Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thunder & Passion Empty Thunder & Passion

Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:19 pm

The Odinson

"Murasaki, I can't believe this is the first time we're fighting!"

The loud voice would boom outwards, the grin plastered onto the viking face said it all. He was here today to challenge his captain to a spar, to fight against her as best as he could. Her lieutenant spot was open and he fear'd Alastor would end up taking it if he didn't act. So the The Immortal Shinigami sought to have a bit of spar against his Captain, prove himself worthy to fight her. To that end he had demanded they find some area within their divisional HQ, maybe a training area, to go fight. He'd rest his axe/hammer on his shoulder, his eyes beginning to glow with pulsing energy which crackled from his eyes to his shoulders.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion JfH75kA
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:33 pm



With a smile on her face, Murasaki did all the appropriate stretches to get ready for a spar like this. She hadn't had a good honest spar in a hot minute now, so she thought it would definitely be good to go for it. Plus, she'd never actually been able to really judge how good Arkin was in this new release of his, so getting that all figured out would be as good a goal as any for the day. Drawing both of her zanpakuto, Murasaki stepped out into the open field of 7th Division, having already told everyone to keep out of the closest yurts. Just in case.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty long time, huh? Weird that we've never managed to get in a spar even once. But don't think I'm gonna go easy on ya, huh?"
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Morph OTY
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:18 pm

The Odinson

"Oh don't you even think! I'm in prime, people used to clamour to see my fights."

Arkin would reply cooly rotating his neck a bit, shaking his body as he began to feel his ichor thrum more violently in his veins. He could feel his berserker nature seeking to release it's self but he'd prevent such a thing. Instead he'd reach towards his chest pulling at the clothing removing the top half of his Shikaisho, pounding a fist on his chest before raising to the sky. A quiet viking prayer on his lips, before before reaching to remove his axe out of the ground. His torso seemed littered with the scars of thousands of past battles, sculpted from a godly form.

As he lowered his grip on the axe, his eyes sparked once more with energy. The world above them despite moments ago being clear'd began to thunder softly, before growing like a steady beat. Rain drops beginning to hit them both, as a white grin peer'd at her. The viking was ready. The axe within his hand began to glow as runes etched upon themselves, pulsing with crackling energy. His reiatsu increasing ever so much, rising steadily as did his excitement.

A single crack of thunder sounded, almost as if to begin.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion JfH75kA
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:52 pm



"Ohhh, look at you getting things goin' with a bang. Well, alright, I'll make sure I give it all I've got. Wouldn't want to disappoint all those people who wanna watch, huh?"

Smiling to herself, Murasaki took a single bounce on her toes to get herself into the zone, then tensed all of her muscles as she launched herself forward with a single flash step. She wasn't much of a dirty fighter, she didn't tend to pursue any misdirections in her approach. She simply fought with all her heart, and as she appeared directly in front of Arkin, she swung diagonally upward with both of her blades, one following after the other to maximize any potential damage. She didn't think this would hit him, but she also didn't really plan for it to. She just wanted to put him on guard. Given her style was built on speed and grace, she was already fully ready to keep her footwork up as ideally as she could, and she was ready to dodge with Kagayaku's sealed power at the drop of a hat. For all her girlish cheer, Murasaki was someone who understood the flow of combat with every fiber of her being.

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Morph OTY
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:11 pm

The Odinson

No more words needed to be exchanged between the two, and with his chest on full display she sought the chance to pierce him. He knew his captain was someone of extreme skill, and was willing to play the field to her advantage. But there was a certain unpredictable nature to Arkin, a fighting style which she may not have encountered before. As the two full strikes would come to him, he wouldn't dodge them. In fact as the first blade began to pierce into his hardened flesh, two things would become starkly clear. Golden ichor would begin to slide across the edge of the first blade, before it felt like there was literal resistance to his body. Between his high durability, and the nature of his blood it was more akin to slicing into a tree pinching the blade.

His body would shift as her first blade struck into him, not nearly as much as it should, with almost blinding his axe would swing straight towards her own shoulder before the second blade could follow up. The storm began to rumble above head, as mentally he prepared for an arc of lightning to strike his axe. Provided glowing axe head struck her, she'd begin to find herself feeling more sluggish physically and mentally. What would immediately follow regardless, would a forward kick with enough force to easily split a boulder ideally to strike at her semi-exposed body.

He was much stronger, faster, and durable than she had certainly last seen him.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion JfH75kA
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:27 am



Maaaaaan why did this always happen in fights?? Every time it was like she lost one of her swords! With something resembling a scowl, she simply released Keifu from her grasp for now, using the opening provided by that sacrifice to quickly leap to Arkin's right side. This would definitely require more speed and technique than just outright attack, and she took a single breath as she thought onto the principles of Hoho. The footholds, as few actions as possible...

There was no reason not to apply them to swordsmanship as well.

Her arms tensed, Murasaki held Kagayaku's hilt firmly, and carefully considered the path her blade would need to take in the fraction of a second. With a single stroke, she then swung once more, but this time ensured that only the edge of her blade would make contact. Any deeper, and she would simply be liable to lose her other blade, something she did not consider ideal quite so soon.

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Morph OTY
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:01 pm

The Odinson

Smart. She gave up one sword in order to avoid any level of contact. Such was what he expected from the woman. As she leaped to his left side, the sword which struck him would fall to the ground from the sudden movement he made. He'd release the axe causing it fling to his left side- towards her right- as began to redirct her father's blade. It was almost sloppy, and by no means would cause any cutting damage if it struck but that was ok.

