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Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:47 pm
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It worked. Did he let him hit her? she couldn't tell. But while she was standing there having executed her attack she with her fist still inches from Micah's face after she punched him. She seemed puzzled by his adamant stance on doing this but his words helped her to understand and she felt some heat rush to her cheeks at how simple it had been.


She withdrew her fist and dropped her shunko before sitting down in front of him with her legs crossed to keep looking at him. At least the hit could make up for his dumb look he gave her while she was naked. Small satsifaction.

Once she was confortable she focused on just looking into his dead eyes and nothing else.


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Lord of the Understream
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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:02 pm


If it wasn't for Micah being unable to express much, Yugiri would catch wind of deep confusion. In terms of what he was trying to get at, the girl wasn't really wrong. At least, not far off. What Micah really meant was, more specifically, "patient determination". But, in retrospect, meditation really was the embodiment of "patient determination". Once more, Micah felt presumptuous in regards to forming an opinion on the Lady Yugiri. This time, his smile went down, and as the only change of his expression, it might be confused for confirmation on her answer. In reality, it was because Micah moved that wide smile of his to be internal. There was a limit on how wide his face could smile, but no limit on how wide his heart could. This kid was, really, really interesting.

"Alright then. Keep staring into my eyes, as before, and surrender yourself to the feeling. Surrender yourself to the emptiness that drains of you everything--but do not surrender who you are to it. Let the emptiness be a means of guidance, a tool to achieve your goals. Be steadfast in its pull, but don't resist it."

It was hard to convey these things through words alone. Micah changed his posture to match Yugiri's, back straight, legs crossed, everything. He kept his eyes on hers and fell silent. Thank goodness for the effects of his shikai--at this point, Micah was winging it a bit. He had a plan in mind, but Yugiri swept him off course a bit. His explanation was genuine, however.

After all, reaching into yourself, bringing out your zanpakuto, and even expanding your reserves, yourself, and your world, is largely done-so in part by emptying yourself of trivialities and unnecessary additives, but retaining, even strengthening the essence of your being. Those two independently were fairly difficult on their own, and doing both at the same time was even harder as the two were total opposites. One was passive, inaction, and releasing. The other was proactive, action, and binding. For this purpose, Micah's shikai would serve to basically guarantee achieving one side of the coin. Now, the other half was entirely up to Yugiri to achieve. Within all this apathy and emptiness, could the Shihouin not only maintain herself and her will, but fortify and empower it?


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:14 pm
To Cross A Cat's Path [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


It shouldn't be hard, she told herself this. Ultimately Yugiri was just trying to redo something similar to Jinzen despite having not tried such a thing since she was forty after she attained her shikai to terrible results. After about five minutes she began to realise this was in fact harder than she had thought. The idea of letting go and giving into the apathy he was talking about was a challenge. At least with jinzen she could focus herself entirely onto the zanpakuto but this... she was letting go.


She wanted to close her eyes, to make it easier to focus internally but he told her to look at him and so she would, as time drew on her patience grew thin. It was only with the imagery of a childhood memory coming to mind that she felt herself let go and give up, a lapse of her will that seemed to make his presence all the more oppressing on her.

For the briefest of moments she felt scared and unable to move. She wanted to shout but her lips were sealed shut. It felt pointless to try and talk when her words didn't matter.


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:27 pm


It seemed like progress was being made. Yugiri went silent and put her focus into this staring contest. Given that his shikai, Micah was really good at staring contests. In his mind, to keep himself occupied mentally, that's what they were doing. Of course, he was still making sure she was staying on task all the while, and once he noticed a bit of a shift in her demeanor and presence, Micah spoke up, hoping to clarify what he meant and offer further guidance.

"Lady Yugiri, you are responsible for succeeding in this training. Remember where you are, what you are doing. Nothing else matters except for that one, singular purpose. Allow the apathy to wash away everything around. A willow branch bends with the water and winds, but if there are no waters and winds, there is nothing to bend to. Your will is that branch, your distractions are the waters and winds. You do not bend to them because your will is strong--you do not bend to them because they are not there. Not your worries, not your future, not your past, nothing. The only thing there is, is your will. Focus."


