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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:56 pm


Enter Croisima


Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

Man, this world really liked its cycles, didn't it? Two hundred and sixty nine years ago, there had been a third world war. Now, Croisima was starting to hear people refer to the conflicts that had been erupting all over the place as a fourth world war. With that in mind, she had actually been tasked with something simple enough. There were several neutral territories throughout the world. Technically, Vegas was one..even though it was deep within enemy territory, according to intelligence. Supposedly though, there were reports of people trying to keep it from being neutral territory.

But supposedly, the information was rumors at best. The information had been passed onto her captain, who had assigned her of all people to investigate the area. It was true that she was fast..but there had to be faster, stealthier people than her, right? With that in mind, she sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck, her Jigokuchō leading her through the Senkaimon. Nearly over a hundred years of being a Shinigami, and she still had a hard time getting through these things. Oh well, thats what these things were for, right?

Then of course, there was the Denreishinki that was hidden in a pocket of her robes. That thing was interesting. Of course, these thoughts weren't really all in earnest. She was just following the butterfly through the Senkaimon. Eventually, she found herself about a mile outside of the city limits of Vegas. As she scanned the horizon, things seemed..normal enough. But she caught a glimpse of someone a little bit further away. Something seemed off though.

If war was really going on..who in their right mind would be caught standing around outside of any Neutral territory that they could find? She had to get closer and take a look at her. She could be an Arrancar or something. Getting close was easy enough. She had always been fast in life. But now? She was ridiculously fast.

The ground shifted as she took a step, seeming to dash forward..until she vanished halfway through the movement. The color of brown and white filled her vision as she moved too quickly for normal vision to follow..And then she appeared, standing next to a cactus, of all things. She was able to get a better view of this woman now. And yeah..she was an arrancar. Supposedly, that was normal to see around here..but something was bugging Croisima about her.

Going out to fight her just yet was probably a bad idea. So for now, she just planned to watch. Of course, she wasn't exactly hiding her presence..but this woman seemed a little too focused on something else to really notice her..right? All Croisima could really do was hope.

Code By:
Ebyssa Veihalis
Ebyssa Veihalis
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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:21 pm

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

In this world do you have a choice? Who is our creator… not just the creator of Arrancars, but of all the races. Did we all start from one primal race and branch off? Were we all destined to just fight as individual races in an endless war? Maybe we were created to only destroy ourselves. Often times creation can be a beautiful thing but eventually what you breathe life into exhales death later on.

There she stood on a Plateau that had a beautiful overlook of the city of Las Vegas. It was a safe haven for anyone not involved in this war. This plateau was about three miles outside the city the closest thing near it was a Casino just a few miles outside Las Vegas, a simple place you could go and gamble your worries away about this war. Worries such as, will this neutral territory fall into the power of destruction and chaos, or will you survive this war to make a life outside of war; will you find love?

It was ironic how the only person she grew comfortable with in her new life as an Arrancar was supposed to be her sworn enemy. The one person she felt like she was capable of helping- gone. Any chance at a happy and peaceful life for her was far out of sight. Even though those events took place nearly four centuries prior to today she just could still remember the way Kali’s Zanpakuto crushed his neck.

She mumbled to herself.

Funny how the man who gave her hope had a name similar to a city that gave people tired of war hope. A chance for a new beginning. However, if the two were any similar eventually Las Vegas will meet it’s own Kali, let’s just hope they have their own Ebyssa to quickly end the suffering.

As she turned to see the beautiful red and coral-pink tinted skies she felt peace to some degree, but it was quickly ended when a pack of desert wolves had approached the woman. The Wolves showed their canine teeth as they growled and tried to assert some form of verbal dominance. Ebyssa, however, was not having it. If these starving mongrel mutts wanted to fight and have early bed rest, then so it shall be.

“I am not one to end lives… I’m not one to fight but, I will not be threatened- no matter what.”
She spoke softly but with an empty tone.

She quickly unsheathed one of her Kamas just in time to intercept two wolves who rushed at her. Within a few short seconds she had cut both of the wolves, however, it wasn’t a deep cut, just enough to break the first few layers of skin. Her poison would take its toll on them and being they were beyond weaker than what her poisons were meant for the poisons would set in rather quickly. From there she had thrown her Kama like a boomerang hitting the last three wolves before it came back her direction; where she caught it with her right hand.

