Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail - Page 2 Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:04 am


Ulv, or this version of Ulv at least, was a radical change from Mirja. She was not marble-hard and somewhat cold to the touch, but soft, warm, and nurturing. It would immediately inspire memories, deep inside, of a child and his mother. Such was the depths of the emotion it would trigger a sort of ancestral memory, giving them a clear remembrance even if they had never had it themselves. Ulv's arms were strong and implied protection, but did not grip to hard, instead just holding tight enough that they knew they were loved.

"It is not. Taking a step upon the path does not shorten the path, nor smooth it's bumps. It is as long and hard as it has ever been, a truth that discourages people. But many people, yourself included,refuse to a knowledge their friends aid in any situation you need it. And if you do not wish to burden your friends with it, you have colleges, and even a professional psychiatrist if you really require it. No one man is an island, all beings are stronger when they all lift together. This is why Ulv made her Network, to bind hearts together"

The Uber-Ulv would then let go of Henrex and take from her dress two cups, and some tea-leaves. The leaves went into the cups, and then a soft song filled what remained of the barracks as the wind billowed in. building up and pressurising around the cups, Ulv would strain the ambient water out of the air and fill the two cups, then raising them to a boil in a flash of power. If one ever needed proof that this was the absolute tip of Ulv's power, one only needed to see how finely she manipulated her powers.

"We have already done that, and you chose to have it effect you naught. In all fairness we should leave you to your day, as the choice has been made, and we resolve to do nothing beyond that. But we can not. An intricate understanding of you has brought us to the point that, even given the choice, you would be too deep in yourself to chose what you wanted, rather chose what the moment ordered you to. There is nothing left to do for you, and yet we still wish to do it. Stubborn to the core"

Truth Of Flame | END POST

Joined : 2016-01-20
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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail - Page 2 Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:46 pm

Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Silvervale - Song: Home

His body remained tense, his hand on his weapon as she came closer, only for a sharp, quiet gasp to leave him as she embraced him with a warmth that took any words that formed from his lips, and his body relaxed. Even with such a small action, it inspired memories of when he was younger, when he was alive: memories of home, of days, long past when the future seemed so much brighter.

It brought a smile to his face, and he slowly wrapped his arms around Ulv, or, whatever she had turned into. It didn't matter. For once, he felt safe, comfortable, and loved when in her presence. He partly wished that this was something that could be constant -- so he didn't have to feel concerned for his own safety whenever she barged into his office or room. As she spoke, he remained silent for the first part.

Even in this state, she still retained her base nature as Ulv, and even if, yes, there were colleges and psychiatry that could help, she still did not understand that it was hard to reach out for something like that. It was hard for him to trust many people with his problems, much less the ones that he viewed as unimportant. As she let go of him, summoning cups from seemingly nowhere, preparing tea in moments. Should he be offered one, Henrex would merely set it on his desk after taking a brief sip, his ruby-colored eyes narrowing slightly as he turned to face her.

"You say that you have an intricate understanding of me when you don't. All you have ever done is sense my sorrows and then try to literally beat them out of me in some form or fashion. You punch me in the face, and expect all my problems to just disappear."

He paused, sighing softly.

"You refuse to take any other measure or approach when you see that what you're doing clearly isn't working, you keep trying to forcibly 'fix' me, because, I guess you only see me as this broken thing who needs to be fixed."

He paused again, taking a deep breath to calm himself, to relax his nerves before continuing.

"There is more that can be done, you just can't see it. You have such intense tunnel vision that you don't think about any other approach than just abusing me. I should not have to blatantly tell you what works for me. For someone who's supposed to be this pinnacle of emotions and wanting to help everyone, you are extraordinarily close-minded."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail - Page 2 Empty Re: Flap of Wing, Swish of Tail

Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:07 pm


"They did" Tvvling replied, sipping her cup gently. Unlike Henrex, Tvvling did not pause or stutter, she spoke confidentially, and fluidly, not breaking her flow for one moment. The only break was between sips of tea, and she picked back up again without a moment's hesitation after that. "When Ulv's Menacing Devil Arms crashed into your face, it knocked more than just your brain loose. It literally ripped the claws of despair from your soul and cleansed you to chose your own path. Some people need bad parts of their life as drive or reason. We felt you cleansed, as you said you were. It was time, to begin living.

And then you chose despair. Not taking this new lease on life, you let it build up again. Frighteningly quickly, and frighteningly powerful, such could only be the result of you accepting every ounce of dark thought and negativity back into your heart without erasing a single moment. And then adding more on top. Ulv is a blindingly passionate woman, and when she felt you had decided the path of self-injury once more, she lost that very fragile grasp she has on normality and sanity.

There is more to be done, yes. And we can see it. But, Ulv is neither a woman who will absolutely fix your problem, nor does she wish to if she could. She puts you on the path to your own personal betterment. She drags you out of the hole you are in and shoves you down said path sometimes, true, the point stands. These actions, rely on you carrying them on. Rely on you wanting to be better. Here and now, in this moment, there can be no doubt that you have chosen inaction. Don't worry, Hvit and Beowulf will ensure that Ulv keeps to the principles she has made in this moment. Seethe and writhe though she might, she has finished the chapter of her life paying homage to the memory of Mirja"

And with that, Tvvling would stand, and give Henrex a delicate curtsey before heading for...well, what remained of the door. She'd talk to Abalia about fixing up the barracks later.

Truth Of Flame | END POST

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