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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] Empty Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:56 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It hadn't exactly been forever since Arianda had seen Sofia; but long enough that Arianda felt bad about where they had left things. Ya know, a basic one night stand that involved a tiny bit of intimacy that kinda faded since neither party kept in touch with the other. But, Arianda had finally made the decision to go and find her... friend? Sex friend? Friends with Benefits? Something more? Well, whatever Sofia is to Ari, the demon knew that she had to find the girl and at least make some things right. However, she had no idea how close Sofia was to her in the long run.

When Arianda had finally got up the courage to move from her house in Minatumi Harbor and went out to go and find a certain Quincy; one who she needed to be frank and sincere with. Did she love Sofia? Possibly. But, Arianda knew she wanted to have Sofia in her life more than just once; whether it be as family or not. So, she ventured off. However, part way through Arianda found a rather interesting source of Conflict; one from Europe. Not to mention, it felt oddly familiar. Like a scent that you know that has been smelled before, but the scent cannot be placed. Arianda hummed softly and went towards that source of Conflict.

Eventually, the demon would find herself in a rather remote area of Europe; possibly near Arianda's old house. She let out a gentle sigh as she looked around and definitely felt that familiar presence tied to that tangled, aggressive, conflict. Arianda had to look around for a few minutes before her eyes, and senses, finally rested upon a general direction. After heading that way, and finding the source; the source of such conflict made her jaw drop.

It was Sofia, the girl that Ari branded with the Eris Seal and had thought the seal gone by now; but the conflict that tied up Sofia's being indicated that something was tying up her feelings. Arianda looked solemn, a little sad that she may have caused this to Sofia as she inched towards the woman.

"Sofia...? Are you okay? It's been a while, I know, but... You don't look well... I may not be in the best place to offer my help, but, will you accept my help~?"

She smiled softly at Sofia; wanting to get the girl to possibly accept her help. But, from the conflict that plagued her being... Something was up; and it was very possible that Sofia wasn't just gonna take Ari's help. Especially if that Conflict wasn't going to let Sofia think completely rationally. But, even so, Arianda wanted to help Sofia. Ari was uncertain of her own feelings, but she knew that she didn't want Sofia to leave her life.

Cooking Spray
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Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:05 pm
Why was she even out here? Why did she keep asking herself questions she couldn’t answer? The world would never know; for now. Something had taken her out and away from her city and her duties. It wasn’t like her to leave her obligations half finished, so it was safe to assume whatever needed to be done, was done. Something had stirred up in her lately and it was eating away at her heart. It wasn’t light or darkness, or even desire. It was something she couldn’t yet pin down. She felt uneasy. It wasn’t nervousness or fear, but a restlessness that pissed her off. After nearly killing two aids she was meant to train, she figured it was best to take some time out in nature and air out her anger with things that couldn’t scream or cry if she beat them hard enough.

From the start she had a feeling she had been wherever she was currently traveling through. Europe, that much was obvious. The young woman had been born and raised there, and she had a number of swell and sour memories all attached to the region. Still, there was something else that tied her to the location and she couldn’t figure out why just yet. It wasn’t until quite a few minutes later that she saw some rather distinctive gardens, a pretty familiar architecture, and the voice of someone that though by all means a stranger, she couldn’t forget. Arianda.

“Oh,” she exclaimed like one would when having forgotten something that readily comes to mind. “Its you.”

Sofia seemed rather calm at first, even in comparison to her typical admirable composure. She took the steps towards the Demon, eyeing her up and down. There was nothing devious or sensual about the way she did it, she was just curious. It was almost as if she was inspecting a package, hoping to find a missing piece or a faulty pattern. So much had happened since they last met, that the acquaintance was worth at least a look or a way or two. Since the last two met, Sofia had undergone a number of changes, not limited to just an astounding growth in power. The girl had pushed her body and her mind ways that few could, and through it had suffered the consequences even less would dare gamble against. Despite this, it wouldn’t be difficult for the Demon to notice something was amiss with the Quincy. It would become even more obvious when the young woman replied to her.

