Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:33 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

The day had been slow his transfer to the Medical core hadn't been completed yet. But he was moving supplies over as they brought him, someone. A man known as Arkin of the Seventh Division came with a woman. She looked as though she'd attempted to Headbutt a bull or perhaps something harder. Takehiko knew the problems when he saw them. She was beyond rough shape her jaw had been damaged badly. Among other injuries, he touched her sending a small pulse through her. As he used the medical training he had to find each place. This was going to be a problem, especially with the jaw. Had she ran headfirst into a rhino or something, it was at this moment he gained more conclusion. Her face was beyond destroyed among other injuries as he looked towards the other healers. "Fetch me bandages, a needle with the thread also some healing salves we have. " Takehiko was going to repair her face good as new first. But he had to reconnect everything and close her wounds. This was going to be painful but she was asleep. Also the Shinten, we may need it I don't feel like fighting and mending."

Takehiko was normal more childlike but that nature had been shed by the Kuchiki. Someone broken and battered was brought to him. Gently putting on surgical gloves he inhaled softly using a Kata to steady himself. First thing was to realign his nose and jaw. Gently resting his hands on her skull he felt the displacement as he considered the injuries carefully. The nose was off a bit from a headbutt most likely and compressed. Using his thumbs he gently aligned it in place causing a small cracking noise. Using his right hand to take the thread now beginning by fixing her nose. It was mending these parts together before he began real healing. Applying salves and bandages around her nose as he worked tirelessly. Now came the jaw this thing was a mess but so was her face in general. But it wasn't as hard as he took the next needle and thread. Reconnecting her jaw with stitches now, moving towards some bandages and healing salves. He applied them carefully over the jaw.

Finishing there he did any other facial injuries with smooth accuracy moving from location to location. Takehiko didn't take a break or stop in his motions. He knew the next part now that she appeared to be done. He was going to heal her with Kaido now that traditional mundane techniques had been used. To bring everything closer together. Bandages from patches to many others cover her face. Slowly in one hand a green needle formed of kaido based technique. Gently feeling along her stomach he put it near her belly button. Inserting the needle gently she'd not feel pain from this. It would feel almost akin too breathing for her. Moving up he began inserting the needles into each location. Negative influences and damages would be healed naturally when he removed them. The main reason he started with her soul chain and sleeve. Was to raise her healing and also restore her zanpakuto.

Inserting at least five needles into both locations of her chain and sleeve. Making sure each was put in with perfect precision. So as not to disrupt any flow within her body. This wasn't an easy job nor did her muscle structure make it so. Going over towards her head, he instructed them to add Shinten to her skin. This medicine was used in terms of an anesthetic. It would send her into a deep sleep while he worked. Her face had taken the brunt of the damage in his medical opinion. Going to her forehead he softly inserted the next needle it would allow the healing to begin. Reconnecting her tissue quickly though it would take a couple of hours to fully mend. Continuing he inserted two on either side of her neck, one in the middle of her throat. These green small needles that barely seemed to fit between his two fingers were inserted. A location atop the nose between the eyes and finally along the jawline. He used many in this location as he formed a long needle gently touching it to her sternum.

Medicine wasn't a magic device that fixed everything as he tapped his finger on the one between her eyes. Slowly they dispersed, taking with them damages to the skin that had died. But also producing an effect of heightened healing. This had reconnected damaged tissues and mended the damaged tissue. The girl wouldn't look like she'd been a head butting rhino horns in short. Bringing his hand up slowly a green light illuminated the girl as he continued work into the two-hour mark. Finally finishing Takehiko's knee's felt shakey as he leaned back into a chair. Reconstructing the damage done to the girl had taken him two hours. She still would need bandages till the injuries healed naturally the rest of the way. But he'd also mended her zanpakuto to some extent. Giving her and its peace with his spiritual needle technique. But he did what any medic here could have done as Takehiko exhaled softly feeling a sense of exhaustion from standing and working for two hours straight to repair the girl's damages.

