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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:09 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The crunch was fun, which was bad. Ulv needed to get her enjoyment under control. Henrex wouldn't learn anything if Ulv was just focused on making him go snap for her amusement. But someone did come from Henrex to snap her back into the current state of affairs, and as Henrex came back, Ulv gave him a broad grin. A wordless reminder that Ulv, was an Empath. She had, with utmost clarity, felt the rising bubble of masochistic desire before it was pushed down again. He took a new stance, and it seemed an attempted mimicry of Ulv's own, because there were some overall improvements. External stance she could not help him with, that was something you learned yourself. Made, yourself.

Henrex drew his fist back, and then Ulv slipped a foot between his legs and threw a kick to the crotch. One that had the same bruising force as before, and would make men the world over be eternally grateful that she was wearing Devil Bonds and didn't have the kind of strength she could muster when unbound.
"Two things. One, as a man, you must protect your crotch. It's more important than a girl's because testicles are more sensitive to pain than vaginas. It's why a lot of men have stances with one leg forward and cocked to the right. It's so they can quickly move their leg into the path of oncoming crotch shot.

Second, drawing a punch back so dramatically is asking for a kick in the dick. You can do it if the opponent is stunned and you are going for a finisher punch, but otherwise, never bring your fists back past your jaw" she thought about doing more punch lessons, but decided it would be equally fun to break him some more, and not to overload him, so she just let him process that.

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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:53 pm

Eat like a bird - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Slenderbodies - Song: Take You Home

This was...not something he was expecting today.

As he pulled his fist back in order to keep her from using his body and momentum against him, he saw Ulv's leg moving, and then he realized his mistake as she drove the kick right in between his legs. Needless to say, there were many...mixed feelings from that. The masochistic part of him went wild from the pain of that hit, but there was also the normal part of him that felt utterly humiliated and, naturally, the shock.

So, wincing as his hands went to cover the area out of natural response, his teeth clenched tighter together than steel as he listened to Ulv, his cheeks burning red. Nevertheless, taking a deep breath and taking his stance once again, taking note of what Ulv had said -- setting his foot forward and angling it slightly to the right, keeping his hands past his jaw. Taking another breath, he dug his foot in the ground, kicking off, drawing his arm back and throwing a punch, the same as always.

However, right after this, Henrex pressed the tips of his toes into the ground, before launching his foot off the ground and aiming a skyward kick toward Ulv's chin. The first time he had used the martial art he had learned from the Iga in actual combat, even if it was just training, and he started it all off with Sokyugakuken, Reversal Foot Fist. However, again, due to a lack of experience with hand-to-hand, Henrex did find an issue in returning to his previous stance.

Stumbling as his wings unfurled, flapping lightly in order for him to regain his balance and return to his previous stance, making sure to make the adjustments he had made before and cover all the bases that Ulv had mentioned beforehand.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:26 pm

Eat like a bird - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ohh, ohh-ho-ho~. Ulv thought she had felt something before, but right now she was most assured that she had indeed felt that little bubble of enjoyment when pain came his way. Maybe she should apply the Koppojutsu a bit more so he could get a kick out of it, and double remember it as a traumatically pleasurable time. Still, now was not the time for quips or snarks, because Henrex had a heart like her own and it would drive onwards until the final beat. The next punch came, a decent punch for having just been told how to throw one. Flucity and perfection would come with time and experience, two things Ulv could not teach. She couldn't exactly agree with him kicking off to throw a punch, but that was for later.

Ulv caught the punch on her guard, not too worried about the damage - so many people forgot the benefits of a good guard, as if a punch could break it in one, you were fucked anyway. He wasn't the strongest of creatures, and his hollow bones lacked the weight and density to do the same damage as normal bones would, so there was little cause for alarm. She casually pondered good styles for him while blocking the strike. Maybe Wing Chun. It revolved less around strength, which could suit him.

Then the kick to the chin came and the modicum of good-will was evaporated. Ulv shifted her chin out of the narrow hitbox that a head-kick made, and then surged forward, shoulder barging him while his foot was up in the air. One foot gave a poor, unstable stance, and wings could not help against the muscle and power of a charging Ulv, so she would move to drive him to the ground, with her straddling him. In a very erotic fashion, if she was at all into bird guys who'd probably break before the five minute mark.

"A grave Mythtake. A mistake made by a myth. Kicks to the head are a gamble that rarely pay off in the opening seconds of the fight. The hit-box is to narrow to ensure a clean blow, and they put you off balance when they miss, allowing for things like this to happen. Once you are on the ground, you have surrendered half the fight, since you are in a painfully bad position. Your foe can strike face or torso at their leisure and you can not move to dodge it, so you must defend. And only enough arms to defend one. Plus their is no recoil space, so if you don't hold a strong enough guard, they can just pound your face in by hitting your guard hard enough for your arms to smack into your face"

Getting off him, she stood, and skipped back to her starting position.

