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God of Love
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:32 pm

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] VIK9ZBH

Lady Kyoraku

It seemed Abalia was operating more as a noblewoman than she would have imagined recently. That was perfectly acceptable to her, however. No sooner than Yugiri had left the Kyoraku estate had Abalia written a quick request to meet with Lord Shihoin himself. There were matters that needed to be discussed, after all, and in truth she had already intended to speak with him after her meeting with Vice Captain Kuchiki. This was merely a reason to expedite things.

Now here she was, being escorted to Lord Shihoin himself. As the door was opened, she offered a customary deep bow of greeting, fully respecting the proper customs of Seireitei's nobility. Whether or not this meeting went well, she would not have it said that her own manner was anything other than polite. She sat seiza a suitable distance from Yushiro, then spoke in a reserved tone.

"Thank you for accepting my request for an audience, Lord Shihoin. I had intended to meet with you sooner, but I do hope that you understand the business which inevitably crops up."

She of course had a secondary point to make here, one which she knew would tell her everything she needed to know. It was a very reliable tactic in high society discourse to simply state a potential point of disagreement as if it were patently true, speaking from the position which ran opposite yours. If the other party agreed with you, then they would simply state said agreement, and likely feel more comfortable being honest. But if they disagreed, they would likely understand your intent as having been made with a sarcastic bent.

To that end, Abalia had a very particular lie in mind that would tell her much about Lord Shihoin. She suspected, however, that he would understand her true meaning. She had not heard much to make her doubt his judgment.

"By the by, I recently spoke with your niece, Yugiri. She is quite a pleasant young woman."

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Thicc Boi
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:59 pm



"Don't lie to me." Yushiro was in no mood to be doing this short of thing nor was he in the right health, but he had a duty to accept any audience when possible, especially when the captain commander requests one. Granted, that didn't really mean much to him besides being a title but he respected it nonetheless.

At the moment, he was basically on his death bed, waiting for the reaper to come and take him away. Maybe the soul cycle will be beneficial to him this go around, or maybe he'll get screwed over, who knows. That's neither here nor there. He propped himself up against the headboard of his bed and listened to what Abalia had to say. After he spoke, he laughed, only getting a few short breaths through before he started coughing.

"Sorry, it's just that nobody has ever said that bout Yugiri. Most would describe her as... let's see... I think my daughter called her a 'cunt'." He smiled. It was amazing how he can make light of things in his current situation, but he didn't see a reason in being depressed about it either. He was just going to be himself. "And I'm glad you were able to reach out to me when you did. I imagine the promotion must be taking up a lot of your time, enough where you wouldn't be able to visit an old man like me." He starts coughing again, slightly more violent than before.

"Though I hope you don't mind, I have some things I have to take care of as well." He gestured to a paper and pen. If Abalia were to look at it long enough she would be able to infer that it was some form of will. "It's a family tradition. Please, do speak though. I'm going to be listening to you, just trying to finish this up as well." He picked up the pen and paper and began to write, getting ready to stop whenever Abalia would start speaking.

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Sumera-character-list
God of Love
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:08 pm

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] VIK9ZBH

Lady Kyoraku

The bluntness of Yushiro's reply actually surprised Abalia just a touch, and were she a less collected woman, she might even have shown some outward response. But, thankfully, she was as collected as always, simply offering him a nod in understanding in response.

"My apologies, Lord Shihoin. I have no intention to waste your time, but you understand the nature of propriety."

The faintest twinkle seemed to dance through Abalia's eyes, a subtle light that few would ever even notice. It was, for this particular woman, comparable to an out and out smile from most. This sort of demeanor was something she felt was missing in the Seireitei.

"Yes, the position has been quite demaning, though of course I would not have taken it if I did not feel it necessary to do so. There are several topics I wish to discuss with you, Lord Shihoin, but chief among them is the reconstruction of the Sokyoku. I know that your family has traditionally held the many relics of the Soul Society's earliest days, and that the information to rebuild it is not within our records. This leads me to assume that it is under your jurisdiction. If you would be willing to offer your family's assistance, I believe its reconstruction would prove quite invaluable to the Gotei, and by extension, to the Seireitei as a whole."