He'd handled the head her other injuries weren't too bad as that anyways. He needed a break she'd be able to talk again soon which was more than what most would expect he guessed.
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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:50 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

She is floating. Yes. That is correct. However, she is not floating in the sky. No. She is floating in an abyss; an endless fall of darkness all around her. There is nothing for her to see. There is nothing for her to grab on to: no friends nor family. She is alone. Not even her Zanpakuto is here for her. Is this a dream? No, this is more like a nightmare, yet, she is not afraid. How strange… She feels no fear; no distraught with her situation. In fact, she feels at peace. Maybe this is death? Is death peaceful like this? She thought there would be a light, but her eyes could see no brightness in this endless pit.


There is a sudden sensation washing over her entire body. It is warm and comforting. It is similar to the sweet embrace of death, but there is a detachment that made it feel awkward. That’s it. This isn’t a feeling that her own body is creating. There is some outside influence on not only her physical self, but her spiritual self. It lulls her, and slowly, her eyes begin to close despite the world around her being nothing but her own thoughts. Then, she hits the ground, but she does not hit it hard. All around her are strange reddish flowers that she cannot make out as her subconsciousness fades.

There is a lot going on that Elyss could not even fathom to understand unless one sat her down and pounded lessons into her mind relentlessly. If one were to ask her how her treatment went, she would simply give them a blank look followed by a shrug and a change of subject. What would they expect? If one were to also add the fact that she was unconscious the whole surgery and put into a medically forced coma during the whole thing to keep the pain from waking her up. Though, it was unlikely anything would wake her up due to her body being so numb from the beating she received moments earlier. Even after the two hours had passed and her body began healing itself, she remained in slumber for the whole day tired not only from her body working relentlessly to mend itself, but also from pure exhaustion from exerting herself against Arkin.

On the next day, however, she is still sleeping, but her breathing is more at ease. Her face also looks better than before; the swelling receding and her nose more natural looking despite the smooshed mess it was yesterday. Whoever had worked on her did a good job. Still, her bandaged form seemed far from awakening, yet, she dreamed. One could tell by her eyes moving under her lids. What did she dream of? Well, it is a dream that only she understands.

All around her, the ocean roared and rumbled, but this time, the skies are grey with thunder clouds that bellowed deeply; lightning arcing with a piercing cry periodically. Elyss is there; in the middle of this rampaging storm being thrown here and there in the steaming hot waters that burned and melted her skin. Strangely, she felt at ease in this chaos. One would think this a nightmare, but to her, it felt too familiar to be anything of the sort. That’s when the lightning finally left the sky and crashed into the waters right onto her head with a cry that shook the world around her.


Elyss jumps up from wherever she lied with a startled cry, but, immediately, she groans in pain and soreness feeling her whole body resist moving with sharp numbing pain. As soon as she rose, she fell back onto her back and stared at the ceiling dazed. Where the hell is she?



Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:36 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A week had passed since he had brought her to the medical division to see to her wounds. But he had not stayed long after dropping her off because truth be told it creep'd him out. To be in a place where the sick and wounded where tended, along with all those strange medicines caused his ichor to run chilly in his body. So none the less he had disappeared shortly after, and informed them to send word to his division when the woman woke up. Lo and behold it did not take long upon her stirring for word to be sent to him.

But thing had happened since then, things which required Arkin to grow in power. Attacks and the like, along with the communion between him and his zanpaktou. In that week Arkin had grown drastically power to the point where he had obtained the fabled bankai, but more than that it had become like his shikai. It was a tesai-bankai otherwise known as a constant release Bankai. There where many things to believe regarding them, but in Arkin's eyes it had been a reaffirmation of something: This Elyss woman would help him on his path to redemption.

So the path he had come to accept, the journey, had changed. The gods had saw fit for their paths to cross, and they had saw fit to award him back his youth. His power now flowed through his veins, golden ichor moving him closer to his pinnacle of power. So when he entered the room, the energy of Arkin The Immortal was felt. But the man which would be seen was not the pale giant which she had come to now, instead she saw an equally tall man.

Bronze skin which seemed sun-tanned laced his skin, muscles that appeared far more lean and pulled over a strong frame. Dirty blonde hair which appeared almost brown in the light adorned his head and beard, which was slightly shorter than the man she had originally seen. But what remained was the red paint which ran his eye all the way up and across his head and torso. The ax which hung on his back was slightly changed, similar but with a hammer like side on the back.

"You're awake. Good."

