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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:46 pm

Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The departure of Ulv last time was an auspicious one, where the Great Winged Bear had left Colin to enjoy the holidays. As Ulv did. A lot of work in Minatumi, and nights spent keeping her wife warm in the cold winter nights. But recently, she came across a sudden situation that made her a little panicky and a lot confused, and Hayden's answers weren't good enough for her. What landed in Colin's front yard was - while being considerably more powerful than the Ulv that had arrived the few months ago - not quite the same regal and refined woman. She didn't land like a breath of wind as usual, but still landed enough that it wouldn't disturb the ground.

"Eagle Man! I need your help with something! Some sort of...err, what was it, Evolucion! It's apparently Hollow stuff Hayden doesn't understand!" Ulv exclaimed. The giggling Hvit was going through in Ulv's inner world didn't help matters at all. Ulv felt it was a really serious situation to be in, even if Hvit wasn't really doing anything wrong, nor telling her anything was wrong.

"I don't know what happened! It just happened one day and she had changed, and now she looks hot and I don't know what to do!"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:14 am

Warmth in his hands, a savory aroma dancing around his body, a cup in his hands.

Colin Washi, enjoying his weekend.

He was just drinking his coffee, going through the morning news with his cybermind. He was glad that he visualize such news sources without having to use his eyes. Actually focusing hard enough to read things had been proving more and more taxing as he strained himself. Hmm... seems like the growing hositilities business might come back to bite Karakura... but... what'll we do with everyone displaced from the conflict? The introspective man wondered to himself, the warm liquid smoothly passing down his throat.

...whirr whirrrrrr whirr whirrrrrrrr.

Colin's eyes glanced up at the sky. His domain. Even among the buildings of Karakura, the Eagle God's highrise stood out. He knew how to use the money he had earned from his previous position; his yard appeared to be some kind of aviary mixed with an airport, for a human.

It was relatively small, jutting out from the penthouse suite. It was also quite modest, containing some workout equipment and a single patio, with four chairs around a stone table. A fireplace rested on the end of it, modelled in a similar fashion to the table. Each of them had been constructed by the Vizard's own hands.

But right now, his masonry did not have his attention. His attention was fixated several miles away. ...I relied on my sight far too much. He reflected, leaving the cup behind as he straightened himself up.

He could not see them. But he could feel the approaching individual. His whirring cybermind made it seem as if time had practically stopped. From where Ulv was coming in, if her eyes were good enough, she would only make out a blur. The blur left the blonde haired man standing up straight, looking up directly at her.

She was coming in extremely hot. Even if his eyes were not so good anymore, he could feel the amount of speed she possessed. I would really not have to repair my porch if she can't stop herself. A peculiar spiritual force flowed through his body, a whirling, energetic power moving through his veins as he stepped forward.

There. Colin reached one of his long fingered hands forward. He was aiming for her shoulder, to lightly grip it in order to stop her rapid descent. But...

...Something's... Poking...? Craaap...

He appeared to have grabbed her by the face.

That poking sensation was her nose. The speed he had moved at would make the act, well... much more sudden. For Ulv's part, she would feel her entire body jerk as all of her momentum was countered. Her velocity halted completely, landing in a very neutral manner as her feet lowered that last inch onto the ground.

"...Sorry." He told her, releasing his hand from the woman's face. His voice was shaky, painfully apologetic. His whole body was extremely tense, his eyes hiding behind those orange glasses.

"Evolucion?" His blonde hair shifted to the side, contemplating what she had just asked about. "Oh... well, let's see. It happened to my hollow, as well." Colin explained, relaxing a little bit. But.. he still felt tense from his earlier mistake, and that fact was pretty easy to see.

"He used to be this monster bird thing, but now he's much more human looking. He retained his general traits, though." The Vizard explained, thinking it over. "Essentially... the hollow can't always stay static. The more you bond with it, the more your energy is shared, the higher chance they will change, especially if they started weak, like mine. Eventually, they can end up growing from it, and as a result, they 'evolve'. Kind of like Hollows do as they consume more souls." He concluded, nodding slightly.

