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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:19 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda let out a soft giggle, something that Arianda only recently let herself really feel; true sorts of joy and laughter. However, she smiled at Sofia and nodded at her. It was true, after all; but pretty intimate was technically sugar coating it. Ari didn’t exactly stop after once, she had a bad habit of doing that. Arianda did, however, agree completely that it was wrong to feel the way they did; far and close at the same time. She wanted to kiss Sofia with the affection that she held for the woman. Sex? Possibly, but, it wasn’t quite that. However, thinking about the things that people didn’t know about her; that was hard. Well, in a sense. She smiled softly, humming at Sofia as she thought before finally speaking to the Quincy woman.

“Well, If I had to say one thing that people don’t know, is that… well… I used to be quite the emotional wreck. And, well… I don’t remember my family either...”

Arianda looked to the side, sighing softly; clearly a sad subject. Something she had only told Taichou and possibly Henrex or Aki. Soon, however, she chuckled softly, looking back at Sofia.

“You know I like chocolate, right? Like, I really like chocolate. However, is there anything most people don’t know about you that you would like to tell me~?”

Arianda smiled as Sofia was talking her into such a way that warmed Ari’s heart; and she was not sure at all why. Why was she feeling like this? Normally, she did not feel such warmth from interactions like this. Maybe… Maybe Sofia is opening up Ari’s heart to the fact that she didn’t need just sex to feel emotional connections. Arianda let a soft smile slip on her lips, she clearly was fond of Sofia; in a way that was inexplicable to her at the moment. And she knew it wasn’t sexual appeal; if it was, she wouldn’t be wanting to know more about Sofia. The demon soon perked up at Sofia speaking again. What she said, caused that smile that was on her lips to widen a slight bit as Sofia spoke with Ari; feeling her index finger and middle finger being wrapped in Sofia’s hand.

“Well, you’re not alone, Sofia. I’m not exactly mature either~ So don’t worry, okay? I’ll make sure that you will always feel safe to be yourself around me~”

Arianda smiled still, noticing the expression on Sofia’s face as Ari’s fingers were held by the woman’s hands; a mix of content and worry in her smile. What was wrong? Who was it that she wanted Ari to meet that would make her look worried yet content? Arianda thought for a few moments before she leaned forwards and very gently pecked Sofia on the forehead before pulling away and smiling warmly.

“May I ask who, or is that to be a surprise~? But, I’ll be glad to meet them~”

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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:34 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

With a semi crooked smile and her eyes off to a corner of the world, she thought of her own family, a result of listening to Arianda. There wasn’t much she could say that was good or nice. But at the same time it would be unfair to say they had been all evil either. It wasn’t the part of her that found fondness in darkness talking though, it was the real Sofia. Still, she had to say something. She owed it to her friend.

”My family was always around growing up; no way not to,” said Sofia in a manner that was looked as if she was fond and dismissive of the experience all the same.

”They didn’t want a girl: shame, bloodline and all that. When I showed some talent, all their efforts went into training and educating me into someone that could take their name even further. I have not seen them since I became of age, but I know they’re still out there watching ominously.”

As to more subtle and satisfying matters, the Quincy showed a very clear look of surprise when she heard about the chocolate. It wasn’t that uncommon so why exactly was she shocked? She had to attribute it to the fact that she knew so little about her friend, that finding out anything at all was surprising but welcomed. If she thought about it, most of the things Sofia liked where the things she had the least. Mostly they were things that were bad for your health, though it made the more than infrequent indulgences all the more worth looking forward to.

”I love fried fish, fried chicken, french fries. It's not all fried food though, I swear! She added before started to laugh, and even snort momentarily amid a blush.

”I also love sweet fruit smoothies,” she mentioned as she counted with her fingers the items, starting with her left index.

”French toast, sausage, eggs, steak, golden oven cooked potatoes, and a lot more.”

More importantly, just as she finished listing the items her stomach made an audible rumble that could likely be heard by the Demon. Still, the Quincy did her best to try and ignore that it even happened. Turns out she had actually accidentally ignored, till now, just how smooth, how content, and how well the conversation had gone. In a way it reminded her of the way her and her old friend Toshiko used to talk when they were younger; but that was all gone. Sofia was moving too quickly and doing things her old friend disapproved. Toshiko had gotten married and their friendship seemed to have ended there, with neither budging and Sofia assuming her status largely as forgotten. Shaking off the semi gloomy moment, she returned to the question at hand.

”I call her Sophie,” said the Quincy trying and failing to contain a giggle, for some reason.

”I suppose I could call her over at any time, but I feel like it may be better once our conversation dulls beyond a point of repair.”



Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 ORabiFS
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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:21 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda smiled at Sofia. She was so damned cute, and so... well, she seemed strangely girly. It honestly was a nice thing to see instead of a stern woman. Then again, Ari had certainly seen a bit more of Sofia's less stern side before... it simply was nice to see it plainly without much encouragement. Arianda hummed softly, listening to her notions of family. Arianda hummed still, giving it all a bit of thought. Why, Sofia could be an honorary Vael; or something like that. In Ari's mind, being without a family to love, and to be loved by... it's hard. So, Arianda leaned in very gently and pecked Sofia on the lips; giving her a big smile.

"Hey, how bout this~? Why not be part of my family! I'm sure you wouldn't mind being a Vael, even if it isn't in name. What... What do you think, Sofia?"