The baritone voice seemed to bounce off the walls, before a toothy grin was revealed behind the beard. He'd grab a chair with a single maw, before placing it with the backrest towards her. He'd sit with each leg on either side of the backrest as his arms crossed. At the moment he seemed relax, akin to how she first had a conversation with him. Confident in his strength, but a gentle giant with thoughtful words. Was this truly Arkin?He acted like he was, his energy felt the same, although it was much more powerful.

"Do you hunger, I fear I'd have broken you in our last meeting, young bear."



Person Maintenance  JfH75kA
Person Maintenance  H8Tyk70

Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:29 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Closing his book slowly as he'd remained rather close at hand to monitor her. Slowly his azure eyes fell upon her. As the book closed the title of certain kaido techniques and medical practices became clear on the label. Takehiko's eyes focused in on her as he got up to examine her. "Squad Two, to answer the question of where you are. You took a nasty beating from someone. " Takehiko looked at her eyes and checked the mending process. He'd gotten some good reading done during that and had some time to relax. Takehiko's eyes showed a bit of a lack of sleep. He'd been tending her with some help from others. Any issues were addressed timely to keep her from scars. She seemed to be on the mend which was good in any case. Takehiko's frame yawned as he walked back to his chair. He'd stay on watch for now as it was his job. He wasn't officially a member here yet still paperwork going on. Didn't mean he lacked though in terms of medical training. "Just take it slow, you've been out for a while. " He said though he was fairly certain she wouldn't listen to him.

Some folks listened to the surgeon or doctor while others ignored them. He got the other vibe from her at the moment. But that wasn't his place to really judge, was it. Takehiko leaned his back into the chair observing the arrival of the one who broke her. Thankfully not beyond the medical skills the Gotei had or himself at the moment. The truth was he feared they fell behind in that place as he'd kept notes on her condition as well. She was going to need to eat soon that was true along with drinking fluids. " Seated Officer Arkin, she could do with it be mindful she isn't at full recovery yet. Try to keep her from any dangerous hits if at all possible." That was all he could say really, Takehiko wasn't even seated. He was a common grunt who just happened to be good at Kaido. Takehiko got from his seat again to go check her jaw this time. If she was going to leave one more treatment should be performed.

"If you will permit me, I can perform one final treatment so you can get about more smoothly. Will have you fighting fit by the end of the day. " Takehiko stood to wait for the female to make her choice as the recovery was done. Though a few minor details such as her body coming back from that remained. Ordinarily, he'd of tried to convince her or argue with her in this case. But it seemed likely he'd not get far in this case as he anticipated some form of resistance. Takehiko had become a bit more perceptive of people during his travels. Having treated a few people to the point the child grew a bit. Also, that journey to Thailand had changed him mentally and physically. His kido skills had improved rather potently given the girl's recovery. Perhaps he was just crabby today due to a lack of sleep. Working on someone for so long though not expecting a tremendous amount of thanks. Though the technique should have helped her zanpakuto and her become slightly closer.

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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:44 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Awake. That is simple. This isn't a dream. There is far too much discomfort for this to be a dream. It could be a nightmare, but that thought is quickly proven false by the sudden voice nearing her. Who is this man? What does he mean by Squad Two? She felt his eyes on her, most specifically, looking into her onyx eyes which were slightly glazed due to her tired body and mind. She had no real ability to protest anything he did to her at the moment, but she could guess he was a doctor of some sort and didn’t put up much of a fight anyhow. Still, there is no real worry of her wellbeing for now. She didn’t feel like moving too much. She wonders how long she has been out, but she doesn’t bother asking. There’s no point in asking. She’s awake and not dead. That’s all that matters, and it would make sense that the man who left to take a seat is to thank for her good health.

She felt her jaw move feeling the slight pain from the movement and sighs before feeling an oddly familiar energy enter the room. Her head slowly turned to Arkin… Well, to the man who felt like Arkin. If one were to ask who this was, she would probably respond with the bald grey man’s younger brother, for there are similarities between them, and yet, this man before her is different in many ways. Still, no one could mistake his spiritual presence. Even if it’s stronger than before, it still feels exactly like him. She wished her cheeks didn’t flush slightly at the sight of him. Yes. She feels embarrassment and looked quickly away down at her lap keeping quiet for a bit as Takehiko speaks. Her mind begins reminiscing on the events that brought her here.