"Have you been having any new difficulties controlling her?"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:05 am

Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

face grab! was the greeting. Ulv let out a surprised 'Nyah!' and flailed at Colin, her fists strong by human perception but like gloved boops by Colin's perception. Then she was let go and she glowered at him.
"I can control momentum, you know. Fangs Of The Wind - the kick that broke your wrist - is literally momentum control" she told him, looking all puffed up like a cat. Which, she managed to fix when Colin started talking about her hollow. Apparently the stronger the bond and the stronger the person, the greater the chance of the hollow changing, like it was being fed new souls.

"Hvit used to be Mirja's mirror, but she's changed. It's, really awkward to admit that she's gotten frighteningly beautiful, but clearly not human despite the human shape. I've not had any new troubles with her, she is still the same old ultra-prideful mother figure of an unruly child she's always been. And has gotten a lot better with Ceros, she is able to guide me well now. We had a fight a month back mostly to test ourselves as well as to have a martial conversation of hearts, and...she's grown more than I thought Hollows could grow. I am not sure if it is because of my Resolve Flame or because of her, or a sprinkle of both, but it is...inspiring. I want every Hollow to have what Hvit does...

Still, I was talking to Hayden about it and apparently he says it's a signal that Hvit is ready or at least nearly ready of showcasing an incredibly formidable power"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:53 pm

Something was coming straight for him. Colin's eyes widened behind his orange glasses, feeling the moderate amount of aggression behind the blows. But his right arm could remember what it felt like the last time he had went up against the woman who had been reborn before him. The raw force behind those blows, whether it was intended or not.

His hand was still gripping her face, a bit tighter as he focused. Instead of catching the blows like he had in their previous fight, however, he physically parried each one with his off hand. Even fully deflected they still smart a bit, huh? Cloth met her arms over and over again as he deflected each of the blows, the wind he generated from his rate of speed blowing at her more and more intensely with each counter, as if he were getting faster with each movement.

Of course, the entire exchange only lasted a few seconds before Colin released the grip on her face. As a result of his counters, a final buffet of wind would push against the front of her body, making a discreet howling noise as it passed by.

"I don't think I'm out of my rights in trying to protect my house." Colin answered her glower, his tone a bit confrontational. '"Would it've killed ya to use the stairs?" He countered with her, getting a morose expression once again.

"I didn't know that, or at least, didn't remember it. Plus, you have a much scarier presence than you did before." The lanky man explained, hoping that would suffice to get him off the hook of her annoyance.

She seemed to calm down somewhat as he explained. "Woah now." Colin's body had relaxed a good bit, but that last statement caught him off-guard. "You realize that at their core, your inner hollow is a soul-devouring monster still, right?" Colin asked her, reaching a single hand out as his own Hollow's energy came out of it. He did not form it into anything in particular; the malignant light blue energy merely rolled out of his palm, a barely-visible mist. It was malignant energy, violent energy. The energy of a Hollow.

"Even if we come to undrstand them, and they begin to feel an affinity back for us - that is their nature. Your hollow isn't like most of them; and it's not your place to screw with them figuring their hollow out." Colin told her, shaking his head as he took a breath. "I'd rather not think about more people like Stefan and Nathan running around doing whatever they want with theirs. Vizard are typically outcasts due to the beast inside; many people using it on a grand scale seems like a recipe for distaster." He explained, before moving back over to his stone table and leaning against it.

"An incredible power, huh...?" Colin asked her, before looking down at the hand that had emanated his hollow's energy. "He was probably talking about the full synchronization with your inner hollow." Colin explained, standing up before looking her dead in the eyes, behind his orange frames.

"Would you like me to show you what that looks like? It's from a little incident known as the Vizard War."

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:13 pm

Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"Why use the stairs when you can fly?" Ulv asked, cocking a grin, before the subject turned sour. The inherent negative thoughts on Hollows where why Inner Hollows were forced to stay in their negative bubble.
"You realise that, at their core, Humans are arrogant, self-centred narcissists who will take with force what they can't with guile, right? Even if we try to understand them, even if they begin to feel an affinity back for us - that is their nature. As soon as it is more beneficial to betray you than to stick with you, you've got a knife in your back. Hollows as Hollows, and Menos, are driven entirely by instinct, and it is the very rare one who is able to do anything with that. And then what they generally do with that isn't friendly. But as they develop, they grow closer to being able to become more than what they are at the core.

