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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty A Wolf and a Crybaby

Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:50 am

A Wolf and a Crybaby  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Running a lot really, really hurt.

Calypso wasn't one-hundred percent sure if this running would work out for her quickly enough. It certainly made her body hurt and strain, as she had the idea that maybe getting better at running would help her with evacuation or just simply getting away from a bad situation. Well, she was only practicing because she accidentally got herself out in some strange, hilly plains with cloudy gray skies, as if the heavens above were weeping from the roars of war. It was simply making good out of a bad situation, and she knew she couldn't move the fastest outside of portaling or object travel...

She didn't know what was going on in the world as of now, and honestly she wanted to get her mind off of it, with her dashing up and down the hill, making a conscious effort to not form additional limbs to aid her.

She just prayed this area was secluded enough for her to do her silly little training in peace... Then again, friendly company wouldn't be too bad.

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:10 pm
Wolf Lionus

King Of Death

I. A Wolf and a Crybaby

The endless wastes seemed like the only place that he belonged anymore, everywhere that had any life was at risk with him around, and now the world erupted into war he knew a lot of innocent people were going to die. He was just sick of watching them drown in their own blood because of him. Thus this place had become his whilst he waited, the inevitable call was bound to come soon after all he was a monster that's one true purpose was death, so aiming him at others had become peoples game. but inevitably no-one controlled the king of death and even those who tried to use him would just become souls for him to use, it was just a matter of time, sand in the hourglass, destined to run out.

The sand ripped over him as he sat there his mind wandering to his past, each hurt more than the last. Those around him were nothing anymore even those who once stood by his side were dead or gone... truly he was alone once more. The man sat within this barren place his black hair flowing within the wind the only piece of clothing the jeans he currently wore, a man tattooed with his curse ... a fitting way to seal who he was. As he stood rising his head to the sky above he look to the moon, sadness once again hitting him as he thought more of friends that were gone, how pathetic he was, a heart of death unable to stop death from occurring.

His mind swayed with so many thoughts as he contained walking through the wastes his toes having sand push through them, a feeling so many couldn't appreciate... how sad the world he lived in was. The very power he had pulsated as he spanned this desert the unremarkable emptiness fascinated him, after all how could something have so little and yet be so beautiful, it truly amazed him.

His energy leaked forth as he verged over the hills before him the spiritual pressure leaking out was unnaturally large, those of weak caliber were know to literally die from his mere presence. For this reason as he saw a figure in the distance he questioned the resolve of the girl wondering just how well she'd fair. The girl stood running up a hill over and over her determination admirable yet quite idiotic, at her level basic training was pointless, but still she tried. The next thing that struck him though was the girl herself, her look was quite intriguing black mid length hair, a looker to some to wolf it could just be another soul for his pile for all he cared. but something was odd about her it wasn't her looks or her power ... it was her smell

"Mana Asthavon. You reek of her scent, it irritates my senses girl... tell me why i shouldn't kill you right now for walking into my wastes."

the words were firm and clear but what was much more terrifying was the distance he would say them at. Within an instant he would've cleared this gap between them arriving right before her face, his eye still glowing the deep crimson from the activation of his demon eye. The intent here palpable as killing intent leaked from this man, every moment she breathed was a gift he was giving her. as his eyes lay down upon her he'd speak only once more making it clear what he truly was.

"Speak girl you're in the presence of Wolf Lionus ... the king of death, don't make me take your soul for no reason."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

A Wolf and a Crybaby  M9rTQZk

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:18 pm

A Wolf and a Crybaby  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso had proceeded with her little exercise as she ran up and down one of the hills upon this sandy plain, often panting as she got to the top. This war, it came so fast, too fast, way too fast for her to prepare. She didn't get nearly enough time with Sis, and now she was super busy with stuff.. She wished she was here, but she had duties, while Caly really only did what came to her own little mind. She had helped many demons as the war raged, in any spots where there was conflict, or where there was innocents, but now... She just wanted to destress, and figure out a better plan of action. Demon World was currently unaffected, so that didn't scare her; she'd have joined in if it was in any way hit.

Because then, it would be her kin and home world in danger, even if she felt she didn't belong anywhere. They didn't deserve more strife.

So really, her only option was to get stronger, here, even if she accidentally dropped herself in some wastes. As she ran up and down, she kind of wondered what happened here, mayhaps what this place was before it was rendered nothing but sand. What flora grew here? What creatures frolicked amongst it? Were there people, cities? These thoughts buzzed in her mind, mostly to pry her mind off the feeling that her legs hurt from the continuous fight against gravity.