A single arc of lightning would strike at the which the Axe would make contact with her sword. Ideally knocking both them aside, and her catching a nasty energy blast. The cut she had made with her first zan bled a small bead of golden ichor. His body would begin to rapidly turn to face her, with surprising speed once again. A grin on his lips, as his body began to crackle with lightning- eyes completely replaced with the white-blue glow of energy. One hand closing into a fist, and the other fingers flexing into an almost open palm.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion JfH75kA
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:18 am



Taking a full assessment of the situation, Murasaki thought only for a fraction of a second before piecing together a defense. Arkin would never make such a telegraphed attack without a purpose, and she knew well the manner in which he fought. With that in mind, she resisted all of her instincts, and did not parry the blow from his axe, knowing fully that this would interfere with the timing of his assault. Instead, she rolled with it, using a carefully timed flash step to ensure that she did not get carried with the hit. It was close, and she felt the crackle of energy singe more than a bit of her hair, but for now she was still doing well.

"You're a smart fighter, ya know. I bet most people wouldn't expect that outta you, they'd probably think you're just gonna pummel 'em right in the face. But I would've been toast if I didn't know you better than that."

Taking a deep breath to clear her head, her big smile fell from her face, replaced with a total tranquility. She wasn't in Musonzai, she was just clearing her head. When she really had to push herself, she couldn't afford that girlish cheer.

"Alright. Senzai'issen: Once in a Lifetime Killing Stroke."

If Murasaki's flash steps had been fast before, then the one she now used to leap toward Arkin bordered on Sonido in its sheer degree of untraceability. True, she knew that she still didn't hold a candle to the likes of Yoruichi Shihoin, or any of the other masters of the art. But she was, in her own right, born of a speed type zanpakuto. She knew how to push oneself to the absolute limits of their speed, and unlike most attacks, she did not allow herself even a single instant to stop upon reaching Arkin. She simply readied her blade in one fluid motion, and to most it might have seemed as if nothing even happened at all. But in the single blink of an eye, as she had bolted past Arkin, she had performed the Senmaioroshi, one thousand cuts in a single flash step. The weakness of such a technique, of course, was that you could hardly aim such a thing, but she wasn't looking to aim. To dodge something that fast was asking for a miracle.

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Morph OTY
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:31 am

The Odinson

The man roar'd at her, his body filled with glee at this face. There was nothing more pleasing to the viking, not even sex, then a fight which boiled the blood. Which began to push the utmost limits of what she be possible. In this moment with Murasaki he felt a connection deeper and more visceral than anything else, seeking to continue this. He would prove himself, and with each blow a respect was being cemented.

He wasn't going to dodge, fuck no. He gritted his teeth as he felt his flesh pierced by the technique. But he would give no recourse as his hand gripped her wrist so tightly it almost threatened to break done. Eyes igniting with the electric power of a shinigami- no a god. White teeth bared themselves in a grin, ignoring the pain as his hand extended outwards and the Axe which was laying on the ground behind her would shoot out towards his hand- her head in the way. It would not be easy to dodge, let alone her know about it, as the storm was now raging. He would note however, the hammer part of the axe would strike her head and ideally not the axe portion.

But as her blade was buried inside of him, his golden ichor would flow onto her hand. The visceus almost lava like flow would be painfully hot, able to sear flesh. His fingers would tightened before pulling her sharply further into him leaning forward to smash his head against her own- fuelled by self-inflicted pain and strength. He had her, right where he wanted her. His body be damned.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion JfH75kA
Thunder & Passion H8Tyk70
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Thunder & Passion Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:55 am



This was, she would admit, not what Murasaki had intended. But it was also not so unbearable that she would accept defeat in this situation. She had to admit, it was likely a very good thing that she had dropped her own zanpakuto, for if she had led with Kagayaku this would not work in the slightest. For that matter, she quite had to thank her own innate speed for having the reaction time necessary for this. She focused inward once more, in but a moment as Arkin's weapon flew toward her, she did two things in a single moment.

The first was that she activated her kozanmanshu, her arms becoming hardened and as sharp as steel, and her body now every bit the same as her own zanpakuto. This in itself did little, other than to prevent Arkin from crushing her wrist entirely. But far more importantly, it provided her with something very rarely easily provided.

Her zanpakuto freely in contact with his body.

"Bankai, Keifu Bunki."

In that singular moment, Murasaki's perception of the field of battle drastically changed. Unlike many bankai, hers exuded no additional energy, provided her no significant boon to her strength or speed. It was, in that sense, emblematic of her own nature. It relied entirely on Murasaki's skill, her talent and the cultivation of her swordplay. To know the battlefield completely was useless without the ability to take advantage of that knowledge.

She could see, rather abundantly clearly, that Arkin's own zanpakuto would strike her in a fraction of a second, and that Arkin himself was intending to butt heads with her. Both would hurt, but the zanpakuto decidedly moreso. To that end, she simply took the most natural course of action - she quite aggressively drove her own head into Arkin's just as quickly. The ringing in her head from that impact, especially given the degree of difference between their strength and their toughness, was almost damning, but it was still miles better than taking an axe to the head. She may have lacked a sword, but the single empty hand she now had was every bit the same in the state of kozanmanshu. To that end, with her bare hand now a blade in its own right, she readied herself and performed yet another technique, of the myriad within her Senbandachi: Issen.

"Hendoku: Strange Poison."

She was curious how much of this ichor Arkin had within him, and more importantly, how it would react to unusual circumstances. Murasaki was a blade in her own right, and she knew, in turn, where a blade caused the most harm. Her hand cut every bit as well as a sword might, but now, it aimed only for those places which caused the most pain. Would his ichor respond more aggressively? There was only one way to know. Given the nature of the fight, that was by and away the greatest threat she faced, and to stay ignorant of it would mean an absolutely assured defeat.

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