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The New Captain's Summons Empty The New Captain's Summons

Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:20 pm

The New Captain's Summons JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

[OOC: Occurs after the events of Madness Capital]

To those that this concerns,

This is an official summons for all members of the 4th Division, as well as for those with an interest in joining. The Division's new Captain has mandated that at noon today, all members will be required to attend an evaluation and training session with the new Captain. Failure to arrive will result in your immediate dismissal from the 4th Division or more.

Furthermore, come prepared for physical exertion. Or don't. The choice is yours. To those reading this with an interest in either joining or just observing the training, unless you are the Captain-Commander, your opinion on the methods you witness is not only invalid but, will likely result in equivalent repercussions. Or maybe it won't. Again, the choice is yours.

To those of the 2nd Division's healing unit reading this, consider this a standby notice for the likely event of a large volume of patients within a short period of time.

Kimoi Shinryu, Captain of the 4th Division.

P.S. Arriving late is the equivalent of not arriving at all. You've been informed.

Phew, today was certainly going to be an interesting day. He sent out the message to most of the members of the Gotei earlier this morning. Granted, some might not approve of his methods and tactics but, that wasn't for him to care about. He had a job to do and that was to strengthen the shambles of a squad he was assigned to oversee. He was in a position like this before, only know he wasn't likely to get a mission that would force him out before he accomplished anything. Now, he was prepared and ready to see what his squad could offer and go from there.

It was still quite an irksome task to gather them all, this was going to be a bothersome day just waiting for them to arrive. Granted, it wasn't noon yet, though it wouldn't be long until noon hit. Regardless, he surveyed his surroundings fairly carefully. He had his specially prepared items waiting in the wings as well. This was going to be a long but, very informative day. Shin was going to learn lots of interesting details about his new squad, so there was that bonus to the day's tasks. All the same, Shin still was uncertain of if anything would come of it but, at least he'd learn some new information from it all if nothing else.

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Horus Sariel
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:34 pm



Artist: N/A- N/A

It seemed today would be a day which would go interestingly. At least that's how Durza felt after noticing how dreadfully late he had slept compared to usual. Instead of being up at the crack of dawn as is his norm Durza hadn't awoken until later in the day when a message had made its way to him. A message he hadn't quite expected as of yet, all things considered.

    To those that this concerns,

    This is an official summons for all members of the 4th Division, as well as for those with an interest in joining. The Division's new Captain has mandated that at noon today, all members will be required to attend an evaluation and training session with the new Captain. Failure to arrive will result in your immediate dismissal from the 4th Division or more.

    Furthermore, come prepared for physical exertion. Or don't. The choice is yours. To those reading this with an interest in either joining or just observing the training, unless you are the Captain-Commander, your opinion on the methods you witness is not only invalid but, will likely result in equivalent repercussions. Or maybe it won't. Again, the choice is yours.

    To those of the 2nd Division's healing unit reading this, consider this a standby notice for the likely event of a large volume of patients within a short period of time.

    Kimoi Shinryu, Captain of the 4th Division.

    P.S. Arriving late is the equivalent of not arriving at all. You've been informed

Until now, when it came to squad duties, Durza had grown accustomed to having a degree of freedom in what he did outside of direct orders. Today though it seemed that would be changing... If the summons from his Captain said anything about that.. The young shinigami honestly couldn't recall ever hearing about the captain of his squad, so if anything meeting whomever it'd be now was better than never at all. One could only deal with a faceless Captain with no presence for so long.

After taking a few moments to ready himself, donning his usual outfit before slipping his zanpakuto through the sash keeping his pants up. With calm measured steps the young man set out to finally meet his Captain, and any other squad-mates bound to show up to the meeting. Despite the calm of his steps Durza was anything but.. In fact he, while not nervous, was quite excited and anxious. Both to meet his squad-mates, and to see what kind this Captain of his had in mind.

