Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:21 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER


He didn't quite yell so much as speak very hard, before focusing once more at the task at hand. He'd nod to what she said about cleaning. "Don't ask how I know, but I sorta know a guy from the underground. I'll call him, have him clean it up- then we get the Gigai. And most importantly, don't mention this. Ever. To anyone." The man would comment shaking his head before looking at the sword once more.

"What do I do with this, where do I put it?" Surprisingly walking around with a weapon was not a big deal nowadays, but he hell as sure didn't have anything to carry it with. Walking around with an unshethe weapon made him look like a mongrel. "We're going to have a long talk about what is socially acceptable in the future, Masami." The man groaned, preparing to call his boy if needed.


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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:30 am
Rising Moon - Page 2 Masamitemplate

Masami | Wandering Spirit


Masami nodded in approval. She looked at him confused though, what was he going to do when he got his own.

"Fiine. Here's the sheathe too, but don't lose me. On the brightside you can use my shikai and don't have the train."

Well wasn't that an upside? Masami shrugged when he spoke about what was socially acceptable. She wasn't really cut out for society anyway, she was after all a manifestation in a world way larger than her but couldn't go back now.


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Morph OTY
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:37 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

He'd take the sheathe gingerly before tying it to his side, placing the sword away. He had heard of what a shikai was, and figured he'd be too weak for one. But he guessed this was special circumstances, before rubbing his neck. He'd begin to call his boy up, before realizing his phone was... in.. his pocket. Kneeling down he'd begin to slip a hand into his pocket, looting his dead body for all his valuables. Which included his wallet and phone and car keys, taking a deep sigh. He'd begin to dial his phone.

"Hey what's up Jeff, I got a bit.. of a problem. Just show up to my house. Bring.. whatever you need for a clean up."

Jeff being the professional asked no questions and would be on his way, wondering what that kid could have got himself into. For now he'd simply stare at his body. Before sighing. Man his life was strange.

"He's on his way."


Rising Moon - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:48 am
Rising Moon - Page 2 Masamitemplate

Masami | Wandering Spirit

"Great. So what do you want to do while we wait? You're not too upset with me are you? I just figured you wanted to be a shinigami, when I heard of other people doing it and flooding the target with energy it causes them to be a substitute shinigami."

Masami did what any person in this situation would do, sit down and wait for the inevitable clean-up so they could get outdoors and go get a gigai for him.

"Do you plan to tell her or think we can just skip over it? She'll probably sense the shinigami powers though actually.. hmm."

Her of course being Chidori. She knew Chidori a lot better than the other knew her. Such was the benefits when she could just sit in Sol's inner world sometimes.


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Morph OTY
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:53 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Sol was upset, but as much as he wanted to be angry at her- he couldn't.

"I'm not.. too upset with you. And yes, I plan to tell Chidori. I DON'T plan to tell my mom." The man would inform her as he himself sat down next to her with a sigh. He'd tilt his head down, finally beginning to relax now that the rush of adrenaline was leaving body. He'd place a hand on her knee, squeezing for a moment tightly as the gravity of the situation began to hit him. He felt.. weird. He felt almost panic'd despite being so calm.

"I'm scared, Masami."


Rising Moon - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:59 am
Rising Moon - Page 2 Masamitemplate

Masami | Wandering Spirit

Masami nodded as she processed the information. Kind of glad he wasn't going to hold a grudge which would make their temporary arrangement pretty awkward.

"Why are you scared?"

She put her hand on his comfortingly and looked away awkwardly. If it wasn't for the whole weight of the situation Masami might've been very uncomfortable with him touching her knee.

"I'm here and I'll help you like I did before... Until you don't need me."


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Morph OTY
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:15 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

He was quiet for a moment, his head shifted down. He felt the weight of her hand on his own and he felt for a brief moment better. He didn't know about her past much or where she came from, and truth be told he was scared of a lot right now. This was quite literally his worst nightmare coming to life, dying and being utter useless. Doing nothing with his life. So he'd remain quiet before speaking.

"I'm scared I'll fade away. I don't know what the future is gonna be. I don't know."

He couldn't put words to it, only able to sit next to her and know her presence made him feel just the bit better. He felt.. unsure about everything currently. Lost. Like a piece of him was missing. His hand squeezed softly.

"Don't leave me."

It was a plea. He didn't know when he wouldn't need her, but now he did.


Rising Moon - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:45 am
Rising Moon - Page 2 Masamitemplate

Masami | Wandering Spirit

She remained silent when he told her his fear of fading, solemn by the words he used and only made worse by his plea to not be left alone.

"When my master died I thought it was the end, hoped for actually. I wondered at times what would happen if I died. I'm a manifestation of a soul's shinigami powers, will I reincarnate? Will I just vanish?"

It really was a long time ago, she struggled to remember his face. A hazy general idea of what the man that truly fell into despair looked like and sought her comfort. She failed as a zanpakuto that day when she too stopped seeing light and hope in him.

"This is not the end Sol. If you are weighed down so much by the fact your body is laying on the ground right there, you'll never move on. You'll be anchored to that corpse until you die again. You are a shinigami now, you will not watch your wife stay young while you get old and die, your spirit lingering as an old man."

"You're a good guy and I'll always be close so long as you hold that sword."

Masami's hand had instictively come up to run her hands through his hair. Comforting someone was weird, not because she was so detached from being able to but it felt eeriely similar to her old master. She could only hope her life would not repeat itself but there was a difference of Chidori between her two wielders that she hoped would bury that bad end.


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Morph OTY
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:07 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

He tensed for a moment as he felt her hand come through his hair, comforting him in a way which wasn't foreign. Masami was not the one who usually did this, but it was welcomed in this moment. Some part of him wished to cry but he could not, perhaps unwilling to give into that last shred of failure in his mind. He would just sit there, listening to her as her hand ran through his hair. For now, he just needed this.

But eventually the door would be knocked upon causing him to rise and remove himself from her. He'd head to the door opening to see Jeff, a rather older looking man who walked in wearing a jumpsuit for gazing at the body. Then Sol. Then the body. He wordlessly would begin his work which was opening his palm as the body began to be broken down into spiritual particles. His power seemed to allow him to convert matter to raw energy, to the point even the blood was removed. Sol would quickly tap so things into his phone and a ping was heard- and Jeff would disappear like a ghost.

After he was gone for a bit, Sol would looked to Masami. "Guess... we should get a Gigai."


Rising Moon - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Rising Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Rising Moon

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:17 am
Rising Moon - Page 2 Masamitemplate

Masami | Wandering Spirit

Just like that it was like nothing ever happened. She looked quiet, a little embarrassed even by what she had done now. She didn't like making him feel bad so all she could really do was settle him and comfort for the mess she had made from her going off a whim.

"We should, I'll show you, then I'll go into your inner-world. It's going to become something I'm going to be doing more often now that I promised to be your zanpakuto for a while, we're in this together I suppose for now."

With that said and barely giving him a chance to think about the implications of her words she stood up and began to lead him to the closest place she had found that sold gigai. With the wonderful advances of technology he could get one on the spot. How convenient!


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