Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Agent 48 Empty Agent 48

Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:07 pm

Agent 48 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The War. Had begun. And Ulv, was not going to put all her eggs in one basket. Mostly because she was that basket and didn't want to get murdered to death if someone came down hankering for eggs. Her eggs were important, she needed them for the morning omelette and confusing people when analogies and metaphors got way out of hand. There was a lack of people in the world that really felt like they lacked any degree of proper holdings towards an organisation. And so Ulv was on the move to find one that did feel like that.

It was only her assumption, she did not know for sure that he would accept anything she offered, but she had to make the attempt anyway. Ulv had seen him a long time ago, but never forgot a feel of a person that she had met, and so tracking him down wasn't the trouble. The trouble was going to be making a deal that he would accept from her.

"Mr Mifune? I have come to talk about making a deal about the defense of my home, from those who wish to plunder it. The War will make things a mess and I wish aid in my home's protection"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Agent 48 Empty Re: Agent 48

Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:01 pm

Agent 48 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Well, he certainly wasn't dressed the part. Either for being in Canada or for being the most awesome super mercenary guy to do the stabbing. But there was no mistaking it, because Ulv was still getting Synesthesia between her senses, making him smell sharp. Ulv was never a great diplomat, however, and so when he asked for her to explain further, she frowned. And, was not entirely sure there was a way to explain further. Shuffling in the snow a little, she pondered the question before just turning to him with a shrug, scratching her head awkward as she did.

"I am not sure how to explain it further. I would like my home island to be protected and you are pretty handy with the ol' stabber, so I came to see if you were up for helping out. Although discussion on why exactly would have to take place. I mean, I am really rich and you are probably even richer, so money is hardly going to be something you could be enticed by. I am told I am really good with cooking though, and look fabulous in a Maid's uniform. Could that be enough incentive to bring you out?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Agent 48 Empty Re: Agent 48

Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:34 pm

Agent 48 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Feeling the emotions he felt from her offer, she was sure that that was not going to be the one that'd win him over. Coming inside at his invitation, he even brewed her some tea, which was lovely. He introduced himself, as Mifune Soan, which was not a surprise. It even made Ulv grin softly.
"Soan..that'll explain it. I am convinced that the women in that family are just swords" She said, taking a sip from the cup and nodding in appreciation of it's taste. While 'Sword' did seem the be the defining factor of the Soans she had met, it was nice to see he had other things as well.

"Ahh, right, introductions. Sorry, sometimes I can get caught up in things and just forget the basics. I am Ulv Auber, recent Mayor of Minatumi Harbor. Which is where I would like your aid in protecting. I can handle most things, but I am not always there, plus putting all my eggs in one basket is just asking for someone to come and make an omelette" she took another sip and then looked up. Mifune was a very aware individual, and so she didn't want to overwhelm that awareness with her metaphysical presence. Her spiritual pressure had nothing on the power her heart could put out when it was focused on a singular target.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Agent 48 Empty Re: Agent 48

Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:24 pm

Agent 48 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Disgust. That was some serious negativity coming from Mifune. Ulv didn't need her Empathic Heart to sense that, it was coming as powerful as anything. And Ulv's passion skyrocketed. This was something she was going to explore, a pain she was going to ease. A boil she was going to lance. It was her goal, her driving force. Her Raison d'etre. Although her literal Raison d'etre was to fight and give birth to a lot of monsters like Typhoon, but she wasn't going to argue semantics with herself when there was a problem right here.

"Soan. There is a lot in that one word for you, isn't there? I have seen a lot in this world, and there is little that I have seen that is worse than a man who hates his family to such a degree. To have such a reaction of but a single world must mean the wound runs deep. And so this is what I promise to you. If you will help me defend my town, then I shall take my power and I shall use it to aid you, to bring you from this dark pit in which you reside, so that the name "Soan" has no more power over you than the name of Dr. Ngegitigegitibaba"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Agent 48 Empty Re: Agent 48

Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:32 pm

Agent 48 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"I don't need my exceptionally powerful Empathic abilities to know that there is a lot more going on in your heart that objectivity. And I do. Have, exceptionally powerful empathic abilities. Clearly there is a reason for why you feel like this. Such hardline emotions do not come out of nowhere, nor are they sustained by nothing. These claws of the past are sunk deep into your flesh, and have been there so long you don't even see them as the wounds they are causing anymore. They are just a part of you. That is when it has gone past festering. That is when the wound becomes you.

I must help everyone who shows me their negative emotions, because there is no choice when it comes to reading them. I get your emotions, all the time. And if I don't help you resolve them, then I will keep getting your negative emotions. I will keep being given your darkness, I will keep having to deal with your issues on top of my own, only with yours, I can do nothing about them. I can only watch them as you carry on and make me carry on with them. My desire to help is most selfish, because it is only so that I don't have to deal with you being troubled, that I help with your troubles"

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