In the end it didn't matter. Sparring, kata's, or weight training, Durza didn't care. As far as the young man was concerned it was about time things got rolling within his squad. And so with excitement and determination radiating from his being Durza'd calmly enter the barracks of the 4th Squad & picking a spot against a wall to rest.

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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:38 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

A notice had been sent to his division. Which was in turn sent to his office, then, in turn, read with him banging his on a desk. It was always something nowadays and a Captain sent a notice. The young Kuchiki began gathering a pack of medical supplies from his room. He held the distinction of the Healer of the Gotei. Some credited him with being very good. Using modern Medicine techniques but also spiritual ones. These were, of course, things the Kuchiki examined often. Grabbing his zanpakuto he hoped he'd not need it. But who knew the level of trauma they'd be seeing. New Captains were hard to get a read on even if he was one someday. He didn't get how leading went. Though he already did all the paperwork for the Kido Division. Not to mention playing a vital role in summoning the healers to the outer regions. But it wasn't his job to look at those sorts of things. He was here representing the Second Division. He'd grown in strength but did notice an interesting gathering. Slowly he walked to a corner of the room setting his bag down.

Slowly he brought out long pink rubber gloves. Setting them down on a piece of paper with several other tools. Scalpels and many instruments brought along for the singular purpose. Several rolls of bandages behind him with liquids and Shinten. Along with stronger drugs in case his patients were unruly. He didn't mind being the background for this. Slowly he set up a small portable liquid container with him. Pouring into a variety of liquids that would clean germs. On his tools and himself but the gloves, he brought settled that. Medical pills on hand to restore his energy. Bringing his hair up into a proper position to put on a face mask for treating. This prevented the spreading of germs on injuries or infected areas. He had plenty of supplies with him and could summon more. Takehiko wouldn't address the Captain directly. He was here taking care of the medical portion of things. He wasn't sure what would come out of it all.

"Akuma, stay sharp not sure how this will go..but if need be we'll use binding kido to subdue any potential trouble makers." He said within himself to his partner in this. His hollow's yellow orbs opened slowly. Looking at him from within he grinned a bit. "I think that guy looks tough, he should have it under control. " Takehiko smiled a bit but he knew it wasn't the point. It wasn't the Captain's job to have it under control. If someone did something. His job was to prevent the flowing of blood in this room. So that meant intervening before someone became unmanageable to save. "True, but it's not his duty to keep the unruly ones down besides he requested Squad Two. So our services are given in any way." He felt his hollow smile at the remark. They were both on the same page which felt nice. Slowly he inhaled and his azure eyes began watching. Alert and tentative for whatever came along. He'd react if spoken too but otherwise, he was a decoration for the soon to be wounded.
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:25 am
Honey had taken herself in to be monitored after the whole crazy city with zombies affair, having been well checked over physically and mentally. Despite there being nothing apparently wrong with her, she made silent assertions for them to check, until she was just taken out of the medical ward. Though what she did past going mad was a huge blur, she was afraid of residuals, but apparently that was proven to not be the case.

Though when she had arrived home in her distressed state, she had a note waiting for her, which caused the young hybrid's tail to bristle and stick up; the 4th division were being called for training?! That made her both excited and freaked out, so much so that she went to bed early that night, rose early, and got to the meeting place... Very much before anyone even got there. Honey reacted to this with only a sigh, knowing she got carried away again, and picking a spot to hide in, shrinking herself even smaller (She was too big to comfortably fit in the room to begin with), and putting herself in a reasonable hiding space, hoping to blend in with the rest of the people who came in.

Unfortunately, the hybrid actually fell asleep while waiting, only awakening by the sound of metal hitting the surface that she was sleeping under. Her head hit the table, though hardly a wince escaped her mouth as she looked up from the chair she had slipped into, her red eyes glimmering at the dark haired young man who was placing tools on the table. She soon slipped out of the seat, however her clothes were clearly too big for her toddler sized form, waddling out into the open room and blinking softly, her Zanpakuto awkwardly hanging off her back due to the size difference.