That is, til she sensed something rather funny. Not 'ha ha! a joke!' funny, it was weird funny, strange funny... She had stopped her activity, initially thinking she was alone, but knew that was false now. She looked around in the direction the strange feeling came from, it was like a cold nipping at her heart, like it threatened to rob her breath at any second without a second thought...

And there she saw, and heard, a man suddenly before her. Within a blink, it was like he skipped the whole walking process, and was right in her face, speaking cold words of her stench, and rather quickly introducing himself. She sensed the bloodlust pouring off of him like a leaking dam, but she didn't appear scared, just mildly confounded by his sudden appearance. She was quiet for a few seconds, staring into his red eyes, emotions of cool sadness and past regrets nipping her like the frosty breath of a winter's night, along with confusions, as if she was asked many 'why's.

"...She's my Mama." The girl's lips parted to finally give the answers the man desired, her hands crossed and clasped on her chest, as if she were guarding her heart from being snatched away, "I-I didn't know these wastes were yours, or anybody's.. I'm real sorry for trespassing, sir." Her head tipped down in clear regret, visibly apologetic, rather than quivering in fear of this man.

"My name is Calypso Asthavon... I'm... Not really 'in league' with my mama, at all. Or anyone. I'm on my own mostly. I dunno if you thought I was a Shadow Fall agent or whatever, but i'm not. I act on my own. I can leave, if me being here is a bother, mister.. All I was doing was trying to get stronger to help others affected by this crappy war..."

"...But there's one thing I gotta ask.."

Her head rose, golden eyes glimmering with equally golden tears forming in them, "..Why are you so sad? Are you okay?"

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:40 pm
Wolf Lionus

King Of Death

I. A Wolf and a Crybaby

the mans eyes sat with its crimson pupil looking over this girl, each movement she took seemed almost to calm and knowing, he stood his brow furrowed in a state of wonder. The girl seemed to understand very little about the darkness that resided within him many had heard his name, a monster linked to death a killer and beast yet she remained still as he stare face to face with her. She retreated her hands to her chest sitting them before her heart its beat resonating through the tiny moments of silence, how he missed that ... the beating of a another heart. The shadows stirred bellow these two as the interaction developed wolf knew in the long run this girl likely couldn't truly stand any opposition to him but the ideal of someone remaining calm always put him on edge, either they were confident, stupid or severely to kind of a soul, either way ... he could kill her before she could even react.

And the girls answers didn't bring much solace to him for the concept of life, a daughter of a queen roaming among the war, even if he were to allow her to walk free this girls acts would possibly cause her to end up dead. to wolf the ideal of ending her suffering here was a clear thought, but as she bow her head seeking apology his gaze broke from her looking to the wastes once more the peaceful plains of nothingness flowed freely, the bones of past already buried ... why add more for the sand to take?

Now as she rose continuing on about herself his eyes seemed to disinterestedly look from her his mind wandering to the quiet all those moments of loneliness allowed him to truly think. he'd slowly become numb to the plight of those around him it felt like no matter what the wold abandons and leaves you alone once more, so when mortals rabble on about their allegiance and desire for strength he became to drone them out. Those moments were hard though the ideals of helping those who needed him brought him mind racing with his past the sadness within him truly playing with his emotions.

He thought to the past the ones he loved those he tried to stand with, he thought of eli he saw her so vividly the anger in her eyes as she spoke of those with power only taking, he saw the girls black hair and a scowl that mad a sad smile cross his face, even with a cigarette in her mouth she could always found a signature scowl. His mind then turned to another a kid with crimson hair asking for wolf to help him grow so he could protect others, Yoma Yazaki... an annoying kid but to this day wolf couldn't help but picture the man so determinedly telling wolf his dream... and then came her a girl with crimson hair a girl he allowed to live, a girl that by all rights he had ready to execute but she said something that shook him, he could still hear her words whispering upon the wind "Wolf, you can enjoy the beautiful things in life." words even now he couldn't find a way to comprehend... a monster deserves nothing more than the darkness he wallowed within.

these people these ghosts haunted wolf the past he knew would never come forth, being all but gone none ever finding that goal. As he looked back upon the girl he saw something that shook him to his core,golden eyes that pierced his soul and within a second this girls image struck him for the breifest moments of that of his child, Mel. there was so many moments he wish he could take back he wished he never left he alone to die ... he wished he was there, but her face brought him the deepest sadness cause once more it brought only a pain in his heart a deep want for something he could never obtain. Missing that which you long for, a desire he knew to well.

