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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:42 pm

Calypso Asthavon

Calypso was alone.

Well, alone wasn't accurate. She was within a sea of people, traversing London instead of skipping forth to her desired location. Normally she'd be consumed with urgency to do what she wished to do, and be done, in fear of running out of time or things getting worse, but this moonlit, cloudy night, she decided to slow down for a bit, enjoy the sights. She never had the chance to really settle and simply walk in this... Reimagined version of London.

She had seen pictures of the grand English city before it's initial destruction, while browsing some historic books. However, a picture did not sing the same tune actually being there did, and thus what made her a bit sad to be born far too late to enjoy it. Though she was rather awestruck today, sparkling gold eyes sweeping the architecture of the many, many buildings, tall enough to scratch the sky, or low enough to feel grounded.

At times, she couldn't help but stop and stare at certain things, maybe a statue, or a certain building, or maybe even the street lamps, which were currently illuminated. She found a strange love in them, their ghostly white glow picking up moths were alluring to her. Though she wasn't here to make like a tourist and gawk at pretty buildings while the locals could pick up her sheer tourist-ness.

She was here to see her mother, at least, she assumed she would be here. She had checked the palace within the grasp of the Demon Realm, just to find it empty. Well, it wasn't abnormal to her, she only really went there when she was certain it wouldn't have any apparent visitors, and leave as soon as she came. She couldn't help it; She wanted someplace to feel like home, and as sporadic as it was, it felt like something to her in this gigantic multiverse. If anything, she was purposefully avoiding her mother, well, not like she was even looking for her. Not like Calypso even thought her own mother even thought of her. She thought a whole damn lot of her, but she doubted she even paid attention to her own kid, fuck, did she even care about anyone? Can she even love?

She stopped when she was getting a bit too caught up in her conflicted, heated thoughts, and huffed. That was a can of worms she was going to bust open today. She wasn't scared! At least... Not too scared, right? No, no there was a bit of fear. She didn't really want to confront that woman... No! No! What was she saying? Of course she did!

"Jeeze..!" She grumbled under her breath, slapping her cheeks hot, til she was looking up at a rather.. Enormous palace. She had never been to the London palace. Indeed was her first time laying eyes upon the monstrous structure. She felt a confusing mix of terror, excitement, and worry, though she only used those crashing emotions to push her forth to the door.

She reached for the knob, hesitant for a period, before firmly grasping, and pulling it. She didn't feel threatened enough to form tendrils or any protective measures, aside from mental preparation. She just pushed herself forth, inhaled, and screamed into the void of the palace innards.

"Mama if you're here, I need to talk to you!"

The hints of shame floated in her forced yell as she referred to her mother in such a manner despite being in such a clearly aged body. She didn't feel like as much as a child, but she couldn't help but repeat her typical habit of referring to her as such.

God that was embarrassing.

Such a thing was self-replied with a facepalm and silent prays she could actually crack it back into seriousness.

Coding By Lillian <3

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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:37 pm

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] 6EdIfMt

Song: It's A Kids World - Word Count: N/A

Lurking in the abyss of this most pristine castle had been -- silence. While normally bustling with activity, east manor of The Queen's Palace was as quiet as a skeleton's heartbeat. Perhaps this was due to the fact that many of the citizens of this city were on edge due to the potential outbreak of war, or maybe The Queen ordered her subjects to give her nothing but quiet; but the manor in which Mana resided in held no sound. Venturing further toward south, north or west sections of the structure would bring forth servants, public eyes, family of the Asthavon and other familiar sights and sounds; but this manor was quiet as can be.

At least -- until Calypso was given the bright idea to barge forth into this den of unforeseen madness.

Hearing such loud and obnoxious noises upon waking would bring the grouch out of anyone, and The Queen was no different. In a matter of moments would an object come from the shadows of the corridor. Moving at a hundred miles per air, a pair of flats was intended to hit the young demon right dead center in her face and hopefully land straight on her nostrils. If it did, then a rancid smell which omitted an odor worse than the deepest pit of Davy Jones Locker would smash forth into Calypso's nose like a wrecking ball. Filled with a funk that smelled like dog shit, vomit, farts and toe fungus; this would serve as adequate punishment to wake Mama Mana up from her slumber.

"Can ya be ANY louder? Christ, ya act like there aren't other ways to wake a woman up from her honey dreams."