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Thicc Boi
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:22 pm



"The Sokyoku huh? Haven't heard anything about that in... 400 years." He dropped his pen and looked up at Abalia, staring her dead in the eyes. His expression and overall demeanor changed from his normal jovial one to a much more serious one. Most people would be intimidated by this but he expected Abalia to react minimally, she was the Captain Commander after all. "Didn't know this was going to be that sort of meeting. Let me ask you Miss Kyoraku, do you understand the magnitude of what you asked me. Do you know why the Sokyoku was made in the first place?" There was a pause. "Of course you-" Another coughing fit. Shorter than the previous ones but still enough to cause his entire body to shake while he was coughing. "Of course you do. Just know that, the creation of a weapon as powerful as that is not something that we take lightly. The Shihoin nor the rest of the noble families. While I'm glad you came to talk to me about it, I also recommend you speak to the rest if you're able."

"The information we have, kept in our library. Though before I give it to you, I must ask, what are you willing to give us in return? As I was imply before, you don't expect me to give you the knowledge of a weapon strong enough to destroy souls out of kindness." He stopped speaking and went back to writing, pausing for a moment once again. "I should also make it clear that making the weapon and telling you how to make the weapon are two very different requests and expected payment is drastically different depending on which you decide on."

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Sumera-character-list
God of Love
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:39 pm

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] VIK9ZBH

Lady Kyoraku

"I understand, yes. I am keenly aware that something as monumental as the Sokyoku is no small action. But, Lord Shihoin, I believe that small action is the downfall of any organization. To be decisive, to stand firm in even the most extreme of circumstances, that is what is crucial to maintain a position of authority."

Abalia contemplated the rest of Yushiro's words very carefully. She did not wish to allow the Shihoin any more leeway than absolutely necessary. Not out of any personal grievance with them, but simply on principle. The Noble Families had none but each other to be held accountable toward. She did not relish the thought of them having any sway over the Gotei if she could prevent it.

"Given the nature of the modern Gotei in the Seireitei, I can offer you any number of resources or capital for the information. But, of course, the Shihoin do not need mere capital. I am afraid that I cannot in good conscience offer you the influence that I am aware the nobility once held over the Gotei. I suspect many believe that I have ill will toward the Great Noble Families, but this is not the case. I merely believe it is in the best interests of everyone that the Gotei govern itself.

"However, in the construction of the Sokyoku, I believe I can offer you something that is not accessible anywhere else. As you assuredly know, Sokyoku Hill is currently home to the estate of the disgraced Unabara family. Naturally, to assemble the Sokyoku will require the demolition of this complex, and seizure of their assets. This would, logically, include any leftover research or technology which has remained internal to the Unabara. Research, therefore, that few others have. Given your instrumental role in this process, I am willing to offer you free access to this information for your own records."

Such a bold claim had been made without any prior checks of the rest of the nobility. That was, after all, her intent. Abalia did not wish for some situation where the Gotei were at the throats of the Nobles. She, in fact, was perfectly willing to continue in the Gotei's task of keeping them safe. But a new relationship would be necessary, one which was more than simple funding in exchange for protection. This was a society, not a mere mercenary economy.

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Thicc Boi
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:58 pm



He understood where she was coming from, and the deal has the possibility of being incredibly beneficial to the Shihoin in the long run, but there was also something else that was annoying him. In negotiations such as this he found that being transparent with what you want is the best way to acquire it.

"Miss Kyoraku, do you understand one of the biggest problems that the Four Great Noble families face in this current moment. It's the lack of power and influence." He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say next. "Now I don't want you to assume all of us are greedy, especially the Shihoin, but in a situation like this it feels somewhat one sided, don't you think? As I know it at the moment, the Shihoin and Kuchiki have very little say in what goes on in the Sereitei and the Rukongai, let along in what the Gotei does. It's becoming increasingly difficult to actually establish our nobility in the current day and age as the Gotei slowly moves farther and farther away from the day of nobles. While this may be a good thing, as someone in my position, you can see why this concerns me."

"With something like the Sokyoku, that makes it exponentially harder for us nobles to actually execute our authority, the little of it that we have left. If I give you a new Sokyoku not only does it seem like I'm betraying what it means to be a noble, but I'm also giving the Gotei a weapon that can achieve absolute destruction. Someone of your intelligence and title can see how it would be hard to voice opinions, retaliate, and god forbid fight against a power such as that."

"So while I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take some time to consider this offer unless there's something we can work out. I'd be willing to settle on a slight influence over the Gotei, nothing major just something that we can hold on to in the situation that the power of the Sokyoku is abused and used against us. Previously there was a central group that would decide on who lives and dies by he Sokyoku, though with that no longer existing I'm going to assume that decision will now lie solely on you."

