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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:52 pm

Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv was heading back from a meeting with a friend of hers, when she cocked something coming off the emotional winds. her Empathic Heart Of Fire was a powerful thing, able to hone in on strong feelings of negativity so she could follow it to the source and aid them in their recovery. Tundra Brat probably wouldn't like her sticking around, but she wasn't going to let him bother her. And she wasn't ignorant of the irony that Ulv, the Flame Of Hope, the blazing beacon of emotional freedom, had negativity in a guy that she didn't like. Her Flame wasn't to force you into a smile, it was to give you the choice to chose your negativity if there was a good reason for it.

So she followed, The Wind making movement - quite literally - a breeze as she looked for the source of this blackness. She still had snacks and some drinks, and hopefully he wouldn't die if he tried the drinks. But if he did Ulv could just stop him dying with her Devil's Heart. She smiled at that, and decided not to tell Ibiki about that, the Menecing Devil might just take offence at how Ulv used their power...

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Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:35 pm

Hitsuyona Shizukesa

Hitsuyona casually made his way westward along the endless roads that were the Rukongai, in which he found himself currently wishing the eastern 13th district. This particular stroll were the result of his homeward efforts following a scouting mission in regards to a report of hollow activity. A mission that in fact turned out to be true, but was carefully executed in a timely manner. Matters such as these always seemed to be easily carried out, while simple tasks like a silent walk home without distractions of the mind turned out to be mentally taxing.

It were times like these that often came to be loathed. This unending silence brought fruit to the nature of his ever wandering mind, which was more often than not a spiraling cascade of the reminiscent shortcomings that so frequently be followed the poor soul. Amidst the chaos that were the inner sanctums of his mind cane the alerting feeling that something was amiss however, and Hitsuyonas brow rises in anticipation of the haunting presence of a follower. It was almost as if that feeling someone gets when a lonesome eye stares them down intently from afar.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:10 pm

Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

The unending silence ended, which really brought into question if it was unending in the first place. Unending implied there was no end, and so if someone could end, then was it really unending? Hmmm~! Philosophy aside, the silence ended with quite a considerable bang to it.
"Hello fellow person!" Ulv's voice was passionate and powerful, her smile bright like the sun, and her very essence one that was overwhelmingly determined. To look upon her was to forget what it meant to give in, to surrender. to lose. And the smile didn't hurt things either, it made her look cute.

"So, I was walking by and then you were walking by and walking by together, we met. And I thought to myself, 'ohh, that is one of the new stealth squad guys. Are they all meant to be a sad bunch of shadow people, or is that just what happens when you hang around Henrex all the time?' and so we came over to see what the answer was. And now we are here you can give us what we require, the answer the the age old riddle, but not the one about the egg. And age old being about a minute or two ago"

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Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:03 pm



Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Shinigami’s gut feeling soon became fact as his heard veered sideways to lock onto an oncoming newcomer with a rather ecstatic attitude and demeanor. It was in this precise moment that his train of thought had been utterly shattered as he tilt his brow in response to her currently ongoing chatter. This one was certainly odd to say the least, but was more so astrew was the fact he hadn’t noticed her presence much sooner.

What was even more captivating was this young woman’s sheer amount of insight. While it was unclear to what extent she could read into him, Hitsuyona was sure there was some level of uniqueness to her accusations. It was after all an odd question befitting to what he could only assume to be an odd person in general. And so, the Shinigami stopped in his tracks to smirk at her before replying with curious tone. “I suppose a life within the shadows is often a lonely path filled with self contemplation; but more so it’s devoid of gratification and self righteousness. So I guess what’s more so relevant is if the path of solitude and mystery more often misunderstood than it is considered sad?

Hitsuyona played off his prior moments lost in thoughts off as a general misconception of the young woman not as a way to lie, but as a way to see if she would come to light about how she honed in on his inner quarrels. After all, the young man was intrigued to know whether or not she’d managed to read into his thoughts, or if she’d merely cane to ask if he was similar to the man she just spoke of.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:49 pm

Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv cocked her head as he spoke and claimed that he was far more mysterious and poetic than he was sad. It was a strange thing, to be able to feel a person's emotions keenly, and yet listen to them lie about their feelings, trying to make the other person feel better. It was nice, and Ulv stood up, her full height becoming aware as she got up from the bent position she was in when they had first met. Her muscles were well toned, her breasts firm and sizeable, and her height was considerable. It was like someone had made a cute Kenpachi.

