he simply wasn't able to complete the job -- causing the Cero to explode in his face. While he was quick enough to put up a barrier to disperse some of the damage, it shattered instantly, and send the half-breed flying.

As he was sent flying backward, Henrex quickly righted himself as he landed on his feet, skidding across the ground as he came to a stop. Adjusting his feet and his sword's position, Henrex wasted no time in leaping forward at Mach speeds, aiming a single, piercing strike aimed at Stefan's torso. He had no doubts that the Sword God possessed the proper reaction time in order to counter and parry, something that Henrex expected as he launched himself toward his opponent with a burst of heat streaming from the connection. Bolts singed the ground, occasionally starting small fires all around them.

Moments after, however, the male's skin would begin to flash over with purple, as a rib-cage manifested around him, several hands spawning from the object as they turned into blades, attempting to slam down on Stefan with enough force to level entire buildings as his Tulpa attacked. If the attack connected, it would likely shatter a great deal of the terrain around them, causing the fighters to separate and be at a distance once more.

Once more, he mimicked the footwork and sword position, keeping himself ready to move and attack at any moment.

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Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 DVNh7M9
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Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:00 pm

Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: FalKKonE - Song: Fight to the Finish!

Again, again, and again, the flow of power and the control that he had of it was something that continued to spur more confidence into Henrex as their blades clashed, with Stefan mimicking his Tulpa and causing their wills to collide as well. But, with the difference in strength, it wasn't long before Henrex was being pushed back.

Meanwhile, through all of this, he briefly sawthe black mist that was covering the area in the corner of his eye, but, unwilling to divert his focus, he turned his gaze back to Stefan. With this spur in confidence, Henrex began to push back as he began to tap into more and more of his strength in order to keep himself from being crushed.

Taking a glance up at the pseudo-Tulpa that Stefan had made, he could see that the formation of it was intent on keeping his Tulpa -- and by extension, him -- firmly planted in place, further indicated by the sudden amount of energy that was gathering on the edge of his sword.

Thus, instead of trying to wrestle his Tulpa free, he allowed the construct to dissipate, allowing himself to break free, step backward, and summon his Tulpa again in order to gain at least some distance and lessen his wounds. This explosion of energy, however, proved his efforts to be ultimately pointless as he too was engulfed in the dust and heat, singing and cutting him all across his body and sent flying backward.

With such a powerful explosion and Henrex's underwhelming physical durability, it wasn't hard for this explosion to deal quite the extensive amount of damage. Blood poured from all forms of cuts and gashes across his body, bones creaked and snapped, and his body fell victim to several second and third-degree burns. Through his own will and determination, Henrex righted himself in the air and landed on his feet and held an arm out, causing a lightning bolt to manifest on his palm.

His regeneration immediately started on repairing the damage, and Henrex wasted no time as he held up the bolt of lightning as a ring of water orbs spun to life around his wrist, moving up his arm and hand to circle the bolt. Hurling it forward, the water orbs merged together to form a massive whirlwind of water, tinged with electricity as it flew towards Stefan.

Not only being made more deadly with the mix of lightning as to increase any damage taken, but the high-pressure waters would be infused with Henrex's will, allowing him to increase the quality of his attack. Furthermore, it would be easy to notice the mass difference in destructive potential that this attack had, compared to the previous, as it now utilized Henrex's absolute, maximum power.

He wasn't just fighting to survive -- he was fighting to win.

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Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 DVNh7M9
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Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:59 pm

Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: TOME - Song: Survive The Virus

Henrex could hear the malice in Stefan's voice -- but there was little to any reaction to it. His regeneration was something that he didn't have a choice in, his demonic half had created it as a way to go alongside his avian physiology and speed. But, regardless, there was still the fact that, while he did possess a high level of regeneration, he was by no means immortal.

But, nevertheless, he still remained silent. There wasn't a point to continue talking -- it just left him open to attack. But, as he prepared himself to move forward, he felt a surge of power from the Monsuta King, along with his spiritual presence changing into something he had never seen or felt before, one that made his skin crawl. A cold aura swept over himself and the Wastelands and Henrex felt his feet digging into the ground harder than before.