"And no offense Miss Kyoraku, you are a terribly terrifying woman. One does not rise to the position of Captain Commander as quickly as you have with the physical prowess that you own. How you've done it, I do not know, and I'd rather not if I'm being frank."

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Sumera-character-list
God of Love
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:46 pm

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] VIK9ZBH

Lady Kyoraku

Ah, and there it was. An answer Abalia had been wholly ready for, if not one that she had considered ideal. But she did not expect any of the Great Noble Families to support her actions to move them into a civilian capacity. Much as the nobility had their principles, however, Abalia had hers.

"I understand, Lord Shihoin, and the last thing that I would ask of anyone would be to go against one's duty. The role of the nobility has indeed lessened in recent years, this much I will not deny. But it is my own duty to do whatever is necessary for the security and stability of this realm, and the continued maintenance of the soul cycle. I consider the continued functionality of the Gotei to be something all within the Soul Society benefit from. It is, by extension, something all should work toward.

"It strikes me as peculiar that the Sokyoku would be seen as a threat to the actions of the nobility. I would not think that the Great Noble Families were operating in a manner which would merit the usage of the Sokyoku in the first place. Such a weapon is, by its very nature, not particularly valuable as a weapon to be used as a threat. Its elaborate nature requires it only be used on those who have been found guilty of crimes against the Soul Society. I will not press the issue further, however. For now, I will continue to consider all possible avenues for such punitive measures. Enemies of the Soul Society are rather demonstrably too great a threat to the balance, after all, as the actions of Aizen and Tsubasa Unabara have seen. There has been far too much laxity of late."

Her tone, her words, all of it was perfectly polite. None of it could have been taken wrong, and yet, she knew fully that Yushiro would grasp the full meaning of what she had said. To assist the Gotei was, in itself, the method by which one gained influence over it. To circumvent it only invited the very destruction he aimed to avoid.

"I take no offense in being called terrifying, Lord Shihoin. The role of a leader demands that one sometimes inspire fear in others. I would say that you, with no offense intended, are also quite terrifying. You could, after all, presumably wipe me away with a single swing of your fist. But neither of us would deign to simply enact the full weight of our authority in such a way. Knowing how to apply one's authority is as crucial as the authority in itself."

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Thicc Boi
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:12 pm



It still didn't sit well with him that he was getting little to nothing in this negotiation. He's willing to give but she's not, making this whole thing difficult. He lets out a sigh and a cough before looking at Abalia, somewhat annoyed.

"Working with you is quite difficult Miss Kyoraku. Though now that we've both showed our hands, we should trying to reach a compromise here. My main concerns are that the Gotei runs everything pertaining to the Soul Society just short of the Soul King, and giving you the Sokyoku only solidifies that absolute power. Your problem, as far as I understand so please correct me if I'm wrong here, is that you wan the Gotei to be completely independent of outside influence such as the nobility but you need the nobility to make that happen. Can I propose something that I hope will benefit us both, and hopefully bring this deal to an end?"

"Like I stated previously, while I want a certain amount of influence or control in the Gotei, it doesn't have to be anything major. Obviously, my default request would be the reinstatement of the Omnitsukido underneath the Gotei and Shihoin clan. With that, it shows that my family shows concern over not only the protection of the Rukongai and Seretei, but also that shows concern in what the Gotei is doing. Because as it stands right now, none of the noble families are showing concern in the Gotei and that's how we've gotten to the point where we are right now. Not only that, it makes me confident that if a problem of abuse by you or anyone the higher ups in the Gotei were to occur, there would be a third part that would be able to stop it to some degree. As it stands right now, you Miss Kyoraku are the judge and juror, and I would be supplying you with the tool to execute. It doesn't matter that the Sokyoku only executes criminals when the law changes at your discretion."

"Another option, however, would be this: give the Shihoin control over the training of the new recruits going into the Gotei. This doesn't have to be an absolute thing, I'm fine with as close to 50/50 that is possible. This way we can try our best to train shinigami that not only are strong but also teach them the values of the Soul Society as to not require use of the Sokyoku as often any more. Along with that, I request that there be a council to decide on executions when the need arises. One delegate chosen from each noble family along with yourself, every vote counting as one. This way there must be a majority that agrees that the actions carried out by the criminal in question are truly worth execution."

"Finally, the permission to have our own small military group of our own with the sole interest of protecting the Noble families and carrying out their duties. Think of how the zero squad is to the Soul King, but to all the noble families instead. While they take orders and are funded through the noble families, they are somewhat aligned with the Gotei. The two groups would work in tandem though independent of one another. This would address my worry with the fact that all the power in the realm is incredibly centralized and difficult to entrust to a singular person. If you would need a comparison of what I mean with this request, think of how the United Kingdom has a House of Commons and House of Lords though both answer to the Queen or King in certain situations."

