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Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:05 am

HMS Requiem of War

Admiral Havenport

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Admiral Havenport stood on the deck of the Godhand Class warship, his arms crossed as the behemoth of a ship maneuvered across the Mediterranean sea with a fleet of ships at it's backing. The old man had made his chops in commanding ships during the turbulent years many decades ago. One might think most of the major combat occured on the land but the sea proved just a deadly front, the old man walking away with a fair number of dead men and wounds. It was the horrors that he faced, the friends he lost, that made him throw his lot in with Vastime.

It was the only nation in his eyes that gave a damn about getting real vengeance upon the demonic menace. Perhaps some would call the old sea-dog hounded by misfortune or old ideas, but that didn't stop him from becoming an admiral in the strongest naval force to date. It didn't stop him from commanding a flagship of Vastimian Might, and it didn't stop him from being ordered by his majesty to mobilize his fleet.

Soon blood and gore would rain upon their enemies, including their allies. It was enough to make this old seamen to smile, his white hair blowing lightly in the salted air. He was old, ready to have one last hurrah before sending to back to hell those bastards which took his home from him.

"Admiral, the fleet is getting into position."

It was one of his lower bridge officers alerting the male. Nearly three dozen of Vastimes finest ships where currently mobilizing in the Mediterranean sea for an unknown reason. But those who paid attention, those who knew the mechinations of Vastime would soon find that they where simply answering a long awaited question. One which demanded an answer in blood and smoke.

"Tell them to standby, we await orders."

The first shot would have to wait. The ball was now in the hands of the king. But those European countries held by Shadowfall had a sight to behold, the amassed force of nearly a quarter of Vastime navy. All simply awaiting for something, perhaps it was a show of force- or perhaps it was a warning of things to come.

Yes. It caused a smile upon the old admiral face. The soft ache of his joints as he crossed his arms, it was a telltale reminder that a great and long task was ahead. One which would answer the question all upon their minds:

When would Vastime strike?

The answer was closer than it had ever been.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:00 pm
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Post will come in under 24 hours. If not, skip me.

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Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:27 pm

The Grand Fleet; A Promise fulfilled 6EdIfMt

Song: Harime Nui Theme - Word Count: N/A

To believe that Shadow Fall wouldn't be aware of such a large movement of ships within their general vicinity would be naive. The climate was ripe for some kind of aggressive action from one of their enemies and they've previously taken steps to amp out their level of security in the nations in which they secured. For most of them have been shielded and protected through the Demi-Network. Even at the distance in which the Vastime navy swam upon, a distant glow of crimson red could be seen shimmering in the distance to represent this amp'd up level of defense.

With that said, Shadow Fall didn't seem intent on inducing any type of assault from this little spectacle. After all, if Vastime were all about honor, glory and all things right they'd at least have the balls to announce such an attack directly. Granted, that's merely what Mana herself assumed from their leader and doesn't take into account who works under them. So, by that knowledge, they were more than ready at any second to strike in a variety of ways if this was some kind of attack and the cause for concern was low at the moment.

Thus, to that end, why not indulge the show, give them a greeting and send out ol' Queeny herself. For out of the abyss of the seas murky depths did Mana Asthavon arise from its cold depths with a lush gem green radiating from her pale skinned body. While it felt as if there was a dense pressure in the vicinity at this point, there was little malicious behind her aura. In fact, she was downright smiling at this point as she sought to step foot upon the Godhand Class warship. Of course, they could peacefully allow her to come abroad, or they could do it the hard way. Mana didn't really give a damn which option they took.

At any rate, she'd let her intentions be known vocally as she projected her voice outward for all to hear:

"I suppose y'all are here for tea n' crumpets, right? What can I do for y'all wonderful boys n' gals?"

In her usual chatty, southern twang voice; The Queen was as jovial as ever while in her jester state of mind. Life was but a stream of gin n' tonic waiting to be gulped, ingested into the body n' made to be enjoyed for every second that it was worthwhile this persona was afoot. So, to that end, her batty wings extended from shoulder to shoulder before she let out a relaxed breath of air, surveyed her surroundings and added a little extra something for them to consider

"Oh, and before ya jump to conclusions, I came here to talk. If ya think about firing a single shot at me I'll be more than willing to double the firepower right back at ya n' leave this place a red sea. Afta' all, if I wanted a fight, about 95% of ya wouldn't be hearing this message right about now."

