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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:07 am


Well, there it was. Micah's eyes were able to discern and differentiate different living beings, from plants to animals, and spirits to humans. So, especially in a cat cafe, it was very plain to see that this kitten was different from the rest, like a black sheep. The cat was just about the same as a shinigami in spiritual make-up, and there also happens to be a group of people in Soul Society who can turn into felines. Though he didn't know specifically who this was, it was immediately apparent that the cat was a Shihouin. Knowing it was a girl was just a guess, though; given that he only knew of female Shihoin turning into cats, Micah just assumed; whether males could do the same or not, the 3rd seat genuinely didn't know.

"Ah, very fitting; only a Shihouin could be such a graceful cat. I'm deeply honoured that you have come to me for matters concerning the Gotei."

As if to reward the cat, Micah scratched just behind her ears.

"Yes, I am the third seat, and I often take care of the duties of the Vice Captain as well, so I am very acquainted with the duties and statuses of the 5th Division. But, I am curious, what do you mean by the reestablishment of the Onmitsukido, and the separation of the Gotei? I am not so brilliant, so I need you to clarify for me. Is the Onmitsukido not currently still established within the Stealth Force? Or do you mean to separate the Stealth Force from the Onmitsukido like before the Gotei United?"


Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:17 am
Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

A scratch behind the ears? She shuddered a little and instinctively purred before she nodded.

"Mhm. I am aware you do good things for your division. Worthy of praise but your specific position is another reason why I chose you over the Captain or Vice-Captain."

She didn't specify what exactly that status he had that made him the most optimal candidate for her intentions to be shared with.

"It is a strange circumstance, I am not able to properly discern if the Onmitsukido answers to Captain Okami or another party. Regardless, there is an intimacy between them that effectively puts the organisation that previously handled covert operations and matters of top importance in the hands of the Captain Commander. As you know one of those responsibilities carried out was internal operations and investigations."

This was all getting long-winded, she needed a moment before she continued and nudged against his hand for more attention.

"My desire is to see the Onmitsukido a completely separate organisation that answers to the government of Soul Society rather than the leader of the Gotei United. Internal operations cannot be handled in an organisation that controls it for example and given the recent dismissal of Captain Astillon for potentially compromising acquaintances you see how a man like that having control of the division meant to prevent influence from outside sources is an issue right?"


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:45 am


Micah was curious about why being the Third Seat was relevant; usually, he assumes people approach him with important manners because he was the de facto Vice Captain. Never because he was specifically not the official Vice Captain. This day certainly got a lot more interesting. Very much so.

Micah continued listening intentfully, no longer just entertaining the conversation, but genuinely invested in what Yugiri wanted to discuss, only interjecting to give information Yugiri was evidently looking for, but only in brief and concise messages so as to not completely interrupt her. That would be rude.

"Currently the Onmitsukido definitively answers to and is led by Kuro Okami."

"Yes, by Chain of Command the Onmitsukido now effectively answers to the Captain Commander."

Once Yugiri mentioned that a responsibility of the sub-division was internal operations and investigations, Micah started to pick up what she was putting down, and his interest in the topic only multiplied. He would've forgot to tend to the cat if it wasn't for her nudge. Micah attentively responded with more ear and chin scratches, and occasionally slowly running his hand through her back from neck to tail.

"You referenced the 'government of Soul Society', but currently the government is definitely the Gotei itself. In its present state, the Onmitsukido is already answering to the government. I don't see how the separation of the divisions will mean they answer to anyone new--unless...?"

Unless the end-goal was to also remove the Gotei from being the government itself. At least, that's where Micah's mind went to upon thinking about it, but he didn't want to say it aloud--not for fear of saying anything insubordinate in a shinigami-dominated setting, but moreso because he didn't want to speak for Yugiri. That would be rude.

"What you're saying does make sense, though. You typically don't want a group of people meant to investigate a larger group to be working for the same group. That's how corruption is typically enabled."

Micah was already well aware of this conflict of interest, especially as someone who often carried out injustices in the name of justice. WW4 was a splendid example of this. The reason he never did anything about it was largely because he simply didn't care. Micah had, by some degree, a moral code to live by, but it was nothing close to most ethics, and as such he was often indifferent to them. Indifferent until something of interest came about it, and currently that was something Yugiri was bringing to the table.