As the girl stood tear forming he saw these ghosts emerge around her he saw the visions of those he longed for the souls he desired most, not to keep but to grow, hell behind them he even saw a figure of one he claimed .. he wondered how that boy he met had grown so many stories rose about him legends coming to pass ... wolf wished that before it all ended he may get the opportunity to meet him once more, be it just to see that he'd survived.

and as these ghosts stand by her a hushed whisper eluded his lips to silent for audibility but the faintest trace of an apology leaving his lips, words retaliated by the girl with a simple question. A question that he longed for someone to ask, but a question that his body instinctual would stop. Before she could utter the full sentence his hand already flew by her throat the black energy ripping forth through the air faster than any reaction could be had. The darkened black form was sharp and undeniable tearing across her throat intending to rip it free and soak within its blood. the hand sliding back to his side as the stroke finished.

His eyes blinked wetness forming as he looked upon these ghosts each of their throats slit as if he had done so to all of them what he intended for this girl. a lump within his own windpipe formed and no matter how much he swallowed he couldn't get it free. The mans past had torn his mind apart every piece of wolf was broken ... this girl was nothing ... but the live he took ... they were everything to him.

"I don't ... i don't want you to die..."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

A Wolf and a Crybaby  M9rTQZk

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Fri Feb 22, 2019 11:44 pm

A Wolf and a Crybaby  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso felt concern and curiosity for this man, with his swirling emotions of loneliness and melancholy behind those fearsome eyes.

Even when his hand flew by her neck, and suddenly a gush of bright blue liquid was flying from her throat faster than she could think, the sky quickly escaping her as she fell to the ground. Her scarf was gingerly wrapped around her neck, but even that sustained damage, but curiously it bled the same blue liquid her now exposed throat did, a black necklace resting on what would be assumed to be a collarbone. Any mundane or otherwise under powered person would be lying on the ground, dying from choking on their own blood.

Calypso wasn't like that, if anything such an injury was hardly a worry. It was such a low worry, that she actually complained, as her throat and other wounds forcibly sealed themselves shut, reddish energy along with her own flesh coating the injuries, eyes blinking and staring rather burningly at Wolf on the dark patches of flesh along with several more opening on her clothing and even one or two on her face, as Caly sat up,

"Owww! That hurt, real bad! What was that for?!"

She gingerly touched her throat, her flesh making a sort of wincing noise, as she flinched as well, "Ow ow ow..."

Her voice sounded less 'there', like she was talking through a radio or something. Not quite fully linked to the physical. Tears ran down her face as her injury was soon healed, but it didn't erase the fact that it hurt quite a lot. She popped to her feet, slowly rewrapping her neck with the scarf, huffing at the man,

"Listen, I don't know what you've gone through, but if I was a human or something fragile, I could have died right there!" Her arms crossed, eyes narrowing as she glared at him, less like an angry punk he bumped into on the street and more like a strongly concerned parent, "You gotta think more about that stuff! You can't just hurt someone like that all... Unprovoked! Especially since I was just expressing concern!"

She kept her golden eyes narrowed, rubbing tears from her eyes, tapping her foot on the ground, "Now listen.. I don't know what your deal is, mister Wolf. But.. I caught some dark feelings from you.."

She quickly backed away, several steps, nimbly as possible, "So.. Do... You want to talk about it?" She visibly cringed, but tried to keep a kind smile.

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:59 am
Wolf Lionus

King Of Death

I. A Wolf and a Crybaby

His thoughts wer muddy the waters of his mind drown him and the spirits came in waves, he stare at them as their blood pooled hundreds more that he was responsible for the death of joined them slowly building. The blood gathering and gathering until he was drowning upon it, every soul pushing him under not letting him breath. But his mind as clouded as it was blotted out by his darkness, his words hitting no-one as he bring a shaking hand to his eyes wiping away the water that lay within he knew what would come next. Emptiness the phantoms of his mind gone a girl alone stood before him dealing with the black blood that flowed from her neck. His composure was shot, as he regained a semblance of his mind wolfs neck would crack head shaking as he dispel these thoughts that lay before him.

The toll of only ever interacting with the dead constantly had adverse effects upon his psyche. The man had constantly been dealing with phantoms that weren't there, to this day he couldn't separate living from dead in the end they just blended together in a massive jumble. he longed for the days that this was all nothing to him, the moments he had that were fleeting with those he considered allies... now he was alone, the only person even on his side were the dead and even they were forced. The darkness in him seemed to drive people away, be it by machination of death or simply the desire for relief away from the man. He never blamed them however it was hard to be around a man like him these days he was an unknown with potential seemingly being limitless, even death couldn't stop the man any longer.