"When you can end a fight with one blow, it is not a fight. You are just bullying the other. Never seek to end a fight in a single shot. Instead pound, press, break, and exhaust. The more you hit, the more openings are made. And through one of those openings, a clean finish can be made. Punch was good though. Generally unless you are kick heavy, should stay one step away from your opponent, so there is room to step in and deliver the punch. Always stay grounded, never lift one leg off the ground except in a kick, and never kick unless you are clear to do so, kicking styles excluded but they have whole stances surrounding the efficient and beautiful application of a kick. When pushing forward, slide your foot, don't step. The earth is bigger than you, and a great sort of strength and stability. Use it"

She then, thought for a second on what she had just said, and then scratched her head.
"Not...too much at once,is it?"

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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:41 pm

Eat like a bird - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Slenderbodies - Song: Take You Home

He knew that he hadn't done much damage, if any, to Ulv with those hits -- as he was holding back as to not burn through all of his energy, along with Ulv's already incredible durability, it would likely only leave a scratch, if even that. But, the kick and the imbalance that it caused had left him open.

Without much room to fix his error, Ulv immediately lurched forward. Knocking him off his balance and forcing him to the ground. Having closed his eyes during the brief trip to the dirt, Henrex opened his eyes to see Ulv, straddling him. Despite his cheeks burning red, he did hear and heed what she was saying. Shame and embarrassment were obvious in his eyes as he took considerate thought to what she was saying.

He knew that if this had been a real fight, he would have been dead. That kind of position, no matter if he were armed or no, was always a bad sign. As she listed off the various ways to take advantage of an opponent being trapped in that position, Henrex couldn't argue a single one of them. Again, shame and embarrassment flooded over him as he took all of this in. It felt so strange to be using his bare hands, as compared to most of his life of using a sword.

Yet, there were still many core principles that were the same, and here he was: failing over and over again, like an idiot. He should be better than this, he shouldn' this inept. As Ulv got off him and returning to her own starting position, Henrex slowly rose to his feet. He figured that it wouldn't take long for Ulv to sense to shame and embarrassment before he could use his own emotional powers in order to hide it. As such, he didn't bother trying to hide it.

Nevertheless, he returned to his own stance as Ulv began speaking, taking note of the comments on footwork, making a brief glance at his own as she spoke. It was a bit to process, but not too much. So, shaking his head as he rose his fists, he took a step forward, aiming a punch at her shoulder. Taking her advice from before, his foot slid forward and moved in semi-unison with his body as he drew his arm back, forming a knife-hand by bringing the fingers and thumb together and thrusting his arm and hand forward at her stomach.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:40 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

A lot of shame and embarrassment from the man. Which was interesting. Ulv wondered how he had trained beforehand, to be feel like this when he was learning something. Or, maybe it was something else, something that Ulv was about to broach.
"Shame, embarrassment. Are you so egotistical to believe you should grasp an entirely new form of combat in a few moments? This is my domain, Mirja was attached to this emotionally. I was literally made for this, and it still took me a few years to grasp to the extent I have.

Besides, this is more just a primer for you to have than for you to master hand to hand. Between four types of magic, your sword, and your Tulpa, shit's fucked if you have to get scrapping with your hands" She took her stance, and gave him a broad grin as she prepared for the last part of her lesson.

"And remember! A Man with blazing passion will always beat a man with a cold heart!!" Ulv rushed forward, taking the blow to the stomach in exchange for launching a punch to his fist. A strange aura sparked into being around her fist, entirely separate from her reiatsu, and sharpened it to become a truly earth-sundering blow. Even a close miss would feel like a hit from the force of displaced air following in it's wake.

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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Fri Mar 01, 2019 1:09 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Slenderbodies - Song: Take You Home

Immediately avoiding her gaze as Ulv brought up his feelings of shame and embarrassment of these consistent failures. Despite how long he had lived and what he had gone through in his life before this, there was still that despisal of the feeling of powerlessness and inadequecy that remained with him. Even if it made complete and total sense for him to simply be bad at hand-to-hand, there was still that lingering feeling.

"It's not that. It's been a while since I've felt this...weak, in a way."

It almost felt ridiculous to admit. Again, even if it made total sense for him to be getting beat like this, there was just so much...discomfort. But, he knew that he had to shove it down and keep going. So, taking a deep breath, his stance solidified as Ulv readied herself. Hearing her speak and what she said only made his will to improve grow stronger.

'Yeah. Even if I'm getting beaten like's necessary so I can go beyond!'

As he stepped forward, the strikes he was making would have a much more refined sense to the overall technique. While they weren't perfect, there was certainly a note of improvement. But, as she took the punch to her stomach, he saw her own fist coming for a counterattack. He didn't have much time to get out of the way, so he prepared himself for the oncoming attack.