Soon after it was visible to anyone watching the fight that she was slowly watching the wolves die due to a lack of oxygen. Usually, her toxins would cause minor - medium respiratory issues. However, the toxins potent strength far surpassed what any normal wolf could bear. From there once all five wolves fell she softly patted the deceased beasts. It was strange, however, surely a pack of wolves traveled in numbers far greater than five, but these ones were almost starving to death maybe previous members of the pack had starved to death.

Ebyssa sat on the Plateau trying to fire small cero beams at the dead wolves, no bigger than her fingertip. She kept missing sadly, even though her target wasn’t moving. Kali had told her if she ever wanted to learn Cero to practice with small “laser-like” beams to work on your precision then work on the sheer size of it later. However, each attempt was off by a few mere feet.

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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:55 pm


Enter Croisima


Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

Honestly, Croisima really hated using Shunpo to go up into the air. It felt like an inverse freefall, and that always irked her for some reason. But as she watched the scene that was unfolding before her..she was glad she had decided to come investigate. Killing wolves, fine. She could understand self defense. But something inside of her twinged as she watch each wolf suffer a different injury.

However, as she watched this monster watch each wolf suffocate from whatever her power was, Croisima felt her blood begin to boil. She clearly could have killed them in a far more humane way than this if she had to kill them. The fact that she just stood there and unflinchingly watched each one tremble, hacking and releasing breath as it tried in vain to breathe until they were dead was infuriating enough. But then she started practicing with Cero. She couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. But that was it.

Sadism like this..she couldn't tolerate it. As this arrancar proceeded to charge up another Cero, Croisima had enough. She drew her zanpakuto from its sheath, taking a deep breath in through her nose as she pointed the tip of her sword at the Cero that she was charging at her fingertip..and a blast of pressurized water launched from her sword, taking on the shape of its tip.

She said nothing as she stepped further out into the Plateau. But the look in her eyes said it all. She had seen everything, and her blood was boiling. She could sense the difference in power. She knew that it was there. But she wasn't going to idly stand by and let someone who was capable of such sadism go unpunished. This time, the edge of her blade seemed to start dripping, like the entire blade was waterlogged. Croisima lifted her sword..and swiped it down in an overhead slash. Where the blade sliced, a blade of water was launched. Her expression was cold, but her eyes burned with anger.

Where normally the water she launched took on the temperature of the air around her, this water seemed to be boiling hot. She didn't take care to notice, however. Instead, she took up a combat stance. Even she knew that such simple moves wouldn't throw anyone with any level of combat experience off guard. Especially not given how adept this one seemed to be with her weapon. But she could handle this. She had to be able to.

That being said, she proceeded to dash forward mere seconds after her slash was launched, her stance shifting as she proceeded to unleash a downwards diagonal slash, followed up by an attempt at a horizontal slice. She didn't know what this girl was capable of. If anything, all she knew was that she seemed to be poor at the use of Cero. So her own lack of skill with Kido wouldn't work against her this time. Good. That meant that it would come down to whoever was the better fighter. There were no words she had. This girl might have looked kind enough. But there was a monster there. One that needed to be eliminated.

Code By:
Ebyssa Veihalis
Ebyssa Veihalis
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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:54 pm

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

As Ebyssa practiced her Cero on the wolves, she had only landed about five out of twenty or so, could be more or less. She was only practicing her precision and learning her cero technique by using the wolves. Just as she was charging up another one she heard the sound of water rushing behind her. It was at that moment she turned only to see a sort of beam of water, she went to use her Sonido to dodge, but she decided it wasn’t worth it, instead she merely jumped to avoid the attack allowing it to hit her right thigh, instantly it felt like her skin was boiling in water, luckily with the day setting it wasn’t the normal hot temperature of around 110 or so. A slight breeze making it around 80 degrees or so.

She quickly took her right hand and grabbed herself a handful of her thigh in pain. Staring at the woman she noticed her garments were that of a Shinigami; similar to the man she knew from before known as Veigas.

Ebyssa had tapped her Zanpakuto on the ground with a smile, leaving the blade touching one of the many layers of rock on this plateau. “Well, that was rude.” Her voice sounded cold, “Is there a problem with working on my Cero?”