The groan of an exhausted Mana echoed forth into existence as the lights upon this darkened space opened and she was seen coming behind Calypso with a look of annoyance smeared over her face. Wearing nothing more than a long, black, nightgown with the Asthavon symbol on the embedded in white on it's back; the horned sleeping beauty herself looked down on her child as those gem green eyes could pierce a bull right in it's ass n' kill it on the spot. Fortunately for her, the bond between demon's of similar kin was strong enough for her to not even consider murder; as she'd normal play that kind of scenario out in her mind if it were anyone else not connected to by bond.

Now with her arms folded, Mana tilted her head to the side before she rose her eyebrow and asked this simple question aloud to Calypso; expecting a swift and prompt answer:

"What 'da heck do ya' want, runt?"

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:46 pm

Calypso Asthavon

She stood away from the door for the exact purpose to be able to brace herself for anything that came at her. A foot or two would give her enough time to react to anything dangerous, but at the same time her mother was everything but predictable. At least, as far as she knew. This place was rather quiet, rather.. Lonely, even. A small chatter rung through her flesh about the depressive element in it, only to be immediately silenced as her gaze caught something soaring through the dark. Was it a weapon? A blade? Her mother? It didn't matter to her, she moved immediately in response to the fast approaching object.

Hey now, just because she didn't have tendrils at the ready, doesn't mean she didn't have tendrils at the ready... What this meant was, the 'scarf' around her neck immediately unwrapped to reveal two long appendages produced from the back of her neck; She decided that such a transformation would be useful in the event she needed to use some of her additional mass in the form of extra limbs, but obviously wouldn't be fast enough to summon them. And to her perception, this was the time.

One reached out, swiftly snatching whatever was flinging at her from the air, and yanking back. She didn't feel any pain, so it couldn't have been something like a knife, in fact, it felt more.. Plastic-y and rounded..? The cloth-like limb unfurled to dangle... A pair of shoes, that smelled like Death itself did a dayjob as a shoemaker in the worst-kept sewer in the multiverse, below minimum wage. Obviously Cali made a gentle gagging noise, the second appendage squeezing her nose shut, the handler quickly placing the pair several feet (pun?) away, at least where she couldn't smell it, neatly together. This was already going swimmingly, as the girl muttered a few "ew ew ew"s as she rubbed the limb on the ground, as if trying to dust off whatever foot cooties got onto it. Though she quickly retracted this behavior as she heard her mother yell scoldingly back.

Yikes, was she that loud? Didn't matter, she could sense the woman's presence, though it was behind her rather than the expected frontal approach, which of course provoked a several few of conversations bouncing around her skull of varying emotions, but Cali tried to get the presences within her to go silent for now, as she had to focus. She appeared calm in body language, but was storing all her screaming in her mind, as she turned around to face the clearly tired-and-disturbed woman, the annoyance radiating from her clear enough that even if Calypso couldn't sense other's moods, would be blatant.

"Well i'm sorry," The girl began, forcing her tone to stay strong and confident, no matter how much she had the desire to cower underneath, "I couldn't tell if you were in a good mood, a meh mood, or a blood rage in a room full of bodies and guts and crap! I didn't wanna stand close enough inside to find you're that last lovely mood. I kind of like my head attached to my shoulders, thank you."
Her sarcastic tone was obviously forced, some sweat beading on her face, as she too look visually bothered, with a dash of discomfort and light fidgeting of the hands,

"Anyways," She cleared her throat, having a small bout of shifty eyes, "Sorry for waking you, but, as I stated before, Mama, I wanted to talk to you. Well, more, I have questions, a good lot." Her eyes were narrowed, as she settled into a more 'business' mood, or well, as serious as a cuteling could get, "So, here's one; Who is Neoveta, exactly?"

She had mulled over the character she had seen amongst Khala's sharing of memories, certain feelings and tugs bothering the fuck out of her as she looked at who was essentially a stranger to her, but couldn't help but feel a connection to, "And what happened to her?"

Coding By Lillian <3

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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:14 am

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] 6EdIfMt

Song: It's A Kids World - Word Count: N/A

Slap, slap, slappy, slap, slap.

Mmmm~ Yeah. An extra slap!