The Grand Fleet; A Promise fulfilled WVMWLOu
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Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:57 pm

HMS Requiem of War

Admiral Havenport

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

A thin smile came across the Admiral lips as he watched the display, their grandiose nature summoning the queen herself. Was it such a concern that she would indulge them? No it was her playing to the chaotic nature which she embodied. To follow the whims of the world and her own regardless of the consequence, such a stark contrast to the order and discipline Vastime beholded. But what they did share was their love and embracement of individuality. Enough so for the Admiral Havenport to approach the demon queen with his hands behind his back.

The old man was something of a titan even in old age, scars graced his face and large bear paws for hands seemed to be hidden behind his back. The ultimately display of genteel nature, to approach your adversary with your guard behind you. If she wished for a fight he truly believed the might of this navy may be overcome, but the wounds they would inflict would be hard and memorable upon both her and the lands miles upon miles away.

"I would warn to be cautious of the unknown, your majesty, but we both have our confidences and egos to relay on, lass." The hard tack tone of the admiral was raspy, an old man who had seen a lifetime of battles as a human. One who had seen despots rise and fall all while gazing upon the titantic nature of Shadowfall. Truth be told, this wasn't his first sortie with the queen.

He was afterall once an admiral of the Shadowfall Navy, a man who had renounced his citizenship for various reasons. But that was never here nor there.

"We've no reason to jump to anything, your majesty. It would be unbecoming to launch any sort of attack without warning or chance to offer surrender. I am too old for any sort of foolery this you have my word on."

If there was anything a Vastimian gentlemen officer was known for, it was their outstanding reputation and commitment to their word. Abalia had helped reenforce that, they would never stain their honor- for that which is stain cannot be undone. It was the one thing which could not be taken from you, you gave it away.

But the old man's thin smile would remain as he addressed the queen.

"Your majesty, as you can tell we've position portions of our navy in the Mediterranean international waters, his majesty has seen fit to test the response time and coordination of military excercises. We've violated no treaties or sovereignty; I will however inform you without requesting access to my ship your presence here interrupts that process."

Within the heart of the salt-borne Admiral he simply told her the facts, at most this was a show of power which prompt'd the response of the demon-queen. Perhaps in the eyes of some the fact they gathered her attention at all was something of impression. It portrayed the idea that they where not simply so small force but something of substance, a show of force could only mean so many things but one thing was certain: Vastime was issue public notices to the world.

And the Demon queen had responded.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:38 pm

Ida sat on the deck of the Godhand, taking in a whiff of the air stained with the scent of sea water. The back of her throat tasted like salt as the wind blew into her squinted eyes. She strummed her guitar and began to tune it, trying to hit that sweet not she was looking for. Not too far away her Admiral was most likely saying some nonsense. Honestly, she really couldn't care less about whatever the hell he was saying. She couldn't choose who she was assigned to but she sure as hell wasn't going to respect him. This was just a job, she just does what he's told.

"Ah-ahhhhhhhhh ah..." She sings in a low tone as she begins to tinker with her guitar. She had a song in mind that would really get the blood pumping... kinda. She wasn't really in a blood pumping mood so she was just going to sing an energizing song with a depressing voice. Perhaps she'll even be able to alter the sound with some reishi and probably learn a new song for Bard. She brings her hands down on the string as it responds with a sweet resonance. "Bingo."

She was interrupted by a familiar face however. Pale skin, green eyes, shit eating grin. The queen herself had gifted the fleet with her presence and that was going to cause quite the commotion. If Ida knew the Admiral he was probably losing his shit so she should probably make it back to her post on the bridge. She was the seaman assigned to watch over the Admiral while he was there.

She ended up entering as he finished addressing the Queen of Demons. "Oh, sir, enemy spotted." It was her job to be lookout while she was there. "Also, sorry for the long bathroom break. It's that time of the month..." She trailed off pretty earlier in that last sentence. Ida has come to find that men in the military, or maybe just men in general, have a hard time when it comes to the human body. "I could play a song to drive down tension here, probably bring her in for a cup of tea or something." She grinned at her admiral before standing where she was posted and stared at the Queen.

"We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow...." She began to sing under her breath once again. Shit may or may not get real. She secretly hoped for the former.

Coding by Slayer

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Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:22 pm

The Grand Fleet; A Promise fulfilled 6EdIfMt


"Victory, defeat, draw; I really don't give a shit, s'ugah. I'm confident I can handle it all~"

There was a twirl of The Demon's right index finger as The Queen presumed she wasn't talking a hot deal of fresh, putrid shit with the words she had uttered forth from her mouth. Mana lost everything, gained everything and had the lives of many whom she cherished both enter and leave her life throughout her many centuries of this existence. To believe that she couldn't handle whatever life gave her when her own sanity has been thrown to the brink of utter insanity is merely madness in it of itself and she wholehearted believed this cosmos was merely a game to be played n' relished.