Ebyssa had a good idea that the Shinigami in front of her was watching her which would explain why she felt like she was being watched, before. However, she didn’t sense a threat from the woman in front of her which is why she ignored her presence. Sadly that wasn’t the case it seemed her instincts got the better of her. As the woman began to charge at her with a brute force she prepped herself, she instantly knew what she’d do. Blocking her first slash she begins to smile, next another horizontal sweep of this mysterious woman’s blade blocked yet again. She had only unsheathed one of her Kama’s.

Ebyssa mumbled.

It was at that moment that two flowers appeared on the woman’s Zanpakuto and a smog began to seep out of the flowers, both of different colors one was a light pink and the other a dark purple. The “smog,” or “poisonous gas,” began to spread out around them covering the whole plateau.

“I recommend holding your breath,” Ebyssa sighed, “That’s your choice though.”

One of the gases would cause a respiratory issue, her opponents' breathing would begin to become noticeably heavier; she wouldn’t be at the point of choking though, just minor breathing issues. Another one would cause her to have hallucinations. Ebyssa tapped her Zanpakuto on the ground again as she acted as if she was relaxed, but truly she was just allowing herself to look off guard but in reality, she was ready to use her Sonido if she had to, to evade any oncoming attack.

Note: Please note that this is her Yudoku Hana skill that she is using and anything that comes in contact with her Zanpakuto she can form a flower on said location to use poison.

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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Sun Mar 10, 2019 5:21 pm


Enter Croisima


Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

So her opponent was fast. Both hits had been blocked quite easily. But something about that speed of hers Unnatural. For now, she couldn't focus on that. Instead, she had to focus on what was going on now. The smoke filling the area. The minute she breathed in, her breath felt a little heavier. Damn.

Non solid powers were the worst to try and deal with. If it were at least a liquid, she would have been able to easily counter it with her own powers. But between these two types of smoke, the fact that she couldn't do Kido, and the respiratory problem now..this was going to be an uphill struggle. She couldn't let herself fuck up and fail now though. She could manage this. She just had to push herself harder.

Of course, the gas itself gave Croisima even less reason to speak. That would make it to where she would have to breathe in instinctively. This wasn't the worst that she'd had to deal with though. She could deal with this. The expression on her face however shifted from blank rage to minor irritation. The fire behind those eyes of hers burned quite actively. She would have sighed before doing this, but she also knew that breathing in any more deeply would make it begin to affect her more deeply. Without any warning, Croisima slashed at her opponent once. A curved slash that came from below, and ended from above. And then her arm seemed to become a blur as she sped up her own movements, pressing forward as she attempted to unleash a technique she had been only practicing until now.

The first slash was launched at close range, and was followed up by pushing her body's speed to a higher limit than she had ever tried to achieve before, attempting to make contact with two other slashes from the left and right, each made so fast that the untrained eye might have seen the slashes as being simultaneous. However, there was a trick to it as well. The gas hid it, but there was a layer of water formed over Croisima's blade. Each slash created an additional blade, creating a flying trio of slashes from three different directions.

If she had pulled this off correctly, then in theory, it would be very difficult to dodge this technique without forcing oneself to use a high speed movement skill, or by merely being faster than her. Of course, she didn't give her opponent much more time, as she would suddenly follow up her attack with a final slash in whatever direction she needed to slice to be properly aimed at her.

At a glance, one might assume that Croisima was the type of person to enjoy combat. But she didn't. She was pursuing this battle because allowing someone who demonstrated such high levels of sadism to put everyone else at risk. She was doing this for the sake of the greater good, even if it seemed like she was taking a personal vendetta against her. Of course, the act itself angered her. But it had not been the driving force for proceeding to fight. She was here for the sake of the greater good.

Code By:
Ebyssa Veihalis
Ebyssa Veihalis
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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:56 pm

Ebyssa watched as the poison was taking effect on the Shinigami her movements seemed slower, not drastically but she certainly didn’t have that pep to her step when she first launched an attack at her. This was good for her, because naturally, the Shinigami was faster, however, if she used her Sonido she could easily outrun the woman and avoid her attacks. Hopefully, soon her poison will seep into her blood flow and cause her to have illusions. With her opponent beginning to speed up her attacks and deflecting the first blow, she noticed a second hit coming at her. As she backed up she had bloomed another flower on Croisima’s Zanpakuto, this time the gas fumed out of the flower to blind her opponent, this toxin would cause minor visual issues. However, in order to pull off this feat, she had to quickly use her Sonido to move out of the way, but she still ended up taking one of the slashes.

