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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:38 pm

Down in Margaritaville [Open] YRtYvEZ


So this was Brazil, eh?

Alex gazed out over the new gulf that had been created in South America by the...not really “untimely,” because who the fuck was gonna be disappointed about the loss. “Sudden” would be more accurate. So the gulf that had been created from the sudden departure of the Monsuta from the world. Truth be told, it was pretty fuckin scenic. Sure, the actual creation was a little gruesome, but that was the last thing on Alex's mind right now. He had a plan, and he was gonna make it happen.

Lighting up a cigarette, the red-haired wanderer began the trek down to the newly-formed beaches, going to see just to what extent they could be worked with. The nature of the crater made it so that it was more of a cliffside than anything else, so he'd definitely need to get some repairs done. Part of him thought that just calling in some contractors would be a good idea, maybe get some help from the outside. But...nah. That wouldn't be right. He grabbed a stick, looked to the sand, and just began to walk, creating a line in the shores with the branch. He'd have to have an idea of the outline, after all.

The walk ended up taking a good while, but that was fine. Gave Alex time to think. He did that a lot. Why was he down here, anyway? He'd made the trip before, but it'd been years since then, and he'd just ended up seeing the old guy for a while to train and all that. Good times, good times... Maybe he should have gone back for a trip. That could have been cool.

However, as Alex hit his toe on a rock, he was taken out of his thoughts and realized he'd already walked a fairly long distance. Far more than he could conceivably end up working on with the plan he had in mind. He stared at the line he'd drawn in the sand for a moment, and then...he laughed. It was pretty funny, wasn't it? Ah well. Off went the jacket, and undone became a few of the buttons on his shirt. He had work to do.

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God of Love
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:27 pm

Down in Margaritaville [Open] YRtYvEZ


Left. Right. Left. Right.

Alex was familiar with this little punching pattern by now, but he'd definitely made some improvements. It helped that the rocks here in Brazil weren't super hard, so with a little Maiden Masher and his own iron body, Alex could just smash most of the ones on the beach with his hands. The ones he couldn't usually got a few mean kicks, more effort but it cleared 'em out well enough. It actually took...well, hours. Just walking down the beach, following the line he'd made, and beating any rocks that made the lovely sands even a little bit less even.

Every time he struck one, he felt some satisfaction as it cracked. He still had it after all. Then he'd hit it again, and again, every time feeling the impact running through both the rock and his very body itself. Much as he wanted to be, he wasn't exactly Hercules or anything over here. He was pretty much just a guy, and the only reason he could even hit these rocks like this was because he was tough. Nothing much to do with strength. But he still whacked 'em anyway, he wasn't gonna stop that no matter what.

By the time the sun was down, Alex was exhausted. Covered in sweat, breathing quite heavily, and of course totally undressed. Nobody was around, so like fuck he was gonna bother wearing any clothes. They got in the way, and the sweat and the spray of the ocean made 'em stick to him like butter on toast. No fuckin thank you, that was the worst. He took a look at his handiwork, nodded once in approval, and jumped into the ocean with a faint smile on his face.

“Christ, that was fuckin' brutal...”

As he turned his attention back to the beach, Alex looked at it with genuine pride in his heart. He'd done that all himself, that was pretty fuckin cool. He looked to the cliffs behind the sands, and he had to admit that those were a little more daunting. He didn't actually know a ton about rocks or whatever, for all he knew they were just gonna collapse on top of him and then he'd be fuckin dead. So that could kinda suck. But hey, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:50 am


Ulv was wandering, mostly around Brazil. It reminded her of her home in Spain, which Inami totally blitzed because of reasons she really still had no idea about. Maybe to make people think she had killed Mirja? But why was hiw she actually died a problem? She'd probably ask the woman, when the war was over. If she survived the war at least, Inami was doing crazy shit...Still, currently crazy shit was more here than there. She wasn't really in the know, so wasn't sure as to why there was no more Brazil, but also wasn't sure why Alex was here...punching rocks.

Screw it, she put on her boots and got down there. Alex was swimming in the sea after having punched some rocks, and Ulv was curious as to what he was doing. Could it be some sort of training against the boulder that he fought before. His great rival in all things.
"Hey Alex! What'cha up to?!" Ulv shouted, giving him a wave. She did like Alex, he was a cool guy.