She was utterly manhandled that fight. Yes. She countered, but her attacks proved useless in giving her any edge between the two. How frustrating to have this man come to see her after putting her here without a second thought. Changed appearance or not, it’s the same man who she lost to, and that thought causing her and her Zanpakuto to feel immensely vengeful. As if this could be the end of their bout. Though, just by feeling him, in the time she was asleep, he had grown immensely more powerful, and that fact angers her even more. What caused such a change in him both spiritually and physically? How completely unfair, but this is just another challenge set before her; to climb this large mountain of a man and stand on the top over him. It is that very reason that she gives Takehido a look of resentment even though he is not the source of her displeasure.

“Do what you think you need to do. I wish to be out of here. I do hunger, and hospitals only remind me of what I don’t want to think of… So does another’s presence.”

This time, she turns her head to Arkin letting her pissy attitude about the fight show. Does she hate him? How could she truly hate him? Even if she doesn’t like their current situation and would want nothing more to put him in a hospital bed, she can’t help but feel respect; respect and revenge towards him. One day… One day…

“I can’t wait for when I’m visiting you in this room.”

She mumbled before closing her eyes and sitting back getting herself more comfortable for whatever the doctor man planned to do to her.



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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:25 pm

The Odinson

"I await that day with no other, truly a dream that I look forward seeing brought to reality."

The man spoke with such a splendor that one imagined that he truly meant those words, for he did. In a place within the very fore of his being he sought to feel his body smashed against, broken beyond words like that of a virgin dreaming of their first taste of sex. Such was the vivid emotions of indulgence that he seemed to emphasized, a large grin breaking over his face at her words and the doctors own. Large hands gripping the back of the chair with eagerness to see the flame within her stoked to such a degree that he almost wanted to crash against her again.

One of these days, she would break him. And he relished the idea.

The doctor offered some words about rest along with her procedure, causing him to let out a very loud laugh. The type of roar of laughter which came from the gut, bellowing out with such force that it doubt could be heard down the hallways. Eventually it would die down as he chuckled wiping a tear from his eye at the pure comedy he felt.

"You do not need to call me seated officer, simply Arkin is fine little man. You've done a great service for my friend, and you shall be rewarded. Do you wish for mead, rich meat, or perhaps you are more of..." The man would make some type of rolling motion with his hand, before offering a wink. "A man of more carnal pleasure?" Before another small fit of laughter racked his body, standing up to give him a rather stiff slap on the back a few times.

But granted he'd allow him to do whatever he needed to do to the red head to get her moving about. He'd wait patiently in the chair, even going so far as to grab some fruit off the desk and juggle three of them while he waited. Naturally, once the doctor finished he'd make a noise of surprise before haphazardly catching all them putting them down.

"So we eat and drink now, yes?"

A grin followed.

End | The Immortal


Person Maintenance  JfH75kA
Person Maintenance  H8Tyk70

Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:47 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

So he felt the thunderous palm slap him on the back as he moved forward. His diaphragm pushed upwards as he understood right away. This was one of those people who were very well forward. Takehiko didn't have words for him as he nodded to the girl. Understanding her desire to leave here, it had been rather peaceful. "No thanks are necessary this is our battlefield, we fight it." He just needed to do this thing so the woman was up and running. Simple enough he extended his right hand outwards. Slowly forming a green lantern made of energy from kaido. It was scaled to his power and given he'd been the maker of it. Wasn't too much trouble or problem forming the Mender's Lantern. The warm greenish hue lit the room up. Mending small injuries that came within range of the light. He walked over setting the lantern down next to her bed. Sitting it beside her the green kaido spell gently sat with warmth coming from it. He was using this to mend her quickly as he looked focused on the results.

Reaching down with his free hand he opened the lantern and the fire emerged out. Brightly glimmering with not a dangerous heat it softly landed on the body of the woman. It went across her frame slowly moving up her body yet not burning her. Takehiko's azure eyes remained focused and mentally watching. As he used his hand to direct the fire increasing it's healing as one could watch it travel up her skin. She'd feel a warmth akin to a bath as it moved up her skin. Slowly stopping at her head the warm green glow stopped. Covering her face softly almost like a mask used from products. Turning his hand so his palm was in the air the flames jumped from her skin into his palm. She'd feel as though she had just been cleaned off as her skin glistened without signs of the damages beneath the bandages. That should do it, you can remove the bandages now." His azure eyes were happy to avoid further praise as he was merely happy she'd recovered. He had a hunch he would see one of them again shortly.

