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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:40 pm


Enter Nicoletta


The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) 6EdIfMt

Three months. That was how much time had passed since Nicoletta left Beijing. Since then, she had returned to Berlin. But unlike when she had left, she had some things to contemplate. The madness wavelength had very much been just trying to get to her, but it had brought up a good point..she claimed that she was the strong kind of person..but she walked around with one eye, like a her father, with his insistence that a Quincy should only use a bow. It was the cause of many sleepless nights in the first few weeks of being back home. By the end of the first month, she had finally decided. She would look into getting a new eye.

But it would be done on her own terms. As such, she started looking into the more..supernatural versions of an eye transplant. And eventually, she found herself where she was now. Looking in the mirror of her bathroom, two months later. She almost didn't recognize herself. Sure, the fact that she had both eyes again was one big change. But what was bigger was..well..her hair. None of it was red anymore. It was all pitch black. She supposed she couldn't complain. The service was rather cheap, given that it was given by a human with a bit of power over the body itself. He had given her an eye exam, a shot of anesthesia..and the next thing she knew, she was staring at the ceiling of his office..both eyes in her head.

He had explained that it was likely that she'd experience some kind of side effect. But she hadn't expected the side effect to be changing the color of her hair. Still, she sighed and ran some hot water into the sink, cupping her hands beneath the stream of running water before leaning down towards the bowl of the sink and bringing it up to her face, rubbing a bit after the fact.

She looked like this now. She would have to get used to it. With that in mind, she looked herself over. She didn't have work today, thankfully. So she had gotten dressed in a manner that would protect somewhat from the cold. Black jeans, a fairly thick, but plain shirt..and a little extra something she had bought recently. A nice bomber jacket, styled with black and red leather. She shrugged it on and patted herself down. Keys to the house? Check. Rings on? Check and double check. Wallet? Yep. She had everything. With that in mind, she finally set out into the snowy streets of Berlin. But she wandered through the streets of her hometown..something She remembered everything the voices had said as she activated her vollstandig.

Was she really mad? She knew she could handle what few corpses were left..but was her assumption just something the madness itself had fueled on? No. If it had been, she wouldn't have noticed the little things. Those feathers. And she would have remained, freezing and burning the corpses time and time again until she was out of energy.

She shook her head a bit as she continued to wander, pulling her hands out of the pockets of her jacket and smacking her cheeks a bit. Come on Nico, get yourself together. Everything is fine.. She thought. However, before she could really pep talk herself up much more, she felt She couldn't quite place it..but something was different than normal..

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:47 am

The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) LT5vPYw

Three months since Beijing. Three months since hordes of the undead had ravaged China. Three months since she had pushed her powers to their limits, and suffered the consequence of doing so.

Sylvia breathed in the chill air of her fatherland, and sighed through a small grin. It was good to be out in the world again, instead of cooped up in the Stadt des Lichts or Minatumi Harbour. Even more, it was good to be doing something constructive.

Dressed in formal attire of dark blue and blacks, her hair in a braid; she wore the Vandenreich's uniform colors in a long jacket of her own design, of white with blue accents and her signature golden borders. A new leiden hant had been constructed, and now adorned her right hand like nothing had happened, and if neither of those two things were enough to tip one off as to her identity, the quincy's zeichen charm hung from the opposite wrist.

She was not here as soldier or protector, however. There was no Hollow to hunt, or demon to slay. No, she had come following rumors and tales of another quincy's activity in Beijing, alongside her own. The Vandenreich was reeling from betrayal, and it needed new blood if it was going to recover.

"Nicoletta Karlene?" She called out to the woman leaving her home, and offered an inviting smile. Her hands fell into their pockets to escape the cold, and she wondered for a moment if she had misremembered the woman's description. She was certain she had been described a redhead, but the address was correct, and this woman was, indeed, a quincy.

