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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:16 pm

Blood is thicker than water - such is the ancient proverb that Rio had always modeled her life after. Family always came first; there was no distinction in her views towards those that considered themselves family. With welcoming arms, she wanted all of her siblings and cousins and distant relatives to feel honored to be a Shihoin.

She had no qualms with guiding them towards a better path or protecting them from all forms of harm. Even so, for as long as she could remember, there had always been one nuisance in her life. A nuisance may have seemed harsh and Rio had not entirely seen this woman as a nuisance in her life.

There was a time where she admired her, wished to protect her, and stand beside her until their very last breaths. What was once loving compassion now turned into competitive disdain. There was never a time now where she didn’t wish she had been born first, considering herself far more qualified for the job than her careless sister. There was no accountability. She could disappear whenever she wanted and it always seemed like Papa was fine with it. Leaving to find enlightenment within oneself was acceptable in her eyes.

Leaving without letting anyone know, on the other hand, had left a wound that Rio - the protector of Shihoin - had never fully recovered from. Worse yet, she had caught wind of Chidori’s return from those who were in attendance - to say nothing of overhearing the news that she was pregnant. She wanted to rush over and give the woman a piece of her mind but… she had caught wind of the news that was even worse. Papa’s health was declining. The man who had raised her was not long for this realm. That it happened within a family reunion of all things was even worse… Rio sighed, gazing from the windows of the Shihoin estate. She was dressed within her Shihoin attire - a Native-American inspired design with a modern touch in clothing.

She hadn’t bothered to adorn her body with regal wear. Her mind was too numb to care about that. She had prepared a banquet of a meal today and sent an invite to the woman she dreaded to see face to face. As much as Rio desired to avoid her, her pride had no place here. Papa would not want any of the family to be at odds with another. And so, for today, she would face the strongest obstacle in her life.


Thicc Boi
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:35 pm
The relationship between Rio and Chidori could best be described as iffy and complicated. Chidori was actually super cool with her younger sister and was fully supportive of everything she did, Rio on the other hand was always trying to be better than Chidori. Hell, she even ended up surpassing her a while back when Chidori was away on her "break". Since returning, her little sister has even unlocked Bankai and was at captain level in terms of power.

This meeting was something that honestly blindsided her. Seeing as how Rio wasn't at the reunion, Chidori just kind of assumed she was purposely avoiding her. Though apparently not if she wanted to have dinner. Chidori showed up to the estate in her Shihakusho, something she has worn in years. She felt like it was appropriate for something like this, even if it was just to eat and talk.

She walked into the room, waving to her sister. "Hey, you wanted to see me?"

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Sumera-character-list
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:29 am
Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Rio turned to face Chidori with that pair of fierce eyes that come to define her. Even though her eyes seemed fierce, her gaze was particularly warm towards Chidori. Even if competitive disdain is what tended to stream towards the surface, Chidori was her flesh and blood. They were the two siblings closest in age. She had grown so much in the time she was away.

Rio nodded solemnly as she observed her sister and prepared two plates of food. It was not overly complicated cuisine. Papa had always seemed fond of when Rio cooked simple meals, anyway. She figured Chidori would be much the same.

"Yeah... we have a lot to talk about, don't we? A lot has happened since you've been gone, as I am sure you aware of. Talking over a meal seems like the perfect opportunity for this sort of thing."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder
Thicc Boi
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Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:08 am
"Yeah.... So what did you want to talk about huh? Also what do we got to eat, I'm starving."

Chidori made sure to sit opposite of Rio as to feel like a normal meeting. When she's head things were gonna be like this so it'd be best that she gets used to this whole setup now. Rio has definitely looked different since last Chidori has seen her; there was a whole radiance to her that wasn't present two years ago. Maybe she's matured in that time, at least Chidori hoped she had.

"How've you been the past couple of year, huh? Get married yet? Find a boyfriend?" She was poking fun, knowing that it would probably tick her sister off. It was fun making her mad, because she had the best reactions.

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Sumera-character-list
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Wed Jan 22, 2020 6:25 am
Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Banner-Rio3

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

"Nothing special. I prepared simple American cuisine like burgers and french fries. Papa always said he favored a simple meal more than an overly-complex one."

Rio gazed at Chidori as she sat down opposite of her. It wasn't particularly anything that bothered her. Once she did, well, that's when her sister delved into her favorite technique of ticking her off. The art of asking needless and embarrassing questions.

Rio furrowed her eyebrows as she turned her face away from Chidori in an effort to hide her frustration, knowing full well that Chidori probably knew the answer to that question but chose to pick on her for it anyway.

"I've been too busy to worry about such meddlesome affairs..." Turning her head towards Chidori's belly, she decided to inquire about her big sister's love life.