People like them got hurt like that fairly often which meant practice. But if it helped them be ready for something frightening. Then, by all means, Takehiko didn't know what to do here. As refusing Arkin was going to be a rough thing. His stomach suddenly growled taking away debate from this argument. Bloody traitor if he didn't value it he would have cut it out. He'd not eaten yet today and working on her made him hungry. "I suppose, I could use if you don't mind." Takehiko wanted to kill that part of him right now. Stupid stomach betrayed him so now he would suffer. Oh, he would get it back somehow by making it endure the worst food he could find. Grabbing the book of medical journals he'd been following. Takehiko turned to them waiting calmly for them to lead the way. He held a certain demeanor about him that didn't leave itself well to all of this. But what could one do when their stomach betrayed them.
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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:37 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Is that all this big oaf ever cares for? Battle, food, and good stories? She has half a mind to refuse him of his hospitality and go off on her own once more to do who knows what. It’s quite possible she’d just end up in another fight before the day ends and be in the exact same position the next morning. Though, to think herself capable of getting her shit kicked in so quickly is over exaggerating even for her. Give it a week. Ugh. How can she not think this guy looking down on her? It’s simple encouragement, but the fact he goads her on to fighting him and trying to best him unnerves her more than she’d like to admit. It’s like staring up at Ulv listening that oaf’s beratement. She couldn’t help but want to remove both their tongues and serve it to them finely diced. It’s amazing her outer appearance is able to remain so stoic despite her inner anger, but she’s trained such docile looks for a while. Being surrounded by idiots has its benefits.

Arkin… That’s his name. Elyss has realized this whole time she never knew who this man actually was. Now, she does. And, somehow, he became even more infuriating by inviting the man to go find whores or whatever the sort to go along with their food. She’s surprised he hasn’t invited her for such activities. Does her female features hold back his tongue? Surely not, for this dumbass has the indecency to invite another to such fun insinuating that she’d be there with them both in partaking in women… or possible other men. She knows not their preferences. Yet, she feels he’s just being stupid like the giant berserker he is and doesn’t care for his words at times like these. It’s not like she wouldn’t want to partake in such anyway despite how such could relieve a person of much tension. No. She quite enjoys her turmoils and stress. Yeah… She definitely wouldn’t want any seducer on her lap. Yeah…

Her attention moves to the doctor as she grumbles something inaudible under her breath. However, she does give a look of interest to the strange lantern that materialized. Her lack of understanding on kido or anything that reiatsu has involvement in has her highly curious about this construct of energy that glowed an inviting, yet, eerily, green. As he neared, she felt herself calm slightly; her annoyance fading to the back of her mind. No words escaped her mouth as he placed it down and opened it to bring out the green fire from within, and she could not believe the effect it had on her as she literally felt her wounds, soreness, and pain fade from his person.

With a sudden pep in her step, she’s quick to jump out of bed and stretch her muscles with an audible pop here and there.

“Bwah. Dumbasses.”

She mumbles ignoring Takehiko and Arkin’s interaction with one another as she’s quick to grab her Zanpakuto wrapping them up in bandages that she removes from herself. Next, the stupid gown she wore is thrown aside like filth leaving her lower half bare since she kept her chest wrapped up with some of the bandages, but for the sake of decency, nothing is seen except her plump postier before the black kosode and hakame near her are thrown on around her form tied by a white sash. She wastes no time grabbing her twin zanpakuto and slinging them onto her back before walking out of the room leaving the door open for them as she throws her a hand up.

“Come on. I’m hungry dammit.”

If they are not quick to follow, they’d find themselves catching up to her outside of the building looking here and there. It is Arkin who invited them, so it shall be Arkin who leads the way.


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Person Maintenance  Empty Re: Person Maintenance

Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:57 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Arkin was a man of simple pleasures in life, and one of those pleasures happened to involve carnal desires which laced the man's head. So as his arms remained cross and he saw Elyss drop her clothing garment his eyebrows raised in surprise for a moment. Before the corners of his lips tugged into what could only be described as an impish smile, very much taking in her form. It was soft, and feminine, but held the undertone of some gaining muscle. It reminded him of those shield-maidens from his youth which he trained with in more ways than one. Good memories.