Swallowing the growing fear that crept up his spine, Henrex shot off, reaching Mach speeds in little to no time as he sought to close the distance between them and keep him from summoning the energy in order to make an attack. But, not long after he started moving, he saw as Stefan released a blast attack with a flick of his wrist, tearing apart everything in its path -- chipping away reality itself.

Immediately stopping in his tracks and changing direction, Henrex kicked off the ground as he reached Mach 5, narrowly avoiding the blast as it tore away at where it was. Wasting no time, a bolt of lightning fell from the heavens, landing on the waiting palm of the half-breed, wrapping around his hand and arm, creating both a sword of lightning, as well as a kind of armor for his hand and arm as he started moving again, charging at Stefan and closing the gap in little time. Henrex took a breath as he thrust his arm forward, infusing every last bit of his willpower into that attack.

Should it make contact with the Monsuta King's body, it would explode in a violent burst of heat, setting the ground ablaze as more shining white lightning would spew from this blast and strike from the sky, likely causing a fair bit of damage to his opponent. Unfurling his wings and flying backward after this, the male lowered himself to the ground and summoned another bolt of lightning. Whatever the creature was that stood before him as his opponent, Henrex knew to keep himself aware of everything around him.

So, continuing his silence, Henrex kept himself ready to move, defend, or attack -- whatever would come, he was prepared.

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Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 DVNh7M9
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Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex]

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:52 am

Bladed Deities [Private] [Stefan/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: FalKKonE/Touhou - Song: Border of Life

A battle of complete and total destruction against two men who had almost reached the pinnacle of power of the world that they lived in. Warriors, one who wished to push, and the other who wished to break. But, paying attention to the surroundings, Henrex watched without worry as Stefan's threw his fist forward and the two finally clashed. The difference in power only caused his arm to stress and crack, eventually snapping out of socket as the resulting wind exploded outward, throwing the young man backward as his wings unfurled and he halted himself in the midst of the air itself and the consequential vortex.

Tapping into his own influence over the air, he reached out using this influence in order to control the wind, halting the vortex's expansion lessening the destruction to the environment around them. Thus, while there was still a large crater where Stefan stood and a blazing hell of an inferno from the friction of the punch, Henrex had managed to use this in order to contain and lessen the damage. The skies had indeed been split, but he had managed to keep the destruction contained to the point where the weather would not have been cleared.

Dropping to the ground and holding his arm for a moment as it soon reknitted itself, healing and moving back into the socket as he released the limb as Stefan called out to him, and the man's face darkened. He knew that his life as a half-breed crippled him, limiting him from the ascension in power that his subordinates and associates were capable of. While he had the combined power of two different races, it cost him a further level of power.

However, something like that had never bothered him -- it was something that he had accepted ever since he first became a Hybrid and learned about what he was capable of. If he couldn't naturally attain something like a Shikokai or Resurrección, he would just keep going, keep getting stronger to break that and create some other unholy bastardization of transformation if he needed to.

But, what would he do if Stefan did try to kill him? The answer was simple as he finally spoke, for the first time since Stefan had begun his berating.

"...I won't die. I can't die. I won't let it end here. I'll keep fighting until I have nothing left. I'll keep fighting to break my limits and keep getting stronger."

Words spoken without an ounce of anger, Henrex reached out with a hand as a sword manifested into his hand, sizzling and crackling with white flashes of lightning as he dug his foot into the ground, kicking off again and closing the distance between them once more, hitting his highest speeds of Mach 4.5, Henrex began channeling the power gifted to him by Erna into this attack. Augmenting his lightning, Resolute Strike would take the focused idea of this blade's goal to break and harm and boost it tremendously.

Thus, if Stefan responded with an attack of his own, it would most likely be either incredibly weakened or completely cut through, as this augmented bolt of resolve sought out to destroy and cut through the particles of the energy of whatever Stefan would throw at him. Should this make contact with him? The concentrated potency of his energy would aim to tear him asunder, to destroy his body as best he could with this singular strike, built upon the will of fire that would never extinguish.

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