It is why her gem green eyes soon darted off toward the distant horizon as her devilish presence brought forth it a sea of emerald to be born around them. In this way, they'd see all the waters around them become consumed by the influence of The Queen's radiant aura as she let out a soothing exhale of breath to take pleasure in her grim thoughts. At least -- that is before her eyes soon darted back to whomever the admiral of this ship was.

"Surrender is not something I'd do in the face of war, but alas, 'tis a pleasure for ya not decidin' to go on n' rustle my jimmies on this fine day here."

With a curtsey given to the male before her, The Demon Queen then took a moment to pause to digest the whole notion of her being unwelcomed here. What? Really? MANA being unwelcomed here? Non-sense. Complete and utter non-sense. As far as this demoness was concerned, she was the life of the party and the arrival that her pretty lil' face could bring light, fun n' all sorts of horrors from the 9th circle of hell with it. Therefore, she wagged her right index finger again toward Havenport before speaking forth these words to him:

"From the way Abalia spoke of things, we were good friends. Wouldn't a good friend allow another friend to relax, have a drink, rest her feet n' relax with 'dem, hmmmm?"

In other words: Mana intended to linger around a bit, bum some food, see some sights, meet some people and then fuck off to her lovely castle in the heavens -- or the one nestled deep in the abyss of Cthulhu's ass crack. Didn't really matter to her~!

At any rate, there was something delightful playing in the background. The sounds of music, spunk and teenage spirit. Twas' an experience which made the many lingering voices dancing around in a manic funk within Mana's head had set their drunk sights on Ida. With her instinct for chaos, the Queen could tell the youth was rather hungry for something more than just mere songs n' pleasantries. So, to quell her hunger for interaction, ol' Mana had a tendril extend forth from the darkness of her spine, slither on toward Ida's way and gave her a gentle pat of the head as loose amounts of her maddening energy started to empower the girl with a sense of something powerful within a heart. The feeling of having the excitement mania enter one's soul is an experience which brings forth beliefs of invincibility, happiness, strength and all things jovial; as if the bland black and white scenery of life became drenched in a vomit of vivid color.

"...The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands~ To fight the horde~ Sing and cry~

In that instant of the singing came the voice of a woman who had understood the vocal prowess which a well-trained musician spends eons trying to attain. The deep and low mezzo-soprano that flowed forth from Mana's voice gave the impression that there was someone inside of her head that a knew a thing or two about the arts. Indulging in the lavish sense of hearing to lose one's self in the melodies and tones of another's musical blessing to this existence was a sense of entertainment which The Queen could find herself high on for days on end. So why not finish the little ones cover song with a bit of Queenly love infused into it?

"Valhalla, I am coming~"

Crushing the gap between the two, The Demoness broke the distance, placed her face directly in front of Ida and blew her a kiss before moving herself backwards and turning her sights toward the lush, grassy sea ahead of them with a foul smile scarred across her lips as she savored this interaction between the two. All the while, she was curious to see how the little one might like the taste of this drunken sense of lunatic power flowing forth in her veins from such contact with The Queen Demons. Only time would tell the kind of reaction she'd get.

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Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:40 pm

Ida is a very simple person. When something cool happens she reacts accordingly, when something bad happens she reacts accordingly. So when she was singled out by the Mad Queen herself, she was.... conflicted.

One side of her wanted to be whisked away by the Queen because the embodiment of Madness must know how to have a wild time, while the other side of her wanted to point one of the barrels at the Queen and blast her point-blank. Ida didn't join the Vastimian Navy because she was forced too (well she was but there were plenty of other options), she joined because she had a duty to herself to put her powers towards something bigger. So when the queen tried to give her a bit of her madness, Ida ultimately made the choice to reject it. It was times like these where a backup like the system Vastime gave came in handy.

Though that's not to say that Ida was not interested in Mana, but for different reasons. She's a music nerd, though that title barely gives her justice. So when she heard someone else sings lyrics from a 400-year old song that people nowadays would rarely know, she was pretty excited.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" This would take almost anyone aback. It's uncommon for Ida to really ask to speak freely, it's just something that was natural to her so requiring permission was new and different. Just that now was different as well, she wanted to get something out of speaking freely that she wouldn't get from just blabbering here mouth.

There was a process to these things.

