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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan)

Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:58 am



Man, deserts were hot. And, you know, the heat wouldn't be so bad on its own. Murasaki was fine with all sorts of weather. The problem was the heat combined with all the sun, and the sand. There wasn't anything super wrong with sand, it could be nice too. All this together was really just a perfect storm of bleh. But where was Murasaki that such “bleh” could be facing her? Why, she was in Qatar, of course. And why would she be in Qatar? Well, that was her business, wasn't it?

Usually she wore her captain's haori when she was out on something a bit more on the official side, but today she'd decided against it. It wasn't that she was trying to be undercover or anything, but this was something closer to a personal trip. If it went to business, that'd be great, but Murasaki had other stuff she wanted to talk about that had nothing to do with her captainly duties. So with all the confidence she typically had, the young shinigami spurred her horse onward to find her quarry; one Stefan Soan.

It had been a long trip, but she was pretty sure this was the place. It was big and impressive, definitely the kind of thing she'd heard to be looking for. Of course, she also heard that sometimes he was in Indonesia instead of here, and if that was true she was probably gonna cry. That'd be a long trip to bring the horse, and she didn't want this to take any more time than absolutely necessary. After slipping off of her horse and stretching out, she gave a quick knock on the door, which she idly considered might actually not even do anything, before rocking back and forth on her heels in impatience, and fiddling with her hair while she waited. This was a big deal, and she'd hate for it to just be nothing.

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) DVNh7M9
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty Re: Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan)

Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:00 pm



Much of the detail of Doha was lost on Murasaki, due to a combination of a few factors. The first was that she just wasn't here for any of that, and so she really didn't think much of it. The second, though, was that she was a little too simple a girl to really be impressed by it. She liked things nice and quiet, and her perfect city wouldn't be much more than a few yurts and a big campfire. Of course, things didn't tend to be perfect for anyone, and that included her at this very moment, as Stefan greeted her with her position she'd actively hoped not to bring into this.

“Well, uh, I came here to talk. Hope that's okay. I know a lot of people would probably be more looking to fight, but I'm not really one to go beat someone up just because, ya know? I have sake and a few snacks, if you're interested. Tea too, but I'd have to heat it up obviously. Can I come in?”

There was something profoundly earnest about Murasaki's tone and approach as she spoke. Of course, that likely had to do with it actually being entirely genuine. She had no ulterior motives, no hostile intent. She was just here to talk to Stefan Soan, over whatever he wanted to talk about it over. Hopefully that included what she'd brought, because she liked what she'd brought, but if not that was okay, too.

Now, obviously she wasn't simply here for no reason. No, she most certainly had a very specific topic in mind to discuss with the former Monsuta king. But that could wait at least a bit, until she had better established herself and the conversation at hand. She was no dummy, and she knew that just jumping right to it would be...well, not ideal for her. And while things didn't tend to be ideal, that didn't mean she'd just jump right to it.

“I guess it's not really a surprise you knew I was a Captain, but hopefully that doesn't get in the way here. I'm not trying to arrest you on behalf of the Gotei or anything like that. I know there's some people that'd do that in a heartbeat, but that's not really my style.”

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) DVNh7M9
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty Re: Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan)

Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:56 pm



“Aw, am I not the first one? Well darn. But, I hope that doesn't get in the way of this meeting here. I'm not exactly here with the other Captains in mind if ya know what I mean.”

Following along after Stefan, Murasaki listened in quite intently to his explanation of the elaborate building. She had little input to give, though she nodded in acknowledgment as he spoke, with an aura not unlike an old Japanese man giving a quiet, but firm, “Aa, sou desu.” It was polite, and there was definitely genuine interest there, but it seemed like all of this was just a little beyond Murasaki.

Upon arrival in the designated speaking room, though, her entire demeanor became far brighter, as if matching the sunlight that shined through the windows. The young Captain found all this exceptionally pretty, and she smiled a good deal as Stefan pulled out a seat for her. What a gentleman.

“Arak? I've never had it, but I'll try anything once.”

Of course, she would never simply take without giving, and so she set her intricately wrapped parcel of goodies onto the coffee table and began setting it all out. It was a veritable feast of snacks, including a small gourd of her favorite sake, all held within a well-crafted lacquered wooden box. Pulling out two sake dishes, she poured the sake quite intently, sliding one across to him before continuing to lay out the snacks. Once she finished, it was clear that most of it was candy, and after taking a single sip of sake, it was clear that she still meant all business.

“I'm not super great with small talk either, so I'm glad you're not one for it. I'll skip all that formal stuff since I don't think you'd be a big fan, and just get right to the big question I'm here for.”

