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Wicked Intentions Empty Wicked Intentions

Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:33 am

Wicked Intentions 6EdIfMt

Queen of the Damned

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

A few days had passed since Claire had originally interacted with the demon, and while she had checked up on it a few times, the majority of her time over the last several days was spent in pursuit of her own goals. In that time she'd accomplished a few key objectives. For one, she'd fed and was now considerably more powerful than she had been before. Secondly, she'd encountered a woman with whom she shared a great deal of values, and become attached to, but in relation to her current situation that was irrelevant. What was relevant was that she'd taken on her secondary appearance, as a raven haired and horned woman. She hadn't shown the demon her ability to change her form as of yet, and she was curious as to how the thing would react.

Of course, she was still exceptionally disgusted by the fact that there was a demon residing within her own private domicile, but that couldn't really have been helped. Her goal was still exactly the same, destroy the demon in the best way possible, perhaps even turning it against its own kind, but that didn't mean she wasn't as vain as she'd ever been. She made her way through the long hallway, and she soon reached the wing of the castle in which she'd left the demon. She didn't see any of the servants around as she made her way to the correct room, which was unfortunate, as she'd wanted a cup of tea. She'd seek that out after checking up on her "guest" though.

Finally reaching the door, Claire knocked on it a few times gently before opening it and peering inwards. She was curious what the thing had been up to while she'd been away, and hoped it hadn't contaminated anything else.

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:35 am

Calypso was in the tightest spot she likely could have ever been, and didn't even realize it. The last few days of being stuck in a room would have been torturous for a normal being, but Calypso was capable of exercising her time watching dreams instead, spending most of it sleeping. She gradually became hungry however, spending a longer and longer time in slumber to distract and somewhat sustain herself on dreams instead. She felt too imposing to ask the nice lady, neglected to ask for her name, or her servants for food, feeling that being allowed to stay in this room was already too much.

A few times she tried to stack the will to come out for a bit, but for some reason she couldn't. Her inability to even look at the doorknob made her feel nervous, but some little sect of her mind was telling her to not worry about it, to just relax, everything was fine. So she stayed there, within the realm between dreams, apart from the few times the woman had come check on her.

This day, would be a different day, however.

Calypso pulled herself from slumber as she saw light leak into the room, having associated this with that lady coming to check on her, which she felt a warm rise in her chest as she pulled herself to sit up. Her colorful eyes lit up, until confusion struck, seeing someone she had never laid eyes upon before. But she still felt the same way as when the previous lady came to check on her.

"...Are.. You the lady who brought me here?"

The little demon's eyes had a mingle of confusion, warmth, and mild joy, as she was sitting up, staring at the strange woman in the doorway.

Coding By Lillian <3

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:42 am

Wicked Intentions 6EdIfMt

Queen of the Damned

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

Claire simply stood in the doorway for a moment, wondering how she should respond. She was tempted to begin a subtle manipulation of the demon, something much more sinister than she'd been doing previously, but she wouldn't set her plans into motion just yet. A bit longer, and things would go more smoothly. Just a bit longer.

"Why, of course it's me. Who else do you think wanders my castle unattended? I suppose I can't blame you for being confused though. I commonly appear in this form as well. You'll stop noticing it after a bit."

She looked the demon over, and noticed the thing didn't appear to be leaving the room. Well that was for the best, but she also didn't want it to die. No, if everything went according to plan it would make its way back out into the general populace. What she intended to do was turn it against its own kind, while also preventing it from seeing sense. To what degree she would be successful was still unclear, but she thought her odds weren't terrible at this point in time. For it to remain alive it had to eat.

"You seem to be keeping yourself cooped up in here, if I'm not mistaken? I'll send the servant in with lunch shortly. Tonight we'll be dining downstairs, the chefs are cooking. A feast, if you will. "

Claire put on her sweetest smile before she turned to leave. Halfway through the door she stopped and glanced over her shoulder. At this point in time, if the demon was exceptionally perceptive, it may have noticed a slight glimpse of cruelty in Claire's eyes. Not lasting long enough for anyone to be sure it was actually there, but perhaps something to give pause.

"Was there anything else you needed?"

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:48 pm

Calypso stared at the woman, remaining in a sitting up position on the bed as she tried to internally determine who the woman was. How she felt around her was certainly the same... But she couldn't be one-hundred percent sure. But of course, her guess was correct, which both made her feel happy and validated, the girl once more smiling with her eyes. She had quite a case of bed hair, which was.. Honestly not that much messier than usual. Her dark, grey-and-white wisped hair was usually an unkempt mess, after all.