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:40 pm
To Cross A Cat's Path [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


She listened to him talk while she was frozen, paralysed even in this state. His words helped her understand but still she struggled a little. Her life was a motivator, she had achieved quite a bit but it was all because of what she couldn't do, what she had to prove and achieve that she had accomplished those things. If she didn't care then what was the point of trying and moving forward and fighting-

She stopped her train of thought, for a moment it was all blank and didn't matter except for the momentary sight of a mask. A hollow's mask that flashed by.

"I don't want to be that..."

She stated to herself without even acknowledging Micah. He was disappearing along with everything else as far as she was concerned. As was everything until the only thought in her mind was that masked thing she saw in her dreams. Once that mental image of that spirit shattered there was really nothing left. Her will to not be anything else but what she was in this present moment regardless of what tried to change her course.


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Lord of the Understream
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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:53 pm


Micah was true to his word. Until something happened, until Yugiri moved, he was a frozen buddha statue, his eyes continuing to look into hers, peering into her soul. Micah was exceptionally attuned to death and lifespan, so he was wholly aware of what point was too far for the young lady. Until then, for however long it would take, the shinigami stayed there, in this dark world, where the only two things which existed was Micah and Yugiri.


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:04 pm
To Cross A Cat's Path [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


It wouldn't be until a few hours that Yugiri would actually come out of her meditation. Once she felt herself let go she really felt like she was falling, not physically of course but the fall was caught by the feeling of hitting a body of water. It was still. Even though she was floating in incomprehensible black she could feel the lack of tides or current. If she wasn't so focused she might've questioned if the water had danger in them but ultimately it was a Schrödinger's cat conundrum. Whether there were dangers in the water would only be apparent after she looked which she did not.

After staying submerged in the waters of her inner mind for what felt like an eternity she felt a hand lightly push her. She was sure she would've sank many hundreds of metres in the time but it was like she had barely been below the surface the whole time, nor could she figure out what hand had pushed her yet it was enough to shove her back into reality.


She blinked a few times while trying to get her bearings. Her whole body felt weird and she was hyper aware of everything suddenly flooding her attention, the clothes on her felt tight, her body tingled where they met. Then there was Micah, given he was the only thing aside from black he seemed strangely more detailed than before like someone had turned up the resolution but the feeling only lasted a minute or two.


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:11 pm


"Back already, m'lady? Everything alright with yourself?"

Micah was aware of Yugiri's break in meditation as soon as it happened. Physically, Micah didn't see much difference in her appearance. He did notice some spiritual differences and prompted Yugiri to check herself, but other than that she seemed healthy and fine.

"Well, I had another part in mind to expand your energy reserves, but it would be good to know how well you've done yourself before we take the next step. Has anything changed? In particular, it would be most beneficial if the actual depth and capacity of your reserves has expanded--the present content of energy within them isn't as relevant."


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:19 pm
To Cross A Cat's Path [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


She reached up to rub her cheek while he inquired about her condition. Her head bobbed back and forth to nod. She felt a bit weird but figured it would all come to be feeling normal again soon. When he mentioned there was more she was a little surprised to hear that.

"I think so. I thought there would be more though."

Of course that would also make no sense and was for her to mull over, it had felt like she had sunk so deep yet the improvement felt barely noticeable. Maybe later when she was all settled or whatever part he still had up his sleeve.

"There's more space. Not as much as I thought but anyway, what else did you have in mind?"


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:49 pm


"This is the really easy part, but it's a bit painful and requires our undivided, physical attention."

Micah separated his legs and scooted closer to Yugiri, holding out his hands with open palms facing upwards, resting on his knees.

"It's really simple--I'm going to start breaking the walls of your energy reserves, and you will have to repeatedly consolidate and control your energy to prevent it from leaking out. Once I'm done battering at your reserves, they will repair. It's very dangerous if we aren't careful, and it's also very painful. However, if we succeed, while it will take a while for your spirit to adjust and actually fill out your reserves, once you do adapt your energy will be much higher as a whole. The other difficult aspect is dealing with the imbalance of your own energy reserves and your zanpakuto, but with good communication that imbalance can quickly become inconsequential. It's up to you on whether you'd like to try this out."

If she was all in for it, all Yugiri needed to do was place her hands into Micah's palms.


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