Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:55 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Ah, "A Restaurant". The finest cuisine in all of the good ole' US of A. In all honesty, it wasn't really that bad. It was pretty good and had some good choices. He ate like a king when he came! Or, at least...a very wealthy janitor. Meh, who cared? He got food in his stomach, and that was really all he cared about right now. So, standing up for a moment to stretch before sitting back down, Vanyel took a drink from his glass and leaned back in his chair.

There was something nagging at his senses. Something familiar.

'Ok, what the fuck is that? Startin' to piss me off how familiar it is, but I can't figure out why.'

Maybe it was just some cunt who held a grudge against him -- like a lot of people -- or maybe it was just random guy he met in Shadow Fall and he forgot about, just like...a lot of people. Picking up the glass and downing the rest of his drink, he slammed it down -- surprisingly not breaking it -- and started walking in the direction of the familiarity, which was to the door. They were just coming in. Well, now he could figure out what it was and pay for his meal

Taking a bit of time to focus more on his senses and probe them, there were a few things that he picked out, only one of which ended up pissing him off more: they were stronger than him. That definitely wasn't what he remembered. Grumbling to himself, at least there was one thing that he did recognize that started to narrow the options down. That was the energy of the Seal of Eris -- and, by extension, Mana -- that he could sense from her.

Well, turning the corner made the lightbulb go off -- well, more accurately, the lightbulb just fucking exploded.

She sure as hell looked different, but as he got closer, he recognized the demonic energy and the Seal of Eris -- more, specifically, the energy from the Child of Eris that she had.

Holy shit, it was the crybaby with a lot of eyes! Sure as fuck didn't remember her name, just the retarded amount of eyes that she had back then. She had eyes for days. With that thought, Vanyel said the only thing that came to mind as he grinned, waving to her.

"Yo, Girlycard! Holy shit, finally figured out why the fuck you felt so familiar!"

Quickly turning to the main counter and putting down a $50 bill, he turned back to her.

"So, fuck happened to the eyes? Did ya finally realize how fuckin' stupid that shit was and got rid of 'em?"

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Joined : 2017-03-31
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Location : Wandering The Wastes

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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:07 pm

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

"..So this place is named 'A Resturant?'" Calypso's head was tilted as she spoke to the hostess up front, having come in with such curiosity towards the name.

"..Y-yes ma'am." She answered awkwardly, looking towards her horns, ".. Are you going to get something to eat, ma'am?"

"Hmm.. Yeah sure. Weird name, but i'll give the food a try. I haven't really eaten much before anyway."

The rather perplexed looking hostess led her to a table, of which she sat down and thanked her, waiting for... Well, a waiter. She was sitting quietly, having taken a napkin and begun tearing it into strips out of boredom. She wanted to actually have a meal for once, all she had eaten in her life up til now was pure sugar or dreams, which.. Honestly were the closest tasting things she had ever had. Time to have more variety!

As she sat silently, she sensed a rather... Disgruntled set of emotions. She looked around puzzled, soon looking to a white-haired man walking towards her with intent, sensing such emotions flip to surprise, excitement even, as he came up to her table and called her a name that made no sense to her, and talking as if they were old buds. It took her a minute to really sink in that scowl of a face, those white locks, those piercing blue eyes... That sharp, asshole-ish demeanor...

"...Holy shit, Vanyel is that you?" Her squint turned into a wide eyed expression, then some happiness, then back into a somewhat unimpressed state, "Wooow, couldn't even remember my name? Not even close dude, it's Calypso."

She only further narrowed her eyes as dozens of eyes suddenly opened on her skin, "Nope. Just got better at controlling my body."

They all closed at once, gone as soon as they came, "They are part of me after all, I can't get rid of them. Sit your ass down, we need to catch up like now."

She smirked at him, covering the remainder of her side of the booth with her legs, leaning into the table with her hands together and staring deeply at him, "So, what have you been up to since the past forever?"

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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:32 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Fuck yeah, he knew it.

'Vanyel is Always Right Foundation, here we fuckin' go.'

With a wide grin, Vanyel gave a wink to his fellow Eris sibling, he gave a brief nod in response as he began talking, only for his grin to fade halfway through.

"Hell yeah it's me, sista'~! Ya really wanna tell me that I look different? I haven't changed at all, the fuck? Don't start tellin' me I look old, I'm 26, god damn it!"