"Yeah. I've been kinda sleepy... And hungry. Lunch sounds nice."

Her face shimmered a very many colors in a blush, as if her face couldn't quite figure out what color a blush should be, as she awkwardly looked to the side, "I... Wanted to say I was hungry, but the room's been pretty nice, and I didn't want to be inconvenient... I just wasn't able to say anything, yknow?"
The little demon chuckled nervously, "It's a weird feeling.. Anytime I tried, I just wanted to go back to sleep!"

She watched the woman turn to leave, feeling the tiniest flutter in her heart, feeling small pangs of longing, even releasing a small whimper not much unlike a child being left in a dark room after bedtime, but she restrained her child-like instincts. She did seem to brighten a bit as the strange woman had smiled at her, something prodding in the back of her mind that something was wrong, but her glamorization of the woman's small kindnesses overshadowed those defensive mental prods.

"No.. I feel like letting me stay here is a big enough leap in kindness, yknow? And... Thank you for that. Really."

Coding By Lillian <3

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:41 am

Wicked Intentions 6EdIfMt

Queen of the Damned

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

As she made her way to the kitchens to check up on the progress of her dinner Claire couldn't help but think that this demon was particularly strange. Generally they were much more assertive and aggressive, at least from the interactions she'd personally had. This one seemed to be rather meek. Oh well, that just made her job easier in the long run. It would finally be time to begin pursuing her goal in full tonight, at dinner. She was still, however, considering her strategy. There were a few obvious paths she could go down, such as exploiting the things obvious abandonment issues, or its low self esteem, inherent meekness, etc, etc. There really was a lot to pick from, and they all seemed like reasonable choices. She'd continue to think about it, but for now she imagined she'd go for something of a mix. It would be interesting to see how those traits played off of each other.

She put these thoughts aside as she neared the kitchen and the smell of roast lamb met her nostrils. It was her favorite meal, excluding the obvious. It was her favorite human meal, at least... Perhaps that wasn't the way to phrase it either. She thought lamb tasted good. Finishing this string of thoughts she let out a small giggle, as effective as it always was. The servants preparing the meal immediately gathered before her, ready to help in any way they could. They did love to do her bidding.

"When will the feast be ready? I expect you've gathered all of the ingredients to prepare everything I've asked for?"

The chef stepped forward eagerly to respond and explained in detail everything she had wondered about. The food would be ready in a few hours, and he had, thank heavens, managed to track down all of the unusual ingredients that she always seemed to ask for in order to prepare side dishes. She enjoyed the variety.

With her concerns addressed Claire finally made her way to her own chambers, where she intended to have a nice, warm bath. It only took moments for the tub to fill, and the water was exquisitely hot. Having been ready for this all day she elegantly undressed herself, but wasted no time. After she hung her clothes up she nimbly stepped into the awaiting water. She settled herself in to the incredibly luxurious tub, crossed her legs, laid her head against the simple rest that offered its usefulness, and sighed in complete relaxation. She enjoyed this, probably more than she should, but it was so nice to be entirely comfortable. She continued to plot while she lay in the bubbling waters.

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:32 am

Calypso, now left to her own devices once more, decided to take this extra time before the feast, to do what she had done before; Sleep. She plopped onto the rather comfortable bed, rolling and crawling like a small child back to a comfortable position, and damn slammed into REM within seconds, something she's always considered an advantage. Next she knew, she was floating in a cool liquid.

Her eyes flashed open, just to find that this liquid was just the crescent pool, or would it be called a moon pool? Regardless, she turned over to peer beneath the surface, all manners of golden, carp-like fish swam about, their shimmering scales reflecting the ever-moonlit sky. She always liked staring at the fish within her Conceptual World, it was always strangely calming, despite an endless abyss hanging beneath their swimming space. It was always something strange, beneath that cloud of darkness, but she never wanted to explore down there. It was always something that... Chilled her, existentially.

She came up to the surface, finally, after being in the water a reality-defying amount of time, cruising along the surface of the water, til she hit the shore, rolling into the soft sands. She was relaxed, far more relaxed than she ever was, in her entire life. That lady put her at rest, she swore it. She really cared for her, to let her have this time to not worry, everything had to be fine, right? Everything had to be peaceful... Right?

"You're in danger."

Calypso sat up, looking around in confusion. Someone had spoke.

"..How can I be in danger? Wh.. Don't be dumb, jeeze..."

She rolled onto her sides, basking in the feeling of calm and warmth, only to be disturbed by the faint voice again,

"Run away... R U N A W A Y."