At my core, I am just a woman created to give birth to monsters that would secure a man's dominion over the world. Just because of how we were born, doesn't mean we have to live our lives that way. Humanity is a perfect example of being able to overcome your base instincts. To be able to ascend past what you are at the core and become a functioning member of society. All Inner Hollows can do that, they are living beings like any other. It's just few care to see past what immediate harm they wish to do, and not even because they want to do it. They were literally popped into existence and told to kill you and take over your body, with no reason and no ability to question that. It is up to the person to give them the reason to question that. To see them grow, beyond what they are" Ulv's hollow tirade went on, and then she looked back to Colin, and gave him a smile. "Some times it just takes a lot more effort than most to get that first step. Effort few wish to spend"

She then released her own mentality. A mentality she usually kept hidden because it really went against the whole benevolent Flame Of Hope thing she was cultivating. A malignant feeling, a violent feeling. The feeling, of a human. As Shinigami were, mentality, and as her body was physically.
"But, the full synchronisation does sound fun. If it is anything like the Resurrecion you used against Mirja in the Forests over there, it would certainly be a thing to see"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:47 pm

"Because then I grab your face less." Colin replied matter-of-factly, nodding his head as he did so. He was not above being blunt with Ulv; especially since he could feel the dull aches on the side of his arm. Parrying her flailing arms had not been a particularly pleasant experience.

"That... is depressing." He replied, his expression drooping a bit, as if distraught. "And not something I agree with in the slightest. I spent several years with the Gotei; the Konso proves that the human spirit and being a Hollow are not the same thing." Colin replied, equally bluntly. He wondered exactly what had happened to Ulv that she had arrived at such a negative view of the entirety of humanity. He let her get out the entirety of what she had to say before continuing, rolling around her words in his head.

"So there's a constant urge in your head telling you to breed monsters?" Colin asked, addressing his biggest problem with what she had said. If she were to compare herself to a hollow, then he would figure out if that were actually the case. It seemed like her expectations of them were not quite the same as Colin's own.

"They are literally rampaging monsters whose original soul was lost trapped inside of our bodies, Ulv." Colin explained, moving a hand over his face and massaging into it. He supposed that this was the consequence of not having an org to join like the Vizard Corps, where one could be educated and nurtured to understand the beast within. "Their instinct is to take us over and use our bodies to their own ends. As we get to know them, they realize they care more about keeping their vessel together than their base instincts. They don't magically disappear; at least, not for most people. The Hollow's bad vibes still go inside of your head and can mess with your thoughts. That's what it means to be in synchronization with someone." Colin explained, rubbing his forehead.

He did not have a particular problem with what she said about the hollow growing with the user; he agreed with that, as she could see from his nodding at that point in her speech. "Not to mention, you talk like the Vizard is supposed to treat that monster like their kid or something. Inner Hollows can destroy their host's life. Take-overs can be extremely hard to forgive if the person it's done to has a lot of pride." Colin did not return her smile. He had been the Co-Head of the Vizard Corps; and he felt like what she was saying was borderline insulting to his former comrades.

"...Alright. Maybe it will help you understand what I mean."

At this point, Colin reached up to his glasses, lifting them off of his face. His eyes slowly opened... and what met Ulv's gaze were green blurs. If she could perceive things moving at extremely high speeds, she would be able to see that the Washi's eyes were darting and spinning uncontrollably in all directions, without rhyme or reason.

After a few moments, a light began to emanate from them. A graphical screen displayed before Ulv; she got to see Colin's perspective.

A barren desert. Thousands of hollows in every direction. They moved so slowly as his arms reached out, a normal blade in one hand and a shining green one made of... feathers in the other. He cut and slashed, hollow after hollow falling. He darted back and forth, other individuals with masks attacking in that same slow manner.

And then, a gren haired man. One with a smirk and a sword. Colin's body... shrank. It went dark, except for two pinpoints of light. They light was bright blue in color, and at last Colin emerged.

Where he had been standing in the air, he could see the rent corpses of Hollows resting in a freshly formed crater beneath him. The entire field of vision shifted and changed as a screeching noise emerged from the hologram, dramatically muffled.