But as quickly as it begun, it ended to his eternal dismay. With a heavy sigh he'd uncross his arms as she brushed past them into the hallway causing he let out a rumble from his throat, a deep chuckle. She was the fiesty thing to deal with and that only served to ingrain her into his mind. As for the other shinigami he was an odd one, but not entirely unpleasant. Naturally he'd step into the hall way following behind them, before ending up in front of both of them.

He seemed to settle next to her, pivoting on his heel as he walked backwards while staring at her. Those pale blue eyes peering intently at her, that eternal smug grin which seemed etched onto his features did not subside. The red paint which laced his face a stark contrast to his bronze skin, as he uncrossed his arms while he spoke and walked backwards.

"That's not fair, I'm not the one who got bed-ridden."

Oh now that was a low blow, as he brought a hand to his beard stroking the hair once before turning around her back to him now. He'd lead them for the time being to a place he knew of, he never spoke of where but if hey asked he'd tell them. It was some place out in the rukongai, a nice noodle shop which held great ale and food. He always liked that area, he spent much time there in his many years of immortality.

"Did you ever tell me your name, I feel as if I should know your name. Speak. Be heard, I wish to know more of this woman who sought to fight!"

His voice was naturally loud, boisterious to a point. He exuded the aura of someone who was alive, who was simply content for the time being of where he was. There was no malice or even anger in his voice, simply a desire to know more about the person behind him which he clashed with. Despite the level of annoyance she felt towards him, it was almost humerous to see the red head walking with the large blonde man.

But walking behind him, she would finally get a good look at the Ax. The weapon seemed to be unlike any zanpakatous she may have seen up to this point, the edge of the ax appearing sharp. Strange foreign symbols seemed etched into the metal and the handle of the ax, which too had changed to have some type of hammer on the back of it. Even now, it leaked a chill into the air which could be felt behind his trail.



Person Maintenance  JfH75kA
Person Maintenance  H8Tyk70

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Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:18 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

It was neat to see someone curious about a kido technique he'd come up with. Most people hadn't seen it yet really since he didn't have a chance to use it. But it was safe no extra legs or appendages. Arkin could check lower if he wanted that wasn't the doctor's job. Takehiko opened his book and followed them quietly as he studied from it. Listening to the conversation as he knew he'd get some decent food from this. It wasn't as though he got to eat often right now. The training was a full-time thing Takehiko had a work ethic of going until he fell over. He made up for his lack of strength by working himself harder than those around him. Using the lantern had mended her well would have been best to use earlier. But her face had been mangled so that could have backfired. Takehiko turned the page as he walked and read at the same time. Strangely enough, he was able to walk himself forward at this junction without seeing. He knew the place well enough that he could walk it blindfolded. It wasn't until they left the medical area that he needed to pay attention to things.

Takehiko was more or less the third wheel in this endeavor and he knew it. Arkin and his date were busy talking about being hospital ridden. Which to him meant more work really. Though he suspected he'd be busy in the future with many documents on his desk already. Not even gotten transferred yet and people were piling stuff for him. Not met his new Vice-Captain either as he'd been far too busy with this. Squad Seven was where Arkin hailed from, that much he gathered. Was the girl a newer member of that Division perhaps? He didn't really know the interworkings of any squads but Two and Three. Given his transfer from Three to Two was due to his medical skills. Takehiko had studied Unohana and the entire Fourth Division at the time's writing. Four times over just because any medical techniques or things he could look at help. They were rather frightening in how good they'd once been with it all.

They were during a time when things were certainly more rough from what he could dig up. But in the end, all he could do was train and improve himself at his field as he finally closed the book. Slipping it into his bag as he followed them now. Keeping pace with both Arkin and the woman as they talked. He didn't know her name either, but also he didn't ask. He just healed her because she needed help and that was it. He didn't really need a complicated reason to do things like that. People need help and he was capable of helping. Seemed pretty simple to him when it came down to it really. He didn't really have large techniques he could use in any case. Arkin and she would one day go to the war and fight though he guessed he would as well. That was the position they found themselves in when it came down to it all. Arkin was strong so was she given she survived in that state to him. Something can be said about losing gaining more experience than winning. He could attest to losers learning more from it truthfully given his status.
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