Ebyssa could feel her Arrancar blood boiling. Was this what Kali was talking about? The natural born instincts of an Arrancar to fight, to destroy, … to murder! She had to keep ahold of her instincts she refused to fall completely into her Arrancar instincts, she believed the ones who could resist the urge of total annihilation were truly the stronger ones. Unfortunately, taking that hit to her stomach while trying to evade the other two slashes were to be frankly, pissing her off. She didn’t even want to kill- well want wasn’t a fact anymore; her Arrancar blood was making her instinctually want to murder her. She had to end this fight with fighting her temptations of killing her opponent.

If the Shinigami found her “sadism,” disgustingly horrible; she would really find her sadistic strategy horrible now. The bodies of the wolves became covered in flowers that would put out more poison into the air to enhance respiratory issues and hallucinations. It was at that moment Ebyssa used Sonido again to go to one of the edges of the Plateau, the Plateau was around 300 yards all around. So the poison would spread out covering the whole Plateau with ease.

Ebyssa decided to wait for this fight out, she would use her Sonido to avoid her opponent and since she had barely used it and the flowers didn’t use much of her energy she was bound and determined to outlast the Shinigami in the fight.

“Hnn…” Ebyssa found herself struggling, she wanted to yell at her to quit being such an idiot.

However, she was socially awkward- this wasn’t high school where she could just find other social weirdos and make friends, this was the reality, real life. Hopefully, she estimated her opponent’s strength accurately and this fight would end without bloodshed. Was there a way to communicate through her spiritual pressure, her energy… to just state that she wasn’t looking to fight? Probably not. This Shinigami probably felt just the same as Kali did, they were sworn enemies, destined to kill one another. That was the first lesson Kali taught her; that you can’t make friends out of mortal enemies, they will never accept us and we will never accept them either.

Change. Change is possible though, it just took the right people.

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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Left_bar_bleue156300/9999999Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty_bar_bleue  (156300/9999999)

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:26 pm
Tick. Tock.

The fight was like many others, in that the victor was decided within about thirty seconds at most. Things moved quickly in fights, far more quickly than anyone could ever really consider. It was often too fast to even really make sense of what was going on until it had already ended: You'd be mouthing off to someone with your friends by your shoulder, and then you'd be on the ground, choking on one of your own teeth, sore and aching. And that was with normal humans, and normal forces at work. A bar fight rarely went past twenty seconds unless a lot of people got dragged in, and even then if you broke it down into a series of smaller fights? There was effectively no fight that lasted that long. It was just the nature of the beast: Fights were over in a heartbeat.

Wars, on the other hand. Yaksha had watched enough wars over the years and gathered the gist of it: The victors were often as clearly determined in any given skirmish within a relatively equivalent timeframe. The stories of old, of knights sieging towers for days without rest, before they finally managed to break down the walls? Utter nonsense. Fights and conflicts weren't long-lived things. People didn't have the capacity to hold those kinds of forces within themselves for very long. Even a normal person risked tearing muscles and dislocating joints if they fought for especially long. For a creature such as him? A minute was the longest he really ever needed to exert himself. And it was also about the longest he reasonably could.

Tick. Tock.

The fight moved exponentially fast to the perspective of any human. Both parties were a blur of movement and colors and sensory noise that would've put the most impressive fireworks show of the 21st century to shame. Sand rose in tiny rushes with each passing motion, tiny contrails of light followed nearly every motion, and it was just downright painfully hectic to be an onlooker. Every second crammed in far too much: Even a normal man could react to things in a third of a second, and this had been thirty of those. How much faster did you need to move before someone couldn't ever hope to explain what they were watching to someone else? Trying to put into words what you were looking at when two supernatural beings fought was an exercise in futility.

Things only got muddier once Ebyssa's second poison flower bloomed, on Crow's own blade. She began to blink and struggle with every movement, eyes dilating and narrowing wildly, with no real stimulus to reflect them. It would've been easy for her to have trouble telling fact from fiction when she started swinging. There could've been a dozen arrancar right near her at that very moment, ready to strike her down, and she never would've known. The fight took a turn from chaos into absolute anarchy the moment that Crow could no longer trust her own senses. Anything could've happened, and she wouldn't have been able to trust it.

A hollow could've even stepped out from thin air behind her, and she wouldn't have known.

