Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:52 pm
Actions Have Consequences [Closed] Yugiri-header-template2

Yugiri Shihōin

She had been waiting for the summons, she knew it'd be coming at some point. At the very least the interruption from her inner spirit gave her something else to focus on that kept her able to think about something else other than what was coming.

When she arrived she was limping a little although the wound was hidden underneath her attire. Her look was solemn but still maintaining the visage that everything was fine. She wasn't tearing up inside at her own disappointment at her failures despite where she was right now.

"Uncle Yushiro."


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Thicc Boi
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:44 pm



And a talking is what Yugiri was going to get.

Yushiro was silent as Yugiri would enter the room. There was a seat near his bed from earlier, the Captain Commander was sitting in it, though at the moment Yugiri didn't deserve it. "Stand." This could either be short or long depending on Yurshiro wanted to go about this, and at the moment he wanted to make sure she fully understood the magnitude of her actions.

"It's moments like these where sometimes I wish I didn't accept your mother's offer, because you'd be her problem right now and not mine. I wouldn't have to deal with the stress that you've caused me and the problems that you have brought with you. They would be the ones reprimanding you and not me, the head of the clan. But yet here we are."

"I just had an incredible important meeting with Miss Kyoraku, the Captain Commander of the Gotei, though I guess I shouldn't be telling you this since you're already quite acquainted with her it seems. We had discussed a deal that would effect the future of the Gotei and it's relation with all noble families, not just the Shihoin. It was actually going to be beneficial to both parties until you demonstrated to Miss Kyoraku that there are nobles that exist that don't live up to their title and shouldn't be given power or duty befitting of them. Because of your selfish, immature, narrow-minded actions not only does the Gotei no longer believe or trust in the nobility, the Shihoin and the Gotei are in a political war. Something that would have taken only a few minutes of conversation will now take years of building trust and proving worth, something we've already done generations ago."

"Do you understand me? YOU HAVE SINGLE-HANDEDLY DESTROYED THE LEGACY OF EVERY PRIOR GENERATION UP TO THIS POINT." Saying he was pissed would be the understatement of the year. His voice echoed and his face was turning a brighter shade than normal. If Yugiri looked close enough she would even notice the veins popping out of his neck and forehead. "Chidori, my current heir, abandoned her royally duties without notification but even she didn't destroy her families legacy in the process. Even then she returned because she cares about her family, and while it wasn't how I wanted it to happen, she's starting her own legacy. What do you have to say about yourself Yugiri? What have you done for me, for Chidori, for the family that is of any use or recognition besides fail your royal teachings and duties that I've tried my hardest to instill into you."

"Is that it? Do you not respect me Yugiri? The time I've invested in raising you, the love I've given you, the food, the clothes, the roof, the money, the knowledge? Is all of that just a joke to you? No? Then maybe you just take it all for granted, and you know how much I hate being taken advantage of. If I were to just sit here at let you continue that not only would I be a horrible leader, I would fail as a parent."

"So there will be consequences Yugiri, you know that I hope. Something this major cannot just be forgotten and forgiven. This effects hundreds of years of prior work and will effect the decades to come. Chidori's children will know shame because of what you've done and I can not forgive you anymore Yugiri."

"To me it seems that you are more a liability than an asset to the Shihoin. Your skills are unmatched but so is your incompetence. I cannot rely on you to know that this won't happen again in the future, so I'm afraid that the punishment will be nothing short of banishment for as long as I live and as long as Chidori sees fit. You've worked for nothing except yourself and I feel that you need to learn the value of family and working towards goals that benefit more than you. Which is why you are not allowed to take your belongings. You will be leaving the estate with nothing more than your zanpakuto and your braces, as you didn't even earn the clothes on your back. That was from me and the wealth of the Shihoin."

"At this point, I cannot love you anymore Yugiri. You've offended me and you've offended my family, destroyed everything I've spent my life working for while I lie here dying. Goodbye."

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Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:14 pm
Actions Have Consequences [Closed] Yugiri-header-template2

Yugiri Shihōin


Words were there but they didn't came, she didn't dare interrupt as she stood there in front of him while he dressed her down and stripped her of everything. Her eyes watered and she looked ready to cry, which was a rare thing. She had cried a lot when she was a child but after she reached her teenage years she had stopped altogether. She didn't want to burden anyone.

At the end she had silent tears falling down her face, genuine despair and sadness. She hadn't cried so freely in a long time.


She tried to speak, to apologise but her words stopped. She seemed ready to turn around but found herself unable to. Her legs would fail her if she ever reached that point again, she recalled her zanpakuto's warning.

"This is the last time you will see him alive."

Yugiri fell at that point. It wasn't to start begging. She was just forced to sit there until her spirit was willing to let it happen.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been truthful to her, I should've avoided her. All my life... I just thought, if I tried hard enough my parents would want me. That they could look past everything wrong with me and... and just want me... but I screwed up."

She sobbed a little to herself.

"When you took me in as a little girl I was so happy. You gave me something when I had nothing, I loved Chidori and everyone- I got lost. I just wanted to walk and then everything changed, Chidori looked at me different, all I could do was try and repay you."

"...and I messed it up."

There was many more things she wanted to say, things she could've said but she stopped. Pulling her composure back in to some extent, Yugiri finally felt herself able to stand and pulled herself back up. Reaching into her attire to pull out a letter to hold it to him.

"This is for Chidori... Could you please give it to her, I don't deserve to ask you for anything but I'll probably never see anyone from here again, I don't deserve to show my face in Soul Society after this."

Unless he had anything else to say to her Yugiri took one final look at him, it was the last photo of him she'd ever see and then she turned to leave to carry out his demands.


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