"Seems you've beaten me to it. Who's the unlucky man?"

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:41 am; edited 5 times in total
Thicc Boi
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:46 am
"It's seem like you're always too busy sis. You should relax y'know, no way all this working can be healthy." Oh boy, she's missed having these sort of conversations. Sibling banter used to be plentiful while she was still living with her siblings. "You may never find a man at this rate."

"Oh, you mean Sol? I met him as part of my bodyguard job, as he was originally one of the people my clients wanted safe. When we met, he was homeless so I let him live with me for a few months; made sense at the time since it would be easier for me to do my job. Eventually one thing led to another, we started dating and I became pregnant sometime within a week of that. Kinda wild when I put it that way." There was a weak laugh that came from her. It's true, this was probably an odd relationship and even a bit taboo given the statuses of those involved, but she didn't care. She loved him and that was that.

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Sumera-character-list
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Fri Jan 24, 2020 3:06 am
Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Banner-Rio3

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

"Tch... I could easily find a man if I wanted!" Rio snapped back with an annoyed expression, illustrating how flustered she was towards her sister's comments.

"So as long as I wear the Shihoin name, I will always make my family a priority...I'm not as reckless as you are, Chidori. I know where my priorities are."

Rio crossed her arms somewhat haughtily as a show of posturing before she begins to eat her meal.

In silence, she listened to her sister as she talked about what led to her relationship and the subsequent pregnancy that followed.

It was odd, certainly. Wild was one thing but Rio didn't even want to unwrap that package of recklessness. She had long since grown accustomed to the unruly ways her sister tended to live her life.

According to the servants of the estate, Rio was well aware of what Chidori endured. In truth, as much as she agreed with some of their opinions, Rio would not join in. Chidori was still her sister.

"Even though there are so many things wrong with that, I won't judge you. As much as you tend to annoy me with your antics... I still want my sister to be happy in her life. If he makes you happy, who am I to judge?"

"Mine just won't be a hobo~"

Ah, sisterly banter.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder
Thicc Boi
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:05 pm
Chidori went for a burger, took a bite out of it, and responded to Rio with her mouth full.

"I highly doubt you'll be able to, but we'll see. You're not exactly... girlfriend material. I mean, besides that balloon of a chest you have." she snickered at her own remark, expecting her sister to respond somewhat angry or embarrassed. "Also, my priorities are fine. I took a 2 year break from 290 years of work. It was for my mental health cuz I was in a real bad spot at the time. In retrospect, I totally should have ran it by you or Papa first." She took the time to chew finally and swallow.

"So, what have you been up to anyways? I've heard that you've gotten pretty strong lately."

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Sumera-character-list
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:56 am
Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Banner-Rio3

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Not exactly girlfriend material!?

Rio found herself biting into her own burger with enough anger that she nearly choked from being careless in handling her meal. Chidori was always under her skin and that comment didn't make her any less, to say nothing of the follow-up punch that her only redeeming trait was her breasts!? At that moment, Rio felt as she were a boxer in a ring with her greatest rival and she was losing the fight miserably.

"I-I'm gonna ignore that comment!" What a miserable counter. Seriously?

Rio turned her around, scratching at her brain for a nifty haymaker she could save for the right time or fail miserably. Luckily, Chidori brought things onto a more serious subject, speaking on her break and how her priorities were in the right place. The mental health comment spoke to her more than anything. At least, she acknowledged her fault in not telling anybody. Rio returned to eating her meal in silence, as Chidori commented on how stronger the protector had become.

"Ah... so you've noticed. Admittedly, developing such strength was meant to be a sort of way of showing that I was the superior sister and we didn't need you if you'd simply disappear; but my Zanpakuto rejected me until I realized that... all that really matters is my family and protecting them. Even you. I... just guess I wished I was told where you'd be going."

Her eyes softened as she gazed towards her. She had thought there were so many things she wanted to say to her but instead, she was only reminded of the good times they shared and the pranks they participated in.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Thicc Boi
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Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Empty Re: Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)

Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:20 am
"Superior sister? I didn't even know that was something we were competing for... No actually, that explains a lot. You seemed to always be walking in my shadow when we were kids, so close that I thought you'd rip the shoes off my feet." Chidori poked fun again. She knew how jealous her sister could be, but was glad that she was able to redirect those emotions towards something productive. Chidori had considered bringing her sister onto the council of decisions she was eventually going to create, but she felt like that would show a strong bias to other candidates.

"I'm kidding. I'm proud of you sis." She paused for a moment, her face becoming more stern. "So I assume you've heard about everything going on, huh? Yugiri and Papa mainly."

Blood is thicker than water(Rio/Chidori)  Sumera-character-list
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