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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:24 am



A loud voice came across the Captain's Barracks, and it was a voice that promised horror unending and possibly also cookies. Sanity was rend asunder, virginity taken, people inebriated, and food made as the voice passed through the Barracks, followed by a muscular woman with an ornate and flowing Kimono, making her look like some top-class geisha had come to see the Captain. And such a connotation sent rumour abuzz about the Captain, what he gets up to and his tastes in escorts. To add to the look, she had some makeup on, Geta, hair styled and was carrying drinks and snacks to go along with them.

Arriving at the room, with plenty of forewarning and chance for the bird to scurry out of the window, she threw open his door and walked in.
"You are boring! And I am here to solve that. It is good to have friends, no?" Ulv walked up to him, the click of the geta against wooden floors,the pristine flawlessness of her movement barely disturbing the dress and the casually held fan in her hand that as flicked about with an absent-minded but no less precise flourish, made Ulv quite the surprising sight for people who knew her.


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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:13 pm



Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail 6EdIfMt

It was unsurprising that Ulv announced herself the way that she had. Nevertheless, it damn well acted as a wake-up call for the gloom of the Covert Operation's Co-Captain, who was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling with a sullen, ruby gaze. A small stack of unfinished paperwork lay next to the messy pile of completed ones, with pens and pencils scattered across his desk and floor.

So, as Ulv's voice rippled across the Seireitei, the soft clicking sound of her geta echoing in synchronization with her voice and sensing her close in, he slowly sat up, rubbing his temples, closing his eyes and called his sword to his side, letting out a quiet sigh as his eyes slid open, remaining half-closed in their dull, dead stare.

Standing up and making his way over to the chair at his desk, he sat down and set an arm on his desk, resting his head in his hand as he watched the door, seeing it violently thrown open and Ulv stepping in. Through all the glum and sorrow, he was able to see the beauty and immense amount of time and care that Ulv had put into her current attire. It was wonderful to look at but sad at the same time, simply because it reminded him of home.

So, he gave a soft wave as the door shut behind Ulv.

"You look really nice."

He paused, looking down at his desk as he continued.

"It...reminds me of home."

His head lifted as a hint of a smile spread across his face. It was a mix of warm nostalgia, and cold, bitter sadness at the thought of home as he was now. Then again, it felt like everything he tried to think about would bring about bad memories and cause further sorrow. But, he tried his best to push it away for now -- Henrex's posture soon became more relaxed, rather than the slumped way that he had been.

"So...why are you here? Helping me with my 'boring-ness' isn't really all that explanatory."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:33 am

The Burning Heart

WWWRRRYYYY!!!! As Ulv stepped into Henrex's office and was assailed by the stabs of sad, she was irritated and - as usual - infuriated by it. Though, that was just her usual emotions, added with a passion unending, so it was hardly any different from normal. Walking up to Henrex's desk and putting down the drink, she gave a light spin and grinned.
"It's nice, huh? I made it myself after this whole thing. It's got my reiatsu weaved into the fabric, so it's pretty good protection from physical and spiritual attacks. Plus it stays warm wherever you are and Resolve Flame being what it is, gives you a hug"

Ulv came up besides Henrex, and then with an unseeming smile, moved to headbutt him.
"Dokun! Enlightening Headbutt Of Am I A Joke To You?!" Ulv exclaimed, giving voice to a Voooi. It was something Ulv had learned from Mjesc, and it was good stress relief. "I thought we got over all of this. Or are you such a depressive that you chose to linger in the darkness of your soul because it fits your aesthetic?!" Ulv's exclamations were passionate. Not, lose control of herself and beat him into happy like earlier, but still passionate.

"Usually I just open the door and let people step in. But I am getting married soon. Hayden is getting married soon. And by Samhain, I shall not let a sad birb man linger around those joyous events! So I am here to help. If anyone knows about wrestling with negative emotions, it is me, as the inheritor of the cataclysm that was Mirja"

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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:44 am



Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail 6EdIfMt

As Ulv made her way inside, Henrex watched as she spun, explaining the nature of her dress. It sounded nice -- acting as a shield, the additional warmth, and the metaphysical hug, all drawn from the Resolve Flame and her Spirit Energy.

"It does look nice, and it sounds nice too."

The beginnings of a smile began to spread across the Captain's face as his friend started talking...before she suddenly headbutted him. It wasn't an angry headbutt -- but, as always, filled with the fiery passion that encompassed her very soul. So, groaning softly from the sudden whack to the head, he turned back to her, sighing.

"Ulv, not everybody is going to be magically cured of all their problems like that. My situation is...complicated. Part of me wants it, part of me doesn't. It's part of my powers, so part of me also needs it to exist in me."

