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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:02 am

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] U5BtpSP


Everything was very nearly ready for Cyrus to rescue the men and women he had lost to the machinations of Shadow Fall. In truth, it caused him no small amount of suffering to wait even a single additional moment, to not simply go to America and take them back himself. But he understood the retribution that might bring, and the danger of going so deep into territory which was neither his nor Shadow Fall's. He needed to assure that the Gotei would allow them to travel through their land, and though they had an alliance in place, that was not necessarily enough to ensure a full military operation through their land.

Truthfully, Cyrus was someone who preferred to handle everything himself. But he could not do that now, and so he had sent a call for a Quincy that he had come to find exceptionally reliable; one Sylvia Brauer. Though she had declined his offer in the past to serve directly under him, he still considered her a woman that may yet go very far in the world. A possible candidate to replace him when the day came for him to take the role he was destined for. But, for now, that was all needless conjecture. All he could do for now was wait for her to arrive...

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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:46 am

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] LT5vPYw

Sylvia strolled purposefully through the halls of the Stadt des Lichts. Her hair was in a braid, as usual, and underneath the white, blue and gold of her himmlische anzug in its typical long coat form, she had dressed in a stylish and professional manner. The dark grey of her coat and skirt over a white button-front underneath it all was quite striking, she thought, and complimented well the stockings and closed toed shoes with a raised heel she had worn.

She oozed confidence and figurative power; there was no practically about it. The nervous and meek girl who had first joined the Vandenreich the previous year was all but gone, and replaced by, for all intents and purposes, her true self.

She did quite enjoy the few eyes drawn to her as she approached the door, and reached up to knock. However, her eyes fell on the fabric of her leiden hant for a moment, and she paused. Something about the tool had been bothering her, but she hadn't been able to pin down what about it seemed different lately.

Even so, she quickly rapped on the door several times, then cleared her throat. "Sylvia Brauer reporting, Herr ast-Auramazda."

God of Love
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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:11 pm

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] U5BtpSP


"Ah, Captain Brauer. Enter, please."

Giving her a slight smile as she presumably did so, Cyrus gestured to the chair across from his desk. He continued to work on paperwork, knowing that there was far too much of it for him to simply take a pause even during a conversation as important as this.

"First and foremost, I should congratulate you on your promotion. You have certainly earned it. With that in mind, I have a task in mind which I believe would only be suitable for someone of not only your rank, but of your particular personality."

Idly thinking about how best to word this for a second or two, Cyrus simply decided the best approach would be the direct one. It was, after all, not a complex matter, and Captain Brauer was a smart woman.

"I must ask that you operate as a liaison to the Gotei United in my stead. I need to ensure that we may travel freely through the Gotei territories in America when our rescue operation is underway, as otherwise we may well simply cause an incident that is wholly unnecessary. You have demonstrated to myself and to the Vandenreich as a whole that you are quite exceptional as a diplomat. I have already scheduled a meeting with the Captain Commander of the Gotei, I simply need your agreement to go in my stead."

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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:49 am

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] LT5vPYw

Captain; it was still a little strange to hear herself called such a thing. The faintest of a bashful smile piqued the corners of her mouth for a moment before she opened the door, and had covered it with a sincere, hopeful grin.

When she entered the room, the loving warmth of her inner flame entered with her. It was such a difficult thing to dampen the power, especially when it was so thoroughly tied to her emotions. However, at the same time, it was so easy for others to shrug off the effects that she didn't see much use in wasting the effort, and let such feelings flow from her as naturally as they came.

So, when she did sit as she was asked, the reishi in the air warmed and hummed with love and care, and almost seemed to wrap the grandmaster Quincy in a firm hug. "Danke," was all she said, in thanks for Cyrus' congratulations, before she fell silent to listen to what had needed be said.

"Ve are doing zis, then?" It was a rhetorical question, of course. She'd never thought that Cyrus would leave so many of their people to be enthralled by Shadow Fall as they were, nor did she wish to leave them to such a fate herself. However, she'd needed to fill the time while she fully absorbed what he'd proposed.

Her brief look of contemplation was quickly replaced by her soft grin again. "I vould be honored. Haffe vu already prepared ein meeting place, or schall I make preparations to traffel to zee zoul zociety myself?"