The poison gas crowded visibility for a few moments, making it difficult to see what was going on inside: The inevitable downside of anything dense enough to have that unpleasant a reaction in someone's lungs when inhaled is that it was also too dense to meaningfully let light through. It was possible for a few seconds to confuse the silence for defeat, for Ebyssa to sheath her weapon or begin relaxing. Time moved quickly in a fight after all, and if you chose to spend more than two or three seconds out of sight, in a cloud of poison? You were probably dead.

The creature Crow thought she saw twitched one shoulder, ever so slightly. It was a negligent gesture, no different from a person trying to get a crick out of their neck, or a man cracking their fingers. He moved in absolute silence, with atavistic grace and style, as it passed directly by her, as if she weren't even there. It continued to move along for a few more steps, before it stood at the very edge of the cloud. It inhaled, muscles tensing in one big bunch...and a pair of wings burst from its back, easily twenty five feet across. It was large enough to be seen from the city proper, let alone a few dozen yards away. Each and every joint of the wing had a tiny red rune on it, that swirled into life, as someone spoke for the first time.

"The difference between a city and a state is violence. A city is a collection of people and organizations, living together. A city can be as small or as big as you like. Las Vegas was a city up until about a year ago. Then it became a state. The difference is..."

Before the words had even died down, there was a horrible crackling sound, like radio static turned up loud enough to be felt in the bones, and a hand was resting on Ebyssa's shoulder. All at once, the air around her had taken on the consistency of soup, every breath a struggle. It was like her own body had been cocooned in something solid, as the speaker leaned down, revealing a mask that was completely devoid of features. As soon as this registered, the horrible crushing pain did: The sense of the sheer, inexorable will of someone who was probably strong enough to kill her without even -trying-.

"States have a monopoly on violence. You...don't work for me. And she definitely doesn't work for me. Which means you're edging in on my market. You know what happens when someone who can't compete tries to nip at the heels of a giant, don't you?"

He rose his head once more, looking at the sky, and then shouting, in that same rich, mellifluous voice, speaking to nothing at all visible.

"Fight's over! Pack it up! The game is called on account of rain! Pool's closed! From this moment forward, anyone who bares their fangs gets to see how sharp mine are! Now come over here, and tell me your names."

Tick. Tock.

Thirty seconds. On the dot.
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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:11 pm


Enter Croisima


Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) 6EdIfMt

Croisima couldn't help herself as she saw flowers bloom on the bodies of the wolves. She clicked her tongue, causing air to flow into her lungs due to the mere dropping of her focus on keeping her breath held. Of course, this made it a little harder for her to breathe, and her vision was now beginning to blur as flowers started appearing more and more, with one even appearing on her Zanpakuto itself. If she was any good at a fight without the damn thing, she would have put it away and tried to find her.

Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be her only problem. The mixture of smokes were making it harder to see, for sure. But her vision was wavering, and shapes were starting to take form in the smoke itself. Fuck. That meant that her ability wasn't just to create poisons that affected one's breath. It affected the entire nervous system. She could tell that these shapes forming were illusions, thankfully. But that didn't stop the shapes and forms she saw from being a little unnerving. People impaled by blades, burning on the many things. The adrenaline was really pumping now, and her body was starting to be tricked, as her legs were screaming for her to use them and run.

She had to calm down though. Losing her calm would be a surefire way to lose entirely. She closed her eyes, and began to rely on her other primary sense for combat. Hearing. She hadn't been hearing any auditory hallucinations, so she had no reason to distrust her hearing. And just like that, she could hear something above the blowing wind. A sound not unlike static. Without hesitation, she proceeded to use her own high speed movement. She wasn't quite able to reach the same distance..but that was fine. A simple stabbing motion as she appeared again, and a gout of pressurized, boiling water erupted from the tip of her weapon, aimed rather close to Ebyssa, but not quite making the mark.

Unfortunately, due to having closed her eyes, she hadn't sensed the presence of the newcomer. She could feel no extra spiritual force on the plateau with them. And with closed eyes, it became that much harder to know that anyone had been there..until she heard something, and then felt that sudden influx of power. It nearly brought her to her knees. If she thought she had been put up against a monster before..this was a monster in quite the literal sense. Those instincts to run had peaked, and her eyes opened wide as she frantically scanned amongst the smoke to see what was going on. It was only then that she heard the new arrival speaking, words overlapping over each other as the hallucinations came to delay her hearing ever so slightly.