“I’m, fine!” said the Quincy as her voice was raised by more than a few normal decibels.

Why did everyone keep asking her the same shit every day? She was fine. Right? Whether that was true or not, the Quincy’s feel of energy would flicker like a candlelight in a soft wind. Like an audible heartbeat that didn’t just skip a beat but hastened, there was something comparable to her energy. She felt angry but decisive, resolute but cold. No other sign would present itself other than her presence becoming far less restrained by the second. It didn’t seem like Sofia purposely wanted to have her energy potentially affect her acquaintance, but it seemed to think and act with a mind of its own, taking reigns the Quincy didn’t bother to stop. It felt like a frenzy feeding, like quicksand underwater rising up and tugging at the flesh, constricting the body on its way up until they made it far too difficult to gasp for air. Arianda needed to speak quickly or act quickly in one way or another.

Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] ORabiFS
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Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:09 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda could tell quite easily just by looking at Sofia; she was the source of that conflict. Something inside of the woman was tearing her apart from the inside out. She was concerned for the woman. So what if they were strangers? Arianda and Sofia obviously couldn’t forget each other; but Ari also didn’t want Sofia to suffer. As Sofia spoke to her, the demon wasn’t wary of her; far from it. She was simply worried for her. The simple, but high pitched, ‘I’m fine’ was a tell tale sign that something… something was definitely off. At least if the absolutely absurd amount of conflicting feeling in the girl wasn’t a tell tale sign already. She sighed softly, watching as Sofia drew closer to her.

“Sofia… really, please tell me you are okay. Something… something inside you is…”

Arianda let out a gentle sigh as she walked closer to Sofia, trying to get within physical contact to put her hands on the girl’s shoulders; not being crushed so easily under Sofia’s vast amount of uncontrolled energy. For Arianda, it was child’s play. She had felt Mana’s multiple times and been literally torn apart and put back together by Mana; she was able to resist someone’s energy trying to push down on her. Not to mention, she didn’t wish to abandon Sofia. Conflicted emotions never really were easily removed. Especially ones that were so strong inside of someone that they could not resolve on their own; strong enough that the person can’t even control their own energy. Something like this? It is way too possible for something like that to end in disaster.

“Sofia… something is not wrong with you; it’s something inside of you hun. There’s conflict tearing you up from the inside out. If you’ll just let me; I can help you. I can make sure that there really is nothing wrong with you. So please… let me help. I don’t want you to cause yourself or others unneeded pain…”

Arianda was worried, and hoping Sofia wouldn’t be set off by her wording and desire to help her. Hopefully, Sofia would Listen to her and allow her to help. If not, she may have to force Sofia to calm down. Especially if Sofia comes at her from being set off by her words and attitude. She just wished to help the woman. And she would help her as much as possible.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
Cooking Spray
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:10 pm
Something inside I okay? Is she mocking me? She kept getting agitated for things she really shouldn’t, and over things she frankly never would have. If one could hear her heart they’d know it beat faster, and if they could feel the nature and pressure of her energy they’d know it kept getting wildly out of control. For someone that had such a measured and fine tune dominion over it, showed there was far too much at play hidden by her words. But alas the mood, her thoughts and the turbulence of her mind would win out, even if for a fraction of a moment.

”Do I look weak to you? Uh??” asked the Quincy defiantly before taking a step forth, raising her hand, and trying to clamp it around Arianda throat. Had she succeeded, the girl would have pressed and pushed until her acquaintance was shoved hard against the nearest wall or rocky surface.

It would take an extra second of gripping tightly until her hold went completely soft. For the duration of the motion her eyes would once again light up in a crimson color and last as long as her grip did. Taking a step back, Sofia seemed as troubled as she was sorry, and surprised. She eyed her hands and then her body, almost as if expecting to see steam rise up from the surface of her skin but seeing nothing at all. She began hyperventilating then, for a moment or so before consciously bringing herself back into a more mannered and healthy breathing spectrum.