His gaze turned to his desk, then back to her as she continued, only able to blink a few times in response.

"How do you plan on helping?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:13 am

The Burning Heart

"So come ask me for help when you realised that it wasn't going to be so easy as keeping what you wanted!" then she paused and cocked her head. "Ohh, right, you don't do that. Izanami, Ci, myself, Xian, Noctis, Leoric. Hell, literally anyone who was around the bazzar, and you were still as informed as a mushroom" Ulv shook her head and then pressed her hands together. Resolve Flame crackled as she manifested a Tulpa, an amber-edged photo frame with a rather...strange photo in it. It was then hung up on his wall and Ulv looked back.

"You really could do with getting laid. Taichou is gone, clinging to the past will only hurt you, and you'll never find her there, because she's in the present. Just a different present than we are. She went wandering once before, she'll be back eventually. But you really need to put your heart somewhere else. You need to be needed, go pick one of the prisoners out of the Maggot's Nest and teach them to be good. You need a heel in your back and driven wild with things you never thought possible, Izanami is carving a path of carnal destruction through the world.

Either way, you are never going to get over anything just sat here. If you stare at paperwork all day, is it done when the day ends, or do you have to grab a pen and actually write?"

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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:28 am



Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail 6EdIfMt

He couldn't think of any way to respond that would feel right. She was right, he hadn't asked for help from anyone in the Bazaar while he was there -- even if he didn't know half of the names she listed off -- but he didn't really think of it at the time. Everything was fairly overwhelming, and he had already been there to see one person: Ci Lan Tsu. But, above everything else, it was just generally hard for him to ask for help.

He always felt like he had to do everything on his own, that he would just bother people and make himself look foolish if he ever did reach out. He was powerful, he had the ability. He could do it...right? His gaze turned to his desk, only turning back as the light of Ulv's Resolve Flame caught the corner of his eye, causing him to lift his head and watch her as a picture frame manifested into her hands and as she walked over and hung it on his wall.

Chuckling softly at the joking picture, Henrex let out a sigh as his gaze turned back to his desk. Ulv continued, and Henrex flinched as she, albeit briefly, brought up Taichou. The name felt like an icy wind swirling around his heart. Gods, even the name hurt to hear now. It was almost pathetic how one woman had damaged his mental and emotional state so badly, even if it was partly due to his own stubbornness and now dying embers of hope.

'How did I let it get this bad...?' He thought to himself.

He felt like crying from how much it all just hurt. But, despite it all, he tapped into his powers, and forced it all back. Constantly burying it deep inside himself, just like it always was. So, swallowing hard, he lifted his head to listen and process what Ulv was saying. Pick one of the prisoner's out of Maggot's Nest and teach them to be good? What was that supposed to mean?

But, as she finished, he looked at the paperwork on his desk, barely, if even half-done. She did make a point there. So, with a sigh, Henrex silently made his way around his desk, sitting down on a long chair near the wall, as well as the newly added picture frame.

"You've got a point there...I can probably finish it later. Most of it's done, anyway."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:30 pm

The Burning Heart

Ulv had inspired great emotion in him. Taichou hurt but she could help him overcome that in time. She could lend a hand to aid him in overcoming everything he had run from. So he could stop running, turn and face the darkness. Take a stand against the rampaging beast of his emotions and say 'No, you move'. Of course, her dreams were dashed by him using his powers to push everything down into the abyss, so it could rocket back up with even more force the next time someone said a name or did a thing that poked a certain memory. And he had a lot of certain memories.

So she would walk over to Henrex and then go to punch him through the floor and into a crater in the ground, using her Touki to really make a mess of the place. And then her Resolve Flame exploded in a blaze of passion and anger.
"REAAAA! My power is one thing for controlling your own emotion, but your bullshit bottling fuckshit is not at all in the slightest healthy! If you keep fucking with your own health like that I am going to have to put down a broken gibbering beast that only remotely resembles the Stealth Captain!"

Ulv's roaring voice was most certainly going to bring people coming, if not the fact that the barracks was catching fire from the Resolve Flame. Though she did pull it in and dampen it, the flame was still hot when she roared in her heart. There was the issue of chargrilling the Captain's office, but she had also put a giant hole in it, so....

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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:02 pm



Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail 6EdIfMt

Habits are difficult to break. Unconscious suppression of emotions was something that he had just grown to do, solely because everyone around him seemed to grow distant because he showed those emotions. So, if he suppressed them, people would be ok with being around him, right? That was what made sense in his mind, and it grew into a habit. Thus, it didn't bother him as much when it happened.