"I see, but I'm afraid, Miss Shihouin, that though I understand what you are saying and agree with you on these points, I am still in the shadows on what you mean to say about these things--or do about them, if that is what you are trying to get at."


Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:01 am
Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

His words proved what she had believed that she had uncovered as mere rumours and speculations, educated guesses even. That was a little disheartening that things were allowed to get as bad as they had seemingly done so in her eyes.

"I had feared as much. Sui-Feng supposed status as the Shihoin substitute for our ancestral position has failed."

"Tell me Micah, the way the Soul Society has worked for millennia. It has always been ruled by the aristocracy, families that since the beginning of time as most shinigami know have been in control of this government. Sosuke Aizen's actions created a gap in this state, steadily since that point the Gotei Thirteen grew progressively more and more ambitious with this control."

She pouted, as best a cat could in this situation although her overall expression was one of grim.

"You must understand nobility do not like their fangs being taken from them, if you try and pull out a lion's claws it will strike back. Not all of them are as accepting as the Shihoin or Shiba. The removal of the other families has surely not sat well within their numbers and is just a pot ready to boil over. I desire to avoid that and so... Central 46 must be reinstated in time."

Knowing that she had just said something that was probably within the scope of high treason and the blood shield of pedigree had no sway against a Captain Commander that it would against the Central 46 she looked very serious, like her eyes were daggers that threatened to turn his world against him if he exposed her.

"My first goal is to separate the Onmitsukido and return them to the Shihouin, this would naturally create some disturbance within the Gotei. Because of this my second goal is to achieve the status of captain within the Fifth Division. Though I am lacking compared to the current one I would appreciate your help in training to succeed the role. By being the captain of the fifth division it would ease the tension of a split, as it has in the past if a Shihouin that was leader of the Onmitsukido were to be a captain those two would inevitably work together but still be distinctly separate for security of the realm."

"Also, for future reference if you'd like to address me properly you would prefix my name with Lady, not miss."


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:47 am


"Sui Feng is, in name, a leader of the Onmitsukido, but only in name. She may have some duty or mission that I'm not aware of as a reason for her absence, but I wouldn't know."

Micah did more or less know, specifically that she did not in fact have a duty or mission occupying her or anything, but he wasn't going to just blurt out everything he knew. That, and when Yugiri seemed worried or disappointed, he felt a little bad and wanted to give her at least a bit of hope. He maintained the scratching and patting so as to comfort her. Odd. Micah has felt bad for other people before, most often in the form of pity, but it's been a long while since. The shinigami had grown numb to empathy for a great deal of time by now. Curious, truly truly curious.

"You're not wrong; the aristocracy has indeed been the primary ruling force over Soul Society for quite a long time. I don't know if the Gotei did a predatorial usurpation of that authority, but I wouldn't be surprised."

It was the truth. Though he genuinely didn't know the exact intents of the progressive degradation of aristocratic power in Soul Society and the rise of the martial state--mostly because he also simply didn't care--but if it was done in greed, ambition, and malice, nothing about the Gotei historically would deny it. He also refrained from commenting on how the aristocracy has in the past been observed having similar behaviors. Normally he would, but Micah didn't want this conversation to be cut so short--they had a nice thing going on right now. Like the headpats.

Micah didn't respond immediately to Yugiri's following plea. Wanting to re-establish Central 46 itself, wanting to return some power to the aristocracy, wanting to return to them their fangs--none of these were things Micah cared about. The changes at the top would likely hold little bearing over his duties, his status, or his position. At the end of the day, he'd still be a shinigami carrying out shinigami duties, and that was always his highest concern and priority. His investment in this conversation at all was entirely out of personal interest, and so far maybe a bit of fondness for the young Shihouin.

Yugiri only elicited a response out of him when she stared deep into his eye, like a threat. Yes, Micah was fond of this kitten, but this was the first day they met. Micah was first and foremost a shinigami, a 3rd Seat of the Stealth Force, and the possessor of a zanpakuto encompassing death. The officer's hands stopped their motions while he returned the stare, his eyes turned soulless without a hint of hostility or intent in them. They were so empty and apathetic that they exuded a draining aura, chipping away at any expression of will of anything in his sight. And, given Micah's ocular birth defect, in the most literal sense not a single thing in his sight eluded him--such that the entire room and everyone in it was affected.

