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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:12 pm

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

She had won, yet why did she feel so empty inside? Golden eyes glanced out of the glass window staring upon the harbor that glistened with breathtaking beauty as the sun's ray's glimmered against their surface. Seattle Washington, one of the previous sites of one of shadow fall's major bases, was alive in celebration.

The brave men and women and children who had fought so hard for their freedom had come back victorious. While the entirety of their great nation had not been freed yet, they had thrown off their oppressors and established sovereignty to themselves.

Music danced dreamily through the air, and the streets were alive with mirth and joyous banter. The flag's of shadow-fall were being burnt in the streets.

Magnolia's sweeping gaze took all of this in, stopping at the procession that took place in the center of the mess, where everything was quiet. She watched as men and women hoisted within their arms the coffins of the fallen. They were the individuals who had made this victory possible.

Her eyes lingered upon those coffins, which glittered of steel in the light, the holographic text of their names floating above the metal caskets.

The light reflected upon their steel surface, and not for the first time, magnolia's fist clenched as she faced the reality of war. Loved ones would be lost, and the tears of the men and women that carried these caskets drove that reality home.

However, that didn't mean that these tears were due to only sadness, there were many emotions she could see upon the faces of the people who dotted the streets; Magnolia could see pride, joy, love, determination. They were not soldiers, but they were undoubtedly warriors. America was founded Six hundred and Forty-Three years ago, and it had been founded under the principle of freedom.

That freedom had been wrested from them, and their nation was overtaken by creatures of another realm. While that nation may not ever be the same again, as Magnolia could be seen dressing before a mirror, adorning herself in clothing native to this world, the procession continued.

An hour would elapse as the procession would halt in a grassy patch right next to a sheer cliff by the sea. The coffins would be set upon metal platforms that had been created upon the ground.
One of the individuals who had been carrying one of the larger coffins would step forth.

Magnolia would watch softly from the distance, several hundred meters away beneath an old oak, watching that woman walk towards the front of the crowd. After all, it wasn't her place to stand before these men and women right now, she after all still did not know much of their world.

"Long ago, this nation was created by throwing off those that oppressed it. It was a nation of humanity, ruled by humanity. " The woman spoke softly, as she glanced at the coffins.

"We lost that freedom, but now we have gained it again." She said.

" As we turn on the hologram that shows our freedom, let us remember that. I say we change the name of this city. Let us be the city of Victoria. To remind ourselves of the victories we've accomplished. " This woman's words were greeted with a roar.

There was something about watching the ragtag group of civilians before her, that helped ease the emptiness of her victory. How long had she fought for those who could not fight for themselves in her own realm? She had fought so long, for what was happening right before her eyes.

She did not care if she was right, nor did she care if her path, in the end, would be one that lived on in the ages after she was gone. Her lips curved faintly as she looked at those who cried tears of joy, at those who looked blankly upon the sky with their shoulders slumped in relief.

The shinigami made no movement to join in their festivities, after all, this was not her moment of triumph and instead was theirs. She had only given them the tools and might to make their own aspirations come true.

She found solace in that, even as she glanced at her hands, thinking of the thousands of lives she had taken, and the many more she would need to reap to keep this liberated country safe.

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  LzZCuy7
Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  BtXe12b
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Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:07 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

America still showed the war that lingered in the very air she breathed with ease; it was not sour air after all. No, it was simply just plain that blood had been shed here; blood and battle. Two things that were always what came with war. The Suika, who had been in her fair share of secret missions to assassinate priority targets, silently shut down bases, and such things of that like had left Shuten a bit more... suppressed than normal. She still carried around her sake gourd and dishes for said sake; but her clothes were far more subdued. She normally wore very exposing attire, with such thin straps that one would wonder how the attire she wore normally just didn't fall right off. This time, however, her body was surprisingly well covered. She also wore a scarf, maybe something to hide her face.

What Shuten is Wearing:

Yet, she was glad to see the streets of Seattle alight with men and women who were so happy to be free; so happy that they were no longer bound. Sure, a few people gave her sideways glances thanks to her horns, but most Shinigami and friendlies she past by ended up at least waving at her or being kind; it was clear she wasn't evil at the least.

Soon enough, however, Shuten had discovered that her aimless wandering had lead her to a certain woman who had, right before the war in fact, basically became Shuten's girlfriend after a dip in a bath house. A small, gentle, smile rose upon her lips as the woman walked towards Magnolia before Magnolia would feel Shuten's thin, yet strong, arms wrap around her midsection and hold her tight; her voice easily carrying to her ears.