And off he went. Slaying hollow after hollow as he battled with Stefan. His moves were much more sloppy, but they were also faster, more violent. He allowed for attacks to hit him, his gaze shifting as he registered blow after blow to his body. Another rending shriek curled through the air, masked individuals in all directions of his gaze bleeding and drawing blood. "Hours... and hours... of that. Not an ounce of mercy on either side. Just the violence of the hunt, the raw need of the hollow to consume and destroy."

At last, Colin brought his hand back over his eyes, his glasses returning to their proper place. "Keep underestimating the violence of even 'tamed' hollows and it'll come back to bite you. Do you know how sick I was when Mirja found me?" Colin asked, his arms resting limply at his sides.

"I used to think it would be 'fun', too. Have you not managed to use it yet? I would think, with the level of power you have, you would have been able to experience at least some minor attempts..."

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:28 pm

Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"mm, the one difference, mentally, between a Hollow and a Human is that a Human knows what they are doing, and still decides to do it. A Hollow is driven by instinct and a lack of moral understanding. As shown when they become Arrancar and Vasto Lorde, and can make the active choice not to hurt people. Like Yaksha and Nelliel. Also, not quite, no. This body was made to copulate and give birth to highly advanced biological organisms like myself. I decided that devalued my tremendous awesome and set about killing everyone between me and the door. They took exception to that, and now we got a whole, cat and giant bringer of catastrophe thing going on. They've yet to learn I am not something they can handle"

Then came the next bit of anti-hollow propoganda. That somehow, choosing not to do the wrong thing, was bad.
"Is that not the definition of Goodness? That you can see Evil and decide on a different path? If a Hollow can see that their instinctive desires will lead to a bad ending, and actively strive to avoid it, does this not make them human in thought? Every being wrestles with the instinct to take, to use one's strength to gain what they want, to look after themselves beyond any shade of morality of legality. The greatest, most noble being on Earth is one tragedy away from becoming a creature.

And humans can take your life away. Unless you are supernaturally strong, one bullet between your eyes kills you as surely as a Hollow taking over your body. They are dangerous, yes. But so are humans. You can't judge your Inner Hollow for it's existence, and not judge Humanity for it's existence in the same breath. Hollow are not rapists, paedophiles, drug-dealers, vandals, racists, or those who cripple another for the fun of it. A Hollow will not torture and humiliate you to make you a more malleable person, a Hollow will not raise a child to have a tool for their own use. A hollow will not make children into soldiers because they know you will hesitate to kill a child. They will not knowingly spend years brainwashing a child so they may gain sexual favours. There is no wrong a Hollow can do that a human has not already done a thousand times over. So to so harshly judge them while not harshly judging others, is not something I can condone"

Ulv then looked to him, and saw his experience. Which she found pretty tame actually, in comparison. "Mmm, I can't show you my memories like that. Maybe some sort of Tulpa power that I need to develop. Maybe I can condense it into energy and insert it into your brain, but that sounds risky. I don't underestimate the violence of Hvit or any other. I just don't judge them for it. Because it is not a unique feature. Nor is it wilful. An accidental bullet will kill you as surely as a vengeful one, but the reason why that bullet is fired is very important"

And then there was a smile, and the air was warmer. The bitter taste of such topics seemingly fading away like an ice-cube in summer heat.
"As for the Resurrecion, no. I've never really gotten that far with Hvit. I was focused more on making sure me and her were properly situated, energy-wise, before trying anything like that. I will never control her the way some do, but at the same time I don't need to fear her ever trying to take over my body, since it is as likely as me taking over my body. I do have cool tricks though" Ulv then released her Noble White Fangs. There was a very intense amount of Hollow Reiatsu, mostly because Ulv was keeping it restrained to this balcony to not red-line sensors across Japan. The boots themselves were dangerously packed with power, and it felt like merely touching them would cause the energy to explosively escape.

"I got this, as a big form. I feel it's something near the power of a Resurrecion, and something to jump off"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Wed May 01, 2019 1:22 pm

Colin Washi

Standing there, Colin's eyes came to focus in on Ulv. His eyes closed completely as her words passed along his thoughts. Yes… That's right. A hollow does not know that which it does… but at the same time, it has no choice in what it does. It needs to be purified… and sent on to the next world. And once it is within an Vizard… Colin's hand rose to the back of his head, instinctively scratching at the back of his spiked hair while she talked.