Six slaps should just about do it. Ol' Mana made sure to form one lone tendril drenched in her shadowy blood to smack the cheeks of Calypso about six times for having the gull to get sassy with her in the way she perceived her tone. After having been woken up from a wonderous slumber, who in their right mind would be game to be hearing someone else's attitude? Nah, fuck that noise!

"My, my~ I wonder where you've gotten so bold as to get coy with me since our last departure? Congrats for not being a spineless demon. It's an improvement, dearie."

Of course, one wouldn't seem to find her annoyed given the way her cheery Texan twang covered up any semblance of irritation at this point. And, perhaps, not all of her was agitated. After all, anything is better than having some crying brat drenched in snot clinging to your leg in the mind of The Demon Queen. It's why she had servants to tend to that kind of thing as she wasn't the type of mother to bother changing diapers or anything nasty like that. That's totally gross~

Though, it seemed the child still had more to yammer on about. Whining about the mood The Queen was in following her longest slumber to date, the roll of an eye could be seen on Mana's face as she couldn't care less about that previous encounter. When a demon is that far gone in their possessive influence, what kind of results were you expecting to get when waking them from that chaotic slumber? If she had any sense of where her mother was, then it would have made more sense to send someone who actually had the grit, gut, and body to deal with her chaotic states of mind. After all, it wasn't as if The Asthavon family lacked any bulletproof beasts which could stand her wrath.

"Life is filled with painful lessons, s'ug. Now ya know not to disturb me when I'm feelin' ill and won't make the same dumb mistakes twice. Who wakes me from such a fucked up sleep without protection or getting some body guards? Tsk, tsk."

At this point, Mana retracted her tendril back inside her spine as the passing question of who in the bloody hell Neoveta was uttered out of Calypso's lips. Though, Mana looked about as lost as a deer in headlights when it came to hearing that question. The reason being is she figured the two of them would have met by now since most Asthavon's are like flocks of a feather and cling together.

"The hell' you talkin' 'bout? Ya' haven't met ya other sistah'? Huh, ya' actually managed to surprise me."

Well, at least the who was out of the way. Now the next part was answering what Neoveta even was.

"If ya' are that nosy, then I'll outright say that ya' sistah' was an experiment made between me and Khala's juicy extract. We mashed 'em together, tried to make a weapon for Shadow Fall that could serve as my back up n' produced your loving sistah who you never speak to, write cards to or send gifts to. What a rude sister you are."

At this point, Mana then broke out laughing at the thought of Calypso not giving her poor sister the time of day to even write a letter to. That thought cracked her up before her icy stare came back down on Calypso.

"Now, are ya' done? Can I go back to resting on my royal ass?"

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:02 pm

Calypso Asthavon

Calypso definitely had no idea what happened. One minute, she was standing normal, sensing the clear annoyance and irritation from this woman, the next reality was blurred as her head was lightly jerked around from being slapped cheek to cheek, and stinging as a result. She also felt something wet and weird smelling streaked on her face, which compelled her to quickly wipe it off while gently cringing from her stinging cheeks. Ordinarily her flesh would have grasped the assaulting appendage with all it's might for shedding pain upon her, but she was intimidated down to her very molecules. She didn't take her mother's next statement as any sort of compliment; either the daze of being smacked 5-6 times, or her unwillingness to take something out of her mouth as anything positive.

Thankfully she recovered quickly from that shock, narrowing her eyes at her mother's statement, "..There was absolutely no way for me to know you were ill, or asleep. A note on the door or something would be useful, considering nobody that wasn't a desecrated corpse was there, aside from us and that poor lady..." She lightly rolled her eyes, speaking through her teeth and crossing her arms.

Though this position dropped after she had asked her question, seeing how actually surprised Mana had become. She could sense the puzzlement in this moment, before going back to focusing on what her mother answered. A.. Sister. Well, this definitely shocked her. She heard of her other relatives, but she can't recall hearing anything about having any siblings. Her heart skipped a beat over the thought, but she had never met anyone that gave her that feeling of a sibling connection.

But she then squinted her eyes and cocked her head to the side when Mana explained that she was an experiment between her and Khala, for the purpose of being a weapon and serve as a back up, being silently surprised that her mama had some conception of mortality in that crazy pot you call a mind. Though she was quickly caught up in offense when Mana commented on her being such a rude sister for never contacting her, laughing even, which caused the girl's face to glow all sorts of colors around the eyes and nose as a blush, a trait that somehow carried over from her much more raw form. She was visibly disgruntled by this sentiment, and so quick to be waved off.