"Fancy to see you here, M-Mag~ I-... I've missed you."

Shuten, who still had a hard time really expressing her feelings, blushed mad; her purple hair slightly hiding the tinge of her cheeks, and ears, as she pressed her face against Magnolia; hoping the woman would respond well to the sudden, and possibly surprising, hug. Honestly, she was quite okay with hugging Magnolia; and kissing her in private. However, she still didn't know a whole lot about her girlfriend. Sure, she knew a lot more than she did when they met and spent some time in the bathhouse; but she did wish to know more. Maybe spend far more time with her. Well, she definitely did want to spend far more time with her.

On closer inspection, Shuten noticed that Magnolia had a few new scars here and there, maybe some fresh wounds, but definitely a look that told her that she had been through more than enough battles. Shuten could probably use her healing sake to help with that, but, maybe not now; if at all. She gave the woman a soft smile; not releasing Magnolia from her hug.

"So, how have you been, Mag? I can tell this war... it's kept us both busy; so I truly have missed you. I just wished I had the opportunity to see you before now."

Shuten, clearly, was terrible at admitting she had been far too busy but had missed Magnolia more than she cared to admit; and also that she had likely been injured here and there much like Magnolia had. It was a war, you don't just emerge scratch free from such a conflict that's meant to tear apart vast lands and people. Soon enough, Shuten let out a gentle sigh as she held Magnolia a little bit tighter; no longer speaking. At least for now. She wanted to wait for a response from her girlfriend, wanting to see what she would say to her. Shuten truly had missed her, and Magnolia hoped that the woman felt the same. After all, Shuten wished to find out what would happen with her and Magnolia's relationship; to see where it all went. Shuten also just wanted to have a happy life; and she was sure Magnolia wished for the same. She did stay for Shuten; which the Suika was ever so glad for.

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Sun May 05, 2019 6:13 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:548

The days had been quicker than everything he had remembered up to this war, times of peace tended to linger, days of war seemed chaotic and time didn't apply to them the right way, they were hurried, disheveled, wrong. But this day, this day was one of sad celebration from what he could see. The city had been liberated and the united forces of good were making sure to keep it that way, even as he watched the procession of the dad he could feel that energy he had been hunting since his talk with Ulv. Animum's energy was here but it was distorted, it was mingled, it wasn't her.

It didn't matter though to him, he hadn't been there for her as he had promised before he vanished, he swore he would always be there for his most dear friend and in her darkest hours he was gone. Those words and the guilt they carried kept echoing in his mind, he wasn't sure what he as doing here, or how he could make his short coming to his friend right, but he was going to try.

With that thought cemented in his mind he exhaled, pulling the necklace she created for him out from under his shirt, the glow of it dimmer than what he remembered, the energy in it seeming to be much lesser than it had ever been. He needed to make himself known to her, he could already see her staring out over the dead from her perch, whoever she was, and this was the best thing he could think to do. A tingle crept into his palms as he pushed his own angelic energies into the necklace. It was a makeshift beacon he was creating and he hoped it would gain the attention of this woman he was looking at, for anyone else they wouldn't notice anything, but his hope was whatever part of Animum was made from this necklace combined with his energy would alert some part of her as he stood in the crowd of the freed and stared at her. He needed her to know he was here, late as he was, he was here.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  ZfrGue8

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  EUuCTxy
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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Mon May 13, 2019 5:47 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Overlooking the city of Seattle from a personal airplane, a raven-haired woman could be seen from the window, her eyes glazing over each of the civilians who seemed to be in joyous spirit, a cause for celebration.

She smiled wistfully, recalling the days when she had won such battles, granted with the blessing of seeing smiling faces and those who could not defend themselves protected. She was once a hero at heart but the praiseworthy notion of heroism no longer rang true within her chest.

Even so, that did not mean she detested the idea of heroic feats, of overcoming an obstacle and emerging victorious - and lo, did such a sight not seem any more beautiful? The men and women, children and elderly, were smiling as if they had reached the ultimate state of nirvana. To wit, someone had certainly achieved a feat worthy of inciting so much celebration, happiness, and contentment. From what she heard before boarding the plane, the reason for joy in Seattle was the exploits of a warrior named Magnolia.