“Sorry,” she said with a quick grin, and trying to smack, lightly and playfully the side of the demon’s cheek.

“I was just teasing ya, and you fell for it.”

Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] ORabiFS
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Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:11 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Teasing her? Yeah right. That grab to the throat, which Arianda could have likely dodged with great ease, simply made the demon raise an eyebrow at the action as her stance never seemed to change; but if Sofia was expecting to easily shove the demon against a wall or tree, that wasn’t likely. Arianda simply let out a small sigh as soon as she was pushed against the wall; silently preparing to try and belt Sofia if things went sour. But, they didn’t. Instead, the woman had gone from giving her neck, and throat, a tight grip; to simply acting as if she didn’t at all meant what she did. Weak? No. Something wrong with Sofia? Definitely.

Not only that, but, the second that Sofia was staring at herself, as if she was about to spontaneously combust, be reduced to ashes, and then blow away in the wind. But no such thing happened. Then, came the hyperventilating. At first, Arianda simply watched on as if she was waiting for Sofia to do something that may mean ‘time for Ari to push back’. But, instead, she simply corrected her breathing and tried to play it off as if she was teasing. Arianda shook her head gently at this little ‘show’; something that was obvious to her as not a show. But, she simply smiled at Sofia, pretending as if she was completely fooled by her display of what she wanted to label as a tease.

“Well, you got me then Sofia~”

Arianda gave Sofia a big smile before she would try to put her arms around Sofia’s waist and draw her in for a hug. If she was successful, she would hum softly into the Quincy’s shoulder. If she was not, she would attempt to get the hug anyways; still wishing to apologize for how they ended things last time. But, if she was able to get Sofia in a hug; in her arms. Well, everything would kick off.

“C’mere, I haven’t seen you in a bit; mind giving me a hug~?”

Sofia was, clear as day to Arianda, being influenced by the residual energy left behind by the Eris Seal; the pure Chaos. But, her body was obviously in conflict with it; wanting nothing to do with the chaotic energy, but also trying to accept it at the same time as it slowly warped her being. However, Arianda was intent on stopping such warping; hence the hug. She needed to be close; in contact with Sofia. She had hoped that she could get in physical contact without needing to do anything drastic. Now that Arianda was in range, with said hug, she would slowly crane her neck a tiny bit and kiss Sofia’s neck. That kiss would soon turn into a bite as Arianda bit into Sofia’s neck. It wasn’t painful, well, not completely. Not only was Sofia herself in a tizzy, but, Arianda was doing her best to give Sofia some form of pleasure from that bite; and what that bite led to would be what felt like a bolt of lighting hitting Sofia.

Basically, as soon as Arianda’s teeth dug into Sofia’s neck, and Sofia felt as if a bolt of lighting struck her being; Arianda would begin to use her powers over conflict to straighten out Sofia. Take out the excess conflict in her, straighten up the general madness in her being, and just generally attempt to make sure Sofia wasn’t going to suffer from this. Whether or not Arianda was important to Sofia, and Sofia to her; she needed to help her. However, there would definitely not be easy for Arianda; but she would make sure Sofia would be fine in the long run.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cooking Spray
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:11 pm
”Yea, okay,” she said as she was pulled into the hug. Tapping the top the Demon’s head lightly, she’d question her with some degree of playfulness.

”Only a hug this time, I hope.”

Sofia was aware that Arianda wasn’t stupid enough to believe that, but she needed to roll with it nonetheless. The Quincy wasn’t absent minded to what was going on. The nature of her situation had began to surface just over a month or so before, and about a year or so since she had the seal seemingly removed. It wasn’t getting any better, and she knew it. There was just so much she could do in her situation either since every time she got closer to finding a new clue, its powers would kick in. It had even come to affect Sophie, showing a bit more of her darker and sinister side than the bimbo-esque persona she had to come to be annoyed at so often. The worst part was that the seal wasn’t truly itself in its former form, so even Arianda would have no way to remove it, even if she ever could. It had shifted into something completely different with traces of its former self. This new beast was something Sofia needed to understand and control soon enough or risk be swallowed by it and experience the results of its aftermath.