"Okay first," She motioned her pointer as to indicate a one, "No, I am not finished, I did not say I was finished, did I?! Second," Another finger slid out, her tone seeming to escalate slowly, "How in the world can I contact someone I wasn't even aware existed? I'd love to know, Third," One last finger, "I just wanted to talk to you, okay?! Because, you know what? We never do. That's the problem here. What kind of person never tries to talk to their own kid, fu-frick! Sometimes, I just think you're flat ignoring me!" She did a bit of a frustrated hop with that last string of words, her face's brightness only seemed to be more prominent, a sort of hotness to it as she continued her rant, "Oh i'm such a bad sister, didn't send a card or whatever, well you know what, Mama? Where's my fu-fricking card?! Where's my fricking gifts?! Do I even exist to you? Am I really the 'rude' one here?!"

A few times through her rant, golden eyes had flashed open, then closed, her skin flickering black then back to the cold lightness it possessed. She was breathing hard, golden eyes burning towards her mother, small trickles of sweet-smelling Ambrosia on her cheeks. She didn't give a damn how many smacks she would get next, she just felt internal satisfaction towards getting a trickle of months of pent up anger and confusion out,

"..Besides, you didn't answer a question... What happened to Neoveta, where is she now?"

Coding By Lillian <3

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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:13 pm

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] 6EdIfMt

Song: Jevil's Theme - Word Count: N/A

"Life is filled with surprises, what can I say, Lil' one?"

There was a hard witch-like laugh in the face of Calypso's concern about finding her mother in that half-dead, half-alive state. What joy is there in a life where the very world around you can't grab you from behind, wrestle you to the ground, give ya' a good fuckin' or two and surprise ya with the ecstatic release of the shocks and horrors it has in its grimy gits? It certainly makes ya appreciate the joys of a calm n' peaceful day without any abominations from the great beyond trying to rape your precious, precious sanity.

Of course -- Ol' Queeny wasn't too fond of the disrespect which was being given to her kid.

After all, she gave them the greatest gift of all: life. If it weren't for her ghoulish tush removing the extract from its body to form Calypso, this lil' brat wouldn't know pleasure from pain. Indeed, this runt would just be another empty spirit who hadn't achieved the awareness to properly indulge in this world's horrors and beauties in a physical form. And, even more than that, the lil' rat knew not how fortunate she be born into a family where she could essentially do whatever the hell her wicked heart's desired given her mother and family sat on the throne of not only this world, but the realm of Demon's as well.

Ergo, Ol' Pso the brat-o earned a well-earned SMACK across the face. This time, however, it came from the ghastly pale palm of Mana's hand! In making this action she'd feel the force of an entire building slamming on that frail lil' body of hers. Granted, the influence of Mana's aura would reinforce to force her child to be knocked out in a hole in the ground. Instead, the eruption of emerald energy forced her body to stay in place while injecting all the pain to be pushed like an eruption of lava scorching across her every breathing existence.

"Enough with the god damn attitude, missie~! I give you the whole world in the palm of ya' hands, yet ya got the nerve to bark at me like ya' are actually gonna raise your fist against me? I can't believe I spoiled ya rotten. Shame on me!"


Mana gave herself a hard hit in the head. In fact, she spilt her skull right open as gem green blood started spewing in every which direction but right. However, after she got AHEAD of the situation, the woman quickly regenerated and closed the gaping hole in her head and proceeded to carry on with this loathsome conversation.

"But I will admit: it's funny as heck to see ya' cryin' a mean fit over me pullin' on a joke on ya' behind!"

Then, almost sounding like a southern cow gal, ol' Mana slapped her knee, pulled out a ten-gallon hat, put on her head and started laughing as hard as she could before the hat burned away into the abyss in a burst of hot emerald green flames.

"Besides: you are a self-centered piece of shit. Ya' ever think that in all my time of being a Queen that I have other thangs goin' on?"

If Calypso didn't wet herself by this point, Ol' Mana saw fit to slap her nose to get her to pay attention to the words which were spewing forth from her mouth like a snake's venom ready to be injected through its teeth into its prey.