His grin turned to a scowl real damn quick at her name. Calypso. Huh, so that was her name. Eh, Girlycard was close enough. Eyes for days gave her that right. Next thing you know, she'd have fuckin' Vagina Dentata. That was not something he wanted to imagine.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, she still had the eyes.

"God damn it, that's still really fuckin' creepy."

Welp, she definitely was Girlycard now. Eh, at least she wasn't covered with them at all times. He could work with this. He sat down across from her in the booth, leaning back as far as he was able to and resting his arms behind his head.

"Just kinda...existin', I guess. Haven't really been doin' much outside o' Seal o' Eris shit. Don't really have a lot to do nowadays, 'side from takin' long walks at night and... killin' rapist vampire priests, or leprechauns, I guess. Never actually did it, but it sounds like a helluva time. Whatta 'bout you? Ya ain't the timid crybaby you were when I first met ya. Hell happened there, huh?"


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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:48 pm

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

As per the last time she met him, Vanyel's very emotions gave her that sour taste in the mouth. That smugness, that arrogance, that rudeness... But she didn't really mind them, a bit of sourness to the tastes wouldn't kill her. She's dealt with worse after all.

"Don't call me 'sista'." She spoke flatly in response to him, narrowing her eyes at him, "And nah, it was just a bit tricky to call upon a memory I haven't touched in a while, after having my brains scrambled up recently. You age beautifully."

She only scoffed as he clearly got unsettled by her opening up a few of her many, many eyes, a smirk settling on her face, "Hun, one of my concepts is Nightmares. No shit im creepy."

The waiter came by, asking if she was ready, but she simply waved them off and asked for some waters, the young man nodding and running off.

"What happened to me? Oh, you know.." An air of tenseness surrounded her for a moment, a lovely smile on her face as a flurry of recent memories rushed through her mind, "..Everything, of course. You want something to eat?"

She picked up one of the menus and was looking through it, "Just don't order a banquet, i'm not King Midas."

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:04 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Now this was a change that he could get behind!

Couldn't really put his finger on the what and why, but he knew he definitely was liking the difference between then and now. So, in response to her request, all he gave was a brief chuckle and a wide-ass grin. Damn right he aged beautifully. The year of aging he did. Surely, even the most experienced detectives would have a hard time figuring out what changed.

His grin quickly faded at the notion of what had happened to her in the past year or so being so eloquently labeled as 'everything'. That was annoying. He wanted to hear what happened, not just a fucking cop-out like that. So, bringing his hands above the table, Vanyel began to slowly clap, waiting a minute before propping his head on the table with his hand.

"Riveting storytelling, Dungeon Master Asthavon. Your prose shall be remembered as even greater than even George R. R. Martin himself! Well, at least before Season 8, apparently."

Rolling his eyes, he leaned back in his chair as he continued.

"I want all the juicy details, idiot. Ya say 'everythin' happened to ya in the past year, and you're not even gonna tell me? That's a fuckin' letdown."

Putting the chair back on four legs, he tapped his fingers against the side of his face, unable to sit still.

"Eh. Probably just a dessert or somethin'. Ain't too hungry right now, so a dessert and a water'll do fine. I ain't the pink fuck that eats entire worlds when he gets his drug fruit."


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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:23 pm

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Hot air blared from her nostrils as Vanyel continued with his little comedic bit. It was cute, his attempt at mocking her, but not quite taken to heart. It was only when he genuinely began to pry at her walls, the pearly structures quick to block out any attempts at breaking or weakening them,

"Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."

To be honest, she completely forgot that he wouldn't be able to sense how she felt; honestly if someone like him had empath abilities, she was certain his brain would be a barely functioning meat smoothie from all the attempts to scrape it out of his being. She gave the man a kind smile, as to signal to him she was trying to be honest, she didn't want to mention anything.

"Uhm, ma'am are you ready to-"

"Grilled cheese with the sugariest soft drink you have, please."

The please was almost strained as she spoke, smiling in a way that made the waiter uncomfortable, She then looked to Vanyel, "Okay. Order your thing please."