When the kiss came to the side of her neck, Sofia didn’t think much of it, but then came the bite. The sensual nature of the loving gesture mixed with the pain of something far more animalistic startled it. The stare Arianda got from Sofia for well over a few seconds was more than well deserved. Part of her wanted to either kiss or bite her back, but she did neither. Did she feel, better? The Demon had done something, and Sofia had noticed, but they hadn’t been the only ones too. Her energy reacted at the intrusion, swirling just within Sofia in direct turbulence.

If Arianda looked behind the Quincy, she would seen a sort of purple-black energy that expanded from her friend. It resembled in nature somewhat what she would have felt from the Eris Seal but far removed and far more twisted and specific. It didn’t seem to threaten Arianda directly, but through different means. Although it was just a visual cue along with a specific energy feel, it would have had the relatively easy way of showing the Demon that if she didn’t back off from the Quincy, Sofia would be sure to suffer the consequences.

To all of this the young woman seemed completely oblivious as her expression had not changed, even when the dark energy seemed to recede into her body. Whatever was brewing in her body did not take kindly to someone else trying to give control back to young girl. At the very least, she seemed to be fairly capable at the moment, and at least mostly in control of her own actions and her own thoughts. Removing herself from the embrace at last, she gave another look to her friend, trying to see yet again if anything had changed.

”Well, will you tell me what’s happened in the year or so you’ve been lost in the world? I suppose there are far more adventures than the sort I can imagine; and I can imagine quite a few things.”

Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] ORabiFS
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Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:12 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Something was definitely amiss with the woman she had a one night stand with and probably gave enough love to make her pregnant. But, no such thing happened; which was probably a good thing. However, when Ari was giving Sofia that lovely bite, winking at Sofia that she intended to not just strip her and give her the business here and now. She could behave herself! At least, Arianda could behave herself that is. Clearly, whatever beast was inside of Sofia had decided to rear its ugly head to Arianda; no speech or form of natural communication.

This being, this beast, basically had a jagged, dull, knife to Sofia’s neck as it seemingly glared at the demon; giving her a visual cue and its energy feel. It would harm Sofia if she tried anything. As if on queue, Arianda shifted forms during that time where she was locked in that glare with the beast from Sofia; her teeth still on the woman’s neck. During that time, she shifted to her Chasm Revival, the demon was left nude briefly, not that anything could be seen thanks to Sofia’s body, as her black wings wrapped around Sofia protectively. Basically delivering a message that if the being harmed Sofia, she would find a way to make it suffer in hell, her glare trying to burn holes through the beast; but, it soon faded and Ari changed back to normal. She released her bite and gently licked and kissed at the area of Sofia’s neck she bit; to apologize for the hard bite before Sofia pulled away from her.

There was a slight trace of annoyance on Ari’s face, but, it clearly wasn’t towards Sofia, the demon smiling at the woman before she moved to gently peck Sofia on the nose; likely getting on the tips of her toes during the action. Whether or not Ari was shorter than Sofia, she would kiss the girl on her nose on her tiptoes.

“Oh come now~! I haven’t been lost in the world; simply just been busy. Trying to get my family safe and all with everything that’s happening. I’m also trying to make sure people I like, friends, those I care for; I want to make sure they are safe too. Ya know?”