Coding by Slayer

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Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:36 pm

HMS Requiem of War

Admiral Havenport

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

"I leave politics to the politicians, mines is but to do and die- your majesty."

Spoken like a true seadog the man would crack a grin revealing a few missing teeth, the admiral was clearly a man of mortal means. His gaze focusing on his fleet as his arms crossed, his admiral regalia blowing in the wind lightly. He was just about to get underway with the routines till one of the new midshipmen came to speak, one which was slowly gaining the reputation as a trouble case- well meaning yet had a long way to go. Now this could be interesting.

It wasn't pleasing to see Mana take a sudden interest in the young woman, perhaps old grandfatherly instincts was about to overtake him. But rather he listened to what they said, their lyrics lost on the sea-dog before letting out a half-hearted smirk at the girl asking for permission to speak. As if having to eat his own private thoughts, perhaps she was learning along the way.

Never the less, the admiral would wave his hand for her to speak. It was a simple gesture as his eyes turned to the fleet, barking some orders and coordinates as the ships manuevered idly. The groaning of metal was heard as the massive guns of the ship adjusted to some idle target in the sea.

"Line them bores up, fire on my mark."

It was simple things, nothing that would draw concern since Mana was heard to observe simple ship to ship tactics and combative drills. But to see multiple ships align their guns perfectly, the soft maneuvering of their fleet was impressive- no doubt to draw some curious onlookers from the continents.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:26 pm

The Grand Fleet; A Promise fulfilled 6EdIfMt

Song: All Of Nothing - Word Count: N/A

Mana was no fool. A foul bundle of demonic flesh such as herself could tell when there was something more to the picture than meets the eyes. And, as such, her instincts were rarely off when it came to the nature of a person's heart and what it yearned for after leading the minds and hearts of so many in her own kingdoms throughout the cosmos. Ergo, it was all but easy to tell that the young lass before her hungered for more in-depth interaction with The Queen, but the others around her merely trying to subjugate her desire to explore the depths of the shadows which this world is filled with.

"Don't be afraid, lil' one. If I wanted to bite ya, I'd have already done so by now."

There was a wink of her eye as there was enough power behind her words to make that reality. If The Queen truly desired a thing in this existence, there was not much else that could be done to prevent her for seizing that object as far as she was concerned. In her many years of living through this realm, the blood of tens of millions were all soaking in the depths of her sinister spirit. Which is why this threat still holds true, as if her intentions were to extract the blood of others, people would be dead by the water by this point.

To that end is why The Queen took a glance at all of the ships moving their guns about all willy-nilly like. For a moment, her eyebrow raised before tilting her gem green gaze straight back at the admiral with a sultry laugh to boot.

"Rolling out the red carpet for me? My, my~ Trying to show a gal a good time are ya?"

The woman's whole body had eyes on eyes since The Queen's existence required no material form to speak of, so for her, this whole existence was something to absorb and consume from all angles. The feeling of numerous creatures washing over Ida could be felt; then the same sensation could wash over The Admiral as the sounds of numerous children laughing echoed out around them. Once she was done with her amusement, Ol' Mana then rested herself against the shoulder of Ida and played with her cheek.

"Now tell me, dearie, what did ya have to say to ol' Mama Mana?"

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Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:26 pm

"So tell me, what is it like?" She sends a grin towards her temporary friend. Honestly, she was under the impression that her request to speak would be denied. Ida had always figured that she had gotten on her admiral's bad side or that she flat out annoyed him. It was a surprise to say the least, but a pleasant one. "I've never really lived the life of a queen or anything important like that, so I wonder... what's it like to be a queen?" Ida's mind was wired weirdly, or at least she says so, and in moments like these she tends to ask and observe some of the oddest of things.

"Let's take.... Shadowfall for example. With so many branches and the mass amount of people that are apart of Eh, they're more like a regime in this case. What kind of queen are you to them?" Ida begins to strum her guitar to a fairly aggressive tune while she continues to address Mana. "You know, a wise man once said 'What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a God?' And that is what I wonder, Ms. Mana." She ends her playing on a final strum. "Are you the king or the god?"

This was another one of her tangents that she was going on, but there was some reasoning behind it. Most knew Mana only by name and by her feats, she's either feared or idolized, or at least that's what Ida thinks. The only other knowledge she has of a king-like figure, who is an actual self-proclaimed king, would be his majesty Desmond Hayden but Ida has never actually met the man.

Coding by Slayer

The Grand Fleet; A Promise fulfilled Sumera-character-list
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