She had fought bravely and restored sovereignty back to this city. It was not a simple feat. the raven-haired woman had learned that Shadow Fall's forces were even more formidable than before. To take even one city away from them was nothing short of amazing.

Even if she had never met her before, she could not resist attending such a sight. She desired to meet Magnolia and see what type of woman she was.

It would be a meeting of the past and the present. As her plane was nearing arrival, she landed somewhere near the festivities as she exited and her feet set themselves upon the ground. Gazing around, she smiled as she walked towards wherever she would find Magnolia. Midori was excited to meet her and see what type of woman she was. Curiosity was always fun.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Wed May 15, 2019 1:22 pm

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Her roving golden eyes swept across the funeral, taking in the woman's speech and the way that the civilians cried for those that they had lost. Ugly cries, chest-wracking sobs bubbling forth from the loved ones of the perished. Their hologram's glowing brightly against the piercing rays of the sun.

Magnolia could sense that someone was nearing her position, however, when strong arms coiled around her, she was surprised they belong to shuten suika. Her golden eyes looked down at the slender woman, and her eyes widened faintly after hearing the words that she had to say.

"..I don't deserve this happiness." Magnolia sighed and thought to herself.

"But I am so grateful that I have found it for myself." Her golden eyes slipped closed as her muscles relaxed. There was a slight height difference between the shuten and magnolia, which meant the warrior bent over slightly, just enough to rest her chin upon her lover's shoulder as she returned the embrace. Her callused fingers pressed against shutens small back, as she took a steadying breath; Magnolia then straightened up, still hugging shuten, but staring down at her.

"I'm... doing okay now." Magnolia didn't burden shuten with the things she had done, or the way when her eyes closed all she saw was the sea of bodies she had left in her wake. Didn't burden with her with the pain that went along with the unbridled killing. Still, when she said she was okay, she meant it, the small smile which accented her full lips would convey as much.

Magnolia's head would snap up, the surge of familiar energy in the crowd bringing glimpses of memories unbidden: Pain, agony, betrayal, despair flooded that lone memory, it was terrible. Magnolia's expression fell flat as one of her hands moved upward, caressing her lovers back. Gently following the curvature of her spine, up to the back of her neck before pushing Shuten's head into her chest; she didn't want her lover to see the disgust that saturated her facial expression.

"Well well, shit floats after all." Raijins rumbling voice echoed in magnolia's mind. A savage smile curved onto magnolia's lips as she held her lovers head in her bosom, there was no affection in her gaze though, it was directed at a piece of shit angel shinigami after all.

Magnolia lifted her chin in Carter's direction, an action that would be hard to miss. Exaggerating her motions, she'd mouth towards the boy. "Go Fuck Yourself." She'd dismiss her gaze from him after that, a gentle caring expression visible on her face as she glanced down at shuten, releasing her head finally after an eternity.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited to see you." Magnolia murmured softly to smooth over the abruptness of her action. Hopefully, her lover would take her words at face value and think nothing more of the matter. Magnolia hoped shuten wouldn't realize she was being used as a talisman of sorts, to keep magnolia from acting violently towards someone in particular.

Soon, Magnolia's gaze would capture someone else who seemed to be making their way over to her. Her hands were obviously full so she wouldn't wave, but Magnolia would arch a brow inquisitively in Midori's direction, waiting till the woman got closer to see what she wanted.

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  LzZCuy7
Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  BtXe12b
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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Wed May 15, 2019 2:23 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Shuten wasn't going to say it out loud, but she was overjoyed to see Magnolia; to see that she was alive and alright. She leaned into her girlfriend's embrace, not giving two shits about anyone around them as she nuzzled rather gently into Magnolia's cheek before the woman straightened up; keeping a hand that felt surprisingly soft on Shuten's back despite it's calluses. Shuten had looked up at Magnolia, having to look up now that she had once more resumed their height difference, and she gently put a hand on her face; a soft smile creeping to her lips as Magnolia assured her she was okay. Of course, the Suika was no fool; she could see it in her girlfriend's eyes. See that war had taken its toll on her. However, Shuten knew that, despite the war, she really was okay.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it, Magnolia. I really am."

