Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Student's Return Empty Student's Return

Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:31 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko had recovered fully and had his thoughts on the subject. It was best to start at the beginning. Slowly he moved inside the hallowed halls where Yamamoto-san's organization began. Where he taught men like Shunsui Kyoraku and Ukitake Jyuushiro. His expression was hardened as he sat down in one of the classrooms. Having come to study Hakuda from the source itself. Not just doing ti but the very fundamentals he came here for. He watched them explain what Hakuda meant really. It was such an open form of combat and fluid to fit the person. Takehiko began taking notes slowly at the desk. His teacher caught sight of him before narrowing his eyes. Takehiko had not been good at much of anything. He smiled nodding as he seemed keen on listening. Watching the movements he knew it was the beginning here alone. This venture was going to be about studying this with as much passion as he did kido. Watching the motions and movements before getting up out of his seat. He needed to train to be useful the next time Abi saw him.

The first order of business was to come here and train his butt off. Academically speaking he didn't know what to take from it. But he intended to refine himself of the edges he had now. But it wouldn't be quick not for him he imagined. Takehiko, as the class departed, came to stand by his first instructor. Kneeling slowly he released his spiritual pressure. His instructor's cheeks gave way to a smile now. As he was impressed as Takehiko informed him. Of the reason he came here was to increase his strength and speed. But also to learn Hakuda at whatever pace possible. Quick would have been nice, but he understood slow and steady would help. So he asked his first mentor for something special. To help him learn Hakuda even if just fundamentals. Takehiko's eyes stayed down as he felt a hand on his back. The first action would be rough training through everything imaginable. His teacher was considered a very skilled Hakuda fighter. He'd realized his weakness in one area. So now it was time to brush up and go back to school.

His eyes widened when his teacher asked him to perform one hundred pushups and situps. Slowly he began to perform them beginning to build his muscles. His mentor intended for him to do many forms of training. These weren't going to be done in a short amount of time. Physical strength and speed were focused on here. But after that, his mentor brought him to a bag. His eyes widened even further as sweat dripped. His mentor had just asked for borderline impossible for him to do. Ten thousand punches and kicks against that bag every day. Every single day throwing ten thousand punches and kicks. Takehiko didn't forget the man was brutal in his training. He refined people from coal into diamonds regardless. Takehiko threw his first punch transitioning into another one. Tossing jabs out at a pretty lacking speed. He just didn't have the groove of how to throw much at this point. There was no quick way to learn anything from what Ulv told him.

Take your time and smell the flowers. Otherwise, you may not be able to smell was what she said. So time he just focused on his goal after a while punches came and went. At first, he felt like a steady pace had been set. Starting at the beginning of the day. Throwing punches alone realizing he couldn't finish the kicks now. Going an entire day without a break was hard on his body. He felt his body slump down as each arm felt like boulders were on them. His mentor informed he'd be alternating to kicks tomorrow. As Takehiko fell into slumber he began to sleep. His mentor put a blanket on him that covered his frame. He'd exhausted himself on those punches his knuckles dripped blood. Takehiko had devoted everything into this. The teacher ruffled his hair smirking about what an oddball he was. What child openly threw themselves into things this way? Such a reckless determination to learn. Takehiko busted his hands and knuckles up with this. But it would prove useful in gauging him.

Strength as the day began again Takehiko slowly sat up now feeling pain along with his hands. Takehiko's style of combat would have ot be different as he developed his body and muscles. Around the topic of fighting using Hakuda upfront. And Kido at a distance which would be fine as well. Takehiko began to wonder how far he should go with it. What should he do to get some action from people? He wanted to fight and grow this skill but his mentor made it clear. That type of training was roughneck and not going to provide results. It would have been better to seek out a Shihoin. They were such skilled hakuda users and he was a Kuchiki. They normally were more sword-based in the skillset. Takehiko felt his eyes stare upwards as he dusted himself off. Nothing to do but keep training himself hard as he could. Ten thousand kicks were next and he began that in the morning. He would once again not finish until the even, with a small bathroom and food breaks in between.

Student's Return Empty Re: Student's Return

Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:15 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Well, his body felt lighter and more at ease with the punches and kicks. Within those ten thousand, Takehiko found a groove and a rather effective source of development. Rubbing at his shoulders and feet now as his teacher came in. Ready to instruct him a bit further now. Taking time to explain now, he would be sparring with his teacher. Teaching him how to combat an enemy in a way that suited Takehiko. Furrowing his brow he stared at the elderly male. He was known as the quick fist by most people. Known for educating himself moreover by training them roughly. Takehiko had endured day one and two of hyper intensive training. With punching and kicking things for what it was worth. Not to mention the beating from Ulv which still ached in his bones. But standing up he wiped at his chin inhaling remembering his breathing. Takehiko adjusted himself into a stance now knowing what Ulv said. His mind remembering as his mentor offered a Cheshire grin. Sliding forward not rushing now he took his time.

Takehiko didn't focus his senses entirely on the old man. Remembering how poorly that went for him the first time. He slowly inched himself forward towards them. The old man's grin improved as he stepped forward. Sending a punch where he thought he judged the range. Hitting him with one punch that staggered him. Breathing he spit out and began weaving now. Moving his head like a snake to keep himself in motion. Moving his body with rotations as he felt his muscles. Sending a punch out when he felt like one was coming. Feeling soreness on his knuckles as they slammed into the men. Coming forward more he dodged and weaved punches. Trying to get close to his range, tossing a punch at the old man's skull. Only to get redirected into the ground with a loud bang. Before the old man was already on top of him. Slamming his fist into the ground next to his head. Takehiko merely laid there as he nodded a bit. His mentor helped him up and began explaining. Dodging was good so was the pace he came at a dangerous foe.

He didn't rush in or charge nor did he focus completely there. If the person had entirely too much spiritual pressure. It would have overwhelmed him and burned him at both ends. But he explained the rest was experienced. Takehiko felt a hand touch his shoulder. It was time he began learning how to do something else though. It was good for him to be skilled in a few fields. But he was a Vizard and he should begin tapping into his hollow's power. To begin his journey not within just the realm of Hakuda. Because learning that just because he couldn't rely on his zanpakuto. That would lead him to his destruction. It would bring him to despair within himself. To master anything one first must master themselves. While not feeling as though he'd progressed on this journey. Takehiko left with his bag and began his journey again. Ready to take this advice given the events of that forest. Fear couldn't govern him anymore and he needed to learn. How to wield the powers of Akuma.
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