Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug?

Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:25 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A

Yoriko was taken to the division barracks and into the infirmary section where many shinigami both young and old were being treated for their injures from small ones such as a cut to the arm to the more extreme cases which she looked away from. Regardless she was taken to a doctor who immediately went to work once Yoriko told him the location of the injury her voice still quivering in pain.

When he pressed his fingers on that spot, the pain exploded up her spine to the top of her head. The nurse called the doctor into the hallway. The Doctor said, "I'm going to inject Novocain into that injured wrisg." Then he brandished that weapon of a hypodermic needle. He laid the extra long needle right beside her on the table. She looked away at the wall, trying not to center her attention. However, her eyes swung back to it as if out of control. The tube with the medicine never grew. But the needle desired be thrust into her poor, innocent wrist, which never harmed anyone. The needle grew fast like the Hulk grows when he is angry. The doctor came back, and plunged that needle into the sore place. When the doctor released the medicine, blessed relief! All the pain left. The nurse asked, "Are you Okay? Yoriko responded with a thumbs up before the nurse turned away to tend to other patients whilst the doctor eyed Yoriko with his sunken eyes "Is there anything else you need?" He asked

No. She said before the doctor nodded his head before standing up and walking away until he was out of view only for the girl to turn her head towards Beetle with a smile "Thank you for taking me to the medical division to get my injury fixed Beetle."

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5158
Age : 24

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Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty Re: Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug?

Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:15 pm

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? JCRrxmK

Artist: Elsword - Song: A Little Light and Shadow

Guilt tugged at Beetle's heart. She felt horrible that she injured Yoriko -- albeit accidentally -- but she was still the cause. So, to attempt and to rectify the situation, she immediately rushed the girl to the Second Division and got her medical attention. While she was hesitant to stay with Yoriko, both the members of the division as well as Yoriko herself insisted.

So, there she was, in the middle of the Second Division barracks, waiting for Yoriko's treatment to be done. Thankfully, it didn't take long, and Yoriko immediately turned to her with a smile -- to which Beetle attempted to respond in kind. She tried to force herself to smile, but she knew that Yoriko would be able to tell.

"N-No problem, Yoriko!"

Beetle's forced smile soon faded, and her gaze moved to the ground as she quivered softly.

"I'm sorry, Yoriko...I really hurt you. I forgot to hold back,, we're in the stupid Second Division."

Beetle couldn't bring herself to look Yoriko in the eye again. It was clear that she was taking this pretty hard -- even if she had been forgiven and Yoriko had apologized for snapping at her, she still felt bad.

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki
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Joined : 2016-07-24
Posts : 1142
Location : Merica

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Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Empty Re: Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug?

Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:43 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Sorry for breaking your wrist..apology hug? Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A

Don't worry about it Beetle. Put that frown upside down, accidents happen all the time. She said reassuring the girl as she could see the girl force a smile which she humbly placed her hand onto one of the girls shoulders smiling as well. I'm sort of to blame as well. After all I should've told you I wasn't very durable from the beginning. she looked away in embarrassment as she feel her wrist and fingers properly functioning once more which was excellent considering she wanted to do some more training.

"So how about we continue that training? She asked beetle with a spark of fire burning of utter strive and guts to continue this. Just that alone was enough to motivate her even further recognizing the long road ahead of her in terms of not only strength but technique as well. wondering how she would respond.

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