However, it irritated Ulv, something he could sense from his emotional powers, and as she stepped toward him, Henrex remained unmoving. The voice groaned, and, as Ulv was about to punch him, his body released a pulse of demonic energy that focused on her swinging arm. Using his Possessive Influence to slow down her arm, he suddenly lurched backward. But, the effect didn't last long, and her fist slammed into his stomach.

Almost immediately, his body hit the floor, knocking the air from him and shattering the floorboards, as well as the specially designed nails. The Nightingale Floor let out an ugly, warbled noise, the security measure singing its last as the punch caused the impact to shatter both the floor and the cause a crater in the ground. His body began healing from the damage as he shakily got to his feet, stumbling and holding on to his desk for support as he held out a hand to release a small stream of water from his hand to work on dousing the rising flames.

As the flames began to die down, the sound of footsteps made Henrex groan as he stood up straight. Several members of the Stealth Force came in, wonder what was wrong. Assuring them that everything was fine, even with the hole that Ulv had put into his office, and himself, he dismissed them as he sat down, the tiniest seeds of annoyance sprouting in his voice as he observed the damage.


Finishing dousing the flames, Henrex took another look at the hole in the floor, look back at Ulv, then looking down.

"Sorry. Force of habit. I didn't want people worrying about me, and I didn't want people to stay away from me because of it. So, tucking it away seemed like the best option. Made sense in my mind, at least at the time."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:33 pm


The place was a mess, as one would expect when someone like Ulv let out her strength. Henrex's reactions had mitigated it though, which was good because if he hadn't the power and the displacement of air from it would probably turn the entire barracks into splinters. One of the industrious stealth force members tried to reach the source of the disturbance while the rest made sure the Captain was fine, but meeting the blazing divine monster in the remains of the office, froze him to the spot, the smell of ammonia filling the office as he stared.

"That's because you are a fucking idiot"

Ulv would then hear herself and stop. The last two words she had spoken were....wrong. They vibrated with a harsh buzz that a voice should just not be able to make, and seemed larger than they should have been. Not louder, but larger. Ulv's emotions were beyond the borders of comprehension, after all, so when they were fully realized, the rulebook was launched out of the window.

Hearing that and knowing she was going down a path that guy some guy Oscura'd last time, she released her power and had it explode across the Seireitei. And in her place stood a demure, beautiful woman with blonde hair, a silver mask across her eyes and forehead, and a dress of absolute darkness.
"That could have gone badly" the woman commented, gently. Her voice was an absolution of tone. The comfort of a mother, the pride of a Queen, and the power of both, together.

"If you wish people to cease their worrying, then you must remove the reason that would cause them to worry. In a journey of infinite length, one step is infinity minus one. Never let the size of an endeavour halt the progress, or the goal of ten steps will never be accomplished"

Truth Of Flame | END POST

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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:32 am



Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail 6EdIfMt

Fear crawled up his spine like a, stunning him to silence. Not so much as a finger twitched as a hand unconsciously gripped at the sword that had appeared in his hand, blade drawn in response to the natural instinct to fight, to defend himself -- to live. Her words had reached a point of intensity, strength, and weight that shouldn't have been possible, and, yet, it just happened. Never in his life had he seen Ulv, or even Mirja snap like this, and it had quickly become one of the things that terrified him the most.

As he was gathering words to attempt to respond, a warm amber erupted to life in the barracks, power similar to his own firing outward across the entirety of the Shinigami's homeworld, causing Henrex to cover and avert his eyes. Even with such an outburst of power, there was still a distinct warmth, a warmth that allowed logic and sanity to return in his mind. The light began to die down, and Henrex slowly turned his gaze back to Ulv -- only to find someone else, at least in appearance, in her place.

Blonde hair, a mask of silver covering her eyes, with a dress as black as midnight. Her voice was gentle, something that only served to calm him down further, and he started to relax. A long period of silence ensued, and Henrex just stood there, afraid to move. Eventually, he dismissed his sword as his arms returned to his side.

"...I know. I'm sorry."

He paused. Very, very carefully, he took a step forward.

"No matter how many steps I take, the journey never feels any easier or shorter. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, just feels like every time I make progress, something else comes in and hammers a nine-inch nail in my heart, making me more bitter and jealous of everyone else."

Falling silent, he took slow, careful steps forward before slowly wrapping his arms around Ulv, acting purely on his own instinct and wants, trying to ignore his fear. Even now, he was afraid to speak, and right now? He was terrified of what he had done right now. Afraid that Ulv would just hit him again, or that things would end up the same way it felt like it did every other time -- him getting injured and insulted.

But, there was part of him that stubbornly threw that away and just embraced what he wanted at this moment -- what he wanted for so very, very long, but never could attain because of the issues that he couldn't get past, and even at this moment struggling with them.

"Please...d-don't hit me."

Gods, he was a fucking mess.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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