"Morrrrning." She directly addressed her captain, bowing, even if her form was way too small for such an action to be clear, her voice sounding as if she were growling the words out.
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:35 pm



Laskt rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, willing the fogginess clouding his brain to dissipate. He could not be reading this message right; the universe would not have provided him such a perfect opportunity so soon after his betrayal.

To those that this concerns,

This is an official summons for all members of the 4th Division, as well as for those with an interest in joining. The Division's new Captain has mandated that at noon today, all members will be required to attend an evaluation and training session with the new Captain. Failure to arrive will result in your immediate dismissal from the 4th Division or more.

Furthermore, come prepared for physical exertion. Or don't. The choice is yours. To those reading this with an interest in either joining or just observing the training, unless you are the Captain-Commander, your opinion on the methods you witness is not only invalid but, will likely result in equivalent repercussions. Or maybe it won't. Again, the choice is yours.

To those of the 2nd Division's healing unit reading this, consider this a standby notice for the likely event of a large volume of patients within a short period of time.

Kimoi Shinryu, Captain of the 4th Division.

He sighed gustily, crumpling the piece of paper and throwing it into the wastebasket at the foot of his bunk. The Shinigami reclined back on his narrow cot, knitting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. He did not deserve this, by all the codes of honor he held himself to he should return himself to guarding the Shinigami’s prisons and never allow his traitorous face to be seen the light of day again. However, Laskt was honest enough with himself to know that that was mostly a desire to run away from his problems again. The knight grunted, swore, and flipped his legs off of his bed, beginning to dress. This time, his punishment would be to throw himself into combat again and again, never to know peace.

Thus did he swear.

“How noble imbécile, isn’t zat exactly what you do now anyway? How will zis be different?” The voice of his inner Hollow boomed within his mind, still weakened due to Reina’s efforts, but still very much present. Laskt’s hands shook for a moment, his fingers flickering over the hilt of his sword for a moment, before he grasped the hilt, walking out the door of his barracks.

He arrived at the Fourth Division barracks soon after, appearing at the gate after a few long-distance Flash steps. “Good morning sir, Takehiko.” He said softly, nodding at Shinryu and his friend in turn.

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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Mon Dec 09, 2019 6:44 pm

The New Captain's Summons JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Shin stood around and observed those that were arriving or were just around. He made mental notes of each one as he observed them. Let's see, by the information I have. We have Honey, who seems to be a throwback to Furry-taichou. We have Durza, and we have Laskt. And some others are filling in as well. My guess is the one with all the medical equipment is the healer I sent for. Good, let me get the rough stuff out of the way first. Shin thought to himself as he meandered over towards Takehiko. He stretched for a moment before he used his finger to prick open his palm, pulling out a vial and bleeding into it slowly. He made sure to set aside his anti-agents in advance and placed them in this little vial, before handing it towards Takehiko. "If any of my blood or other bodily fluids happens to get on anyone, use this and only this to treat it. Don't touch it or any of my other blood. Oh, and if you even contemplate trying to save some for later to study, I'll make sure you wake up with a new, miserable disease that only I can likely remedy every morning for the rest of your life. The name's Shin by the way, hopefully you can keep up. And, remember what I said, kay? Kay." Shin said in a sort of sing song manner however, upon his not-so-subtle statement, his blood lust could be almost palpable for the short period he mentioned it.

Shin took some time to observe his watch. Noon was getting quite close. He didn't pay any immediate mind to his subordinates or what they were saying, though he did remember Honey. She was the one that was man-strangled by Hebi. Already back on her feet now too, how interesting. Shin knew he'd have to explore the extents of all their abilities though, he couldn't lie to himself, the extra-tall yonkai girl definitely was the most interesting one so far. But, he'd have to see firsthand. And then, as his ruminations came to a close, the clock struck noon and he cracked his neck. "Alright, listen up because I'm only going to repeat this each and every time you prove to dim to have basic memory skills. I am your Captain and today, we will be running through multiple training drills to evaluate your basic understandings of combat. At the end of each drill, there will be one winner and one loser. Now, to onlookers, I'll only say this once: interfering with the training is extremely hazardous to your health. The area we will be training in, will be the courtyard right over there." Shin then lazily pointed at the training yard in question. Then, without a word mentioned, he vanished in a flash step and appeared over there, carrying a few supplies and items he had prepared for the day. The first of those items he placed in the corner of the courtyard: A barrel. He then opened it to reveal it's contents as being a strange, bright red fluid.