Noble white fangs| END POST

God of Love
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:58 pm

Down in Margaritaville [Open] YRtYvEZ


Ah, fuck. You know, Alex'd kinda hoped he wouldn't run into anyone around here. That was half the reason he'd figured it was cool to just chill out in his boxers. But whatever, it wasn't the end of the world. She was his new teacher, after all. He was fairly certain “teacher walks in on student in their boxers” was the start of way too many shitty porn movies, but he didn't really dig her like that, so he'd have to pass if he heard the slap bass start in the background.

“Yo, Ulv, what up? Not too much. Just uh... Well, I'm startin' a little city of my own, I guess.”

There was a definite confidence to his voice as he said that, but more impressively, there was a good deal of nonchalance. It was as if the full weight of founding a city had just entirely gone over his head. It hadn't, of course. He knew it was gonna be tough, and that eventually he'd have to bring in help just to get it done within the century. But he'd be damned if he didn't at least get things going on his own.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:58 am


He was founding a city, it seemed. Ulv gave a scowl at that idea, like he was really trying to copy what she was doing and she wasn't that kind of woman to let something like that just stand.
"You better not be founding a city just because you saw my city and were wowed by it's awesome. My city is a city of not making decisions on a whim" she said, ignoring the fact that she made the decision to be the saviour of that city, on a whim. Hypocrisy would not help this conversation right now.

"But, if your intentions are pure and honourable, then I am here to help you...punch rocks. It's certianly an interesting way to build a city, but it is your city, so I will not decry you in your chosen method, merely lend aid to a friend so their dreams might flower" Ulv nodded, taking a regal and confident pose at the end. She had come, she had offered her help, she had made it clear that she didn't want him copying her and for this to be his own endevour. Now all that was left was to sit and watch

Noble white fangs| END POST

Rokujo Onryo
Rokujo Onryo
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:29 pm
The salty smell in the air. The warm humidity that always seemed to persist in these sub tropics. Brazil was a marvelous place to see. A woman of immense size stood confident and regal in appearance as she concluded her words to a man who was damp with sweat as he continued to punch into the rock, shattering them as if they were nothing. It was a scene that could boggle the mind.

As the woman ended her pose the faint smell of freshly cut roses could be detected despite the strong scent wafting over from the foamy ocean waters. A pale, translucent arm would appear to the woman's right side, a brown woven handle within the grip of the small hand that moved along with the woman's own. The handle would go through the woman's wrist effortlessly, as if it were a hallucination and wasn't really there. A faint giggle could be heard directly into her left ear as the hand releases the handle and it's weight falls onto the woman's wrist with a very soft rustling.

The feeling of the reeds, the smell of freshly baked muffins. These would be the sensations that followed. A white cloth hid the contents within from sight, but the fresh, warm smell was unmistakable. Within the basket was a simple sheet of paper that appeared to have been hand made based on it's uneven edges and thickness. The only words written on it were "Viel Glück", the letters dark red and smeared in a way that meant they could only be blood.
God of Love
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:06 pm

Down in Margaritaville [Open] YRtYvEZ


“C'mon now Ulv. Do I seem like the kinda guy to just be a follower like that? Nah, this is all for me. Wanna do something of my own for once.”

It was a pretty simple sentence, but there was something of a real weight to it as he said it. It was true, Alex didn't feel like he'd done much of anything on his own. Too much relying on other people. Hayden, Nel, Ulv, and of course Yaksha. Almost made him sick, in a way. He respected those people, liked 'em even. He'd do a lot for them. But he was still his own man. Sometimes a man just had to do something on his own.

“I appreciate the offer, but I won't lie to ya. I'm trying to do this alone for now. I know I'll need help eventually, it'd be pretty fuckin stupid of me to think I'll get some great big place goin' with my own two hands. But I can start at least, yeah? Already cleared the beach off, people want nice white sand, not rocks, and that big kaboom a while back sure left a lot of those. Next thing's to get a few cabanas goin', maybe carve a tiki bar into that cliff or something. One step at a time, you know?”

There was something profoundly genuine to the simplicity of how Alex saw all this. To him, even such a massive undertaking as starting a new city was just something to be handled as it came to him. It was surely emblematic of just the sort of person that he was.