God of Love
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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:33 pm

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] U5BtpSP


The energy which flowed freely from Sylvia surprised Cyrus for only the briefest of moments, but as he recongized it quite easily, a small, understanding smile crossed his face. Blessed of Mahadeva, hm? Well, he could not say that he was too terribly shocked by such a thing. The woman was an excellent judge of character, after all. Naturally she would impart her blessings upon worthy people. Cyrus allowed the warm energy to embrace him, though his own core of divinity kept the Flame from going any deeper into his heart.

"Being that I have requested the meeting, it has left the location in the hands of the Gotei, and they have requested it be held in the Seireitei as a matter of convenience on their end. It is understandable, if slightly inconvenient. I have several individuals in mind to deliver you to the Soul Society, and if absolutely necessary could send you myself. With that said, if you already have any particular individuals in mind who would take you, please feel free to make your own arrangements."

That last sentence was actually at least partially rhetorical, as Cyrus was decidedly aware that Sylvia knew at least a small handful of people who could quite easily bring her to Soul Society. Mahadeva chief among them, in fact. Still, he would naturally make any accomodations necessary for the success of this particular quest. Which, in fact, brought him to another topic he had meant to address. His lips pursed ever so slightly, suggesting a faint displeasure, though it was hard to say where it was directed.

"Captain Brauer, if I may ask your thoughts on another matter. This rescue will naturally be a matter which will require delicacy and a certain degree of...gentleness, I suppose. Do you consider my demeanor appropriate for such a task? Please, do not spare my feelings. I desire your honest opinion, both as Captain and as a fellow Quincy."

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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:57 pm

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] LT5vPYw

Sylvia thought quietly on the Grandmaster Quincy's offer of assistance in getting to the Soul Society, but in the end, she ultimately decided against accepting such an offer. If she was to be an effective leader, she thought, then she would have to do at least this much on her own. "Nein. I vill manage on mein own."

Her soft grin lessened only slightly while Cyrus seemed to think on something else, then returned as he spoke about what was troubling him so. It was almost funny to see their de facto leader question himself like this, but if honesty is what he'd wanted, then honesty is what he would receive.

"I zink... Vu can be intense, vether or not vu mean to be, und zee men vill be able to zense if vu are unsure of vurself." She paused for just a moment to think carefully over her next words. "Put, I zink vu are honest, und zat is not ein bad thing."

She grew more serious to ask the man a question of her own, "Haffe vu considered zee possibility zat zee vill not vant to come back?"

God of Love
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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:57 pm

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] U5BtpSP


The Grandmaster listened carefully to Sylvia's words, and though his expression was as unreadable as it ever was, he did very much take her words into consideration. It was crucial that he take her opinion into consideration, not only from his perspective as a divine, but simply as her leader in a mundane capacity.

"Intense... Yes, I see what you mean. I suppose I could not call it intentional or unintentional, it is...simply in my nature."

Cyrus could have gone into more detail about the nature of his Aspects, of the Beneficient Flame, but he didn't think overloading the woman with such information would particularly be pertinent, or intelligent for that matter. It was something for another day, if ever.

"I have considered it, yes. In truth, that was why I asked the question. Observant of you."

He allowed himself a very small smile, impressed with Sylvia's ability to carry the conversation in the same direction he had meant to. She had a great deal more potential, this one.

"I do not wish to see them lost to manipulation they were not prepared for. If there are those among them who have willingly chosen to be there, then so be it. I will not enforce my own will upon them. That would be a moral wrong I could not commit, no matter the cause. But if there are those among them who feel frightened, or worry that they will face retribution for their actions, even those who simply left because they did not feel welcome in this place, then I would surely wish to communicate that they need not worry. My greatest concern is that 'intensity' would only push them away, cement them in their decisions."

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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:50 am

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] LT5vPYw

Sylvia hummed gingerly in agreeing with his thoughts. That intensity was a good trait for a leader at times, but like this, it was just as likely to scare away the soldat who might be on the fence about returning. Cyrus was hardly alone, however.

"Zat is vy I vill go vith vu, ven zee time comes." The woman continued effortlessly. "Zee men who feel, rightly or not, zat vu are taking zee Vandenreich in ein direction they do not vish to go might still be von ofer, vith zee right reazurance." She paused to brush a stray strand of hair from her face.