"We will begin with basic hand to hand evaluations. The first thing you will know about all these methods is, they are not the standard. And that's quite simply because if I wanted to expect standard, I'd just let all you lot stay as you are before I got here. Today is to both show me and the entire Gotei that you, are capable of being much more than standard. Or, failing miserably and showing that you have no talent whatsoever. That, is up to you. Now." Shin then took his finger and dipped it into the barrel, covering his pinky finger in the unusual residue. "This, is a dyed resin that I infused with my reiatsu. It is very difficult wash off. Your first drill is simple. Dip the tips of your pinky fingers of each hand and only those pinky fingers in like so. Then, you will all engage in a free for all brawl against each other. Your objective is to mark your opponents while avoiding being marked yourself. First to be marked, loses. Last one to be marked, wins. Don't be idiots that don't understand the basics of this."

Shin noted as he then stretched and returned to a position where he could observe. He'd keep a careful eye on who was accomplishing what during this segment. It seemed simple and easy to accomplish but, using just the least dominant finger had it's own challenges. That and it would show who was able to use their head and who would be lacking in the basics.

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Mirja Eeola
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:21 pm


Ulv was in the Gotei, following the events of Beijing. While her body was human, her soul was that of a Vizard, and so she wanted to get herself checked out that there was no lasting damage to, taking in a continent's worth of crap that was driving people mad simply by existing inside the city that held it. She went to the only trustworthy medic in the Gotei for what ailed her, and had light conversation with Momo while she made sure that there was no lasting damage. While being there, she saw a letter having been delivered to Momo, and gave it a glance over.

"This guy...Hvit isn't as arrogant as he is and she is literally made of Pride. I should go watch" Ulv said. Finishing up, she would walk over to the training grounds. Having been well used to letting it flow out across her city, people felt Ulv's coming long before the casual walk had her arrive. It was powerful on the same scale as the Commander, but wholly different. There was no pressure to it, but rather a warmth in heart and soul. A passion blossoming from deep below.

Then she arrived. Dressed formally in an amber Kimono and her hair up in a bun, she looked like a noblewoman had come to audit the session. With her power and the feeling of overwhelming competence and certainty, it was hard to say she wasn't from one of the Noble Houses. Though clearly she was some sort of Vizard from those golden eyes and black slcera.

"Laskt, Honey, Takehiko and Durza. Cool turn out" Ulv nodded. She knew all of them, to varying degrees of knowing and regretting having known. T'was going to be interesting.


Horus Sariel
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:24 pm


Enter the Post

Artist: N/A- N/A

As moment after moment ticked on Durza's excitement had almost become palpable. Such that, in said excitement, he had missed the arrival of a couple of his fellow squad mates & was only now noticing their arrival. Looking around crimson eyes made a quick tally of whom had arrived thus far. Immediately he recognized the forms of Laskt & Takehiko, the later of which he knew to be a member of another division. Eventually his gaze fell upon his Captain whilst said man exchanged words with Takehiko, which Durza paid close attention to when it came to the topic of the mans blood.

Soon enough it was time, noon had finally come, and Durza was almost vibrating with the urge to get things rolling. He couldn't wait to test his mettle against his fellow members! Fortunately it seemed things were about to get started. As his Captain began to speak the young shinigami turned his full attention to the man, listening intently as he explained the his plan for the day. At which a hungry smile graced Durza's young face. Following the lead of his senior, a flash step of his own, the young man appeared at the training ground as Shinryu prepared what he felt was needed.