Crossing one leg over the other, and taking another sip of sake, it seemed as though a good deal of Murasaki's childish demeanor simply fell away from her. She was still certainly youthful, both in energy and appearance, but it was clear now that she still had all the maturity of a girl her age. Her gaze on Stefan was still entirely kind, but it was also profoundly determined.

“I heard you're not really doing too much these days, but I've also heard you're not a super big fan of Shadow Fall, and these days they're not exactly a tiny problem. I know you're hardly a superhero or anything, but I'm not here to talk about stuff you've done. I'm here to talk about stuff you can do, and I'm here to see if you'll work in my Division.”

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) DVNh7M9
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty Re: Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan)

Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:34 pm



As Murasaki took a long sip of the arak, she made a face that suggested she had been unprepared for its strength, though the wide smile shortly after also seemed to imply that she had enjoyed the flavor. It was an intense one, but not one she disliked. Something kind of like shochu, she guessed, though definitely sweeter. She liked it, she decided, and she gave a small, approving nod.

“Well, I guess you could say I do. Hope you don't mean that literally though. Think it'd take away from my girlish charms.”

While Stefan's gaze was certainly intimidating, a combination of general youthful cheer and genuine determination kept her from being immediately put off by it. Instead she nodded once more, following after her host with a spring in her step. She listened intently to his words, with her attention quite clearly all on the much stronger warrior.

It was hard to say if she agreed with him all the way, but all of what Stefan was saying weny a little over her head. For the most part she got his point, but she couldn't quite get the full scope of what he was saying. Maybe it was just her though, so she tried not to look too confused about any of it.

Seeing Stefan ready a blade that she could only assume was his zanpakuto, the Hanpakuto readied both of her own swords. Keifu in her right hand, Kagayaku in her left, Murasaki took up her beginning stance. It was relaxed, free of what would seem to be any serious stress. She knew that this was likely to be a fight to the death, but that was exactly why she avoided any tension. Too much of that could throw her off all the way, and there was no way she could afford that here.

“Well they say beauty's in the eye of the beholder. But personally, I'd say I'm the prettiest sword in here.”

Murasaki smirked, then, and lowered herself only for a moment before disappearing in a white flash with Kagayaku. She thought about jumping behind Stefan, but he'd probably see that one coming, and it wasn't very personal, anyway. Besides, he'd probably appreciate the more direct approach more. The instant she reappeared directly in front of her green-haired opponent, she swung with Kagayaku, aiming upward from below toward the former Monsuta head's torso. Keifu stayed at the ready, to follow up or even to deflect if truly need be.

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) DVNh7M9
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) Empty Re: Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan)

Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:01 pm



“Whaaa? I'd never say that. You're a handsome guy, but I dunno if you're quite a sword...”

Murasaki wasn't too surprised when Stefan stopped her attack, and she had to thank her zanshintai for letting her still feel through her zanpakuto and tell sooner that she was about to have a very bad time. As Kagayaku was locked into place, her grip on the blade loosened just a touch, ready to simply release it at a moment's notice if need be. He was kinda important to her and all, but not so much she wanted to get beat up over it.

“Killing intent? I know the rest of the captains kinda have that, but I don't think I've really got that. Guess I'm just too gentle, ya know? Like a nice little flower or somethin'.”

Rather thankful for her own ability to keep close attention in situations like this, Murasaki could already tell that she was about to be in a world of hurt if she didn't play this just right. Pretty upset she'd already have to get rid of Kagayaku for now, she nevertheless let go of it the instant she realized something was about to happen and leapt as far back as she could, readying Keifu in the event that Stefan followed up on what she knew would be an opening. As she did, however, she realized there wasn't much reason to avoid this any longer, and the moment her feet touched the ground once more, she exclaimed calmly, but with some force;

“Trace, Keifu!”

As Keifu's name was released, it shimmered lightly before taking its lighter, white and gold form, and Murasaki re-established her stance, disappointed in the loss of her father but not concerned about it quite yet. For now, it was best to not be trying any stupid approaches like hiding her releases or what have you. Keifu was a shikai that didn't take a lot of energy at all, and she had to be thankful for that in a few ways. Not only did it last longer than most, but it meant that the last thing she'd be doing was relying too heavily on whatever improvements it might offer. She'd already attacked once, and now she decided she would be on the defensive, at least for now. Murasaki was, quite genuinely, curious just how much better than her Stefan really was.

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Hey, You, Whatcha Gonna Do? (Murasaki, Stefan) DVNh7M9
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