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Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:56 pm

The sensation wasn’t unfamiliar to the newborn Quincy. Even before the commencement of his physical training under Cyrus, Jonathan had experienced the sensation in many different ways. Emotional pain from his youth. Physical pain in his time as a soldier, both from exercises and the one short battle he had miraculously lived through. However, what he was experiencing now, what he had been going through for the past several months, made all those pains seem insignificant.

Jonathan hissed through his teeth as the flesh on his arms seemed to catch aflame with heat, the pendant in his hands burning with an inner fire that made his vision swim in it’s intensity. He dropped the pendant, clutching his poor hand in the other. “Schit Schit Schit Schit.” He muttered, shaking his hand as if that would make the unstable Reishi disperse faster. To take his mind off the pain, Jonathan allowed his eyes and mind to roam, taking in every detail of the massive room surrounding him.

Given that the Stadt des Lichts was a major hub for the Quincy people, Jonathan wasn’t all that surprised when he discovered the sprawling training facilities located throughout the beautiful city. Cloaked in the city’s signiature white stone, the facility contained a variety of extremely high tech methods for Quincies to train, ranging from your basic, run-of-the-mill targets and simulations for the foot soldiers (people Jonathan was still massively inferior to) to specialized facilities for the very advanced. One day Jonathan would roam it’s halls, perfecting his skill and propelling himself to new heights.

Not today however. Today he was in a small room near the entrance of the building, shutters drawn over the windows of the room to give the new Quincy some privacy. He had been told the room was much richer in Reishi than the main halls, therefore making it perfectly suited for the exercises Cyrus had assigned to him while he went off to deal with some business for an hour or two.

It was designed for children.

The German soldier sighed in relief as the burning spark within died down to manageable levels, soothing the supernatural burns he had inflicted on himself with his stubborn insistence to master the Quincy arts as fast as possible. Stooping, the man picked up the intricate cross once more, clutching the cold metal tight in his right palm. Jonathan closed his eyes, concentrating…..
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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:08 pm

New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] U5BtpSP


Cyrus was, rather naturally, a very busy man. He had a world to keep watch over, a people to care for, an organization to manage, and of course, his own goals to plan with Shirohime. It was enough to keep any man from having even a moment of rest. Thankfully, Cyrus was no longer a mere man. He needed no rest.

One of the many individuals that he had deigned to take a personal investment in had only recently come to the City of Lights. Truth be told, he had not been confident that he might be able to imbue the abilities of the Quincy into him so easily. He had been a touch worried that it would go catastrophically awry, and destroy the man from within. It was nice to see it had done no such thing.

"Jonathan. I do hope I am not interrupting?"

He had not even announced his presence, merely re-entered the room to ensure his protege had not seriously injured himself. It would be quite upsetting if he did.

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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:38 pm
Jonathan turned and smiled at his superior, giving him a half-salute, his cross dangling from his outstretched hand. “Nein zir, chust trying to get zis 'Reischi' trick dovn bat. It’s more difficult zan I expected!” He said cheerfully, subtly trying to hide his arms, hopefully concealing the burn marks created by several of his earlier failed attempts. If Cyrus was observant however, he would notice the tip of a scorch mark on the fine wooden floor, trailing underneath a rumpled carpet. It appeared that the German’s training hadn’t been as…..tranquil as the soldier had hoped.

“If I am peing honest, I am not Hendirely zure vat I am doing vrong. I can feel zee Reischi zanks to your gift, put it zeems to....destabilize zee zecond I try to draw it in. It is ein fexing broblem.” The new Quincy explained, absently flicking the Quincy Cross back and forth as his mind worked furiously. “Maype if I…..” Jonathan trailed off, his expressing flattening as he began drawing in the strange energy once again. This attempt was better to be fair, but it was clear that Jonathan’s sloppy Reishi control was not absorbing the Reishi correctly, causing it to bunch and expand. Disaster was imminent….
God of Love
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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:25 pm

New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] U5BtpSP


Waving off the salute, Cyrus gave the man a small smile in return, his eyes glancing across the room and studying the impact of Jonathan's efforts. Well, he hadn't expected it to go easily, so it wasn't as if he was disappointed in the young man. If anything, this was still progress. Slow, certainly, but progress.

"Do consider that this is wholly alien to your body. This is not something that you were meant to do, according to your birth. Our aim should not be to simply force you to draw in this reishi. Your very being needs to acclimate to it."

Cyrus' words were reassuring in their tone, but most assuredly firm as well. After all, he did not want the man simply causing himself injury through this. Glancing at the reishi currently accumulating, Cyrus simply used his own far more practiced manipulation to assume control, stabilizing it before any disaster struck.