The girl writhed in pain before him speaking of the ache of a simple slash, the truth was he could kill her and eradicate her very body within moments, a slash was merely a silencer ... a factor she didn't seem to comprehend. The man rolled his eyes at her comments of nearly dying, people these days were too zealous with that comparison. Death wasn't something so simple to summon ... hell he'd know. The girl however seemed agitated overly upset, after all she seemed to naive to even fathom he may be an enemy. As he moved back he couldn't help but glance once more towards where those phantoms lay before, now emptiness remained and silence once again resumed, or it least it would once this girl had finished with her speech about morals and his capacity for violence and its negative effect.

His hand came to rest upon his brow rubbing his temples as he fought back those heavy feelings, trying to let his past die never worked for him, it just seemed to find its way up. The man now sat here cross legged in the wastes avoiding the gaze of his demons. But as the girl continued rambling on about his feelings and tried to open him up like a book the man couldn't hold back the darkness within, his tone serious and demonic as he spoke out.

"You're so fucking noisy. "

The eyes of the man locked upon this girl staring straight into her eyes almost looking for the soul behind them, his head tilting ever so slightly, like an animal sizing up its prey. As it cocked back in place a scowl would cross his face as his head shook, his hand running through his hair as the mans self loathing took form, this girl spoke and spoke but honestly she seemed like a person hat knew nothing about him. These phantoms where a long trend they whispered sweet nothings, some dead some gone some still here but they all let him know what a monster he was. Wolf never cared for himself, after all he was a vicious monster that could only be satisfied when he was around darkness ... but he cared a whole lot for those around him. This girl spoke of him like he didn't deserve to feel the darkness, like should find peace ... all he wanted to find was the one thing he never would, an end to the drowning.

"I have attempted to kill myself one hundred and seventy five times, no matter how i try i cannot die. It seems i cannot kill myself, but I'm grossly adept at killing others, so if you want to accuse me of nearly killing you, let me inform you that i honestly like life... i don't want you to die."

His hands rub together as he stared to them his eyes seeing only blood, even when cleansed they were still stained and no matter how much he rubbed even if he tore the skin from bone it would remain. The words reverberated within his head it was a truth he had long believe in, no matter what he was never someone who got to feel more than this. and thus he conveyed it to this girl his tone stern yet no longer murderous, cold yet almost saddening it was hard to conceive that a monster like this may indeed have a heart, but for even a being like Mana's daughter ... he still cared.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

A Wolf and a Crybaby  M9rTQZk

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:35 am

A Wolf and a Crybaby  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Her gaze rested calmly on him, even after her rather strong words, as she awaited some form of response. Her expression changed from concern to quiet worry, as she sensed a great big plethora of complicated, compiling emotions, regret, sorrow, sadness, generally all kinds of hurt and tear on the heart. She almost wanted to cry with how terribly she sensed this man feeling. His mannerisms and expressions read to her that he didn't seem totally 'there' at times, it just turned her worry dial up even more.

Her expression seemed settled as he finally replied, though making light of how noisy she was, taken in an annoying context of course, though it just made her eyes narrow slightly, his tone of voice hardly scaring her as she let him speak his mind. Such short statements, but a lot to unpack in them, but she then moved to state her piece.

"Well it's a good thing I am noisy, I doubt many people are like that towards you, with how you reacted by slashing my throat. Noisy means i'm actually saying a damn thing, making some dialogue about what the hell is bumbling in your head."

She tapped her temple casually, her expression calm and cool as she kept herself calm in this circumstance. She was focused on talking to this man, not being scared of what he could do to her. It wasn't the time to be scared, so she just went with her whims and instincts,

"One-hundred seventy-five times, huh? Counted, that means all those times must matter to you an awful lot," Her head tilted to the side, "Do you feel like you're a danger to those around you? Or do you just not feel fulfilled in life? Why do you want to die, so badly, that you tried nearly two-hundred times? If you like life, then why not try learning how to nurturing it, instead of ending yourself?"

Her blinks were slow, focused, as her voice was soft and sympathetic, "I have great doubts that anyone who is adept at killing can't learn how to nurture instead of slaughter. You'd probably do well with figuring that out, sounds like you have some heavy shit going on up there."

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A Wolf and a Crybaby  Empty Re: A Wolf and a Crybaby

Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:59 am
[adm]It's been awhile since the last post. The participates must either continue posting or contact staff to decide how to move forward.[/adm]

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