"…Even so, you can control it. Just like those others you mentioned? Unlike a hurricane. Unlike… gravity." Colin explained, his eyes hidden behind those orange glasses. "So should we treat you, who had no choice in your conception, but can… pick what they do." Colin's eyes closed, trying to find his proper words. It was hard - he really did not want to piss her off, but at the same time, he felt like she did not really understand the implications of what she was saying…? "… Should we treat that the same? Build barriers and shelters against you? And if it were out of your power, if you were chopping the heads off of others… should we just sit by and let you? But you can control it." Colin was clearly… uncomfortable. The tone in his voice was one that had to reach for the power to say what he was.

Ulv was being quite… passionate. Truth be told, Colin did not have so much experience in dealing with that. Punching, kicking, travelling at high speeds… He could handle that. But his fundamental beliefs being challenged…? That was a new one. "…Yes, it is noble for them to do that. But wouldn't it be better if they didn't have to feel that constant drain on their lack of a soul? If they could receive the Konso correctly..?"

Colin was starting to reach his limit with this conversation. He was not used to having to defend his positions or beliefs on things, and he also was not particularly accustomed to changing them on the drop of a hat. He could get where she was coming from, generally. He had worked with the Shinigami for hundreds of years; for him, the issue of Hollows was quite black and white. They were suffering, and required the purification of the Zanpakuto; he supposed that it was possible there were exceptions, but generally speaking, it would be better to purify them than to allow for them to walk around with those extra sins, constantly tempted by the world around them.

But he was also a Vizard; the story was a bit more complicated than the Shinigami had painted it to be. That was also true… he had needed to understand his own Inner Hollow. But it was still, ultimately, a creature of destruction; a being who had been drained of its own soul, partially inhabiting his. Which meant, the correct thing to ask now, to make sure they were on the same page…

"…You know they are soulless monsters, right?" He asked, completely dead-pan in his speech. All manner of tact or otherwise hiding of his motive or speech was completely buried, replaced only by a resolute certainty. "They. Have. No. Soul. None. They are pitiable. They need the Shinigami to even have a chance of moving on to the next world. We have to perform the Konso because their lack of a soul drives them to commit sins in the next life." Colin felt like he was running a remedial class at the academy, or explaining how water could be used to cure thirst. If she said that she understood where he was going with this, or cut him off… that would be fine with him, he would just avoid saying what was next.

"They eat.. Living things, and turn them those poor souls also into hollows. They will kill you, and me, and my loved ones, if we let them. They are monsters, through… no fault of their own." At that point, Colin's voice changed pitches, his hand reaching back and rubbing the back of his head… again.

"And unlike humans, who are all messed up, like you said… we know they lack souls from the very first contact. A fish doesn't pity the bait when it wraps its mouth around it; it just sees a meal. Hollows are the same way." Colin explained, his mouth returning to a perturbed line. "…You're going to wind up in a lot of trouble if you underestimate an Inner Hollow. Or a hostile Ziamichi spirit." Colin's voice was not… harsh. It was not intense. But it did carry a kind of.. Weight to it.

Man, she's really convinced about how things work… And, yeah, humans can willfully choose what they do. But I'm not about to stop calling a Lion a dangerous predator… and Hollows are even more dangerous to the average Soul than humans are. On account of, yaknow… being able to literally eat their soul. Of that, Colin was relatively certain. You could not have a Hollow without it desiring, at some level, human souls. If there was an exception to that, it would make him happy; but on the whole, there was no reason he had seen to not accept that as fact.

Her smile after that was considerably warmer… but Colin could not shake the feeling he had received from the intensity of her emotions. "…Well… to be honest, at a certain point, the 'average' way of controlling your Inner Hollow stops completely." Colin slowly explained, his head moving to one side, and then the left. "Well then, why don't we ask that Inner Hollow? That thing inside of you that doesn't know how to break free.. That's trapped, not able to pick and choose its own path. Let's ask it what's keeping you from accessing your Ressercion, shall we?"