"So you are trying to tell me that you are totally happy with your current lot in life? That anyone believing you disbondant or otherwise depressed by the job that the stealth corps asks of you is simply misinformed?" She asked him. That tone was like a mother, asking if you had been in the cookie jar, despite having seen you prior to asking doing that exact thing. "Or would it be conceivable that I see beyond the veil and understand more than you can possibly imagine? That I grasp your heart as keenly as I would my own?"

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Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:18 pm



Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

His composure held as she tilted her head in disapprovement, before taking a more stern stance that shows her now well noted size. It was as her words carried on that his mischievous smirk deviated back to its bland expression he’d been so well trained to keep. ‘Just who is this woman?’ A simple question fed towards a desire to know more of what it was that drove her insight to such extremities . It was only followed by even more invasive, yet naive question all the same.

Hitsuyona looked her eyes intently while letting out a sly scoff in remarks to her statement. After all, he may have sensed some form of calmness in her voice, but how would one without a parental figure identify with a motherly attitude. “ You couldn’t possibly conceive the weight of the burdens I carry girl.” His weight shifts to a more relaxing posture as he allows his right leg to assume the weight of his body, while firmly allowing his hand to rest on the hilt of the zanpaktou attached to his waist. This weren’t a sign of defense so much as his preparation for what had now became a conversation of sorts. “What you grasp is the shallow hull of an existence I’ve long since abandoned.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:30 pm

Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv nodded softly, as if understanding what he was saying. Her eyes thoughtful and her posture firm but relaxed, a difficult but interesting thing to pull off. She looked engaged and interested in what he was saying, even if her words portrayed a slightly different way of thinking.
"So you've got a power that tells you what the other person can conceive, do you? That, is pretty interesting. A Unique power, as much as my power to be able to sense the emotional spectrum of a person in it's entirety, like a book laid out before me, with handy footnotes as well" she said, her eyes looking to his hand resting on the sword and smiling before returning.

"So does the Stealth Force only hire Edgelords with dark and gritty backstories, or is that something you are taught once you are in there? I am meaning for the latter, considering how often so many of you go through daily changes of how you feel. Is it like method acting? Where you get up in the morning and think 'I have abandoned the shallow hull of yesterday's curry incident. I am now a man who eats kebab' or something?"

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Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:55 pm



Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

There appeared to be a hint of mockery in the words that followed next, but it was surely an answer to follow suite of his question. It was painfully obvious that she could read into the mind to some extent, or that she at the very least wanted to imply such. This was of course quickly followed up by yet another series of mockery from the stranger that stand before him. It just went to show how knowing and understanding were two different subjects, at least in the mind of hitsuyona that were.

It was at this point that the Shinigami was beginning to become annoyed to some extent. He merely threw his hands in the air shrugging a shoulder as if to play along for a moment. “Being and edgelord comes with the job I suppose, but I’ve always found that ramen fills my shallow hull just fine.” Following his less than needed response his arms fall flat once again to their previously placed positions and his brow lowers whilst looking more solemn yet again. “So just what is it about me that peaks your interest? What of my emotional spectrum and its contents matters to you?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:30 pm

Is it the company? 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Welp, her work here was done. Resolve Flame never forced anyone to do anything, merely helped them. And this guy seemed well aware and even attached to that set of emotions, so unless she broke his fingers - metaphorically - then her powers were like tits on men. Well, she didn't expect to be able to get everyone in the worlds. You win some you lose some, and so she was prepared to just lose some here and go on back home.
"Mmm, Ramen is a good filler of holes. Espeically when you get a guy too cool you some egg-fried ramen. Or tomato soup Ramen. Both are good. As for why I am here, I was just curious. Looking at a painting is one thing, but talking to the artist is a whole different beast. But I have sated my curiosity and so I'm going to get some home time. See you probably, guy person" she then, turned and headed for the Senkaimon to get back home.

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