He had respect for the Shihouin clan and its members, largely for embodying what he himself strove to be, but keeping your fangs often meant you had to bare them when threatened. Of course, once he felt he conveyed himself appropriately, Micah released his gripping stare, and the cafe returned to normal. Well, not quite normal, but by now people surely knew better than to pry. In fact, Micah and Yugiri's previous onlookers were sure to not rear their heads again.

Micah reached for his cream tea and took a sip before happily resuming the petting with a pleasant smile.

"Admittedly, I'm somewhat indifferent to the separation of the Onmitsukido and the Stealth Force."

Micah let a dramatic pause instill itself in the air, waiting to see what Yugiri's immediate response was. But, before he let her too far down, the shinigami continued with an amused, maybe slightly sly smile.

"However, I would be more than happy to help you improve as a shinigami. If, in that process, you are more than capable of assuming the role as the captain of the division, I would be more than willing to support you in assuming captaincy. I will do whatever is best for the division and my duties, and I don't believe Captain Okami to be the best means to do so. If you are willing, I would be absolutely honoured to aid you, m'Lady Shihouin."

What a shame, Micah hadn't taken a hat with him today. A fedora wouldn't look bad with these clothes.


Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:04 am
Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

"I did not mean to imply the Gotei's intentions were ill, granted the organisation does come from a group of violent criminals that acted without consideration for the law but I only meant to emphasise that their actions are surely to be interpreted as ambitious and even a little hostile to the aristocracy."

When her threat backfired and she felt his overbearing presence she tried to turn away like she was looking at the sun for too long. It was a weird feeling to have someone flex back on her, even though she should've expected as sch when she was - in reality - a vulnerable cat in the lap of someone that could throw her across the room.

She was about ready to ask for him to stop before he did so of his own volition and everything resumed back to how it was previously, her purring even started back up from its own accord. She really ought to control herself better even though she was a cat.

When he fished for a reaction Yugiri didn't offer one, it's not like she came into this conversation expecting him to just accept her idea of the separation. In fact she fully expected him not to and so he would probably be disappointed in her lack of reaction.

"I see. I'm glad you'd be willing to help me. It means a lot. I would offer you something in return but I don't believe bribery would really get anywhere and so it is more of an offer for anything that you might think would help."


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:33 am


What Yugiri said was completely reasonable, mostly because it was objectively true, but also because she was biased. This was a given, and Micah wouldn't hold it against her given she herself was an aristocrat. At the same time, he had to take her perspective in with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, he gave her his attention and listened astutely. Once their threatening back and forth was cleared out, it was all back to pleasantries, what with Micah petting and Yugiri purring. he didn't say anything about it, but it was pretty funny, in a cute way, how she turned away. To him, it looked like the girl faced away and feigned ignorance about what she just did. What a cute kitten.

Yugiri's thoughts were right on the mark; Micah was a bit disappointed in her lack of reaction, but he still stood by his own words. If the Shihouin needed help or training, he was certain to attend. Micah wasn't sure if she had anything more to say for the topic, but it felt she got what she came for. Just a bit, he hoped that didn't mean she was going to leave, and to reflect that, Micah invited her to stay and enjoy the day off.

"Hm, I'll be sure to hold onto that offer and let you know if I'd like to take you up on it. In the mean-time, please feel free to stay a bit. This cafe is one of my favourite places to decompress, I'm sure the rigors of life as nobility can be stressful at times."

If she were to accept, Micah would go back to alternating between petting the kitten on his lap, reading his book, and drinking his tea. In the back of his mind, he wondered what response Yugiri would give if he started petting the other cats, but that was an experiment for another day. They had a nice thing going on right now, after all. Like the headpats.


Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:41 am
Chillin' in the Cat Cafe [Private/Yugiri] - Page 2 Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

Ready to leave she was, or at least that was her intention given she could probably find other matters to attend for the day. At least that was her plan until he invited her to stay and he was honestly correct. Especially for Yugiri that took many of the burdens onto her shoulders for the sake of sparing the rest of her family the issues. This is why her spare time often lead to small naps, massages or onsen to give her a bit of reprieve.

This thought was a very different kind of relaxation.

"Hmm. Very well, but refrain from telling anyone about this. I have a reputation you know."

Once she had agreed to his offer she got comfortable on his lap, curling up a bit more while she let him fondle her, exciting a loud purr from her throat while she drifted off for a nap to catch up on the sleeplessness she endured from depriving herself of a healthy sleep schedule.


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