Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Happy to Serve you~

Wed Sep 25, 2019 10:45 am


Today, Ulv was in the Seireitei, working in a Maid Cafe in the Rukongai. Because fuck it, the city wasn't going to explode if she wasn't there one day. And if it did then she'd fire Mifune, turn Demonica into a Doll, tie up Arianda and punch Henrex in the head. Again. Guy had a really hard head after all the punching in it Ulv did. One day it would make a difference, probably. Maybe. Sorta. Ok maybe not. He was pretty determined after all. And she missed playing dress up with all the Mayor stuff she had to do in her town.

She had dressed up, touch of makeup and hair styling to look demure - not that glowing golden eyes were all that demure, but still - and was now carrying plates of food out to hungry men, a sway of her body and inhuman grace enticing them and wetting an appetite that could not be fed with food alone~


Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:47 pm
Maid's? In Soul Society?

It had been a strange month recently for Okuda, mostly due to the fact that whilst he was doing regular training with his Zanpakutō he was brought to a strange place where he met not only his Zanpakutō’s spirit but also found out that he had a Hollow within him. Sighing gently the Shinigami slowly roamed the realm of the Soul Society, wearing his black Shihakushō like normal, his Zanpakutō hanging from his left hip as per usual. Like almost always it was a beautiful day in the Soul Society, the sun was shining and the bustle of the people moving through the district distracted his mind.

As he walked through the area his mind drifted around, thinking of the ramifications of what he had learned of himself. Okuda was soon however finding himself being dragged along with a small group of people heading towards what seemed to be a Maid Cafe, a thing that had become quite popular in the World of the Living by the time he had decided it was time to move on to the next world. Blinking a bit the red-haired spirit slowly found himself at the front of the line that he had been all but forced into by his own wandering mind.

Okuda blinked as a maid showed him to a seat and placed a menu down in front of him, telling him that his Maid would be along shortly. Blinking, Okuda began to look over the menu, he was a bit hungry as simply existing as a spirit consumed his spiritual energy. He sighed a bit, wondering just what would happen next, he had heard stories of some outrageously themed maid cafe’s in the world of the living...

Happy to Serve You~


Mirja EeolaS

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Last edited by Okuda Nobuyoki on Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:12 pm


Putting the food down on the table, Ulv watched another man come in, and he was interesting. Far from the labourers of the Rukongai or the unseated of the Gotei, he was a Vizard. One that had only just been through the takeover from the looks of it. He also had a good gait, as if the memories of his past life were filtering through a body trying to remember how it moved. This guy certainly was an interesting one, so Ulv walked over to him, her frilly dress not moving an inch, giving her an illusion of floating with how light and precise her steps were.

Getting to him and giving him a curtsy, the hollow inside him would feel intimately aware of being stared at. Not through Okuda, but to him directly. Those golden eyes pierced the veil and fell on him as much as they did the new man.
"Welcome home, Master~ What can I get for you?" Ulv asked in a cute voice, her perfume - or maybe just the natural smell of the woman - was enticing, and arousing. Not just physically, but spiritually. Being in her presence made people want to get up and do things they had been putting off. To find reasons to do it, rather than reasons to not.


Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:10 pm
Down Boy!

Okuda was looking at the menu when the maid had come over, his attention quite focused on the menu trying to figure what he was in the mood for. He looked at the woman, her scent was definitely intoxicating, however something that he was not expecting was that it would rouse the hollow within him. Suddenly Okuda could hear the voice of Shinda-en commenting about the woman he could see through Okuda’s eyes. Okuda however had, in the recent days since managing to best him in combat, learned to simply ignore the words of the Hollow that he had inside of him.

It was true that Okuda could still hear the Hollow but he was more or less just tuning the voice out at this point, trying to not let the words affect him. “Yes...I think for now I’ll just have some Dango and a bottle of Sake if its at all available...” Okuda had not seen the items he had ordered on the menu but he had not actually finished looking over the menu before the maid had come over to take his order. He was at this point simply hoping that they had the capability to fill such a request in this strange building.

Okuda then placed the menu down, being from a totally different time period that what this restaurant seemed to be, he had no clue what the common courtesies were outside of the usual nice way of speaking and thanking the hostess when she brought him his order. Shinda-en however was now laughing at Okuda, it seemed that the spirit in him had a better understanding of such things but refused to tell him about these sorts of things. Sure Okuda had bested him in a ramshackle fight, but he was not yet willing to truly obey the Shinigami.

Okuda smiled at the waitress and said his thanks if she were to take his order and leave the table, part of him was hoping that she would as he could feel her eyes burrowing into him and through him, into his Inner Hollow...Did she know what he was? He was not sure, but he did not like the feeling that her gaze was having on him nor the effect it was having on Shinda-en...

Happy to Serve you~


Mirja Eeola

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:19 pm


"Ohhhh, how is a man supposed to protect us from Hollows if he doesn't eat properly?~" Ulv asked in a cute voice, but gave him a curtsy and spun around to get his food. Though, as she did so, another voice whispered on the wind. A voice of firm passion, it did not so much imply power as embody it beyond implication.
'They are living beings just as you are. Deal with them, as such' it blew through him like a breath of wind, and the subject matter was obvious, given the touch of power beneath the wind was hollow in origin.

And then Ulv was back, some dangos and sake on a tray. It was placed down on the table and then Ulv sat down next to him and picked up one of the sticks, hovering close to his mouth with it.
"Say ahhh~"


Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:14 pm

Okuda watched as the maid that was assigned to his table curtsied and then disappeared to get his order, blinking a bit as something seemed to speak to him that felt sort of like how Shinda-en did when, spoke. Okuda was a bit concerned over this, wondering just who this woman was but did not have much time to really dwell on the idea as not too long after she had left, the maid had returned with a plate full of a few sticks of Dango’s and a bottle of sake. He watched as she placed the tray of goods on the table and expected her to walk away as most waitstaff tended to do.