Arianda gave Sofia a big smile after the demon lowered to be standing on her feet completely; not on just the tips of her toes. Afterwards, the demon gently booped Sofia’s nose; hopefully sending some sort of untraceable bolt of conflict through the girl. Basically, she had to be subtle, discrete, send in a small amount of conflict that could find the beast that was inside Sofia and maybe start to restrain it. In the process, Arianda smiled at Sofia still and gently took Sofia’s hands; attempting to establish physical contact again. However, she grinned and slipped past Sofia’s hands, eventually giving the girl a gentle kiss on the cheek as she closed the distance between then; sliding her hands up Sofia’s arms and then down her back. Eventually, Ari’s hands were on the girl’s waist; her fingers gently caressing the girl’s lovely hips gently. However, Arianda slowly slid her left hand down Sofia’s waist; aiming to get at her backside and where the seal used to be. However, if Sofia noticed, she would probably get her hand grabbed; so Arianda quickly went to touch that Area. Of course, this made it seem like Arianda was groping Sofia’s ass with one hand. However, once she came in contact with where the Seal was on Sofia’s backside; Arianda was blasted with a jolt. It wasn’t an actual jolt, but, it caused Ari to suddenly stumble back as the demon shook her head; a hand to her face, blood pooling a few feet in front of her.

Arianda’s gaze shot up, and the sigh caused her heart to jump into her throat; and tears gather in her eyes. The beast had done it. Or, well, so Arianda had thought. In front of Arianda, Sofia was dead, throat slit and eyes gazing far away; that beast, who looks akin to Sofia strangely, standing above her. But, that didn’t technically happen. It was, well, a self defense mechanism; an illusion. Arianda is seeing what she believes to be Sofia dead in front of her and at the beast’s feet. However, when Arianda fell to her knees, her body, and sight, was jostled. This caused her to see Sofia, alive and well, standing a few feet before her. The demon shook her head roughly, causing her hair to fly back and forth before the demon rubbed her eyes and sighed softly. Some sort of illusion, a premonition to what would happen if Ari apparently tried to fuck with this being. Arianda sighed softly, standing up and moving to hug Sofia tightly; a little somber as she did.

“Hey… Wanna spend a bit of time together Sofia? No sex… just, talking. I wanna actually know more about you than how good you are in bed~”

Last edited by darkfunnel on Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
Cooking Spray
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Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:12 pm
Unfortunately, it seemed as though Sofia would miss the very important moment when Arianda switched into her form. Perhaps soon enough she would get to see it again, even if under circumstances that were far less favorable for either. The energy and presence in her body did not seem to respond just yet, for reasons seemingly unknown. Instead it remain idled, allowing the Quincy to come to her senses just as the Demon did as well. However, as the bite stopped and as Arianda moved in to peck Sophia on the nose, she would finally hear it and be aware of it.

”Try to drag me down, and she’ll come along with me,” said Sophia as her eyes lit up red, obviously not within the right confines of her mind.

”Try and fail,” she added biting her lower lip hard enough to make blood drip down her chin despite no semblance of pain.

”Insolent mutt, where do you think I originate. Your master created me. You’re not stupid enough to think this the same. She has changed. I have changed. Evolved even. There is no better vessel. There is no better body.”

With that the eyes would return the normal, with Sofia wincing in pain to the point of tearing as she brought a hand to her lips. It clearly hurt and she looked to Arianda almost as if wondering if she was the one to do it. Still, despite not being fully aware, the fact she didn’t asked hinted to the fact that she was at least somewhat mildly self aware. More telling however was the sight of what would follow. The Demon tried to get a hold of Sofia‘s rear. This caused the girl to reach for her hand, though it hadn't stopped her from touching it. The Quincy made sure to give her a look that meant, don’t touch...yet. Then Arianda seemed to drop to her knees for seemingly no reason. From Sofia’s point of view that was indeed what what happened.

”Are you alright??” she asked seemingly worried in an attempt to pull her back up.

”Hey, hey, listen!” With that she smacked the Demon, hard, just as she begun to speak again.

”Oops, yea, yea, let’s do that.”