As the basket of muffins simply appeared, Alex merely scratched his head in confusion, then shrugged. He was kind of used to stuff like this at this point, the world was a weird place. But he smiled just a touch wider at it, approached Ulv, and took a muffin from the basket.

“See that? It's like divine intervention or whatever. I'm meant to do this.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:24 pm


He was a strong enough man to admit that he didn't want someone's help. Didn't accept the help offered just because it was offered and he didn't want to offend the person. Alex really was a great man. And Ulv couldn't help but somewhat admire that about him. So she flicked a coin at him. On one side it was a muscular woman, on the other it was a rock. The coin felt warm and comforting, like it was a sentimental thing more than a thing of currency or wealth. With that done, she turned to leave.

"The coin is a Pentacosti Coin. You flick it up in the air and it catches fire and then I know you want to talk to me. That's about all it does though, so don't expect anything flash. Think of it as a one-way telephone. In case I am not anywhere that gets reception" she told him, giving him a nod before sticking around for a few seconds to see if he wanted her to stick around and watch. And if he didn't, she'd head off. And if she did, she'd stick around and watch.

Noble white fangs| END POST

God of Love
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:27 am

Down in Margaritaville [Open] YRtYvEZ


"Now that's a nifty trick right there. I'll take care of it, slip it in my wallet for safekeeping. Don't worry, I never keep spending coins in there. Those just sit in my pocket 'til I lose 'em or I put em in a soda machine."

Rifling through the pockets of his still-unworn pants, Alex plucked the rather worn wallet from them and slipped the coin in. He returned his gaze to his teacher, and seemed almost faintly disappointed that she looked to already be leaving. Huh. Is this what friendship was like? Or did he actually just want his teacher to watch? He sure hoped it was the first one. If he was over here just wanting a pat on the head, he'd probably kill himself.

"Well, if you wanna stay, feel free. I'm gonna get workin' on the Hole in the Wall Tiki Bar. That's uh, that's a work in progress name by the way. Tell me if yu think of something better, I'm open for ideas. Oh! The name. I've been thinking Margaritaville for the whole city. Whatcha think? Be honest with me."

Cracking his knuckles, Alex headed toward the cliffside and, after loosening up a bit, got to punching right into it. Ah, yeah, this was gonna take a hot minute, but he'd be fine. After all, he'd been studyin up on just how to build something lie this. THen after that would be using all the rocks to put up a few beach cabins, some firepits, all that. Oh it'd be quaint, but one thing at a time. As Alex's fist struck the cliff, there was a rather significant shattering of the surface, smaller pieces falling to the ground and something of a dent being made at the point of impact. It hadn't been so obvious with the smaller stones, but now that it was a whole cliff, was thing was fairly clear.

Alex had been working out.

With another blow of much the same magnitude, he sent much of the remaining fragments to the floor, and there were even the faintest tremors that seemed to shake through the stone wall. It wasn't much at all compared to some people, but man, it was sure a whole lot more than before. With much the same steely determination he had used when pushing Ulv's mighty rock, Alex simply continued striking, sending anything in his way to the floor or out behind him. He'd need to make the place big enough to work in, after all, but it seemed like that wouldn't take much time at all...

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Down in Margaritaville [Open] Empty Re: Down in Margaritaville [Open]

Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:23 am


"Not exactly a woman who sits and watches, but I can stick around for the asking" Ulv said, grabbing herself a comfy bit of rock and sitting on it as Alex got to work. And considering how you made it, I think Hole In The Wall is a good name. Margaritaville is good only if you serve margaritas. If not then it's just false advertising and you'll have ASA on your ass. And those guys don't mess around" Ulv quipped, grinning to herself as he got back to the wall and showing her his progression. Ulv couldn't deny, he had made some excellent strides in the strength front. He'd be able to heft her Mighty Rock a fair distance now.

Unless she made it heavier.

Getting up from her rock as he bored into the rock like a human drill, Ulv would flick away incoming rocks, and then put a hand on his shoulder.
"You've grown rather formidably in strength, but your efficiency is poor. It's like a fire-hose with eight holes in the hose. You might be putting out a lot, but you are also losing a lot in the process" she waved him out of his hole to the beach.

"Dragon Gate would be good for you. It's a style that focuses on the full use of strength. When you master it, you can punch someone so hard you set them on fire" Ulv nodded, always enjoying that particular part of the Dragon Gate.

Noble white fangs| END POST

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