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 1:27 am


Enter Nicoletta


The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) 6EdIfMt

It seemed that today would not be just a casual day of wandering her hometown. The moment she walked out of the door, something felt off. She recognized the feel of WHY it was off. But she didn't spot her at first. So of course, Sylvia would see the oddity that was Nicoletta's cross, if she was actively paying attention. Ambient particles of Reiatsu were flowing towards this woman's hands. However, her attention snapped to the woman who called out to her, causing the particles to disperse and turn back into atmospheric energy.

She wasn't too hidden by the crowd of people that was passing by. But even if she had been, Nicoletta would definitely have been able to pick her out. It wasn't the hair or eyes that made her stand out, however. No, it was the design of her clothes. She would recognize the designs anywhere, as well as the Zeichen hanging off of this woman's wrist. She brought a hand up to her face and lightly pinched at the bridge of her nose before closing her eyes and letting out a sigh softly. "Alright. I can tell by looking at you WHAT you are. But that doesn't explain who you are, or why you know my name." She said, her tone as icy as the sidewalk that Sylvia was standing on. Was the icy demeanor uncalled for? Possibly. But she had been looking forward to her day off.

"So, whatever you're here for better be important, and it'd probably be a good idea for you to explain yourself." She said, looking the woman over as she tried to get a gauge on who she was going to be talking to, and why she was possibly here. She was a Quincy, that much was obvious. She had seen the Sanrei Glove before she had put her hands in her pockets. That meant that she was likely from a less..strict family of Quincy, to put it kindly. But she had taken great pains to keep her home address secret. Not even her own family knew where she lived. That was the whole point of replacing the windows and repainting the walls. Soul Synthesized Glass, and Soul Synthesized Silver infused paint. Both were equally good at making sure her signature was blocked off from those who would meddle. So the fact that another Quincy was able to track her down had her rightly paranoid.

Still, she waited for this woman to introduce herself. Her information had been correct..but outdated. It was nobody's fault. Things had been quiet ever since she had come back from Beijing, after all. Whatever information broker had given her the rumors likely hadn't been able to gain the information that her appearance had changed..

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:44 am

The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) LT5vPYw

A soft grin crossed Sylvia's lips. While the woman was none too pleased with being approached, she had, at least, found the person whom she had been looking for. Weeks of searching and pulling strings hadn't gone to waste.

It was a good start.

"I'll be brief." She spoke in the old German dialect of her small home town; small changes and slang here and there. "My name is Sylvia Brauer, and I'm a soldat of the Wandenreich. I was also at Beijing, myself. I want to personally thank you for your help three months ago." Her smile remained, as genuine and inviting as ever. "Many people are still alive because of you."

Her arm twitched, as though she thought of extending her hand as further thanks to the other quincy, but she stopped herself.

"I would also like to extend to you an invitation to join us. We've seen how... effective the Gotei is, so it's up to humanity to protect itself at times like these." She couldn't resist the small jab at the Gotei's utter ineptitude in recent years, most notably what she'd seen in Beijing.

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:52 pm


Enter Nicoletta


The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) 6EdIfMt

For most people, a sudden switch from English to another language would be a little disorienting. But Nicoletta was not most people. Her job required her to be fluent in both English and German. The latter was admittedly easier than the former, as she had grown up speaking it. However, if this woman thought that switching to their other common language would ease up Nicoletta's icy demeanor, she was wrong. Still, at least she had been given a name now. Sylvia Brauer. Of course, she recognized the name of the organization she mentioned. However, even when wracking her mind for what their stated goal was..she came to realize that she couldn't place it. That was odd. But, then again. Her family had only ever mentioned the organization in passing.

However, when Sylvia brought up Beijing, there was an obvious tensing up of the muscles in Nicoletta's folded arms. Her expression was blank and cold, but there was a definite reaction still. Almost like she was liable to take a swing at her for bringing it up. However, that only lasted for a split second as Sylvia continued, thanking her for helping. That threw her off a bit, and brought a more relaxed air to the red eyed woman. It seemed that Sylvia had found at least one correct button. However, when she explained that she was here to extend an invitation to her to join their little organization, Nicoletta had to raise an eyebrow a bit at that. Of course, she too had seen at least some of what had gone on in Beijing. However, she was in a different location. But from the jab that Sylvia had made, it seemed that the place had affected more than just the few people that had been at the wall.