"Oh, I dunno, ya ever thought I was busy tryin' not to get our family gutted like a fish from the millions of folks' 'dat wanna do us harm on the daily bases? Maintaining a whole kingdom of savage beast from the underworld in our lovely home in Demon World? Perhaps overlooking an entire empire of warriors in our fine army of Shadow Fall? Nah, ya too busy being a spoiled runt cryin' for mommy in the night to bother thinking about my own needs, dearie."

With a wave of her wrist, Ol' Mana then had a card fly forth from her sleeve, hit Calypso upside the head and explode in birthday confetti that had around a million dollars in currency fall down on her head for her to spend however the hell she wished.

"If ya have the balls to come in here n' disrespect me, ya got the balls and time to do like your other siblings n' seek me out. I've got shit to do, people to fuck, lives to ruin n' life to enjoy; I ain't got time to always remember small details."

Irritated at this point, Ol' Mana clearly wanted this conversation to be done and over with. However, it was apparent there was still one final loathsome bit of information to deal with: Neoveta. Right. Her sister.

"n' if you are wondering what I did to Neoveta? I made her a proper Asthavon n' if you wanna see her I can give you a one-way ticket to see her. Just bend your ass over, let me cock my foot back and I'll ram my foot so far in your ass you'll be sent flying toward her home n' you two can catch up over tea, cookies n' girl gossip."

Of course, through her sarcasm, Mana was truthful about the fact she could send her toward Neoveta. So the choice was going to be up to Calypso to determine how she wanted to proceed forward with this little arrangement of theirs. Was she going to be focused on Mana's crude language to be blinded by the opportunity to see this sister? Or was she going to get her priorities straight and actually proceed forth with the offer and get her act together? Oh, only time would tell what action this little demon of an asthavon would decide to take on this fine day in hell~!

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:47 pm

Calypso Asthavon

Calypso expected another series of slaps from whatever disgusting appendage her mother decided to spawn this time, but what she received was so, much, worse. It wasn't just a few small hits, nay, the queen went full drunkard father on her and slapped her across the face with her own pale hand. Not just a simple slap, no, it felt like she was a baseball being hit back with a fucking concrete building. She didn't even get to fall, she was stuck in place for Mana to do all the harm she desired. As far as the damage, her head almost didn't look like a head, more a misshapen, blue-soaked blob of darkness, with two golden eyes present, positioned unevenly due to the force.

Her body was trying to heal itself as quickly as possible, however the force was extremely shocking, a hit she had never sustained before in the entirety of her short existence. If anything, she had some speck of thought that she'd die. Some other part affirmed that she wouldn't die; her head was already pulling back together, but her eyes were still resting in a blob of tar that vaguely resembled it's previous form for a head. Her eyes slowly skimmed back to her mother, her thoughts still severely jumbled from the shock, though she tried to piece together what the hell was coming out of her mother's mouth as she tried to fix herself. She then remembered searing pain: her entire body felt like it was burning. She couldn't do anything to scream, was her jaw broken? She wasn't too sure. She felt pain, but she couldn't fully experience it.

Her pupils flickered as she had watched her mother break her own skull, which evoked fear for her within the child, even if she could fix it immediately after. That kind of sight sent shivers into her being, even if she was angry, she didn't want to see her hurt. Golden tears leaked from her eyeholes, her body shaking, though the girl herself was completely silent as she watched her mother continue with her absurdities, at some points questioning if she was even in the real world. Then she remembered her mother had the ability to rip expectations a new one, how could she forget...

She did whatever you could call a flinch with a near featureless face as she was slapped again, her gaze weary and tired, mostly emotionally tired, tired of hearing this. Again, things didn't go where she wished they would, but did she really deserve that? She wanted to spit that it was her fault anyone wanted to kill them, but she was too frazzled to speak, or rather, it was better she didn't open her mouth at all during this?

Honestly, she was growing more and more irritated with being insulted left and right, about how her matters were far too important to give her offspring a moment in the day, and somehow she was the ungrateful brat in the relationship. Calypso's eyes read nothing but a mix of anger, pain, and tired annoyance. Her mother seemed to be having way too much fun at the cost of her daughter's feelings, jeeze wasn't this a wonderful message? Getting smacked with a near million bucks didn't make the mood any lighter, in fact, it made her annoyance, and sadness, get worse. Her face was finally starting to restore itself, though she was pounded with pain, her mind was more focused on this crap on the forefront of her thoughts.