She did her best to try and ignore the fact she had just been smacked pretty hard. Then again Sofia wasn’t the strongest being as far as physical might, so it was a fair assumption Arianda would live; but it would hurt, a lot. That being said, the girl would direct her friend to a swinging lounge chair right outside the mansion. For the time being whatever had taken possession of her earlier, that mark, did not seem intent on coming out. It looked as though it needed a reason or a trigger, neither of which was present at the current time. Sofia had to admit this was something she was looking forward to. Sure the sex was fun, but she was curious as to the Demon. Who truly was she? Did she have family? Why did she work for Shadowfall? What exactly did she do, what exactly [could[/i] she do in combat? It seemed strange to get so close in a carnal way to someone she didn’t know practically anything about. And while the Quincy didn’t deny the possibility of hugs, it felt a bit weird doing that with someone she knew absolutely nothing about. Here it was to hoping that would change at last.

Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] ORabiFS
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:45 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was simple really, Arianda was only threatened by the fact that Sofia could be harmed by the being inside of her. Frankly, Arianda was confused; Ari was the one who slapped that seal on Sofia. Then again, it was connected to Eris... her influence was quite easy to come upon when a seal was slapped on one's backside. However, that was neither here no there; especially since Arianda came to just as Sofia was about to slap her. Arianda squeaked in surprise as she did her best to avoid the slap; but likely still catching half of it's force. This would leave Ari's cheek red, the demon wincing, and would also leave Ari gingerly rubbing the area as her regeneration repaired it, sure, but the lingering pain was still annoying.

"Ow... Maybe, uh, next time I'm dazed like that don't slap me so hard? Anyone else and that really coulda been bad..."

Arianda let out a gentle sigh before she chuckled softly at Sofia; who suddenly changed her tone of "LISTEN" to 'oops, yeah, let's do that'. So, Arianda rubbed the side of her face gently once more before Sofia lead her to a chair outside of her mansion; well, her old mansion. Ari had since moved and was surprised to find Sofia here in the first place. However, Arianda simply let out a small sigh and took a seat next to Sofia on the chair; her toes barely just touching the ground if she sat up on the chair all the way. Eventually, Ari looked towards Sofia and hummed softly. She did truly know nothing about Sofia, but, Arianda didn't exactly feel in the position to start shooting off questions. This was mostly for Sofia's sake, in all truth, so she wouldn't feel so unfamiliar with Ari.

"So... you can start with the questions if ya want, hun~ It's probably better for you to start off anyways. Well, if you have any questions that is."

Arianda smiled brightly at Sofia; simply remaining in her normal Shifter form for now. There was no true sense in just suddenly changing from how she is now to a different demon. May as well keep Sofia as comfortable as possible; especially because of whatever was causing the woman to be unstable. And, well, Ari really did wish to know more about Sofia despite her previous action of giving Sofia's backside a small touch.

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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:54 pm
”Yea, sorry about that,” she joked for a bit with more heartfelt and honest smile.

”We got pretty intimate before, and it feels wrong to feel so estranged and apart in most ways and so close in another. I don’t like it.”

”I guess, think of what people around you know about you...then tell me things that they don’t. Ask me anything about me or my past, I’m an open book.”

That certainly wasn’t the way she spoke to most people, but Ari was a special case for a number of reasons. There also was a feeling of haste, mostly because it was a matter and conversation that was far overdue. The two had avoided and gotten past this point for far too long, and for far too many reasons. A certain part of her had always wanted to get closer to the Demon, even if the reason she approached her in the first place was certainly ill willed. But at the same time it felt completely wrong to get closer to someone she knew so little of. That idea and feeling of estranged decay and abandonment only reminded her of a friend she once had and the one she once loved; the same friend who forgot her and left her as a memory soon after she developed feelings for someone else.

”I may act a certain way, and say things in a certain manner, but deep down I’m still a bit of a kid. I’m just pretty good at keeping it under veils for the sake of everyone that looks up to me. That being said,” she added in a semi content and worried smile as she held Ari’s index and middle finger with one of her hands…

”There’s someone I’ll have you meet later today.”

Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] ORabiFS
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