Still..something about this whole scenario just "And why should I just blindly accept this invitation? I have heard of your group, obviously. But what I don't know is your goal. Protecting humanity is all well and good, but how do I know that you aren't trying to spoon feed me your group's patented form of bullshit?" Well. That was certainly one way to put it. However..her tone wasn't as harsh as it had been before. It seemed she was genuinely curious, even if she was being rather blunt with how she went about asking about things. Really, she had little to no reason to believe that she was being lied to. But it was just on principle at this point. She felt like something was off, and she wanted to see if she could find a satisfying reason for why, or if she could make that feeling go away by chatting with this woman. There was really no harm or foul in it, right?

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:44 am

The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) LT5vPYw

The blonde's expression hardened just a little, though through no fault of her own. The challenge and resistance was appropriate, she supposed. The Vandenreich didn't have the best of reputations, and she did just walk up to Nicoletta on the street.

It didn't last for long, however.

"I would hope you don't accept it blindly." Sylvia giggled some underneath her breath. "Admittedly, the protection of humanity is my own goal in all of this. Grandmaster ast-Auramazda might say something like "we exist to further the cause of Quincy pride and race," but that's not why I'm here." Admittedly, she only knew of Cyrus in a professional manner, so he might not be at all like the man she imagined.

"I want you to consider joining us because, when it came to it, you didn't run. You stayed and fought three rampaging Vizard, from what I've heard, and stopped the undead from reaching another populated area." Her smile came back.

"You're a good person, I think."

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:50 pm


Enter Nicoletta


The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) 6EdIfMt

And there it was. The revelation that she worked for someone else. Not that it was a surprising revelation, really. But it was one that helped to slowly lower her fight vs flight instincts. Of course, she rolled her eyes at what the man who ran things was likely to say their goal was. All this talk of "Pride" and "Purity". God, it annoyed her. She understood that at least the second concept had a tangible difference. A Gemischt quincy had to rely on the Sanrei Glove to gain their enhanced power state, whereas Echt Quincy like herself could rather easily learn vollstandig, and activate it without ever truly needing a focus, if they truly chose to abandon such path. Still, making that distinction even on a practical level felt rather pedantic.

But, still. Nicoletta didn't interrupt least, until she spoke up about some kind of rumor she had heard. Before she could even finish her statement, Nicoletta held a finger up to interrupt her.

"Before you even finish what you are about to say--the tales you have heard seem to be rather embellished. There were only two Vizard that were out of control. And only one of them seemed interested in fighting others. The second was having no qualms with cleaving through corpse after corpse, and only truly got violent when the first one started turning into something different. The third one let off some large technique and asked me to handle the rest as he teetered off into whatever they call those gates leading to and from the Seireitei. I did finish off the remainder of the walking dead at the wall, yes. But I did not fight off three rampaging warriors single handedly."

Nicoletta was many things. But a liar was not one of them. She would not simply stand by and let false claims be made about herself, even if they made her sound better than she was. Still, she rubbed her hands together and sighed softly. "At any rate, if you're going to keep chatting me up about joining this group of yours, the least you can do is come with me. If I'm going to chat, I'd rather have a coffee or something." She said as she proceeded to walk down the street, her pace making it very clear that she intended to be followed, and was ok with listening to whatever else Sylvia had to say in order to try and get her to join their little menagerie. Why not?

It's not like she was being asked to assist in bringing about total domination over all other races, or like she was being asked to sign on for complete genocide over everything that didn't qualify as 'human'...right? Right. A goal like that would just be silly..

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:41 am

The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) LT5vPYw

Sylvia slowly trailed off when she was interrupted, though she let Nicoletta say what she needed to say; rude or not. While she may have been a little mistaken about the details of the woman's actions in Beijing, the larger picture remained intact. The woman had still shown bravery and conviction that were sorely needed in the Vandenreich right now.