"If I may, Herr ast-Auramazda," Sylvia's posture shifted ever so slightly, though she did not wait for his permission to speak. "I vould neffer tell vu not to obserfe your religion, but your talk of divinity und gods does scratch at old vounds. There are rumors, und I cannot say zat zee vorry zat vu might take us down old paths again is not real."

She cleared her throat, and gave him a moment to fully absorb what she was saying. "Ve are not gods. Ve are very mortal, und ve must be careful not to invoke anozer genocide of our people. I truly beliefe zat some of zee men might haffe left because of zis vorry."

God of Love
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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:02 pm

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] U5BtpSP


Cyrus cocked an eyebrow at Sylvia's advice, though he did naturally listen quite carefully. So the words he had spoken against Mahadeva some time ago still remained in the public conscious, hm? Well, that did not too terribly surprise him, but it did admittedly cause him a semblance of what one might call distress. He made it a point to speak to no one of his divinity unless absolutely necessary, even explaining away his rather obviously divine power as simply an advancement of his own abilities. But, still, the folly of his time as a mere man would not simply disappear so easily. Waiting for Sylvia to finish speaking, he mulled the whole point over before responding.

"I have not spoken of such things in many a moon now, Captain Brauer, except for in the most casual of senses, to share allegory or tales of wisdom with which I am personally familiar. To have made such open claims of divinity in my conflict against Ulv Auber was an error I will not soon forget. A matter of very human pride, one I continue to regret and from which I continue to learn."

Drumming his fingers against his desk in a slow, methodical rhythm, Cyrus seemed deep in consideration. It seemed, for now, that the nature of his current Aspect was not what served him best. Nor, for that matter, what served the Vandenreich best. Sylvia's words were very correct, that the pride he had clung to so desperately as a man would very well invite disaster if left unaddressed. Simply operating differently would not be enough to make up for that mistake. Her mention of the very real fear of genocide once more, when he knew their people had already suffered such fivefold, was simply the last point needed. He would need to approach leadership differently for the time being.

"Give me one moment."

Taking a deep breath, Cyrus closed his eyes and focused inward, toward the core of his divinity. It was something he did not touch unless necessary, but such was the case right now. A different Aspect would serve him well, if he was to understand his people, to serve them more than as merely a distant leader. Then, all at once, he changed. It was not a subtle change, nor one which seemed natural to the eye. In fact, by all accounts, the whole of the change occurred in less than a fraction of a second, a singular moment so brief and so lacking in fanfare that one might easily have missed it simply by blinking. His shoulder-length hair now flowed out quite long, his sharp features now soft, gentle even at a glance. The whole of the atmosphere Cyrus gave off had shifted from one of authority to one of earnest, unrestrained care, and the tranquility of his energy suddenly changed, now seeming to do much the same as Sylvia's flame and embrace the Captain in a warm, caring hug.

Ah, and of course, there were also breasts now.

"It is in my nature, Sylvia dear, to do whatever is necessary for the Vandenreich and for the world. If I have become distant from the Quincy, if the rumors of my arrogance have spread and caused discontent, then I will assuredly do all that I can to remind everyone that all I do, I do out of love."

She smiled, then, an earnest smile that was assuredly far from his typical reserved demeanor. Such was simply the nature of Kouroush Atar Urvazishta. Of Cyrus of the Blissful Flame.

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If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] Empty Re: If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:23 am

If You Would [Cyrus, Sylvia] LT5vPYw

Sylvia had seen a lot of strange things in her life, and most importantly, since she had joined the Vandenreich. Ulv was chief among them, in fact. Though this was yet another moment of strangeness to add to the pile, she did react:

The blonde Quincy had cocked her head in slight confusion, and the smallest amount of understanding, as she had become used to such introspective postures herself. Then, Herr ast-Auramazda had suddenly become Fräulein. The sudden change caused her to jump in her seat slightly, and surely, the elder Quincy would have felt her soul reach out instinctively towards the reishi around them.

However, the sense of tranquility and care that she felt from this new form of the Grandmaster's put her at ease, and she smiled softly in return.

"I vould ask, but something tells me the explanation vould be long." The slightest of a laugh escaped her, and she stood to leave. "Vill zat be all, Fräulein? I haffe people to meet if I am to traffel to zee Zoul Zociety."

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