Her Conceptual World fell to chaos, things seeping in over the mountains, a scary image, one that a peace-filled Calypso didn't want to hear or see.

So she awoke, with a great start, eyes wide and panting, holding her sheets to her nonexistent bosom. Nothing is wrong. Nothing could be wrong. Nothing. Everything was fine. She was going to have... A nice night... With the nice lady...

Coding By Lillian <3

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:24 am

Wicked Intentions 6EdIfMt

Queen of the Damned

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

After a few hours had passed Claire finally went to retrieve the demon. She made her way across the castle, walking for a few minutes before she reached her destination. As she reached the door she opened it, finding the demon sitting up in her bed. She smiled and beckoned, motioning for it to follow her. Around her was an overpowering aura. It was a strange blend of emotional manipulations, and it gave off a nice feeling faintly reminiscent of something sweet, yet somewhere within there was hidden a slight bitterness. It would be mostly imperceptible, although occasionally one would think that perhaps it was there after all. This was intended to make the demon more susceptible to emotional manipulation. She would hold on to the real ammunition until they were seated comfortably.

Before long they came to the dining hall, where there were already many guests who'd been seated, and waited patiently for their meals. Claire sat at her rightful place, the head of the table, in a chair much larger than any of the others. The people gathered around the table all seemed to know each other, and they chatted amiably while they waited for their dinner. She motioned for the demon to sit next to her, on the left hand side of the table. Now that everyone was present she motioned for the servants to begin bringing out the dishes. They carried out enough dishes to fill the large table, all unique meals of their own. In the center of the table was the main attraction, a succulent and juicy lamb which had been cooked to perfection.

Claire looked around the table and made sure that everything was as she wanted it to be before smiling contentedly. She insisted upon perfection when it came to her meals, no matter where they might happen to come from. Still smiling she looked over towards the demon. She still said nothing, but at this point she was using her emotional manipulation to pick at the things defenses, testing the waters, as it were. She planned on escalating this gradually so that it wouldn't be so easy to determine what was going on. She'd also set herself on a method of action. She'd prod the demon, generally just asking questions she expected to have impactful answers, one way or the other, and then using her emotional manipulation to either strengthen or belittle those responses. Using the demon's own words against it, quite nefarious. She would start with the obvious.

"So, why were you all alone when I found you?."

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Wicked Intentions Empty Re: Wicked Intentions

Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:11 am

"Everything will be fine... Just stop worrying.."

She was mumbling to herself, softly exhaling, and nodded. To her, she was being overly worried for no reason, it just felt like the usual sensation of anxiousness and negativity... She always forgot that she wanted to change it. If she kept forgetting... She'd be letting a lot of people down..
She grunted, slapping her cheeks, "Get it together..! You're gonna have dinner... With the nice lady.. and it'll be great!"
Raising her arms up even, a reminder to anyone that she was still a child at heart.

She flinched when she heard footsteps, dropping her raised arms, and positioned herself to slide off the bed, seeing the lady peek in and beckon her to come along. If she had a mouth, she'd be smiling, much like she'd missed her in the nary few hours she was gone. She didn't question it, rather, she didn't want to, both because of the emotional manipulation, and her desires to be seen and validated.

She followed after her, not helping but to be in a good mood; she gave off very wonderful vibes, but again, there was a gnawing at her mind that something was wrong, a sourness in the sweet, but she blotted out those voices. With such a negative attitude, how was she going to help anyone? She wouldn't, that's how. She had to stop being negative and mopey, and just bloom, right?

When they entered the dining room, Cali was quite shocked to witness... Guests. A lot of guests, a lot of people, a lot of... eyes... A lot of... Emotions... People... Sitting... Lots...

Snap out of it!

She almost got caught up in being overwhelmed, but gently slapped her cheeks, closing her eyes. Everything will be fine if she just relaxed, everything will be fine... Just go with it... They're all here to eat...

She opened her eyes, seeing the woman motioning for her to sit in the seat leftmost of her, in which she complied, coming over and sitting in the free space. She sat up straight, trying to keep a more humbled appearance, though her head was tipped down in silence, as she didn't want to overwhelm herself staring at the crowd, or draw attention to an ugly little thing such as herself.

Wait, what? No, it was nothing, had to be nothing. She just had to keep quiet. Everything... Was fine.

She looked up towards the woman as she asked the seemingly normal question, the demon nervously chuckling, "Oh w-well.. I wasn't alone, per se, I... Just got lost. I ended up somewhere that I didn't intend to go to... I wasn't alone.. I mean, I don't think I was.."

Coding By Lillian <3

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