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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:35 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Well, there was a plot twist. Another thing that had been subject to that change Calypso had gone through, something that he didn't really know how to react to, was her sudden change in tone, despite the kind smile that she gave off, it was still pretty damn eerie for her to be talkin' like that. But, he figured that he should probably respect her wishes. He'd probably get punched into the stratosphere if he didn't. Or, at least subjected to some Eldritch horror that she could probably come up with her powers.


Shrugging as he rested his head on his palm again, he briefly turned to the waiter, rolling his eyes dismissively.

"Just a small cheesecake."

"Um, sir, what kind of cheesecake would you li--"

"Don't care. Pick one, throw a fuckin' dart at a board or somethin', I 'unno."

Stretching and leaning back as the waiter simply nodded his head and walked away, he turned back to Calypso.

"Well, that happened. Since ya don't wanna talk about 'everything' that happened to you, whaddya wanna talk about now? Floor's yours, Cal."

There wasn't much he could really do outside of letting her bring up whatever she wanted to talk about since the last year was apparently off-limits. Annoying, but whatever, he could still work with it. The waiter soon came back with the drinks, setting down two glasses of water, one for each of them, and the drink for Calypso. Without so much as giving him a glance, Vanyel gave the young man a thumbs up, before then gesturing him to go away.



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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:48 pm

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

With the return of control given back to her, the dim look in her eyes brightened by a lot as she smiled at him, gratefully taking his request to talk about what she wanted. She tapped her chin, fingers drumming the table as she thought for a moment, before settling on something,

"This resturant has a reaaally weird name."

She laughed, sort of dorkily, as she spotted the little dig at the eatery, "Like, of all names for a resturant to pick, you go for 'A Resturant'? Are you seriouuuss? That's like getting a cat and naming it Cat amiright?!"

Such a simple thing got her laughing and enjoying it, but she continued, "Okay okay, apart from the resturant, I just have been feeling, great so far. I haven't seen the sun in the while, or grass, or trees, or actual wind, or a lot of stuff. So i've kinda just been readjusting. Did some quality time with Mom and she made me one helluva woman."

She has a mischevious grin as she narrowed her eyes at him, doing the absolute best impression of her mother she could muster, "Soh how da fuk's life fer ya, s'ugah?"

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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:05 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

'Course she'd go with the most obvious thing to pick from, the fuckin' restaurant's name. He chuckled quietly as he shrugged again, nodding in response. A warm, genuine smile was plastered on his features. A leg slid over the other, adjusting his seating once more, chuckling again at the dig at the restaurant.

"Yeah, it does. Got some pretty alright food, though. Guy, or girl, who made it had shit taste in name, but a pretty alright taste and talent in food."

His smile started to fade a bit at the mention of quality time with her mom. Mana fuckin' Asthavon, Queen of Demons and head honcho of Shadow Fall. Oh, as well as the Danava of Madness and Chaos. All those things together made a really damn dangerous combo. Her impression wasn't half bad, though, he gave it a 7/10, but an A for effort. Scoffing, he made a brief gesture toward her.

"You sure as hell look the part, "s'ugah". But,'s been kinda drab for me, for a while now. Mostly just been livin' life. Feels weird to be doin' that. Might plan a trip to Norway at some point, been kinda wantin' to see if the place has changed any since I was there last."


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Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:29 am

Communion of the Cursed [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso chuckled and tilted her head, "Yeah yeah, i'll be the judge of that. This is my first proper meal after all~"

She gave Vanyel a quirky wink, leaning back in her seat, playing around with leaning backwards as far as she could without falling, just casually enjoying herself with such a little pleasure. Her golden eyes rested on the man before her, soft and light. A lazy grin finally took her lips, a gentle hmm in her throat as she listened to the cocky man speak.

"Psht, 'trip'? I could just pop you there in a heartbeat. Hello~?! Demon magic powered by desires!"

She motioned to herself exaggeratedly, trying to bring a comedic air to the conversation, "But yeah i'm sure Norway survived. Only major cities really got targeted in the shit that went down the last few months to a year. I mean, no shit right?"

She shrugged casually, "So... Aren't you a member of ShadowFall? Why even?"

She pointed a finger at him, wagging it like she were scolding a naughty toddler, "And don't squirm out of it saying you aren't, i've had one or two demons who are a part of it complain about a white haired Chinese cunt within the ranks in the past. I'm not going to use the actual word they used out of politeness."

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