However as he was focusing on the plate of food that had been placed in front of him he almost missed the woman sitting down next to him and even grabbing a stick of his food before holding it near his mouth and saying he that he should say ‘ahhh’. Okuda just gave her a look that seemed to look curious as to what was going on, last he checked this was a maid cafe and not some sort of brothel or hostess club.

Excuse me...but, um...what do you think you’re doing? I am perfectly capable of feeding myself, I do not require assistance in such an act...” Stated the Shinigami. His eyes not really focused on the woman or anything, he was curious as to what she was doing though. He knew that his etiquette on the modern human world was sorely lacking, and that this sort of restaurant was popular in the living world but...he was pretty sure these sorts of things were not happening there, at least as far as he could tell from the outside looking in to them…

Okuda shifted himself and his sealed Zanpakutō, Asahi, a little bit away from the woman, feeling that she was far too close to him for this sort of thing. He then reached for the bottle of sake and poured some into the accompanying small saucer that served as its cup, sipping it gently whilst he waited for the woman to give him an answer that seemed good enough for him, all the while the hustle and bustle of the restaurant only seemed to grow. However thanks to high backed seats he was unable to see enough of other sections to tell if this sort of practice was the norm here...

Happy to Serve you~


Mirja Eeola

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:18 pm


Giving a pout as the man refused to play along with the whole thing, she cut a very attractive figure, appealing to a man's primal desires deep in his heart...among other places, at least.
"Ohh, you are such a grumpy person for coming to a Maid Cafe. If you don't want to play along, then why did you come here in the first place?" she asked him, those golden eyes glittering brightly, making their own light rather than having to rely on light already there. Giving him some seconds to take a sip of Sake, Ulv launched her next assault on his sanity.

"I-is it y-you w-want me i-in a d-different w-way?" Ulv asked, her stuttering voice and flushed cheeks speaking of innocence, looking down in an abashed manner at her skirt and playing with it as if preparing to roll it up for him if he told her to do it.


Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:50 pm

Okuda nearly choked on the sip of sake he had ingested at her question. Coughing loudly he decided to put the saucer down and slid a bit further away, now pulling the tray closer with him, he still wanted to eat after all and picked up a new stick of dango, eating one of the small sweets that was on the stick as if ignoring her but in reality he was trying to regain his composure. Okuda had never been so boldly propositioned like this before…and in his mind he was still married, though that was some five hundred years ago at this point.

He was dead and so was his wife, she however had went to the soul society hundreds of years prior, though he had not yet found her. He sighed a bit and shook his head, his red tresses shaking with the motion as he did so and gestured in a way that, at least to him, meant that she need not even come close to rolling her dress up. Okuda was not here for female companionship, he sighed a bit and figured that her questions both deserved an answer from him.

I came in because whilst I was walking absentmindedly I was pulled into a crowd that lead me more or less here, I felt hungry so I decided to come in and for wanting you in some other, I am not here for such a reason miss, you need not worry about your virtue...” Okuda was hoping that would put the woman to some sort of level of calm. Okuda then picked the saucer that still had some sake in it up and tipped it to his lips, drinking the clear liquid calmly. Luckily for him, the taste of blood that darkened sake for him for some time during the Meiji Revolution had long since passed.

Okuda was a little happy about that, then again it had been quite some time since he took the lives of living beings simply for believing someone else should be in charge. Okuda felt like he was truly at peace in this afterlife, sure he was part of yet another military force, or at least one that seemed like it was, but he was no longer killing least not yet, instead he was only killing monsters that ate the souls of the departed: Hollows...though he still had one such creature within him...and it sickened him.

Happy to Serve you~


Mirja Eeola

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:15 am


"Ohh, who are you trying to kid~ there is a cafe just across the road that doesn't have maids. And if you were hungry you would have ordered more than just a small handful of sweets that won't satisfy a gnat. I appreciate you don't want to take me to the backrooms and have me on the coffee beans, but either you are lying or you are somewhat of a full, neither of which go down very well for a Shinigami. You people are of such great stature you need to put the best foot forward. But you have just sort of stumbled and fallen over instead~" Ulv was playing with him, sliding forward in pursuit and giggling softly to herself at his actions.

But then she felt his heart. Her empathic abilities picking out the disgust directed towards the hollow inside him, and the smile took a sharper, deeper turn.
"Alternatively, we could talk about your Hollow before you piss it off enough to die horribly"


Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Happy to Serve you~ Empty Re: Happy to Serve you~

Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:24 pm

Okuda was still trying to keep a respectful distance from the woman, she was mentioning how he was a Shinigami and how there was another cafe across the street, still making it seem like he was here for sex or rather companionship. He was about to object, stating that he did not see the other cafe nor did he plan on coming in, it was all an accident nor was he very hungry and was just after a snack. That was what he had planned on speaking of until the woman mentioned the Hollow inside of him and how she knew it was angry with him.

Okuda stared at her blankly, about to stand up and walk out, the man slowly looked at the woman, his eyes darting to her own, wondering how she knew about the Hollow within him. He then looked to where his Zanpakutō was, wondering if he was going to require it in a moment or two. He was not sure who this woman or what she wanted, but it was now obvious to him that she was not what she seemed, which was a standard run of the mill maid or waitress.

How did you know about the Hollow within me? I’ve not mentioned it to anyone else yet...who are you? What do you want from me?” Okuda said his voice now speaking in low, hushed tones so that those around him could not hear him speaking.

Happy to Serve you~


Mirja Eeola

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
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