Shuten met Magnolia's soft smile with one of her own. However, soon after Shuten had moved her hand away from Magnolia's cheek, her gaze shot to someone that appeared to be behind Shuten. Shuten was about to turn and look to who she was giving that look before she felt a sudden pull from the back of her head; giving her a sudden face full of bosom. Shuten's face burned red. Sure, she had seen Magnolia's bosom before, but, being stuffed into it was another deal. However, given Magnolia's stiff posture the Suika had an idea this was for her sake. It was so the Suika didn't see a nasty expression marring her beautiful girlfriend's face. In a way, such an act was kind to the Suika; but maybe Mag could have covered Shuten's eyes in a different matter. Regardless, Shuten wasn't exactly complaining. Instead, the Suika simply remained calm and waited for Magnolia to let her go.

Eventually, Magnolia seemed to relax; releasing Shuten's face and head to reveal what lingered of her red face. Just a slight red tinge on her cheeks, but, otherwise, it would be hard to tell she had blushed at all. Shuten smiled up at Magnolia, seeing the remnants of what may have been loathing or anger on her features. However, the Suika didn't much mind. Not to mention, Magnolia even had an excuse for her suddenly shoving Shuten's face into her bosom. The Suika let out a gentle giggle, soft enough so only Magnolia could hear. A sudden desire to calm her lover burst forth from the woman. It temporarily pushed away her hesitation and trouble expressing her feelings. Shuten then wrapped her arms around Magnolia's neck, having to get on the tips of her toes before she planted a small kiss on her lover's lips. It was brief, maybe a bit too brief for Magnolia, but Shuten smiled at her after breaking away and returning her heels to the ground; speaking quietly for Magnolia's ears only.

"Do try to hold in that excitement, Mag. Such things are best saved when we are not in the public eye~"

Shuten smiled at Magnolia, clearly teasing her girlfriend as she made no protests to getting her face shoved into Magnolia's breast. Of course, the red tinge on her cheeks made it a bit obvious she was still the same old shy Suika; one who had a sudden burst of courage to show how she felt. However, she would finally turn around, her arms around Magnolia's waist as she did. It was to comfort the woman more than anything else. Shuten had a feeling someone, or something, was getting Magnolia a little angry; and hopefully her embrace and presence was calming the beautiful blonde down some.

Soon, her eyes caught upon a Shinigami, who seemed to me trying to catch Magnolia's gaze; possibly the one whose Magnolia's gaze was fixed upon before she returned it to Shuten. Then, Shuten followed where Magnolia's gaze met the second time; clearly avoiding the Shinigami's everything. She looked towards a raven haired woman, someone who Shuten, much like the mystery Shinigami, did not recognize. Simply, she shrugged and kept her arms wrapped around Magnolia; looking up at her and smiling. Her eyes spoke for her at that moment; that she was here. Also that even if Magnolia was to be mad at the appearance of the Shinigami trying to catch her eye; she just needed to look down at Shuten. Of course, the Suika had an idea that Magnolia was already doing this. That was fine, Shuten didn't mind; she wanted Magnolia to feel safe around her much like Shuten felt safe around Magnolia. However, Shuten could not help but wonder who these two people were; and why they seem to be here for Magnolia.

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Tue May 21, 2019 2:45 pm

Kuro Okami

....Victory. Over them.. what I worked so hard for. What we all fought for. But, why...

Just another man in the crowd, getting hustled and bustled back and forth. A white hood masked his face, his dirty red haori getting knocked back and forth as he was dragged by the crowd. Happy... they're all happy... they... are free. The man closed his eyes, allowing himself to be dragged further and further along.

Their shadows dance, all over the place. They're everywhere, they're so alive...

At last, his body was thrown out of the throng. Before the piles of bodies. His hands dug down into the dirt, his hood knocked from his head, revealing his snow white hair. The crowds danced and shifted further and further away from that spot, but he still lay there. His eyes shifted and moved, looking directly up at the coffins.

Dead. Dead. Dead. Not them. Not me. Them. They died. I'm still... alive. More alive than them. The Shadow Shinigami's teeth clenched, remembering the face of Tsubasa working with their enemies. Why? Why? Because he wanted something from them?

Some woman was talking. No. The word echoed in Kuro's mind, looking at the coffins in front of him.

That's all you have to do to get what you want, huh? Sacrifice other people? Kuro's head pounded, his breathing growing more intense. He could see himself in each one of those coffins; another soldier dead on the field of battle. Stop. Stop it. His head shook, the blood pounding in his ears as his hands moved to cover them. You're wrong. You lie. You lie, you lie, you lie.

Something, anything. Kuro's senses exploded, reexamining the entirety of the festive grounds. Shuten. One of his division members was here. He stumbled back up, away from the dead bodies, from the corpses. He managed to get back into the crowd... before stopping dead.