However, she still understood the general gist of what was going on. A new arrival had shown up. One with so much power that doing anything else would be equivalent to suicide. She supposed she was lucky that she had been stuck in the hallucinatory smoke. It was a plausible enough defense for what she had done, provided he had spoken up before now. Still, if this new arrival could see through the thick smoke, he would see that Croisima was reluctantly listening, boiling the flower off of her sword by coating the blade in water until the flower wilted away before finally putting it away.

She was reckless to be sure, given how she had been acting. But even she knew when there was no chance of victory. And she wasn't going to throw her life away when she had the chance to actually defend herself this time around.

Code By:
Ebyssa Veihalis
Ebyssa Veihalis
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Posts : 6

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:26 am

It was clear that she was winning against her opponent. However, due to her lack of experience, she was incapable of sensing the new presence nearby. Ebyssa just blankly stared at the new face. While staring at her previous opponent, her sudden urges to murder vanished. Maybe it was this new face, but she saw the potential to learn from this stranger. He was certainly confident in his skills, which he had every right to be; Ebyssa couldn’t even detect him because her body was so weak.

It seemed the Shinigami knew she had lost the fight, but her actions probably halted due to this new force of power had demanded the fight was over; not only that but he demanded they come over and tell him who they are.

“Mm…” Ebyssa wanted to speak, but she just couldn’t find the words.

Damn her lack of social skills.

“I … uhm.” From the sounds of it, it would appear that the Arrancar was afraid, but really just socializing gave her anxiety.

After standing by for maybe a minute or so of silence just staring at the ground as she played with her fingers twiddling them together. She finally got out of her head and executed any emotions from her voice, making herself sound emotionless and hollow.

“I am known as Ebyssa.” She introduced herself, as she stared dead set into the eyes of the strange man.

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Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha) Empty Re: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (Dreams and Yaksha)

Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:46 pm
"Hello, Ebyssa."

Yaksha's own voice, in stark contract to hers, was warm and pleasant, coming out almost immediately. He crouched down in front of her, his mask lining up in front of her, and his wings furling outwards to create a barrier from the shinigami that was even now starting to recover. He didn't move for a few seconds, simply stared at Ebyssa with that delighted expression in his eyes, almost like a man in the service industry. He watched her trying to eradicate all the emotion, trying to erase her own personality, and tutted ever so softly.

"There's nothing to feel ashamed of. This place is far from the suffocating presence of the King, and free from the tyranny of the Gotei. Here, you're just Ebyssa. I have no interest in shaming you, or making demands of you. I'm here for one reason, and only one. This is my city, and I care deeply for it. There are a lot of people who hold faith in me, and I can't let that faith be tarnished right now. You may not be aware, but the world is going to hell in a handbasket right now. People come to Las Vegas expecting peace, and simplicity. And whether you're defending yourself from wolves or a shinigami, the response in the same. If I can't even protect a place this tiny, what good am I, Ebyssa?"

He rose, flexing his legs and wings, while making a faint ruminative sound that was best described as a backed-up sink trying to unclog itself. It went on for about two seconds, before he folded his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky. He truly didn't want to hurt this arrancar, -or- the shinigami that had attacked her. There was nothing to be gained from it, no good reason to go around exerting his strength in such a gaudy display. He thought back, to all of the dozens of would-be 'kings' who had gone around forcing people to obey their wills because they couldn't be content with their self-image. The epitome of bullies; fragile people, who simply surrounded themselves with cronies to hide their emptiness.

And yet, when you got down to it, what made him different from them? The fact that he 'appreciated' his subordinates? They were still subordinate. And he was still empty. Every day he felt it inside of him: The gaping swirling vortex that demanded he fill it any way possible. He lay in bed every night, wishing sleep could come upon him as it did for humans, and fearing what he'd wake up to every day. Could it be enough to say that he truly cared, and they didn't? Wasn't it possible, in their own perverse way, they too cared about the people who served them?

There may never be a satisfactory answer. For now...all you can do is push forward. Remember what you have done all of this for. Even if it kills me, I will make this world one I can leave to the future with pride.

"How old are you, Ebyssa? I would guess around 400?"

He paused for a moment, raising a hand before she could reply, and then taking a couple small steps towards the shinigami. His tail slipped out from behind him, and then a second one a split second later, gently pulling her back to her feet...and then remaining wrapped around her waist.

"Please come over here. I hate having to project while speaking."
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