"Very well." The blonde replied through her softly returning grin. So much for being brief, then, she thought to herself as she followed after the other woman at her brisk pace. "May I ask what you know of the current Wandenreich?"

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:49 pm


Enter Nicoletta


The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) 6EdIfMt

If Sylvia had been expecting brief from Nicoletta, then she clearly hadn't taken enough time to look into the rumors and talk about her. She wasn't someone who would just roll with things. She preferred to make educated choices. Were there exceptions to this rule? Of course. But more often than not, she would do her best to find as much information as possible. So of course, it was nothing out of the normal for her to be this inquisitive. Luckily for Sylvia, it seemed that she had started to take notice of it, as she had asked a rather important question. What did Nicoletta know about the Wandenreich?

That was a question that hung in the air as Nicoletta and Sylvia walked down the street. If she was a perceptive one, Sylvia might have noticed that the more she walked with Nicoletta, the warmer it seemed to get. Of course, Nicoletta was doing this out of habit at this point. If it was too cold or too hot in an area, she would subconciously apply her ability to regulate things, allowing her to remain comfortable. It was something that was derived from her work as an Apprentice Blacksmith, and then as the manager of the shop she worked at. But that was not quite important. What mattered was the obvious wracking of her mind. If Sylvia remained quiet, she would find her question hanging in the air for several minutes before Nicoletta spoke up again.

"I could claim to know more than the basics, but that would be a very obvious lie. I know that it's a group of Quincy of all types..and, I think I remember some talk about some kind of war? Though I might be remembering talk about the culling..Sorry. My family wasn't huge on the whole historical aspect of being a Quincy. They were more focused on the practical aspects." She explained as she slowly unzipped her bomber jacket, now that it was getting warm enough for her to actively notice. Of course, she was also starting to shrug it off because she could see the coffee shop that they were headed into. It wasn't any place special. If anything, it was just a random hole in the wall.

Of course, walking into the place always reminded Nicoletta of how odd her home was. She had made small talk with quite a few of the forge's foreign customers, and apparently it was unusual for a coffee shop to bring you coffee, rather than having you order at the counter. Of course, she preferred the former. So without saying a word, she actively diffused her power and walked into the shop, taking a seat in one of the corners. If Sylvia tried talking before they got anything, she would continually find Nicoletta holding a finger up to silence her. Once the waitress arrived, she placed a simple order: A large cappuccino, with cream and sugar. Once they both ordered what they were going to get, Nicoletta nodded, gesturing for Sylvia to continue, if she had spoken up before they placed their orders.

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The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) Empty Re: The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia)

Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:14 pm

The Witch and The Sage (Sylvia) LT5vPYw

Their conversation faltered and fell silent for a few minutes, but Sylvia could tell by looking that Nicoletta was thinking over an answer to her question. She could also tell that the woman, knowingly or not, was subtly manipulating the reishi around them; not just by the sudden, yet gradual change in temperature.

A small grin slowly came to Sylvia as they walked, and remained thorugh the woman's eventual answer. However, she was stopped any time she tried to continue, as they entered the hole-in-the-wall shop and took their seats. It did give her time to think of a proper response, at least.

The blonde did decide to indulge herself, and ordered a glass of cold milk. She never was much for coffee.

"To start: we are the world's premier group of Quincy, yes. We've participated in several wars in the past, though for the moment, our main focus is on rebuilding." She settled further into her seat, and continued, "We hope to increase our numbers, and train the remaining Quincy of the world to not just better use their powers, but to understand them." Here, she was starting to think back on what Ghislain had taught her, and turned those lessons towards Nicoletta.

"We don't just hunt Hollow, like in the old days. It's my hope that we can work better with the worlds through cooperation and harmony, and one day, take over for the Gotei as the Earth's protectors." Unintentionally, Sylvia had slipped her own goals into the speech.

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