"Small details, huh..? That all I am to you? That all anyone is to you?"
The skin below her newly formed nose formed a mouth, her softly musing at her mother's statement, the youth looking far beyond done, "I do want to see what the hell you made my sister into, but i'm not bending my ass over for you. You've already torn into me today, so just fucking send me. But I want you to know one thing;" She managed to lean in, despite being rather shaken up and borderline in shock, "It doesn't have to be like this.. You don't have to be like this.. And i'm going to find a way to fix things... No matter how many times i'm reduced to a puddle of tar.. No matter how many people stop me... I will show you that things don't have to be this fucked up... Or depraved.."

Coding By Lillian <3

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Doubt [Calypso/Mana] Empty Re: Doubt [Calypso/Mana]

Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:42 am

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] 6EdIfMt

Song: Jevil's Theme - Word Count: N/A

"Some people are small details, other people are big details."

What better answer could there be? Not everyone was going to be the flaming twin love from the cosmos above in Mana's life. There are hundreds of billions of creatures in this universe, and to believe everyone could compete for her time was something of a joke to her due to how absurd it was. It's why Mana couldn't help but give another cackle since it's not as if they weren't spending time together right now. In fact, this whole meeting could have gone smoother if she just left a message saying: "MOMMY! I'M GONNA VISIT YA TOMORROW!" and then things could have been easy, peasy, demon fucking breezy.

At any rate, Ol' Mana couldn't help but indulge the request that her daughter had to see the sight of her older sister. So with a whirl of her wicked fingers, the Queen created a vortex which would take her to the heart of the Asthavon Palace way aways in the depths of demon world to give her busty sister that tender loving Calypso so hungered for. (Mana: Geez, with the way you wrote that, I'd be surprised if they weren't busy goin' at it like a couple of rabbits! GAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

"Oh, I can give you a one-way ticket to your sister. Rest assured, Lil' hunny."

Cackling like the jester she was, The Demoness figured Neoveta, even in her current state, was a far more forgiving being than she was for wasting her time. If nothing else: she makes a good and relaxing Demon Princess to be around for someone who gets off on pain and woe! What a fucking joke! GHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!

"Ya' betta' thank ya stars that ya' sister loves her family very much. She won't bite ya' jaw off....I think. Not sure if she'd force ya' to bend over either. I have no idea what any of mah' children are capable of, after all."

Once all the jokes were out of her system, the emerald eyes of Mana fixed themselves on Calypso to observe what she was whining about this time. Apparently, this lil' kiddo was cryin' about things not having to be this way or something to that effect. To that plea -- Mana only could react with an indifferent shrug. What? Was she gonna pull the heavens and gods themselves to alter the course of history to make her some crusader of justice? Oh no. Mana knew quite the monster she was, the difference is she relished and accepted it unlike many in this world.

She knew how to play this game of life like a Fortnite addicted 9 year old to get what she wanted. And, because of that hunger, there were always going to be consequences. The strain placed on her mind/body, the people who want her blood, the responsibilities of ruling, etc, etc, etc. They were all things she accepted a long time ago and the weight of this world was all but blind to Calypso if she sincerely believed she could melt all that away with hugs, kisses and wanting the boo-boo's to go away.

"Wish in one hand, piss in another; see which reality fills itself faster. Ya' best accept the madness n' tame it before it accepts you n' breaks ya."

That voice seemed to speak from a more stern place. Not in the sense she was going to beat the ever-living shit out of Calypso to an itch of her life, but from the advice of a parent giving their child valuable advice. There was really no point in trying to run away from the insanities and absurdities of this world. As the more you resist against them, the further stronger they become. So the best solution is to fall into place with them, make them one with you and have dominance over the reality of insanity which breathes all throughout the world. That's one part of the puzzle which keeps her going in this absurd universe they call home.

So, to that end, Ol' Mana leaned in behind Calypso, chuckled and gave her a warm kiss on the cheek before pushing the weight of her body against the child's back.

"Now, be a good lil' gal' n' don't annoy 'da fuck out of ya' sis."

Then, with that, The Queen gave Calypso a hard shove into the vortex n' left her to her own devices to snuggle up, watch some Netflix and chill with Princess Neoveta of Demon World. Oh to be young again~

Doubt [Calypso/Mana] WVMWLOu
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