Digging his feet into the ground to keep himself in place, he prepared for their fists to meet. As they clashed, he was able to feel how much of a difference this hit was, compared to her other ones. While he did have some level of reinforcement with his body lately, there was no possible way he could hold himself against such a force. Bones in his hand and arm began to crack, and muscles slowly began to tear as he was suddenly sent flying backward, skidding for tens of feet as the briefly displaced air and the kinetic force of her attack shoved him back.

Shakily getting to his feet, Henrex carefully wrapped his other hand around his now dislocated, forcing the limb back in place, wincing as the cracking and stinging sent shivers down his spine. Putting his arm in place again allowed it to heal faster and use less energy, and within a moderately short amount of time, it wasn't long before his arm was back to normal, although it still felt rather sore.

Giving off a weak chuckle, he turned to Ulv with a small smile on his face.

"Jeez...did your enthusiasm get the better of you and made you forget to hold back?"

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Last edited by Henrex on Sat Mar 02, 2019 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:42 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The punch was, insanely powerful. Looking to her fist with a bit of trepidation, Henrex wasn't as broken as she first feared. The Devil Bonds had done well to keep her under wraps. So there was still a Henrex to talk to at the end of that punch. Although his comment about her not holding back was one that made Ulv look up at him, an abashed and somewhat confused look on her face, before jangling the manacles on her wrists.
"These are Devil Bonds, training implements created by Ibiki to help people on the path. At base, they restrict 75% of your strength, speed, and spiritual output. Due to how they were constructed, I can increase or decrease that restriction by interfacing with my Resolve Flame. Currently, to mitigate as much damage as possible, they are restraining 95% of my strength, and as such, no blow has been pulled. It was done so I could hit full strength, because pulling a punch can make the attack different"

She then looked back to her fist, wondering what that little spark was that appeared a second before the impact.
"Which means...that blow you just took was 5% of it's maximum output"

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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:05 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Darren Ang - Song: N's Farewell

Henrex wasn't the best with jokes. So, softly rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a soft chuckle again before sighing and looking at the gauntlets around Ulv's wrists, listening as told him about the Devil Bonds, remembering the name as it was one of the Gotei's various pieces of equipment made by the Head Captain for training, as it restricted up to 75% of their power.

So, nodding lightly as she explained, Henrex briefly tested his arm, feeling around the shoulder socket to make sure that his arm had healed up properly, letting out a sigh of relief as everything seemed to check out. But, he immediately froze up and had to do a double take of what she just said, as well as truly process it. Only five percent of her strength was in that hit, and it only had dislocated his arm and shoulder. Anything larger, and it probably would have torn his arm off and flung it across the continent.

His mouth hung agape as he looked to the ground, his arm, and then finally back to Ulv. There wasn't really much that he could say -- or really think to say. For some reason, it felt a bit shocking that even though all that, the actual amount of her power that she used was so low. Thus, he only had one word that he could muster to say in this moment.


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Last edited by Henrex on Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:32 am

The Burning Heart

Henrex stared in amazement, probably because he was amazed. That was generally the case. And it was mirrored by Ulv, who was not sure what she had done and was not sure she wanted to risk repeating it.
"5% out of about 400%. Hvit is real strong, and we can Double-Down to get twice the force out of it than the usual amount. So yea, that move can apparently be quite dangerous when utilized to the full extent" Ulv looked at her fist and then flicked her eyes back up to the bird guy and scratched her head softly.

"In light of new-found explosion powers, I'm going to call this session over and go find out what is going on before anything else goes wrong and it gets any stronger. Regeneration or no, there is always a limit to what you can do with your energy supply. Besides, the rest isn't anything you don't already know. Never be rigid with your set of rules, and always judge your opponent's skill and act accordingly. Flashy stunts and epic counter-moves are all well and good, but if they are skilled enough to make on-the-spot adjustments as counter-counter moves then you gotta be a little more cautious"

Ulv turned to head off, manacles fading away from her wrists as she did.
"And go see Taichou some time. Arianda's unbridled attention is going to give her some really deluded thoughts of what should be done in the bedroom"

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Eat like a bird - Page 2 Empty Re: Eat like a bird

Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:24 am

Eat like a bird - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Slenderbodies - Song: Take You Home

The amazement out of knowing how much of her total power she was using was one thing -- how much total power she had, it made the feeling a bit scarier, and the fact that she could grow even stronger with the aid of her Inner Hollow. However, it seemed that neither one of them wanted to keep dancing with what appeared to be an unpredictable power.

As Ulv turned to leave, Henrex did as well -- but, her last comment stung. Spend time with Taichou, huh? The young man let out a quiet sigh as he drew his Zanpakuto, opening a Senkaimon back to the Soul Society. He wouldn't mind spending time with Taichou, if she was actually around. But, he wouldn't comment on it. Rather, he turned to Ulv, giving a small, warm smile as he started to step into the Senkaimon.

"Be careful, alright? Don't cripple yourself again."

With that, he passed through the portal, returning home.


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