Their shadows.. Shuten, and Magnolia... one he had fought beside... mixed and merged with one another. Someone bumped into him, but Kuro's body was unmoving... .and they fell on the ground, cursing at him. ...nothing, no reason, nothing to fight for, nothing, gone, empty, dead, dead, dead, dead-dead dead dead...

People were staring at him oddly, his eyes open wide.... and for those who could see his face...

They were inspired with terror.

His lips were pulled all the way back, eyes bloodshot eyes twitching in his skull. His teeth were slightly open, as if in a silent scream he could not release. Kill kill kill kill kill-kill-kill make it stop stop stop stop stop...

At last, his face fell, and he began to... sink. Down into the ground, his chest heaving with each breath. The place no one could follow him. The place no one could leave him.

The darkness.

It enveloped Kuro Okami's body, taking him away from this place, away from this world. The cool feeling covered his body as he ran, ran, ran.

Surely there were holdouts left somewhere, quaking and cowering in fear of this revolution.

Maybe they could be the ones to teach him what value life had, as it bled out of their bodies... or his own.

Escape into Darkness

Last edited by JJ on Thu May 30, 2019 6:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Tue May 21, 2019 10:03 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:450

Oh now that's hatred. Carter thought as he kept his gaze on the strange yet familiar woman. When she cussed him he read her lips, telling him to go fuck himself. With a heavy sigh he nodded, he understood her anger with him, at least in art. Back before he disappeared for a few years he had sent Animum away from the Gotei, in those days he was young and stupid to the world, he thought good was good and bad was bad, not that bad existed in good and good in bad. Back when she was his vice he he an immature view on the world, a naive outlook on good and evil.

That was his biggest regret, as his golden eyes stayed locked onto his old friend he wanted her to know he was well aware of what a colossal douche he had been, what a worthless friend, and how incredibly stupid he was in the past. He needed her to know, whoever she was now that he was still her friend and he would prove it by fixing the past that he had destroyed. But even as he tried to convey these feelings with a look Carter was well aware he wasn't the best with words so he stood there, feeling a familiar energy approach, one he had last spoken to before setting off to find his lost friend, one person who might help him correct his errors so he may begin a new friendship with an old friend, or at the very least make it so they could fight side by side in this war.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  ZfrGue8

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  EUuCTxy
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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Fri May 24, 2019 4:51 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

There was a faint sense of tension felt around Magnolia’s aura, though Midori clearly knew it was not directed at her. There was no ill-will on her part and she only wished to celebrate and perhaps come to know more of Magnolia than bits and pieces of information. Gazing upon her closely, there was a strong sense of will she felt from her.person. Her entire disposition seemed to be one that was not entirely welcoming but rather one of readiness for battle.

Compared to the adorable demon-horned Shinigami nestled within her arms, Magnolia seemed to be unapproachable, yet the Remorseless Heroine nevertheless felt necessity in approaching her for conversation. Midori kowtowed honorably before Magnolia, as she held the woman’s gaze with fierce golden orbs.

“My intuition tells me that you seem to be one who would not be fond of needless adulations you’ve heard already. Nevertheless, as someone who has fought in the past world war, numerous battles in the underworld, and many likely to come… It is an honor to meet a warrior who successfully wrested Seattle from Shadow Fall’s clutches. From warrior to warrior, what you did was a task of rare order. “

Midori rose from her position and smiled towards Shuten and Magnolia. “My name is Midori Sugiura. I am the wife of Shadin Yuudeshi. I know that your name is Magnolia, “ she said pointing towards Magnolia. “You, on the other hand, I am curious about, “ Midori inquired pointing her finger towards Shuten.

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  Empty Re: Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]

Sun May 26, 2019 9:40 pm

Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

How long had it been? How long since her chest had felt so full and warm? When was it, the last time she had felt such a sensation? Was it her parents oh so long ago, or was it the lord that had taken her in and given her direction? Her life had not been an easy one; however, this petite woman in front of her: Shuten Suika, made her feel alive. Magnolia did not expect the kiss; It caught her completely by surprise. Still, the soft sensation of Shuten's mouth against her own and the sensation of her petite body pressing against her and the feeling of smooth arms looping behind her neck caused her heart to skip a beat. Magnolia leaned down into the kiss and returned it with a soft peck of her own. For a fleeting moment, Magnolia just let all of the worries that plagued her mind wash away.