While he continued to listen Durza's hand dropped to the blade tucked into his sash.. It had been some time since he was forced to fight without his partner.. It seemed today would indeed be enjoyable. While hand to hand wasn't quite his forte Durza was sure of his physical prowess & visual capabilities. The moment his Captain finished speaking the young man moved to repeat his seniors actions, but not before gently placing his blade respectfully to the side. But a few seconds later his own fingers were coated in the same resin before he began flowing through his own stretches... Or so that was the plan..

Until he heard Ulv's voice and glanced her way. Immediately the young man was rooted in place, memories of their last meeting rushing to the forefront of his mind as heat rushed through his face. With face alight he risked a glance towards Ulv, returning her greeting with a brief stutter before returning to his stretches trying to calm his mind.

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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:46 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Mulling off in the distance above, a horned woman with ember hair observed the captain summons taking place. As her fiery eyes observed the scene, it brought a sense of nostalgia back to her. The feeling of being fresh blood fighting against your own kind with the desire for power was a familiar sensation that bled in the echoes of her own savage memory. There was perhaps a lot to prove for this new crop of Shinigami.


With a sigh of her breath, the devil shinigami let mists of her golden energy spread to the likes of Laskt, Honey, Takehiko and Duraza so that they may feel a push of determination and will from within themselves. Enough to otherwise give an adrenaline pump to seep deeper into their potential and realize their strength as shinigami of the Gotei.

Was there any real reasoning for this action from her part? Simple: she just wanted to see what the new kiddos on the block were going to do with it. As far as she was concerned, she was old news and it was time to otherwise see what the new generation could do with the foundation she set forth. So, instead of getting up close and personal, she kept her distance, sipped her sake and laid on her side in the air as she wanted to see what these pups were going to do.

Though, if nothing else, she did also notice another powerful entity in this vicinity. That was the likes of Ulv and there was a sense of familiarity with her since the last she recalls there was an immense training session between the two which otherwise pushed that spirit of will within the woman. And, from the stories she has heard, it seems that investment wasn't a waste given how far she had been pushing their will based abilities that were infused into her.

So, much like her, perhaps one of these new kiddos could make a legacy for themselves with this nudge. Time would only tell...

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The New Captain's Summons WVMWLOu
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The New Captain's Summons Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:56 pm

The New Captain's Summons Oi6vAdD

Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden

There were few things which could genuinely rouse the Vice Captain Commander from her daily routine. She was, after all, the right hand of the Captain Commander, and took it upon herself to handle quite literally all administrative duties the role entailed. It left him with more than ample time to ready for any threat that would actually demand his attention.

Of course, sometimes there were hiccups, things even Abalia could not reasonably account for. Such things included impromptu orders for training by a newly-ordained Captain, which even contained thinly veiled threats. How pleasant. Further unpredictable was the arrival of Ulv on that very same training session, and Ibiki atop that. In truth, Abalia had had no particular intention to go to this summons. She had simply informed the 2nd Division that they could do as they wished, and need not treat this summons as any sort of authoritative order. But with so many arriving on the scene, and her exceptional distaste for the sheer arrogance on display within the letter itself, she simply organized her desk, left a small memo for her assistants that she would return shortly, and left to the training.

It was not especially difficult to locate, all things considered. While it was true that the invitation had contained no actual specified location, she assumed that the 4th Division grounds were simply implied, and even beyond that, there were two veritable beacons already watching the event that she could simply follow. She arrived with her typical confident stride, and approached Ulv first and foremost, though she said nothing at first. She of course had every intention of speaking with the former Commander, as well. Ulv was simply closer.

"I hope your medical visit has gone well."

It was a very genuine sentiment, though Abalia's eyes were obviously nowhere near Ulv. Rather, her steel gaze was quite decidedly on the exercise before her. Though most would simply see the typical plain expression of the Vice Captain Commander, her whole demeanor seemed profoundly different. Despite her height, and her power, she did not seem all that much shorter than Ulv at the moment. She was, for all intents and purposes, gazing judgmentally downward on the sight before her. Everything was being committed to memory, and if she saw anything out of line...well, she surely would not allow that.

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