Last edited by JJ on Wed May 01, 2019 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Wed May 01, 2019 2:14 pm

Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv listened, without interruption. And dropped her Fangs while she was at it, those just needed to be shown, not kept around. Through Colin's words, she realised that the conversation had deviated somewhat from where she was going with it. So after he had finished, she tried to drag it back on track.
"Seems, to have drifted somewhat. My Charisma score is still low. Getting a point across is hard. The core and ultimate idea was not that Hollows were not dangerous, not that they should be given headpats and cookies. They are dangerous, they do need killing, they are even actively dangerous unlike a Tiger or a Rhino who is only dangerous if you piss them off.

But they shouldn't be hated for it. They should not be treated like evil creatures fit only for scorn and disgust. They should just be treated like a natural part of the world that needs balancing by Shinigami. Same as a riverbank needs a dam to not flood a village. Only, we are the dam and they are the riverbank. With Inner Hollows, it gets even more complicated. Not only do they have comperable intelligence to be able to learn, they also have someone by their side who treat them better than your average hollow. Show them they can be better than how they feel. A Tame Lion will cuddle up to you on the couch, and while this doesn't eliminate the fact that it is still six hundred pound of muscle with claws that could rip your guts out with a single swipe, that isn't the only thought. The other thought is that you have spent a great deal of time getting to know them, helping them along from their birth as a soul-hungry monster, to a being who is making the best out of the life they have. The ultimate point being, be aware of the danger, but do not let it control you. actually good advice for everything in life"

'I know precisely how to break free, thank you very much' Hvit's moody voice run through Ulv's head, which made her smirk. 'And the Ressurecion's main flaw is we didn't know about it till just now'
"Hvit. She. The first step is treating them like their own person. Because they are their own person. And 'I know precisely how to break free, thank you very much'. She says. Also the Ressurecion's biggest issue was that we just learned about it now"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Help! My Hollow is a Hottie! Empty Re: Help! My Hollow is a Hottie!

Wed May 01, 2019 2:33 pm

Colin Washi

The blonde haired man was quite relieved when she lowered those Fangs of hers. He did not particularly enjoy having to deal with the intimidation and flexing in his daily life; he saw enough of that out on the battlefield. "…Yeah, I suppose I did get a bit off track." The Eagleman granted, shaking his head a bit. He had no idea what she meant by a 'charisma score'. Well… that was not quite accurate. In life, Colin had played a little game called Dungeons and Dragons. He could still remember how an individual whose charisma skill was stupidly high would constantly be able to convince his own to do stupid things.

Like stick things in holes where it most certainly did not belong.

"You got the point across just fine… and personally? I think you're not… wrong? But I also know people who would say that you're very wrong. And I respect those people quite a lot, despite the fact that they hold that opinion. If you look down on people on those kinds of people, for a reason like that… it might wind up being bad for you. If only because it makes me, their friend, kinda mad." Colin explained, deciding to finally just shut up and let her talk. She was not on all counts correct about their ability to learn and adapt; there certainly were Inner Hollows who cared nothing for the body they were inhabiting, and truly wished to simply dominate it and go back to their carnal existences.

Lions also lack the inherent thirst for raw destruction and the desire to consume souls, damning them until they are purified by a Shinigami. Once again, Colin kept his mouth shut and let her talk. His pose was relaxed, but he honestly did not, see the point in bringing all of these things up; ultimately, the details probably did not matter to her that much. She also seemed to have simply.. Ignored the part where he had said that for some Vizard, their inner hollows were something that they were never able to accept, where they held no desire to grow closer or improve the bond. So they either love that monster inside of them no matter what it did, or they're just worthless trash, huh…?

Colin tilted his head, putting both hands on his face before slicking his hair back. "Great! You're not wrong. And hopefully you'll never meet any of my disfigured or broken men whose lives have been destroyed by their inner hollows and have to beat the garbage out of their heads, or whatever. Just, can we not talk about how awful the people I fought alongside are for how they reacted to something that they aren't shoving in my face? Or yours?"

Colin let out a little huff. His eyes refocused, though, when she mentioned her Inner Hollow.

"…Mine doesn't like getting treated like his own person, actually. He much rather prefers being referred to as a scary monster. He's never even told me his name." Colin explained, tapping his chin with one hand. "…Oh really? Then why hasn't she, huh? Is she afraid that I might not let her run around as much as she wants?" Colin asked, giving just the smallest bit of his own smirk. He really would rather not deal with things so close to Karakura, and so close to his penthouse, but well…

He was confident he could run them both out of town if the need arose.

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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