It was a kiss that ended far too quickly for Magnolia's liking; She'd have kissed Shuten far longer if they weren't in the direct company of others, especially in front of him. Magnolia did not wish to share her happiness with that man, who had ruined the happiness of another. Magnolia couldn't wrap her mind around it; How a person could betray another so completely, heartlessly and unflinchingly. "Still... I need Carter's strength. I don't need to forgive him; I just have to fight alongside him. " Magnolia thought to herself as she let her piercing gold gaze sweep over towards where Carter was, but it would stop at the sight of another.

Kuro Ookami, her Captain. The sight of the man, falling apart before her very eyes brought great sorrow into Magnolia's heart. While she hadn't known the Shinigami for long, she had a deep respect for his tenacity and his willingness to do what was necessary without question, without fail. Kuro was unafraid of making the heartwrenching decisions that Henrex was incapable of doing. Those hard decisions, that pain, and probably the pain of other instances that she did not know about were tearing the man apart. She could see it, the reckless and obsessive need to look for enemies, to kill demons. In the war that would serve him well, but afterward, when the flags flew high, and the battles had ended, it would also break him. Therefore, she resolved to herself. "I will save him, I will help him grow, to forge an iron heart anew."

"Careful, if I didn't know any better, you picked up Bleeding Heart syndrome from Henrex. " Raijin's deep rumbling voice reverberated in her mindscape and only would get a derisive snort in return.

For Shuten, the girl would feel Magnolia's powerful arms slip back down to her waist, pulling her in for another hug. To her, Magnolia would whisper faintly, in a voice that was raw, vulnerable and impossibly happy.

"Thank you... I think I might love you Shuten." Magnolia was not an expert in the emotions that swam in her bosom, but she would not deny their meaning either. She was a warrior that was ready to die tomorrow, because of that she would never not live life to it's fullest. She may not have known Shuten Suika for longer than a few months, but Shuten took care of her, she knew what Magnolia needed without her even needing to verbalize it. It was one of the things she enjoyed most about her companion and one of the things she was eternally grateful for.

Magnolia's gaze would once more resume its search through the crowd below, as the crowds had brought out something they had found in a museum. It had been preserved in a vacuum chamber, thought to be one of the great relics of a bygone era: Fireworks. It was fun watching them try to set the 400-year-old relics up, but it was breathtaking to see it when the first went off, it's emerald green hue bursting across the skies above with vibrant color. In the dull boom that followed, Magnolia's eyes finally found Carter, and she beckoned him up to their small gathering before breaking eye contact.

Finally, Magnolia's eyes focused on Midori. It seemed some customs between their two realities remained very similar; When Midori went to kowtow to Magnolia, she'd hopefully have stopped when Magnolia gave her a faint smile.

"There is no need to honor me in that way. I only did what was right. " Magnolia's soft, melodic tone echoed faintly with firmness, and more importantly strength. Magnolia's golden gaze was piercing, backed by her own beliefs. Magnolia listened to the rest of what Midori had to say, and a soft giggle escaped her lips as she said faintly.

"Oh, you didn't know? Seattle is being renamed Victoria and will become the new capital of this nation. We liberated a good third of the country, including everything this side of the rocky mountains, Texas, Kansas, and a few other states." She could tell that Midori meant well, so when she asked about the girl within her arms she would give her a dazzling smile.

"Let me introduce you: This is Shuten Suika, sister of Ibiki Suika, and more importantly... She's my girlfriend, and I care about her a great deal." Magnolia's tone was meant to make Midori more comfortable before her eyes turned to gaze towards the mountains in the distance, and she began to speak once more.

"You're right though, the accolades I've gotten mean very little to me. When I was young, I learned that you must strive to become strong if you wish to be able to fight against the many Injustices in life. To do that is purpose enough for me. " Magnolia paused, staring into Midori's eyes before she began to speak again.

" I am honored to meet you as well. Hopefully I will see you at my side in the battles to come. This is only the beginning, as much as it pains me that this is the solution. There are no winners in war, only pain and suffering for all involved. Still..."
Magnolia looked down at the populace, who roared joyfully as they fired off numerous fireworks into the sky.

"To see these people smile like this, Joyfully hopeful towards tomorrow... Makes me believe maybe they will be the winners at the end."

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Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  LzZCuy7
Operation War Dogs: To the Victorious. [Open WW4 Interlude]  BtXe12b
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