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Sumera-character-list
God of Love
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:32 pm

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] VIK9ZBH

Lady Kyoraku

"With all due respect to you, Lord Shihoin, I will reiterate what I told to your niece during our meeting. The Gotei has not seized this power out of a desire for authority. It has been made to take it in the vacuum left by the inaction of others."

Abalia was quiet as Yushiro spoke, and only after he had finished did she give a small nod of understanding. She considered her words carefully, noting that he was all too correct in the difficulties held in this negotiation. She could have taken this opportunity to turn the tides, making this whole ordeal into a gambit of stellar proportions, but instead, she simply chose to be honest. She could see that Lord Shihoin was a man who both respected and deserved honesty.

"I cannot offer your family such influence. Nor any of the Great Noble Families, for that matter. It is not out of disrespect for your names, your pedigrees, or even you as leaders. But I am a woman who takes all information into account, Lord Shihoin, who must consider even the most minute details before I make any decision. Such is the weight of a role like mine.

"I have offered you this arrangement because it has been made clear to me that the Great Noble Families have members among them that I simply cannot trust to operate with that degree of independent authority, for whom personal pride carries too much value. Though I trust in you personally to understand the worth of proper care and attention due to the Rukongai and the functionality of the realm, I cannot trust everyone who shares your name. To speak their given names would be improper of me, but you are surely aware of at least a handful of names in each family. I have no desire to simply cull your influence from the Soul Society outright, Lord Shihoin, for I am aware of what your family has done, and what it may offer yet. But I cannot put my faith in what once was and what might be. Only in what is.

"You understand clearly that to hand away authority is a dangerous proposition, but what I desire is a situation in which the relationship between nobility and the Gotei is built upon more than simply pedigree. What I have proposed gives the Shihoin opportunity to work alongside the Gotei in a situation that will likely never arise again. It will provide ample chance for the Shihoin to demonstrate their commitment to the realm. To build trust."

Abalia was not threatening Yushiro. In fact, it was rather the opposite. She was being as generous as a woman like her could possibly be. She had laid out the fundamental truth of the situation to him, that no matter what he desired, or what she desired, there were simply too many risks that she could not ignore. This was the biggest olive branch that she could extend in the context of her own position. She hoped that he would understand that.

Coding in Template By:
Thicc Boi
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It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Empty Re: It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:59 pm



"Then it seems like we are at an impasse Miss Kyoraku. I understand that you are unwilling to give away authority and influence, but I hope you understand that I am wary of giving away dangerous knowledge and power than can be easily abused if given to the wrong person. As you've said, this is about trust, and I want to trust you, I truly do, but at the moment I can't. I know that there are members in all noble families that are somewhat incompetent- no, I shouldn't say that. There are individuals that don't live up to the standards and expectations of the collective, but the same can be said for the Gotei."

"You can see how I'm not too keen of trusting the Gotei, the ones that employed examples such as the Unabara, the ones who were willing to give someone such as Henrex Astillon a position such as captain only for him to go ahead and commit questionable acts and take advantage that power in which ultimately got him fired. And what's to say that you won't do the same. All this boils down to is trust between the Gotei and the noble families, which is required if either truly wants to survive. Where we have the knowledge and the tools to oppose the Gotei, the Gotei has the resources and influence that can challenge the nobles. We need a balance between both to co-exist, though sadly as you said, we need to build trust."

"That's something that I can't do right now with good faith. I hope that we can in the future, but coming at us with something this major this soon and not wanting to give up anything in return is something that cannot happen at this moment. Show me that I can trust you and the Shihoin will show you that they can be trusted as well. I have to leave behind something to my daughter or else the Shihoin will be seen as a joke, put on the same level as the Shiba and that's something I will not let happen."

"I'm sorry but it seems like this meeting is going to have to end unless there was something else you came to speak to me about. Besides that, it was nice to get to meet you Miss Kyoraku and I wish you well with your new position. I will be watching you closely from now on." Yushiro went back to his will, writing what he wants to give to those he'll leave behind. Though, in the back of his mind, he was wondering who she was talking about in particular that made her feel this way. Seeing as how she brought up Yugiri out of everyone, this must be the person that they cannot trust.

Yugiri was going to need a talking to it seemed.

It is Good and Right [Abalia, Yushiro] Sumera-character-list
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