"Patience, Jonathan."

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Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:44 pm
Jonathan allowed himself a small smile. “I guess it's ein pit much to exbect zat I can master zuch zubernatural power so guickly. I had just hobed zat vith your power, I could at least get zomezing accomplished. I dont zink Hollovs vill be fery impressed py mein ability to destapilise mein ovn Reischi.” He joked lightly. The German knew that, logically, he had ten years of training to catch up on, and he would likely not be able to manifest any kind of offensive or defensive powers for months yet, even if he practiced day and night. However, a small insistent part of him wanted him to train harder and harder, until he could at least defend himself if any Hollows came calling.

This nagging frustration only grew as Cyrus prevented another spiritual detonation with his substantial skill over the very ability Jonathan was struggling to do anything with. The newborn Quincy bit his lower lip, firmly shoving down the impulse to throw up his hands and give up. “I apologize zir, I didn’t mean to loze mein cool.” He said quietly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before turning to his mentor. “Any tibs zir?”
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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:22 pm

New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] U5BtpSP


"They will not, no, but they also would not be especially impressed even if you could manipulate it effortlessly."

Cyrus spoke simply, intending to reassure his student that there was no need to hold himself to unreasonable standards. After all, he was still new to this, very new given the nature of his Quincy abilities. Cyrus would not expect anything more than what was feasible for him, and he dispersed the energy that had threatened to explode with a patient look in his eyes.

"It is exceptionally difficult to convey the feeling when one manipulates Reishi so freely. It is, especially at the higher degrees of mastery, something more akin to manipulating one's own fingers. But if you will allow me a small moment..."

Making a call, Cyrus quickly requested a few of the more standard training tools for burgeoning Quincy be brought as soon as was convenient, and returned his attention to Jonathan.

"There are of course numerous tools we typically use for the sake of training the young so they do not harm themselves. Please do not think of it as condescension, Jonathan, but I do believe those will assist tremendously. You are a unique case."

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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:23 pm
“I zuboze you are right, from mein……encountervith zem, zey don’t zeem to haffe ein lot upstairs do zey?”

Jonathan laughed outright, the feeling dispersing the gathering storm of irritation that had been building slowly for the past hour. This ‘Reishi manipulation’ was a puzzle like any other, that much the Quincy had to admit. However, when a serial puzzle solver couldn’t even pick up the pieces to put together without causing a firey explosion…..well it was enough to make even the optimist in Jonathan grow irritable. The soldier let go of the gathering energy, allowing his mentor to easily disperse it in the blink of an eye.

“Makes sense, but from vat I understand most Quincy haffe had zeze powers zince zeir childhood. It zeems like it might be zimilar to growing up vith ein extra limb or bercepzion, making it eazier for zee child’s malleaple mind to assimilate zee zenzazion. I, of courze, did not haffe zat experience, vich makes mein abilityto get to zat leffel gueszionaple. Guess it’s just going to require stubborness on mein bart to assuimilate.”

Jonathan wore a thoughtful expression as he said this, metaphorically tapping his chin and thought as he waved away the smoke that had started to form as his latest Reishi attempt had begun to rapidly combust. At least the soldier would never have to worry about matches ever again at this rate, a small mercy perhaps.

“By all means Herr Cyrus, I vill take any assistance at zis boint. If zeze devices vill allow mein abilities to grow any fasder zan vat vu just zaw, I vill velcome zem.”

He said gratefully, inclining his head towards his teacher.
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New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] Empty Re: New Powers [Closed/Cyrus]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:04 pm

New Powers [Closed/Cyrus] U5BtpSP


"The Quincy are a complicated people to say the least, Mr. Weber. We are, by all accounts, human in many respects. We are capable of freely mating with humans, and our abilities were, much like I have done to you, bestowed upon us by a far greater force. I think that your pursuit of this power is, rather than a detriment, quite beneficial. The original Quincy were those granted this power by the progenitor Nozomi, and trained in its usage by her. They were not born into it, and they became stronger for it. Your efforts will, in time, see fruit which may surpass many of those born with them."

Looking over to one of his recent Sternritter recruits as the young lady entered, Cyrus thanked her and took the briefcase she had brought into the room. He opened it, gave the girl a nod of farewell, and waited until she was gone to continue.

"The simplest of these is but a small ring, liquid reishi condensed within not unlike a Ginto. Simply hold onto this ring, and move the reishi around it in a consistent, slow circular motion. Do not force it, do not demand it do anything further. And do not break the glass."

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