Arianda gave Sofia quite the dazzling smile. Something... Something about Sofia gave Ari the feeling that hey, maybe I don't need to have sex to love; she wasn't sure what. Sure, she would still love to do it but... maybe it isn't always necessary. Arianda let out a soft hum as she thought of this, likely still holding hands with Sofia, and watched the woman as she spoke. It would be hard for Ari to say she was in love, but something about Sofia just relaxed the goofy little demon. Maybe that was what love felt like... maybe. Hard to say for a maniacal being who still barely knows her own emotions.

Soon, Sofia had eventually stopped listing off her favorite foods. Judging by her body, you could never tell she loved all sorts of unhealthy, sugary, and even the fried foods. It honestly was very surprising. Ari let out tiny giggles and chuckles whenever Sofia giggled or simply said anything remotely entertaining. Eventually, however, Arianda's laughing died out; mostly because she heard the name of who Sofia wanted her to meet. A.. Sophie. That name was quite close to Sofia's own, and Ari certainly had not heard of her before; she could not help but wonder who this was. And why Sofia did not wish to call her until their conversation dulled to the point of no return. Maybe... Maybe Sofia was really entertaining. How she was entertaining, Ari really could not say. But, then again, she had no idea. Sofia wasn't boring, especially when it came to how she acted in private with Ari. She honestly was able to be herself; and Ari loved it when she was herself. Of course, Arianda simply quite likes Sofia's charm. After all, despite everything, and how they met, Arianda would like to believe she was quite close with Sofia; or at least they were going to be after taking the time to get to know each other a bit more than just in bed.

"So, Sofia... Who is this Sophie~? If she really is such a lively person, she must be quite fun at parties or just in general. However, if you wish to wait until or conversation dulls beyond saving; then be my guest hun~ After all, I want to talk to you a bit more if you don't mind~"

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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:12 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Oh, why not in name?” she asked as she came a bit closer, seemingly daringly so.

“I presume you’ve not kept up to date with all my recent outings. Granted I pride in making sure most do not.”

Sofia had done a lot of things her kind was surely proud of, and tons of things they disapproved but didn’t have to know about. From fighting and defeating high level Demons, to discovering a new and uncreable dark seal on her body, to kill a town of Khalaists due to the latter, and even embracing the darkness that came as a result in exchange for power. This time, unlike the last time, Sofia was more than okay with going forward towards power, and not looking back. She was okay with temporarily siding with the people she had battled and killed, even if her allegiance was still non arguably still with her kind. The meetings with Kamui and Sunshine had made sure to sway the way her view and her descent would go; of course, there was also Sophie.

“I could honestly bring her out now, but I would like to talk, maybe check out the inside of your house, you know?”

As she said that, Sofia made sure to push with one of her feet despite her seating position. The foot was meant to press against the inside of one of Arianda’s thighs. It wasn’t meant to do much more or reach much further, but there was an obvious tension there that she was perfectly fine with exploiting and teasing, and flirting around. More importantly, she had made the right choice in avoiding Sophie just yet. Otherwise everything would turn into a sexual scandal with the other buxom half likely tying both Sofia and Ari and taking full advantage of all of their endowments.

“So, what do you say? May I come in and we can continue our outing inside?”



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Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Someones Got Their Conflict in a Tizzy~ [Sofia; Private]

Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:37 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda hummed softly as she sat next to Sofia, during which she had put her arm up on the bench behind Sofia. Call it reflex, call it accidental. Whatever it was, it certainly still said something. Of course, Arianda didn't exactly say anything about it. However, when Sofia daringly asked 'why not in name' Ari could not help but blush. Arianda probably wasn't quite ready for marriage. M-Maybe another sister? Arianda really had no idea, but she blushed and grinned bashfully.

"Oh! You can be a Vael by name too if you really want~"

Arianda let out a soft chuckle before her eyebrow raised at her statement. Her latest outings? No, she hadn't. Arianda wasn't exactly allied with Shadow Fall... or anyone really. She has friends and loved ones who opposed Shadow Fall; the safety of them and herself was threatened. So, this little demon made sure to separate herself from Shadow Fall and ally with no other. She simply wished for her loved ones, friends, and family to be safe. She hoped that Sofia wasn't doing anything too threatening. If she was to have a new Vael, Sofia specifically, she would definitely wish for her safety now more than ever. Soon, however, Ari gave Sofia a warm smile; acknowledging what she said. She wished to talk with Ari a bit more; and Arianda was glad for it. She chuckled softly and scooted just a bit closer to her; and something brushed up against the inside of Ari's thigh.

It wasn't that far up her thigh, but still close enough that a small shiver, that likely was not perceived by Sofia, was sent through Ari's body thanks to Sofia hitting a good spot for Ari. It led to the demon giggling softly as she leaned closer to Sofia, her left hand gently moving to Sofia's thigh; brushing her fingers against the inside of Sofia's thigh very briefly. She grinned at the woman, leaning close to her in that moment of tension breaking contact. Ari let out a small chuckle and hugged Sofia tight, giving her the smallest of kisses on the cheek and whispered to her.

"Yes, you can come in... so why wait~?"

Arianda grinned widely as if she was planning something. After all, demons have been known for their teleportation in the past; and much like the two had simply passed through shadow, there they were in Ari's mansion. Except, they were no longer in Europe. Arianda had moved them to Minatumi Harbor; directly inside of her house and on the couch. She hummed softly and soon released Sofia from the hug and grinned at her; their outing now continuing inside Ari's home in Minatumi Harbor.

"So! Anything you wish to talk about or do now that we have the utmost privacy, Sofia~~?"

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